We often think of our birthdays as a celebration of life and friendship, so when it goes badly, we take it personally. Even some minuscule inconvenience that wouldn't bother us on any other day might be forever ingrained in our memory if it were to happen during this special occasion.

So when one Reddit post asked its users what was the "suckiest" thing that happened on their birthday, it didn't take long before people flooded it with all sorts of personal stories. Continue scrolling to check out which of them we think takes the cake.


I miscarried on my birthday last year.

But I'm pregnant again (9 months along now and due anyday) and my due date is my birthday. Expecting my birthday to be much better this year!

anon Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread Well, my dad forgot my 14th birthday. Then I got to school, and decided to wait if any of my friends would remember.

    During the last period, some kid was on facebook on his phone, and suddenly bursted "is it your birthday, dude??" That was even more embarassing than noone remembering.

    Moral of the story: Your birthday will never be as important to other people as it is to you. Don't expect much after the age of 12

    Narcosia , Ivan Aleksic Report

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    LeeAnne B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was 11 when my parents first forgot my birthday. It was traumatic waiting out the whole day thinking they had planned a surprise for me.

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    We want our birthdays to be perfect. But that's impossible — too many things are out of our control. "With language, humans can imagine idealizations, figments of ultimate satisfaction, heaven, Mr. or Ms. Perfect, or the perfect birthday," social science writer and researcher Jeremy Sherman, Ph.D., MPP, told Bored Panda.


    "Language also makes human life a total cluster flux, very far from ideal because with everyone walking around trying to achieve their ideals the world gets very messy. We are a visionary and delusional species, we are an anxious and dreamy species. Every little deformity can remind us of how far we are from the ideal. That's what freaks us out."

    Sherman believes that when we were very young, we are imprinted on birthday idealizations, which can make birthdays kind of ironic: juvenile idealizations to mark us as getting older and older. 


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread Last year our family dog had to be put to sleep on my birthday. His stomach flipped the week before and caused irreparable damage. He’d already had it turn a few years ago. My mum went to pick him up and the vet told her he wasn’t going to recover and was in pain. I got a phone call on my way to work where she was distraught. Thankfully my manager was incredible and let me use a sick day to go home. I had to arrange the home visit to put him to sleep because my mum couldn’t do it. I called my dad to tell him (my parents are divorced and he hadn’t seen the dog in years.) I arranged everything so he could be brought home and go to sleep peacefully with me, my mum, and my sister. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. My birthday is two weeks before Christmas and I’d already got him a present.

    This big goofball got me through my parents’ divorce and the hardest breakup I’ve been through. I’m in my late twenties and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

    pungeonmaster , Jamie Street Report

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    Lea Panthera
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just read Of Mice and Men. Euthanasia is probably the saddest thing anyone would have to go through. My condolences and may your dog RIP.

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    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread On my 27th birthday my mum died. I don't celebrate my birthday anymore.

    CrispyMongoose , Olga Kononenko Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread On my 6th birthday my dad openly said on the phone he wished I wasn't born so he didn't have to waste money on me. He didn't know I heard him then got mad when I said I wanted to go back to my moms. Yeah we didn't get along for a long time

    Onemeanlisp , Hassan OUAJBIR Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Omg, how awful that must have been. I don't know if I could ever get over something like that. It's soul destroying.

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    However, there are things we can do to prepare ourselves for and cope with uncertainty, and according to Sherman, it starts with "taking stock of the human condition, recognizing that it's nothing personal, it's just what it means to be human."

    "The psychologist Ernest Becker described us as Gods with anuses, meaning that we can imagine infinite perfection but we're tethered to earthy reality," Sherman explained.

    "It's also the cosmic wedgie we got from Darwin: that life is and has always been guesswork where you can guess right how to achieve your ideal and ironically it comes out wrong. If you embrace fallibilism – the realization that no matter how confident you are in a bet, you must remain still more confident that it is a bet – you gain a degree of equanimity about your anxiety."


