30 People Shared Which Grocery Store Items They Cannot Believe People Actually Purchase
Most people probably try to concentrate on their checklist or what to make for lunch when grocery shopping, yet sometimes they can’t help but spot something they see no purpose in or think they would never pay for themselves.
Naturally, though, as pointed out by some commenters, it is mostly about people’s preferences, yet others may still have questions about the purpose, price, or impact on health, which in some cases has a very informative explanation, as with pre-chopped vegetables, given by this Redditor.
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Douches and perfumed vaginal products. Please, please do not use them!! vaginas are self-sufficient cleaning machines! scent and mucus changes are completely normal and change with hormones and menstrual cycle phases. if there is a health concern or you aren't sure, please just visit a doctor. and for the love of god, disposable pads and tampons are iffy enough but DO NOT get scented ones! your flower does not need to SMELL like flowers lmao
This should be way, way higher! A healthy “clam” smells, generally, lightly briny outside of period time. The mucus discharge should be semi-opaque whitish. Strong, unpleasant odour; discoloured (yellow, grey) &/or excessively thick discharge; anything unusual for *you* that persists for more than a week, go to the doctor. Also, don’t wash inside; not even with just water. The vagina is self-cleaning. You need the mucus barrier to protect against bacteria and fungal infections.
Thinking of opening a grocery store for singles, where you can buy only the amount you actually need of a food item. A single clove of garlic, 2 scallions, 2 carrots, a cup of rice, 2 eggs, etc…. It’s crazy how much food gets thrown out because it gets funky before you can use it. Of course, this place would also have a coffee bar, serve local brews, wines & tapas & have local art and be open till 1 am….maybe some live local music…what do you think?
I would 100% go for this! People have said, “why don’t you just cook a full batch and freeze in single portions for the rest of [whatever]?” I don’t want to eat the same thing for the next x days. My freezer is relatively small, there would be no room for much on top of the frozen fruit, veg, bread and ice cream, etc. I keep in there. I know I’m privileged to be able to afford good food but it still annoys me having to throw out rotting food because I can’t get through it fast enough. Some food just doesn’t freeze well; lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, peppers... all come out discoloured and soggy 🤮.
It’s worthwhile to consider that a lot of items you see in the grocery store as a useless markup for something someone could do themselves (eg, shrink wrapped potatoes, already peeled hard boiled eggs in a bag) are convenience items for people who do not have the time to cook 100% from scratch for themselves or their families, and/or they are someone with a disability and that item helps ease a burden.
I used to work in the produce section of a grocery store, and we sold these pre-chopped up vegetables. They were annoying to stock, sold out fast, and had fast expiration dates, so us employees didn’t really love those items in our department. I got to talking with a woman who was purchasing them one day though. She said they were for her elderly mother who struggles to chop vegetables up, and the already chopped vegetables allowed her to actually still make fulfilling meals the way she wanted. Working there for longer I interacted with more people buying them for the reasons stated, convenience when they don’t have time and disabilities.
Empathy goes farther than you’d think.
I'm having more mobility issues with my hands, especially the inability to chop or slice without cutting myself. So in December I ordered one of those choppy gadgets with the grid to press veggies through, plus all the blades to julienne, etc. It's all packaged wiith slots and compartments for the blades and accessories, but being molded plastic there's NO way to put everything back where it came from without slicing yourself to ribbons. I can't even take the pieces out of the container, let alone assemble them to prepare a meal. I'm terrified of the thing! Those pre-prepared veggies are looking mighty good.
I used to think shredded lettuce was stupid because can’t everyone just shredded their own lettuce!? But now that I’m paralyzed on my left side after a stroke caused by a brain bleed, that shredded lettuce may come in handy for sandwiches and wraps that I always shredded lettuce for.
One day, when I was like 38, I was at the grocery store looking at these little tubs of cubed butternut squash.
I was standing there for a minute thinking, “okay. If I’m gonna have (x) tonight and (y) tomorrow, will the squash still be good the next day, or should I come back and buy it fresh the day I wanna eat it?”
The adolescent who worked in the produce department came over and stood next to me, mimicking the way I was standing until I finally looked right at him.
Then I reached for a container of squash and turned it over to look at the date. He pulled out some handheld machine and started punching numbers in, then exclaimed, “look at this!”
He talked at me for a good three minutes about how the whole butternut squash is cheaper, including showing me some calculations.
When he finally came up for air, I just said “right but I have tendinitis in my wrist so unless you’re going to come cut it for me, I can’t actually use a whole butternut squash.”
A lot of you strike me too much like that dude.
Butternut squash also secretes a substance that, for some people, coats their hands while peeling said squash in a way that mimics superglue (cyanoacrylate). It's annoying, hard to clean off and gross. I love butternut squash, but every time I'm tempted to buy a whole one I remember how awful my hands felt and...nope.
The dairy aisle has sticks of pre-made *butter*. Doesn't anyone churn anymore?
A lot of people in this thread are not realizing that some people are disabled and simple stuff like cutting vegetables is not something they can do or do easily.
Egg yolk in pourable cartons, pre-cut veggies/fruits, pre shelled hard boiled eggs, pre-seasoned meals you put in the oven-it’s not meant for you.
Canned whole-chickens. An entire chicken in a can the size of a soup can. That ain’t right
As a transplant in Southern Appalachia I cannot get over the appalling amount of soda people will have in their carts. So. Much. Mountain Dew.
