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220 Would You Rather Questions To Instantly Spark A Conversation

220 Would You Rather Questions To Instantly Spark A Conversation


If you want to get truly intimate with your crew, there’s nothing like a round of Would You Rather questions. The best questions reveal personal, often surprising truths — truths you’d rather not spill under normal circumstances.

Our list of 220 most intriguing Would You Rather questions is guaranteed to get the conversation rolling on the next game night with your friends. Brace yourself for unexpected dilemmas that will make you think twice before answering. Things are about to get interesting!



    Best Would You Rather Questions

    The following questions top the list of any “Would You Rather” round. They let you dig deep while revealing what truly matters. Leave the shyness behind and use these questions to strengthen bonds and build connections.


    1. “Would you rather always have a slow internet connection or always have to charge your phone every two hours?”

    2. “Would you rather be forced to give up social media for a year or give up streaming services for a year?”

    3. “Would you rather be a famous influencer with no privacy or an anonymous genius with total privacy?”

    4. “Would you rather only be able to text using emojis or never be able to text again?”

    5. “Would you rather live in a world where there are no cars or no airplanes?”


    6. “Would you rather have a job you love with a low salary or a job you hate with a high salary?”

    7. “Would you rather have unlimited free access to your favorite restaurant or unlimited free tickets to your favorite concert?”

    8. “Would you rather be unable to watch new movies again or never be able to listen to new music again?”

    9. “Would you rather be locked up but spoiled in an awesome island prison or be free in a dirty, dingy place all the time?”

    10. “Would you rather fly fast but only to the same place all the time or take 3 years to sail to anywhere you wish each time?”

    11. “Would you rather be famous on TikTok for a year or Instagram for a year?”

    12. “Would you rather never be able to use GPS again or never be able to use a credit card again?”

    13. “Would you rather have the latest smartphone with no apps or an older model with all the apps you want?”

    14. “Would you rather live in a smart home with constant tech issues or a regular home with no tech problems?”

    15. “Would you rather always have to take cold showers for life or never have blankets to use when you sleep?”


    16. “Would you rather be able to attend every concert you want for free or get backstage access to only one of your favorite artist’s concerts?”

    17. “Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or be able to play any musical instrument perfectly?”

    18. “Would you rather be stuck in traffic for an hour every day or have a 30-minute walk to work?”

    19. “Would you rather always have to wear formal clothes or always have to wear pajamas?”

    20. “Would you rather be able to remember every conversation you ever had or be able to forget anything you want?”

    Funny Would You Rather Questions

    There’s nothing like comedy that gets everyone on the same wavelength. Get ready to test your wit and courage with these thought-provoking “Would You Rather” questions. Inject some excitement into your evenings with this hilarious party game.


    1. “Would you rather have a permanent clown face or a permanent clown outfit?”

    2. “Would you rather always have to sing instead of speak or dance everywhere you go?”

    3. “Would you rather have a giant booger you can’t get rid of or an eyelash that always falls into your eye?”


    4. “Would you rather have spaghetti for hair or maple syrup sweat?”

    5. “Would you rather end every sentence with a question mark or exclamation mark?”

    6. “Would you rather always have an itch to scratch but always be smelly or always be in pain but smell like roses?”

    7. “Would you rather be able to wash your hair but never your body or wash only your body but never your hair?”

    8. “Would you rather have to eat a whole onion every day or drink a bottle of hot sauce every day?”

    9. “Would you rather have a personal chef who cooks terrible food or a robot butler who constantly breaks things?”

    10. “Would you rather have to wear shoes that are two sizes too small or clothes that are two sizes too big?”

    11. “Would you rather be able to only speak in rhyme or in riddles?”

    12. “Would you rather have a constant itch you can’t scratch or always feel like you have to sneeze?”

    13. “Would you rather have a talking dog that argues with you or a silent dog that judges you?”

    14. “Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button for your life?”