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread My mum decided to Celebrate my brothers birthday and not mine. Cards Cake presents. F.Y.I. That was my Twin brother

    KirkN97 , luis arias Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread On my 16th birthday, my mother was in the middle of a several year long fight with her parents. She told me I should call them to see if they would like to come over for coffee (because she wouldn't call them herself). During the call I'm talking to my grandmother and get the usual "happy birthday" and "how are you" - it's important to note that I haven't seen them in months and we only lived like 10 minutes apart.

    So I ask if they would like to come over for coffee and my grandmother says she's going to ask my grandfather if he would like to go. Now I don't know if she didn't realize that she didn't cover the phone, but I heard them talking back and forth a and heard my grandmother say "I don't want to hurt her feelings but I don't want to go over there." I already felt when I was a kid that they didn't love me as much as my older sibling, but this was the conformation that it was true. They couldn't get past their b******t and come see their granddaughter on her birthday. When she began talking to me she said some sort of excuse as to why they couldn't come over. I didn't hear it, I was trying not to cry so I could still talk. We said our "I love you's," though it was hard for me, and hung up. I just went to my room and laid down and cried. I didn't give a s**t about anything and just wanted the day to be over.

    My mother had a small surprise party for me by having my friends over, I tried my best to pretend to be happy and have fun, but I just wanted it to end. I was so mad and so hurt that I just wanted to crawl in bed and stay there forever.

    yinyangdoggos , Akshar Dave🌻 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lots of misunderstanding... going to someones house you have a fight with is not something you do easily. Grandma did consider coming over but realized it wouldn't be a pleasant visit with all the tension and might end up in fighting with her daughter again. It would have been better if they had been invited to a neutral place or suggested it themselves. Get a drink together at a cafe, meet in a park. Something like that.

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    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread My parents got divorced on my 10th bday. My 11th bday my dad got married to another girl. On my 12th bday they divorced. On my 13th they remarried. 14th divorced. Yes these all happened on my bday or that week

    Shadowz520 , Al Elmes Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread [Serious Reply] This is something i've grown to deal with...

    Since my 18th Birthday, my friends have stood me up each time i plan a get-together or event to celebrate. For my 18th i had simply organised a gathering at a local bar, which they had all initially said they would be more than happy to attend. I arrive and wait for everyone else to turn up... but not one person came. They wouldn't answer my calls of texts, and seemed to be completely off the radar. Turns out they had all made another plan to meet at a different bar, down the road. Safe to say i was pretty upset.... When i approached them about it, they all had similar excuses such as "oh sorry i forgot" or "i didn't realise that was actually happening".

    Each year following this, i've attempted to plan something and it has a similar ending. Everyone is up for it, but decides to drop out or just not show up on the day. I'm 21 now, and both of my major milestone birthdays (18th & 21st) have been s**t. I'm fed up of wasting MY money planning MY birthday celebrations, when not one of my 'friends' can be bothered to put in a smallest amount of effort to show their face.

    I'm a really happy and cheerful guy... i never normally feel down. I tend to push it all to the back of my head but sometimes it all builds up... Writing this has made me realise that i need to focus on myself more, stop playing other people's games and sort my life out. Thanks for giving me an excuse to rant.

    **Edit: I thought it would be easier thanking everyone for such kind comments here. I’ve never openly talked about this before but it’s nice to get some really nice comments from you all. I’m definitely going to look at bettering myself instead of trying to do things for other people all the time.

    Thanks again guys, it means a lot to me <3

    LS_UK , Warren Wong Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread Found out my brothers best friend who was 16 passed away in a car accident at my 21st birthday party with my family. Hearing my brother cry that night literally broke my heart.

    dansevise63 , Amir Hosseini Report


    Twentieth birthday: I received two letters. First one was that I was being kicked out of uni for poor grades. Second letter was from my doctor that basically said that the reason I have sucked at school my whole life is because I had an underlying learning disability. He even said that it could have been caught and treated much sooner.

    Thirtieth Birthday: I got another letter from a different doctor. His exact words were "You were right, you do have Diabetes"

    I just had my fortieth birthday last month. Luckily it was on a Sunday. No mail delivery on Sundays where I live.

    BeakerVonSchmuck Report


    On my 40th birthday, my then wife was overseas for business. I was at home with our kids. On my birthday, I took the day off work.

