In his new “Spring-Autumn” series, Asian photographer Qozop addresses the role of clothing in our society through a clever and playful juxtaposition of two generations. Participating youths and elders (parents and children or grandparents and grandchildren) are photographed in their attire and then asked to swap clothing and pose again. The series of diptych shots easily reveals a shift from ethnic and traditional dress to the more contemporary fashion style which has been a craze lately in Asian cultures.

Qozop says the idea for the project came “from a notion that though Asia has become westernised to a large degree, it is still possible to witness its traditions and cultures.” The elderly participants approved of this notion, whereas the Asian youngsters rarely demonstrated any connection to this idea.

The photographer said that it was easy to get the young people to participate but that it took a little bit more work with the older folks. Still, after a few shots, they got on board: “they were often curious and amused to see themselves in their son’s or grandson’s attire – some were so comfortable in their new getup that they joked that they wanted to remain in that attire for the rest of the day!

If you like this project, be sure to check out the gender-bending outfit swap by Hana Pesut.



    Malay grandfather and grandson

    Chinese mother and daughter


    Chinese grandfather and grandson


    Malay mother and daughter

    Indian grandfather and grandson

    Chinese grandmother and granddaughter

    Indian grandmother and granddaughter