    15. “Would you rather be trapped as the star of a really bad reality TV show or the best friend of a celebrity who ignores you?”


    16. “Would you rather eat the same thing every day or try different foods that are all too weird to eat?”

    17. “Would you rather have a head the size of a watermelon or the size of a tennis ball?”

    18. “Would you rather have to eat all your food cold or all your food hot, including ice cream?”

    19. “Would you rather burp soap bubbles or fart glitter?”

    20. “Would you rather always have to wear mismatched socks or always have to wear your clothes inside out?”

    Weird Would You Rather Questions

    Things can get seriously weird when you use the following list of questions. They will test you by making you choose between the genuinely bizarre options.


    1. “Would you rather have a nose that glows like a lightbulb or ears that flap like wings?”

    2. “Would you rather be able to talk to plants or understand what animals are thinking?”

    3. “Would you rather have the power to teleport but only to places you’ve never been or time travel but only to times you haven’t lived?”


    4. “Would you rather wear a suit made of bubble wrap or shoes made of Lego bricks?”

    5. “Would you rather be able to taste colors or see sounds?”

    6. “Would you rather have fingers that double as USB drives or toes that double as Wi-Fi hotspots?”

    7. “Would you rather live in a house that is constantly moving or a house that is haunted?”

    8. “Would you rather wake up every day with a different face or a different voice?”

    9. “Would you rather be able to speak fluently with all insects or be able to communicate with all inanimate objects?”

    10. “Would you rather always have to sleep in a hammock or always have to sleep in a beanbag chair?”

    11. “Would you rather have a tree growing out of your head or mushrooms growing between your toes?”

    12. “Would you rather always have to walk backward or always have to crawl on all fours?”

    13. “Would you rather wear a hat made of bees or shoes made of snails?”

    14. “Would you rather sweat honey or cry milk?”

    15. “Would you rather have a tail like a monkey or horns like a goat?”

    16. “Would you rather be able to control the weather within a 10-foot radius or have the ability to change the color of any object at will?”


    17. “Would you rather never eat the same food for the rest of your life or eat only your absolute favorite dish every day?”

    18. “Would you rather be covered in scales like a fish or in feathers like a bird?”

    19. “Would you rather live without elbows or without knees?”

    20. “Would you rather have the ability to remember every dream you’ve ever had or control your dreams every night?”

    Intimate Would You Rather Questions 

    It’s time for a zesty spin on the usual “Would You Rather” game. From intimate revelations to passionate possibilities — check out our list of spicy questions that will turn the temperature in the room up. 


    1. “Would you rather receive a love letter every day or a passionate kiss every day?”

    2. “Would you rather have a partner who is amazing in bed but bad at communication or one who is great at communication but mediocre in bed?”


    3. “Would you rather have a one-night stand with your celebrity crush or a week-long romantic vacation with an ex?”

    4. “Would you rather always have to initiate intimacy or always wait for your partner to initiate?”

    5. “Would you rather accidentally send a spicy text to your boss or to your parents?”

    6. “Would you rather have a romantic dinner on the beach or a passionate night in a fancy hotel?”

    7. “Would you rather date someone with whom you have amazing chemistry but who lives far away or someone with whom you have average chemistry but lives nearby?”

    8. “Would you rather marry a partner who is extremely adventurous in bed but has different hobbies or a partner who shares your exact same interests but is boring in bed?”

    9. “Would you rather have a passionate but short relationship or a long-lasting but less intense one?”

    10. “Would you rather always have to role-play during intimacy or never be able to role-play again?”

    11. “Would you rather your partner is a fantastic kisser or one gives incredible massages?”

    12. “Would you rather have a secret fling with a coworker or a neighbor?”

    13. “Would you rather have a relationship where you always talk dirty or one where you always exchange sweet nothings?”


    14. “Would you rather share your most intimate moments on social media or never be able to talk about them with anyone?”

