There are many arguments in life about Zoos; why they are good for the animals and why they are bad for the animals, but in reality if we think about it:

Zoos save endangered species by bringing them into a safe environment, where they are protected from poachers, habitat loss, starvation, and predators but on the other hand

animals in captivity suffer from stress, depression, boredom, and confinement. No cage or even drive-through safari can compare to the freedom of the wild. If zoos are teaching children anything, it’s that imprisoning animals for our own entertainment is acceptable.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the pros and cons of zoos. There are some positive impacts of the whole idea behind them but of course there are also negative consequences. I encourage everyone to do their own research; I created these pictures to represent my experience of walking around the park.

Art is beautiful because we all have the ability to see our own interpretations. I hope you guys enjoy these snapshots.

“Sleeping panda”.

Penguin under the “SEA”.

Paparazzi .


I love you Hippo.


Hey Mom! Who are these creatures?

Behind .

They know what is going on.


Wondering what is out there.

Beauty and the Beast.

Good Afternoon. Nap time.

Let’s take a walk through this beautiful world.

Eating leaves.


Leave me alone.

The King of the “Jungle”.

No words needed.