This year a brave young girl performed a daring feat and made history. Montannah Kenney, a 7-year-old from Austin, Texas climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro and became the youngest female to do so. This young superwoman conquered the 19,341 ft summit with her mother during her 2nd-grade spring break. Kenney’s mother is a professional triathlete and served as a personal trainer for her daughter’s climb up Africa’s highest mountain. The tenacious 2nd grader trained for four to eight hours during the weekends and hiked shorter distances during the school week. She previously participated in swimming, basketball and running which helped her physically prepare for this difficult trip.

The idea for the trek came from Kenney, who asked her mother to climb the summit with her. Her mother didn’t sugarcoat all of the difficulties they would have to surpass, but the brave 7-year-old was determined to reach her goal. The two even had to receive a special permit which would allow a 7-year-old to climb the mountain since the legal age limit to climb the summit is 10-years old. Throughout an entire trip, a guide and a staff of 25 people helped her.

Although reaching a world record is a big deal, that was not her purpose. Kenney explained she made the extremely difficult climb to be closer to her late father, who passed away when she was only 3-years-old. After they reached the summit Kenney’s mother says her daughter had a beautiful moment to commemorate her dad. “It was beautiful,” her mother exclaimed. “She knew she wanted to blow kisses to him and wave and hopefully he would see her.”

Kenney and her mother have also created a go fund me page where they raise money for EMDR therapy patients. The idea to fund-raise came from Montannah’s late father who was also suffering from PTSD and was trying to heal using this form of therapy.


(h/t Mountain Kilimanjaro Guide)


    Meet Montannah Kenney, a 7-year-old girl from Austin, Texas who spent her spring break doing a rather untraditional activity

    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    In March 2018 she became the youngest female to ever climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa

    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    According to the girl, the main reason behind this difficult climb was to be closer to her late father who has passed away when she was only 3-years-old

    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    Kenney made the climb with her mother, who is a professional triathlete and served as a personal trainer for her daughter


    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    This young superwoman conquered a 19,341 ft summit despite difficult weather throughout an entire trip as she had 20+ people looking after her

    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    Her mother says that the climb was her daughter’s idea and she wanted to do it no matter what

    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    Kenny had to receive a special permit that allowed her to climb the mountain since the legal age-limit to climb this mountain is 10-years-old

    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    The girl also participates in swimming, basketball and running which helped a lot while preparing for this difficult trip


    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    She trained from four to eight hours during weekends and she hiked shorter distances during the school week

    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    Montannah and her mother have also created a Go Fund Me page dedicated to helping people who are going through an EDMR therapy

    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    The fund-raising idea came from Montannah’s late father, who was suffering from PTSD and was trying to heal using this form of therapy

    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    So Montannah decided to dedicate her trip to honor her father and to raise money for a wonderful cause


    Image credits: Hollie Kenney

    It’s safe to say that many people were inspired by Montannah’s story


    Check out the video that was shot moments after she reached the summit!