    15. “Would you rather have a wild weekend in Las Vegas or a cozy weekend in a cabin with your partner?”

    16. “Would you rather have a partner who is extremely jealous or one who is extremely indifferent?”

    17. “Would you rather always have to make the first move or always wait for the other person to make the first move?”

    18. “Would you rather have a partner who is great at giving gifts or one who is great at giving compliments?”

    19. “Would you rather have a partner who loves public displays of affection or one who prefers to keep things private?”

    20. “Would you rather be with someone who is an amazing dancer but a terrible cook or an amazing cook but a terrible dancer?”

    Deep Would You Rather Questions

    When basic “Would You Rather” questions become boring or feel somewhat shallow, the following alternatives will launch you into uncharted depths. Use them to get things off your chest. Sometimes, you need to open up to get to know your peers better.



    1. “Would you rather find true love but never achieve your career goals or achieve your career goals but never find true love?”

    2. “Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?”

    3. “Would you rather tell the truth and hurt others or lie to protect their feelings?”

    4. “Would you rather get the ability to change one mistake from your past or know one thing about your future?”

    5. “Would you rather go back in time to meet your ancestors and change your life or go forward in time to meet your descendants and not be able to change a single thing?”

    6. “Would you rather lose all your memories from childhood or lose all your memories from the last five years?”

    7. “Would you rather be forced to live in a utopia as a regular person or in a dystopia as a leader?”

    8. “Would you rather have the power to heal others but never be able to heal yourself or have the power to heal yourself but never be able to heal others?”

    9. “Would you rather be at peace with yourself but unpopular or be popular but troubled inside?”

    10. “Would you rather spend a year traveling the world and not be able to return home or spend a year in your home and not be able to leave?”


    11. “Would you rather not feel any emotions at all or feel constant hate for the rest of your life?”

    12. “Would you rather be able to read minds but never be able to turn them off or be able to control minds but only for five minutes at a time?”

    13. “Would you rather have a deep understanding of the universe but never be able to share it or share superficial knowledge widely?”

    14. “Would you rather be able to forgive but never forget or forget but never forgive?”

    15. “Would you rather live a short life full of experiences or a long life with few memorable moments?”

    16. “Would you rather have a strong intuition or the ability to always make rational decisions?”

    17. “Would you rather be known for your intelligence or for your empathy?”

    18. “Would you rather give up your happiness for the happiness of your loved ones or have them sacrifice their happiness for yours?”

    19. “Would you rather know the meaning of life but be unable to communicate it or live in ignorance but be happy?”

    20. “Would you rather confront your greatest fear or your greatest regret?”


    Hard Would You Rather Questions

    If you’re most of the time like an open book, you’ll need more challenging questions. The following mind-boggling choices will have you weighing impossible odds.


    1. “Would you rather be able to take back anything you did or said?”

    2. “Would you rather live in eternal twilight or perpetual darkness?”

    3. “Would you rather have a heart that breaks easily or a heart that’s numb to emotion?”

    4. “Would you rather be haunted by your past or unable to remember it?”

    5. “Would you rather write poetry that no one reads or sing songs that no one hears?”

    6. “Would you rather go without ever experiencing love or constantly experiencing love but always unrequited?”

    7. “Would you rather be surrounded by people who don’t understand you or be completely alone?”

    8. “Would you rather go to the past and meet with a deceased loved one or go to the future to meet your future child?”

    9. “Would you rather see beauty in everything but be unable to share it or see nothing beautiful but be surrounded by others?”


    10. “Would you rather carry the weight of the world’s sadness or be unable to empathize with anyone?”

    11. “Would you rather have the power to heal others but never yourself or to heal yourself but never others?”

    12. “Would you rather live a life of melancholy that inspires great art or a happy life with no artistic expression?”

    13. “Would you rather be a misunderstood genius or a perfectly understood mediocrity?”

    14. “Would you rather lose yourself in your dreams every night or be unable to dream at all?”