    I woke up on the morning of my birthday, and felt terribly ill. I managed to get the kids off to school, and then collapsed on the couch, stayed there for the whole day, picked the kids up after school, and we went to the local food court for dinner.

    My then wife came home a couple of days later, at which time I thought that perhaps I might receive some sort of gift, or acknowledgement of my milestone birthday. I got nothing, but I put it down to the fact that my wife had her luggage lost on the way TO the business meeting, and again on the way BACK from the meeting. Allowances could be made I guess, and so I waited.

    For over a month.

    We went to visit her mother about a month later, as it was my MIL's birthday, and my son;s birthday that same weekend, and I got to go there and see my MIL and my son get all sorts of wonderful presents and cards and stuff, cake, a genuine celebration. I took it all in for about a hour or two, and then I went outside to cool off, because I was getting mightily pissed off. My wife came outside, and asked me why I was in a bad mood.

    I exploded, and let her have it, both barrels. All this fuss about these birthdays, and it was over a month since my 40th birthday, and I had not received one CARD, let alone a present, from ANYONE, and now I had to sit there and put up with all of this. It was just too much for me to take.

    Anyhow, after my explosion, they all went out and bought me some presents to try and make up for it. I cannot remember a single gift that I received that day. All I remember is that no-one in my family thought to do anything to celebrate my birthday.

    For my 50th birthday, my new wife booked a meal at the revolving restaurant at CN Tower in Toronto. We live in New Zealand. My 50th birthday was so much better than my 40th!

    Matelot67 Report

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    Katie Lutesinger
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like divorce was the right way to go. Sheesh. My father was out of town during his and Mum's wedding anniversary, and guess what he did? Secretly asked me to go buy her a really nice bunch of flowers on his behalf. (Which is exactly what I did of course. She was thrilled).

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    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread My mother forgot it, then called me a liar when I told her. I had to get my driver's license to prove it.

    I was in my late 20s.

    Captain_Shrug , Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread High school one year, my birthday fell on thanksgiving. It was my birthday AND thanksgiving and my boyfriend dumped me. Through text. Using a knock knock joke

    Edit: The joke was as follows
    Him: Knock Knock
    Me: Who’s there?
    Him: Single
    Me: Single who?
    Him: Single you.

    He was not very clever, but he did tell the whole school about it proudly

    ccc2373 , Charlie Foster Report

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    Lea Panthera
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And then he failed high school because that joke was the epitome of his intelligence. Which goes to show how dumb he was.

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    When we were kids, our mom was taking my twin sister and I plus one friend to Burger King for our birthday present (we were dirt poor, so the meal + a kids toy was a big deal, and we would get to play in the play thing! Exciting stuff!) Mom stopped at the bank, and a cop recognized her as she was going in. Of course she was drunk, because she always was at the time, so she got arrested right in front of us for a DUI.

    Our friends mom came and got her immediately, but we were left waiting over an hour in the back of our moms car for our negligent dad to come pick us up. We were both sobbing at this point, but he forced us to go to Burger King anyway, screaming at us the whole time for not being happy enough.

    I think we just huddled in the play structure for an hour pretending to play until he let us go home. I remember it was f*****g freezing inside the building and it was probably the most miserable I’ve ever been. That friends mom stopped letting her hang out, and I don’t think we celebrated another birthday until college lmao

    geneofinterest Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a f****d up story on so many levels. First off all is she too poor to provide for her children properly but has enough money to get drunk. She than is driving under the influence not only putting her kids but someone elses kid in danger. They got to wait in their moms car alone instead of being taken care of by the police and than got yelled it for not being happy???

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    When I was very young, my dad made some food for me but he hid chilli's inside it which he knew that I'm allergic to and found it funny to mess with people's food.

    .. well judging by the way he was encouraging me to try it, I knew something was up and refused to eat. This made him furious. He stormed upstairs and grabbed all of my unwrapped birthday presents and threw them downstairs. He proceeded to stamp and crush every single one of them.

    Then the next day he made me call every person who bought me these gifts and tell them that I was stupid and broke them. It was humiliating.

    anon Report

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    deanna woods
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your dad was an abusive jerk that had a tantrum because you refused to allow him to bully you. I hope that you don't have anything further to do with him. What type of person tries to poison their child and gets mad because the kid won't take the bait.