Dew has an incredible amount of caffeine, the most of any soda. A lot of people are addicted to it.
Canned mackerel. I bought some to bait a trap for feral cats (for a trap, neuter, return program.)
The smell is indescribably awful, except to say that it absolutely would knock a vulture off a manure wagon.
Feral kitties gave it two paws up, though!
I remember back in the late 1980s I'd wander the canned food aisle (I was trying to lose weight, so I'd walk to the grocery store, buy a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes and sometimes canned white chicken chunks to go along with them. Anyway I always saw these tiny cans of Potted Meat Food Product on the shelf and wondered what the heck it was. Curiosity eventually got the better of me and I bought a can (it was only about 40 cents at the time). Well, it was all you would expect and less from a 40 cent can of "meat"....looked sort of like a mushy liver-colored hockey puck, smelled like cat food. (The serving suggestion on the label showed it being spread on a cracker with a parsley sprig. Maybe the missing parsley was the reason the stuff tasted like Satan's jockstrap when I actually tried it...)
S’mores kits for $10 or more. Why?? Just buy the chocolate, graham crackers and marshmallows separate. It’s cheaper and you’ll get way s’more.
Cans of "Pig brains in gravy."
Canned escargot (snails) in dollar stores.
I just imagine that in a venn diagram of ‘people who buy ingredients from the dollar store’ and ‘people who prepare and cook their own escargot’, there wouldn’t be a lot of overlap, no? 🤷🏻♀️
I have been very hungry before but I've never been eat a snail hungry.
Anything with politicians' faces, or names, on it.
I get a good laugh from all the "Made in China" Trump c**p. My 'Murica coworker loves wearing his Let's Go Brandon hat to work. "Made in People's Republic of China." Haha.
4 cobs of corn, individually wrapped in plastic, set onto a foam tray which is also wrapped in plastic.
Corn come conveniently wrapped in an easily removable husk. Single ears, perfect for one person. It amazing
Single shrink-wrapped potatoes.
These are specifically for the microwave. The plastic serves a purpose.
The racks of tabloids, usually next to the checkout.
I remember just after Trump was inaugurated, one of the US tabloids by the register read something like "Finally, dignity restored to the White House." Talk about your thinly-veiled racist comment! Nobody could say the Obamas were not dignified with a straight face unless they just simply can't see anyone with African ancestry as ever being dignified. I was never a HUGE fan of Obama, but I wrote to the store and asked them to stop carrying that tabloid. I knew they wouldn't stop, so I also asked them to at least move them to the magazine aisle so they wouldn't be so noticeable to kids.
two peeled Clementines in a plastic clamshell.
You can get a 3lb bag for $4, and they practically fall out of their peel.
I paid $12 for watermelon juice. It just looked so good. It was. But normally I would be like, what's wrong with that person?
My nearest grocery store sells three different kinds of vibrators right on the medicine aisle.
I cannot believe having the guts to go through check out with your groceries and having a supermarket vibrator next to your broccoli and potatoes
I'd make sure I also bought a large can of crisco and a comically large cucumber. I'd never break eye contact either
For real, sometimes I stand in the grocery store aisle like, "People actually buy this?" Top of the list has to be canned bread. Who even knew bread needed a can? It's like they're trying to preserve the mystery of how bread is born.
My brother once texted me a picture of peeps flavored Pepsi. I don't mind peeps, but that combination just sounds odd
Liquid death. Why are you paying so much for water?
I thought it was some kind of aspartame energy drink at first glance, tbh.
$6.50 cent boxes of cereal when the one right next to it is on sale for $1.99 that week.
Or name brand pasta.
While not a grocery product it's something commonly stocked at grocery stores: any matte-black clad product designed as a "for men" product (labeled with the word/s "Men's" or "For Men" on the label) that isn't different from the normal product besides the packaging.
$6 bag of M&M's that look like they have 10 pcs. in them.
As much as I try to eat healthy stuff, Winco has a bulk section where I can buy $0.62 of Reese's Peices or $14.00 worth of oatmeal. I love it.
Bubblegum flavored chips. I haven't seen them in a while but according to google they are still produced and sold. The same company also makes bubble gum flavored ice tea, which I tried, it was okay
Frozen hot dogs in a bun
I often slag off the BP editors for inappropriate images to accompany a story, but kudos to them for finding so many images of obscure items (at least to Australians) to go with the entries in this thread
'Pancake mix' sold at high price to which you need to add milk and egg (this is in the UK so by pancake we mean crêpe-style). So, flour then?
Someone downvoted this? Cannot imagine what they took offence at. Yes, powdered mixes for baked goods that 'just' need eggs and milk do seem ridiculous, but in fact there are a number of important ingredients added to the flour, and done so in such a way that it doesn't need as much time whisking and/or standing before use. That's the theory at least, I've never actually tried them.
Load More Replies...I often slag off the BP editors for inappropriate images to accompany a story, but kudos to them for finding so many images of obscure items (at least to Australians) to go with the entries in this thread
'Pancake mix' sold at high price to which you need to add milk and egg (this is in the UK so by pancake we mean crêpe-style). So, flour then?
Someone downvoted this? Cannot imagine what they took offence at. Yes, powdered mixes for baked goods that 'just' need eggs and milk do seem ridiculous, but in fact there are a number of important ingredients added to the flour, and done so in such a way that it doesn't need as much time whisking and/or standing before use. That's the theory at least, I've never actually tried them.
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