    15. “Would you rather be an eternal wanderer with no home or trapped in one place forever?”

    16. “Would you rather be forgotten by everyone or remember everyone who has forgotten you?”

    17. “Would you rather listen to the saddest song on repeat forever or never hear music again?”

    18. “Would you rather always cry when you’re happy or never cry when you’re sad?”

    19. “Would you rather feel an endless ache in your heart or a constant void in your soul?”

    20. “Would you rather live in a world without color or a world without sound?”


    Would You Rather Questions for Couples


    When couples let their guard down, the vulnerability allows for more intimacy in a relationship. The following questions are set to do precisely that: to draw couples in closer and pose a way to get to know each other better.


    1. “Would you rather travel the world together or build your dream home together?”

    2. “Would you rather always know what your partner is thinking or always know what they’re feeling?”

    3. “Would you rather spend a cozy night in watching movies or go out for a fancy dinner?”

    4. “Would you rather cook a meal together every night or have a personal chef?”

    5. “Would you rather have matching tattoos or matching outfits?”

    6. “Would you rather be able to read your partner’s mind or have them read yours?”

    7. “Would you rather go on a spontaneous adventure together or plan every detail of a trip?”

    8. “Would you rather never get to argue but feel distant or argue often but feel closer?”

    9. “Would you rather tell your partner everything but hurt them all the time or hide things but never hurt them at all?”


    10. “Would you rather share the same hobbies or have different ones and support each other?”

    11. “Would you rather be with someone who is always affectionate or someone who shows their love through actions?”

    12. “Would you rather go to bed at the same time every night or have different sleep schedules?”

    13. “Would you rather always celebrate holidays with just each other or with both families?”

    14. “Would you rather receive a heartfelt letter from your partner or a meaningful gift?”

    15. “Would you rather have a partner who is a great listener or one who gives great advice?”

    16. “Would you rather be with someone who is very similar to you or someone who is very different?”

    17. “Would you rather have a long-distance relationship for a year or never be apart for a single day?”

    18. “Would you rather resolve conflicts through talking or through a fun activity?”

    19. “Would you rather spend a week without your partner or without your best friend?”

    20. “Would you rather share every detail of your day with your partner or keep some things private?”

    Would You Rather Questions for Friends


    Friendships are built on shared ideas and respected viewpoints. These “Would You Rather” questions can test a shaky friendship or help form a lasting bond. Get to know people who could be your ultimate lifeline.


    1. “Would you rather always agree on everything with your friend or always have friendly debates?”

    2. “Would you rather take a road trip across the country together or backpack through Europe?”

    3. “Would you rather have a friend who always tells the truth or one who always tries to spare your feelings?”

    4. “Would you rather share a big secret with your friend or know one of their big secrets?”

    5. “Would you rather see 10 minutes into your friend’s future or be able to change something from their past?”

    6. “Would you rather have a friend who is always late but fun or one who is always on time but boring?”

    7. “Would you rather attend a concert of your favorite band together or a sports event of your favorite team?”

    8. “Would you rather have a friend who loves surprises or one who loves planning everything?”


    9. “Would you rather go on a spontaneous adventure together or plan a detailed itinerary?”

    10. “Would you rather spend a day binge-watching shows or playing video games with your friend?”

    11. “Would you rather have a friend who is great at giving advice but never listens or one who is great at listening but never gives advice?”

    12. “Would you rather always have to dress up when you hang out or always wear casual clothes?”

    13. “Would you rather take a fitness class together or try a cooking class together?”

    14. “Would you rather have a friend who is always positive or one who is always honest?”

    15. “Would you rather share a hobby with your friend or have completely different interests?”

    16. “Would you rather have a friend who loves to party or one who loves to chill at home?”

    17. “Would you rather go camping in the wilderness together or stay at a luxury resort?”

    18. “Would you rather have a friend who is always on social media or one who never uses it?”

