Toy photography is special because I can do everything that is in my mind. There are no limits! If I need snow, I make it. If I need rain, desert, streets or anything I can create them!

I took my 1:43 scale car models and started to work!

I spend hours and hours creating miniature scenes with as many real elements as possible (e.g. smoke and dirt). Most of the photos took me 5 to 7 hours each to complete, but I spent many days with the whole series for set building, concept work, shooting, and post-production.

While it would be easier to fake things like motion blur using Photoshop, I actually captured it on camera – the blur you see in the backgrounds and in the cars’ wheels wasn’t the result of digital manipulation.

I build real scenery and try to turn my imagination into reality. My main principle is that I don’t use Photoshop for manipulation. I do everything in front of the camera (e.g. motion blur, rain, dust, etc). Of course, there are some cases when I can’t avoid this, but I always indicate which parts contain modifications.

Maybe you know how strange and unusual this F1 season is. Closed races without fans, so I have decided if I can’t go to a grand prix I build my own.

As a toy photographer I used my scenery building and lighting skills to make a realistic environment.


As you can see on the werk video, I solved every element in front of the camera. Even the motion blur is real. Only the car lamps are Ps retouch.

I hope you will enjoy that! :)

More info: Instagram


    Close One!

    Imagined Alfa Romeo Reveal

    A Strong Break After the Start


    Legends from a Legendary Era

    Flat Out

    Only One Car Can Be In Front of the Silverarrows… Oh, Wait It’s a Mercedes Too!


    Special Livery From 2018



    A Rare Picture About Hamilton

    And now look behind the scenes! (VIDEO)

    I had many attempt to blow the smoke as I wanted to.

    With a rolling platform, I could move the whole scenery (with fixed car position) to create real motion blur. Check out the video where you can see how it works exactly.


    Would you think how difficult to craft kerbs?

    Rolling platform again so what you see here is real in 100%!

    I used wires to keep the car in the air (after I deleted them). The hardest part was to create realistic dust spread… (more details in the video)

    Athmosphere spray is perfect as water curtain. Although the werk picture is “dry”, but check the video where you can see how the spary is working.


    Of course the car lamps are fake, but the scenery is still real. My goal with this was a poster style..

    I have created the tyre smoke with pipe.

    A strong break again. The good old rolling platform is back, so the little motion blur on the asphalt and the other cars is real. The car lamps are PS retouch.