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    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread My 21st. My gf at the time arranged for a surprise party for me inviting all my friends.

    Only one person showed up.

    Xenomemphate , Jon Tyson Report


    On my 6th birthday my favorite of two cats had to be put down. I was too young to understand why it couldn't wait until later in the week.
    Meatball was great. He let us put our baby doll clothes on him.

    OptimalStatement Report


    My birthday is in February. For my 11th birthday my parents didn’t get me a gift just a card. They said because they bought me a brand new bike at Christmas money was a bit tight.

    My brother’s birthday is in June, he also got a brand new bike at Christmas and a brand new PlayStation for his birthday.

    Not that big a deal compared to some stories, but not getting a gift from your parents and then your brother getting 2 amazing gifts kinda sucked as a kid.

    jennyrob669 Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread Trump got elected.

    anon , Library of Congress Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread My parents decided to use my 17th birthday to announce they were getting divorced.

    LostNTheNoise , Fred Moon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just why?! They actually thought this through in their head and were like "yeah that sounds good"

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    Back a while ago when I was turning 21 I had both strep throat and mono at the same time. Due to the meds I couldn't drink. On top of that, the morning of my 21st birthday I walked out to the garage and found the family dog has died. He was ill but it wasn't expected that he would have died that day and I was home alone when I found him.

    Flash forward to my 32nd birthday and my mom is texting me while I am out to dinner with my wife... and the new dog that was around 8 or 9 years old was dying randomly and eventually died like half an hour later.

    Apparently my birthday is the Friday the 13th for dogs.

    stevez_86 Report

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    Yaksha Maan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 sorry........the last sentence has me cracking up but on serious note RIP to both your dogs

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    My Uncle went missing on my 16th birthday. His body was found a month later :/

    anon Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread Doesn't suck as much as others, but gf at the time (now wife) tried throwing me a 30th B-day party. Told her up and down would be a bad idea, due to several factors, but mostly because it was on the last Saturday before Christmas. No matter what I say, she is intent on throwing this. Come the big day, she makes all kinds of food and treats and only person who comes is my Mom. She was teary-eyed the whole night, keeps telling me how sorry she was, meanwhile I laughed the whole time.

    Guns_57 , Kyle Head Report


    I got a bad grade on my math review sheet that day. I came home and my mom had an epic freak out. She began to threaten to home school me or send me to a different school. This went on and on. After a few hours she stopped put some candles on a birthday cake and demanded I smile for a picture then proceeded to yell at me.

    moneycomet Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread 9/11

    I mean, that wasn't my worst birthday personally, but it's kinda hard to argue that it's the suckiest thing that happened on my birthday.

    canada432 , Aidan Bartos Report

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    Yaksha Maan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    when a thousand people died, you were born you clearly are one in a thousand

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    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread Oh man, I went to Paris last year around my birthday to perform there in theatre. It was my first time in Paris, I brought my girlfriend with me and it was my first time performing on some big theatre festival. Turns out the festival didn't have any audience comming, I broke my toe accidentaly kicking some concrete block while walking to meet my girlfriend near Centre Pompidou, where we got into a huge fight and we pretty much broke up. I think Paris hates me.

    Kakabundala , Earth Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread When I was seven, my mother hired a pony and a cart to come to my house for all the kids. And I got a really bad rash. From the pony. And all the kids got to ride the pony. And I had to go inside, and my mother was rubbing cream on me, for probably three hours, and I never came outside. And by the time I got out, the pony was already in the truck and around the corner. So that was my worst birthday.

    TaintModel , Beth Thompson Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread I met the woman my boyfriend was cheating on me with as she was leaving his house. And when I went to go home to go take a nap and cry, I found my mom had given my bed to my cousin.

    Hilarious_83 , Fa Barboza Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did she give your bed permanently to your cousin? Where were you supposed to sleep?