    19. “Would you rather always be the one to plan activities or always be the one to go along with plans?”


    20. “Would you rather have a friend who can make you laugh no matter what or one who is always there when you need to talk?”

    Would You Rather Questions for Adults

    Adults often have clear priorities and form strong opinions, so making them choose alternatives is quite revealing. Use the following questions to define milestones or decode each other’s moral codes. Compare your answers with what would’ve been your choice years ago — would you choose differently now? 


    1. “Would you rather have an unlimited budget for travel but only one trip per year, or unlimited vacation days but only a modest budget?”

    2. “Would you rather live in a world where all your private conversations are public or where you can never have a private conversation again?”

    3. “Would you rather receive a promotion at work but with a significant increase in responsibility, or stay in your current role with a substantial raise but no promotion?”

    4. “Would you rather work at a job you are passionate about but requires long hours or a job that you are indifferent about but allows for a great work-life balance?”


    5. “Would you rather inherit a large sum of money but have to move to a different city or stay where you are but receive no inheritance?”

    6. “Would you rather be able to erase one major decision from your past or know your exact future but be unable to alter it?”

    7. “Would you rather have a high-profile job with lots of public scrutiny or a low-profile job with complete privacy?”

    8. “Would you rather have a perfect body but limited health in old age or an imperfect body but robust health throughout your life?”

    9. “Would you rather be able to retire early with less savings or work longer but with a larger retirement fund?”

    10. “Would you rather have your dream job but it involves frequent travel or a stable job you dislike but with no travel?”

    11. “Would you rather have to live without the internet for a year or live without a car for a year?”

    12. “Would you rather have an extremely fulfilling personal life but a mediocre career or a highly successful career but a mediocre personal life?”


    13. “Would you rather people scrutinize your every decision or ignore your every move?”

    14. “Would you rather be famous but always followed by paparazzi or remain anonymous but with a regular life?”

    15. “Would you rather be able to see 10 years into your own future or 1 year into the future of everyone around you?”

    16. “Would you rather work a high-stakes job with lots of stress but high pay or a low-stress job with low pay but significant job satisfaction?”

    17. “Would you rather live in a country with a high cost of living but amazing amenities or a city with a low cost of living but limited amenities?”

    18. “Would you rather have the ability to read minds but not control them or have the ability to control your own thoughts but never understand what others are thinking?”

    19. “Would you rather have a highly prestigious career but with frequent relocations or a less prestigious job but in a constant location?”

    20. “Would you rather receive constant praise but no meaningful feedback or occasional criticism but with substantial constructive feedback?”

    Would You Rather Questions for Teens


    You’d be amazed at how much you’ll learn about your crew when you challenge them with questions that make them stop and think. Dive into the list of queries for teens and uncover the mysteries of the teenage mind.


    1. “Would you rather have unlimited access to your favorite streaming service but no phone or keep your phone but lose access to all streaming services?”

    2. “Would you rather be Taylor Swift for one day but without the perks or experience all the perks and remain a nobody?”

    3. “Would you rather move away from home to attend your dream school but stay at your current school with all your friends but miss out on your dream opportunities?”

    4. “Would you rather be able to instantly learn any new skill but have to give up a hobby or keep all your current hobbies but have to spend years learning a new skill?”

    5. “Would you rather always have to wear your school uniform outside of school or have to wear a costume of your choice every day at school?”


    6. “Would you rather have your favorite band play a private concert just for you or meet all your favorite celebrities in one day?”

    7. “Would you rather celebrate being a social media influencer with a huge following but little privacy or have a private life with no social media presence but still be popular among friends?”

    8. “Would you rather have an amazing summer job with long hours or a fun but low-paying job with short hours?”

    9. “Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere instantly but only once a week or have super speed but only for short bursts?”

    10. “Would you rather win a major scholarship to your dream college but have to move far away or get a good local college with a full scholarship but miss out on your dream school?”

