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momsaysimpretty reply
True story time. I was about four or five years old and my parents had just separated. My mom was living in a two bedroom apartment, I had my own room but I preferred to sleep in her bed whenever I was staying with her. Our two bedrooms were at the end of a hallway, directly across from each other. Our apartment was on the first floor and I remember that it was in the middle of the summer and my mom had a window open her room, which was directly behind the bed (above the headboard).

Anyways, I woke up in the middle of the night and remember sitting up and seeing that our cat was sitting in the door frame of my mom's room (her door was open and you could partially see into my bedroom), this was strange because our cat was typically always in bed with us. As I was watching him he walked into my bedroom and meowed. I turned to face my mom and wake her up. In the three/four seconds it took her to wake up and ask me what was wrong we both looked back up in the door frame and there was a man standing by my open door, making his way out of my bedroom. I still don't know how she managed to do it so quickly, but my mother proceeded to pick me up and literally throw me out of the screen window (again, we were on the first floor and it was maybe a three foot drop to the ground). She quickly followed and we were able to start screaming for help and someone called 911.

The police came but didn't see any signs of forced entry. Only that our front door was unlocked which led them to believe the man must have exited that way. The strange thing was that my mom swore up and down that she had locked the door that night, with the deadbolt and chain lock. About a week later she was cleaning the kitchen and opened up our water heater closet and found a notebook with names and drawings, as well as a pair of gloves and some gum wrappers. The police were called again but all they could do was speculate that the man had been in our house and hid until we were asleep.

**Edit:** Just to clarify: Our apartment was on the ground level, so my mother didn't hurl me into potential paralysis, just a three'ish foot drop to grass.
My Great-Grandmother Was A Stunt Pilot In 1924
“I Just Laughed”: Guy Watches Karma Unfold On GF That Cheated On Him With 4 Men
too many puppies
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18 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The best part of this b******t post is the comment where the guy says he’s in the mood for five guys now…

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20 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

True. My angry side is an exception, an extreme caused by extraordinary circumstances.

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Someone Is Using My Girlfriend's Recently Deceased Cat's Pictures To Scam People On Gofundme
What the hell is wrong with people, my girlfriend's cat passed away due to smoke inhalation from a fire on October 31 2024 and people are using it to scam for donations.
aett reply
About five years ago, my mom started dating a guy she met on a dating site. That part is fine - I had recently started dating the woman who would later become my wife and we had met online (I'll just refer to her as my wife for this story). Anyway, my wife and I never really liked this guy. We didn't think he was mean or anything like that, just a little creepy - he was quiet, he kept his eyes closed a lot, and occasionally said odd things like offering my wife a chocolate and then popping one in his mouth, closing his eyes, and moaning as he let it melt in his mouth. One time my wife and I were visiting my mom but she got called into work, so we waited at her house. Her boyfriend was over but he spent the entire several hours just hanging out in her bedroom with the door closed.

Just before Christmas, my mom and this guy started having some difficulties. My wife and I were visiting her for the holidays and she dropped all of her problems on us and we listened carefully and told her our opinions and suggested that she would be better off without him. She already had her mind made up, though, and decided to break up with him... on Christmas Eve.

We spent the night at my mom's and got up early on Christmas morning to visit my dad at his house. We didn't plan to spend the night at my dad's, but we got snowed in, which was actually a nice Christmas surprise.

The next day we left as soon as we could get through the snow and my wife suggested that we stop by my mom's house on the way so that we could see if she was okay. My wife just had a really bad feeling about my mom's now-ex-boyfriend.

My mom's car was in the driveway, but that doesn't mean much because she lives close enough to work that she often walks and it hadn't snowed in her town. She also never locks her door, which drives me crazy, so we let ourselves in. That's when we see blood OOZING out of the refrigerator's water dispenser. It had filled up the spill container and was leaking onto the floor and had made a puddle. My wife screamed and I freaked out. I fully expected to see my mom's head in the freezer.

I nervously opened the freezer to find... a bag of frozen cherries that had been opened, crammed into the freezer so that it fell onto the ice dispenser, and melted.

tl;dr Thought my mom was decapitated by her creepy ex-boyfriend.
WarriorNurse222 reply
Rick Morranis.... His wife got cancer at the hieght of his career and he stopped working to beat full time dad till his kids graduated. ❤️.
3rd Place / Editorial / Press / Sports: Modern Mowgli By Theresa Seilern-Aspang
Rene Casselly is a former circus artist, the first ninja warrior Germany winner, and the winner of 'let's dance' (the German version of 'dancing with the stars') He is a full blood artist and lives in Hungary at Kimba Elephant Park - a shelter and home for retired circus animals.
My Friend's Great Grandma Posing In Traditional Maori Cloak C. 1920
Bride's Nasty Message Goes Public, She Doesn't Understand Why She's The Bad Guy
Community Member
17 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I always think that if someone can say something cruel under pressure or while upset, then that thing was already in their repertoire. It's either been said behind your back or at the very least they've thought it about you. What kind of person would even think such a comment as "your whale daughter" about a 6 year old child, let alone say it? My guess is the "friend" has always been vile and the kid comment was the nail in the coffin.

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