How far is too far when it comes to stopping someone spreading hate speech? Hitting them over the head with a baseball bat, apparently. Controversial street preacher Brother Dean Saxton spends his days cheering homophobia and holding signs telling women they deserve rape for not being true Christians. A while ago, Brother Dean posted a YouTube video of his demonstration at Apollo High School. There, he used a megaphone to tell students they’re going to hell. A couple of minutes into the video, you can hear him being hit from behind. Brother Dean was able to walk away, but he was bleeding from a gash on his head.


    Controversial street preacher Brother Dean Saxton spends his days denouncing homosexuality and telling women they deserve rape

    The assault itself was not filmed nor was the alleged attacker. Several weeks later, however, Tabitha Brubaker, 19, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault. In her statement to police, she “advised that she had no involvement with the incident.” In spite of that, Brubaker was held on a $10,000 bond at the MCSO 4th Ave Jail facility for more than a week.

    But one of his demonstrations was cut short when Brother Dean got hit with a baseball bat

    Image credits: DrJenGunter

    But supporters quickly put up two different fundraisers, and the combined funds were sufficient to get Tabitha released on June 3rd. As she was awaiting trial, several lawyers offered to represent Tabitha pro bono. In the end, however, Tabitha got 60 days of jail time. Unfortunately, she never got back the $10k bail money that was raised from a supportive community by her ex-partner who posted it.

    Video of Brother Dean’s entire demonstration

    Later, Saxton kicked Mackenzie Brandt, a University of Arizona criminal justice studies sophomore and was given assault charges himself. This got him banned from campus for a year. When the ban was lifted, Saxton returned to patronizing about how Muslims are terrorists, homosexuality is a sin, and students who wear yoga pants “deserve rape.”

    Here’s what people had to say about it

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    Image credits: Jessica_Dickens

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    Image credits: StephanieLahey

    Image credits: CanaItch