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    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread Got told my gf at the time wanted a break, then she went out and locked me out of my house and slept with the dude she saw when she was out in my own bed

    It was my 20th birthday

    downundah666 , Priscilla Du Preez Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread When I was away at college, my parents sent me a birthday card. They put in a note that my aunt had terminal cancer and was going to die in the next month or two.

    Happy Birthday! Your aunt is going to die soon.

    namkap , Edward Howell Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread my pet rat got euthanized on my birthday due to relations with a tumor on her cheek.

    MorganaVan76 , Annemarie Horne Report


    My 8th birthday was completely f****d because my mom and her boyfriend broke up after a violent fight right before. She could only buy me a $3.98 toy from the dollar store because of that. She had a black eye and isn't in any of the photos, save for one my great aunt took and my mom tore it up. Also because of that I didn't/couldn't have any friends attend the party. It was just me, my brother, mom, my great aunt, and my grandpa and stepgrandma. Usually my grandma (mom's mom) would attend parties but we can't remember why she wasn't there. In all the photos you can tell my brother and I are really trying to look happy but there's one photo that catches our faded smiles and we're looking down/off to the side rather sadly and I think it sums up the overall feel of the day.

    Jen-o-cide Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread My parents hosted a "family birthday party" when I turned 16.

    It started out just fine, but went downhill fast when family members got into an *intense* argument over politics.

    Nothing would stop them from yelling at each other and eventually slamming doors as they left in a huff! It really ruined the occasion.

    Back2Bach , Samantha Gades Report


    The US invaded my country when i was turning 10.

    Cool thing was they took down the military dictatorship of Noriega...

    Sucky thing was i was not able to go to the movies and catch a Baby Herman & Roger Rabit short film i wanted to see.

    Oh yeah... and the dead. Yeah... the dead also sucked.

    Butterfest Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread Got diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis arthritis on my 9th birthday

    JabroniTuriaf , Accuray Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread It was 2001. I was 7 years old and we had just cut the birthday cake and everyone was all merry, having snacks that mom had prepared. Dad called us into the living room to watch a movie. He had just turned on the TV to “a movie that had very realistic graphics.” Except that it wasn’t a movie. It was the LIVE news, on the 9/11 attacks in the US. We watched in horror as we slowly realised that what was happening was REAL. I still remember clearly how horrified my parents were, watching footages of the plane crashing into the towers & it shortly collapsed after. :/

    TophCookie , Bruna Araujo Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Had the same birthday as a guy in my class. In the school cantina is was a tradition to sing Happy Birthday to the birthday kid. I’m sitting there eating with my friend when the cantina lady comes up and says: “we have to sing Happy Birthday!” I say “no, that’s so embarrassing!” She replies: “but it’s not for you, dear!”

    Btw, it was a really small school.

    Phoenix18793 Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread My last birtday was really f****d. On the day itself, my uncle had a funeral and on the day of family celebration I ended up in hospital - with torsion of my testicle.

    DrachirCZ , Martha Dominguez de Gouveia Report


    Not really a big deal, but it hurt and I remember it.

    22nd birthday, boyfriend of about 4 years waited until the end of the day to wish me Happy Birthday. We were in separate countries at the time and had been texting all day, as usual.

    He was pleased as punch with himself - the intent had been to make me think he'd forgotten all day, and then he could be like surprise! He hadn't actually forgotten! And I would be really happy?

    Of course this meant that he'd deliberately upset me all day. I didn't forgive him for it at the time, but I didn't break up with him like I should have because I was young and stupid.

    himit Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I guess he proceeded to show you that he wasn't just young and stupid, but that he was really just a jerk. I hope you've moved on to someone kinder than he was.

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    My most recent birthday I was attacked by a dog.

    Doesn't seem HORRIBLE, but I have horrible agoraphobia and worked myself up all morning to go sit by the lake....just to get attacked by a dog. I also only recently had gotten over my fear of dogs. So it ruined my whole day and I just stayed in bed the rest of my birthday.

    Psychoskies Report

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    Sol Connor
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am sorry this happened to you. I hope you're doing much better.