    11. “Would you rather hear one song forever but by your favorite band or hear different songs but never from any musicians you like?”

    12. “Would you rather have the power to change one thing about your school or be able to create your own club with no restrictions?”

    13. “Would you rather have your dream vacation for a week every year or a series of short weekend getaways all year round?”


    14. “Would you rather be able to read your teachers’ minds but not your friends’ or understand all your friends’ thoughts but not your teachers’?”

    15. “Would you rather have perfect grades but no social life or a busy social life with average grades?”

    16. “Would you rather attend all the biggest concerts and events but be constantly busy or have a relaxed lifestyle with no special events?”

    17. “Would you rather be known for your academic achievements but be shy or be popular and outgoing but average academically?”

    18. “Would you rather live the same day every day or skip days but get older sooner?”

    19. “Would you rather celebrate a huge birthday party with everyone you know but it’s not what you wanted, or a small, intimate celebration exactly how you envision it?”

    20. “Would you rather have a job in a field you’re passionate about but with less pay or a job in a field you’re indifferent to but with high pay?”

    Would You Rather Questions for Kids


    Let the kids join in on the silliness of a game night. The following child-friendly questions are guaranteed to have the little ones in fits of laughter as they contemplate absurd choices, dream about superpowers, and share stories about their favorite pets. Put them on the spot and watch them giggle.


    1. “Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon?”

    2. “Would you rather be able to fly like a superhero or be invisible whenever you want?”

    3. “Would you rather eat only ice cream for a week or only pizza for a week?”

    4. “Would you rather have a treehouse in your backyard or a secret clubhouse in your room?”

    5. “Would you rather always speak in riddles or always break out in song?”

    6. “Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals or speak every language in the world?”

    7. “Would you rather be the best player on your sports team but lose every game or be the worst player but win every game?”

    8. “Would you rather watch your favorite cartoon on repeat for the rest of your life or watch any cartoon you want but never your favorite one?”

    9. “Would you rather have a superpower for one day or have a magic wand that only works once?”


    10. “Would you rather be a character in your favorite book or your favorite movie?”

    11. “Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be able to jump really high?”

    12. “Would you rather have a lifetime supply of your favorite candy or your favorite toy?”

    13. “Would you rather have your own amusement park or your own zoo?”

    14. “Would you rather win a giant stuffed animal at a fair or get a big surprise gift on your birthday?”

    15. “Would you rather be able to build anything you want with LEGO bricks or draw anything you want and have it come to life?”

    16. “Would you rather have super strength or super speed?”

    17. “Would you rather be able to time travel to the past or the future?”

    18. “Would you rather go on a camping trip with your family or have a sleepover with all your friends?”

    19. “Would you rather have a magical backpack that can hold anything you want or a magical pair of shoes that can take you anywhere instantly?”

    20. “Would you rather be a famous inventor or a famous explorer?”


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    Zo Aguila

    Zo Aguila

    Author, BoredPanda staff

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    Hello, I’m Zo! I’ve been weaving words for over two decades and am now a writer at Bored Panda. I’m a culture sleuth and usually write from a curious cat’s POV. Although I’ve been a storyteller for both corporate and media for more than two decades, I always return to writing about lifestyle, travel, and culture — they say you never forget your first love. When I’m not writing or planning campaigns, you can find me working on my tan, imagining what drives various cultural phenomena, and scaring myself with true crime documentaries.

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    Zo Aguila

    Zo Aguila

    Author, BoredPanda staff

    Hello, I’m Zo! I’ve been weaving words for over two decades and am now a writer at Bored Panda. I’m a culture sleuth and usually write from a curious cat’s POV. Although I’ve been a storyteller for both corporate and media for more than two decades, I always return to writing about lifestyle, travel, and culture — they say you never forget your first love. When I’m not writing or planning campaigns, you can find me working on my tan, imagining what drives various cultural phenomena, and scaring myself with true crime documentaries.

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