    My dog somehow managed to push my desk chair, climb up on my table, and eat the entire bar of chocolate I got as a gift. She's a small dog, and that much chocolate was potentially toxic to her. I left food there before and nothing happened before, so I was in complete shock. After calling the vet, they said nothing could be done but to wait. I spent hours crying, hoping she'd be fine. Thankfully, everything turned out completely okay, but that was insanely rough.

    sapjastuff Report

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    Judy Reynolds
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a dog eat chocolate pudding. The vet said to call Poison Control - I was on hold a long time, then the person came back and said to give him 2 Tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, and a 3rd if nothing happened in the next half hour. He weighed 28 pounds. He vomited it all up.

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    Four months after our wedding, my ex husband told me he had a “football practice”. Proceeded to get obliterated at a bar, blocked me from calling him, f****d another woman and came home at 5am on my birthday. He was so messed up the next day, I had to pretend like he had the flu to my family who drove into town to see me. My whole birthday was spent trying not to cry and imagine what he’d been up to, faking like we were the happy newlyweds everyone expected us to be. No gift, no “happy birthday”, no explanation until years later when he confessed. Just me wondering what I did to deserve it all.

    HodorTheGreatDane Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread For my birthday a handful of years ago me and my girlfriend at the time went to Disneyland for dirt cheap because of my immediate family's employment. The stipulation was that they were family passes, so my family had to actually be there. This was all well and good up until my girlfriend decisively dumped me the night we got there (no specific trigger for it to happen at that moment) when there was still the whole weekend left, we were sharing a room, etc. I figured to spare everyone else the drama I'd just suck it up and act like nothing was wrong. Slept in my car, put on a happy face, went on some rides. I was (and still am) sh*tty with depression and deserved a good dumping, but I mean....Disneyland on my birthday. It's not funny yet, but maybe it will be one day. I've seen some sitcom episodes that got close with the whole "jeez there's never a good time to break up" thing.

    Erk-tha-jerk , Capricorn song Report

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    My parents had a huge fight and dad left the house and never came back. So basically the end of my mum and dad's marriage happened on my 9th birthday.

    They had been close to splitting up for months but "tried" to make it work until it finally exploded on my birthday.

    Careless_Relation Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Words fail me. I'm sorry you went through that. You would think that the adults could put aside their differences for their child on their special day.


    At 8, I invited people, planned a movie.

    One person came.

    I was known as the kid with no friends after that, and it stuck with me for years.

    Scipio-Byzantine Report


    I thought no-one remembered it. Then, my father came by. He and I don't get on at the best of times, and he doesn't really *do* birthdays. For anyone. Ever. Well as it turned out, he got me... to help him with some heavy lifting. Then he left.

    GeebusNZ Report

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    Pumpkin Spice
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Little brat. Hope you kicked that sorry excuse for a father to the curb.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread Got dumped at my grandmas for the day because dad had a work party on the same day... three years in a row

    SkyGuardianOfTheSky , Dev Asangbam Report

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    Pumpkin Spice
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Work party for what? A celebration of him winning the World's Dumbest Dad trophy?


    I left work to go cash my check and get ready for a little road trip from CO to AZ. My bank was back in my home town and I wanted to see some friends and brother since it was my birthday.

    About halfway to the bank I started getting sharp chest pains, felt like a muscle spasm so I just continued on. Told myself if this keeps it up, I'm cashing my check and going home. Pains progressively get worse and I start home. Pains continue and I start to think this isn't any old muscle spasm and decided to go to the hospital.

    Get the work up and xrays and the doctor comes back and tells me I have pneumonia. At least it wasn't a heart attack and I have a neat little hospital wrist band both with Date Admitted and Date of Birth of June 22.

    zilla135 Report

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    Teresa Thomas
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry you were sick :( that's a horrible birthday. Glad it wasn't a heart attack though

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    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread One of my birthdays I was working out of town and had literally nothing planned because I knew no one and was working on the day of. During this day, my parents did a bunch of fun s**t that I would have wanted to do and documented it by sending pictures to me throughout the day. Their intention was somehow to show that they were missing me, but it missed the mark. Hard.

    manormanor , engin akyurt Report

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    Tuna Fish
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sorry if that missed the mark for you but it really sounds like something I would have loved. If I couldn't be there for the fun I would have loved someone having the fun for me and documenting it. I guess the sentiment would have meant more to me than the actually being there. But I'm weird that way. (No sarcasm or judgement intended).


    I have two pretty bad ones. My 16th birthday fell on a Tuesday, before I went to school I asked my mom if she wasn't even going to wish me a happy Birthday. "I thought your birthday was last weekend." well then, why didn't you wish me a happy birthday last weekend and you gave *birth* to me! I got an electronic toothbrush as a present.
    For my 18th birthday I went to a classmates mother's funeral, she had died from cancer. I wasn't perticularly close to this guy but he was nice and it was just a solidarity thing to show support for him with other classmates. My mother forgot that she was supposed to pick me up so I had to shamefully ask my friends parents to drop me of way out of their way. Then the weekend after me and my best friend, who had his birthday that day, were going to have a party at a bar to celebrate becoming legal drinking age. Noone showed up for either of us. And the bartender was an a*s to both of us for "barely" being legal to drink.

    TheUrsa_Polaris Report

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    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread Someone broke up with me that day.

    I arranged a nice birthday party, invited a bunch of friends and I was so happy that my bf that time was behaving as a decent person (e.g. not causing a scene, but smiling and chatting with mostly everyone). Little did I know that he kept on acting like this only to build up a huge scene after we headed home. He started to critizie all of my friends, how shallow and ignorant they were and how I should had stopped them talking about politics when I knew he was in a different opinion, so he would not had to listen to all the BS.

    Then he said he doesn't love me enough to put on with me, so he left me crying in the middle of the street at night.

    After a day he kept on calling me like nothing had happened. I did not understand what the F was going on.

    Quick disclaimer: you might already know, but it worths stating, that most psychopaths don't like when the attention is not focused on them (in this case it was focusing on me, hence it was my birthday), so they'd cause a scene to get back the attention. I did not know it then, just years later when all the things just started to make sense.

    h3t3r0d0nt , Eric Ward Report

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    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread Got my first period. Happy 13th birthday!

    anon , Anthony Tran Report


    My gf arranged a surprise for me in my b'day, and boy was i SURPRISED! She gave me her wedding card she broke up and invited me at the same time.

    pshycopaaji Report


    On my 17th birthday I woke up at 2 am to realize that my mom was not home. The day before my birthday she and my brother had a huge fight. My mom would always threathen to kill herself because "no one loves her and does not understand her" she always pulls this whenever we won't back her up with what she believes in or when she couldn't control us anymore. I grew up with her doing this all the time so it made an impact to me. I was always scared that she'd actually do it. And I would even choose to go home rather than play outside after school so I could watch over her. So, back to my birthday, it 2 am in the morning and she wasn't home, and because I was scared with what she would do, I went out to look for her. I was crying the whole time because I was scared that she had done itlt, and also because I was scared for my own safety, AND IT WAS MY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY!

    missjnrs Report


    I was a fat kid. My dad took me on my 14th birthday with him on a morning stroll. I gave up as soon as we started so he kept yelling at me as army sarges do in the movies. When I had finally given up he called me "mara مرة": A degrading word directed to women in general and wh*res specifically.

    Tuebimur Report

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    Jake B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So sorry. I was the same and people and my Mom were really cruel. I hope your grown and happy. Best of everything.


    It was my 12th birthday. We were going out to a party, my dad went bankrupt and into a huge debt while we were driving towards the event. When we got to the event, my dad got the call from someone, I was too young at that time to understand what was going on but something was fishy. While going towards the party, my dad promised to buy me an amazing gift on our way back. I was so disappointed at not being able to get the gift. Turns out our whole life was f****d. Probably the worst day and birthday of my life.

    After few years though, things started going back to normal. My dad turned things around thanks to a huge effort by him. I still exactly don't know what happened back then, but now I can say all is well.

    salmanjawed98 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My goat died, I was having a pool party and the outdoor bathroom was in the barn so I went to go pee and found my pet goat dead in the barn. It sucked.

    MyNamesAwkward Report


    I got expelled from uni

    AyBelm10 Report


    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread My mum was rushed into ICU and was in a coma. Happy 19th birthday

    lethargic_c*nt , Alexander Grey Report


    Spring 2018-- finishing up my Masters Capstone in the morning...laptop crashed. It wasn't so much the files (had backups) but I was using Stats for some specialized models. Kept trying to get it to work... Had to suck it up and buy a version for my desktop.

    Did have a fun late evening/dinner in the city afterwards to celebrate my bday and getting that s**t done.

    anon Report

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    40 Examples Of People Having The Worst Birthdays Ever, As Shared In This Online Thread My birthday is March 1st, and my late primary school time was when Justin Bieber was *the* guy. In school I was never popular, so hearing "We do have to celebrate someone's birthday today, right?" was destined to give me false hopes. Then when I brought up my birthday, people accused me of lying and/or attention-seeking.

    Thoomas01 , Kenny Eliason Report


    Sandy Hook.

    I was 17 and I spent a good chunk of it watching the news on a family friend’s couch. :-(

    decemberkat Report

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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And the worst part is OP is not the only one with a similar awful memory of their bday 😔 School shootings in the US are a huge problem and each year the incidents are more than the previous one.


    My cat got put down on my 7th birthday. But they only told me the next day so it wouldn't ruin my birthday. I felt so guilty that I'd had such a fun birthday while he was dead :(

    HolyTesticleToosday Report

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    My family held my Great Grandpa's Memorial service on my birthday. Granted they did ask for permission to do so. Reason they chose my birthday was because my Great Grandma (his wife) died on my birthday before I was born, so it's always been a weird day for my family.

    oliviart123 Report

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    Was having a great birthday dinner with friends at a bar/club, one guy who was invited from work but I didn’t know that well came up to me with a shot and said happy birthday, I said thanks and downed it. Turns out it was Stroh Rum 80 and unless you’re a seasoned f*****g pirate that s**t will knock you on your a*s. I ended up going to the toilet puking and just got a taxi home, birthday ruined ☹️

    MeltdownInteractive Report


    The day i turned 22 was the last day of my final year mapping camp (Geology). The night before most of the camp got drunk and kept the rest of us awake all night.

    I had to drive one of the busses the next day, so I couldn't party with them.

    One of the guy started shining a very bright torch into all the windows, till my friend and I lost it and almost startes a fight.

    One of the morons cut his foot on a broken bottle, running away from us.

    I, was the fisrt aid officer and had to patch him up.

    The next morning we had to get up early and I had to drive 400km back to uni. Walk home with all my gear (3km with about 30kg of equipment), just to find out my roommate locked me out and I had to brake into my own home. Also the only food in the house was bullied beef and sweetcorn.

    Also missed out on my first big game hunt because of it.

    dyslexic_dumbass Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My friend died the day after my birthday. It was his fault so I’m still angry at him for it. So each year I have the joy on ‘my’ day and then the next day I feel sad and guilty for Brett’s death.

    special_kali Report


    On my 16th birthday I was diagnosed with strep throat and the stomach flu, it was a blast.



    My GF at the time got a little tipsy, left me sitting alone at our table for two twice, for about 10 minutes each time, to go outside and smoke, during a, maybe, hour and a half long meal, told me she loved me for the first time, then proceeded to get angry with me, because I didn't say it first, then did a fake freak out/cry on the way home when a beats pill dropped on her knee from the dash of the car, to the point that I pulled over at a gas station and had to come to her side of the car and inspect her knee which became perfectly fine and a non issue in about 15 seconds as she stood up. Jesus christ, I've never written that out and it makes me cringe.

    AdamD1987 Report


    I got engaged.

    I obviously wanted to marry him and I don't regret saying yes.

    But it was my birthday and it stopped being my birthday and started being about us and getting married. I wanted the day to be about me, not being congratulated

    momtherapist Report

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    Jake B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Welcome to marriage. Same thing when you have a child. It’s never just about you again. Hope you chose well.

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    I was alone on my birthday. Wife was in a different city due to some reason. For dinner, I was having just tea and biscuits. Wife knew I love pizza, so she ordered 2 cheesiest pizzas for me, over call. The pizzas got delivered and I was just opening the box - I received a call.

    That call was from a new client (for my freelancing work) and I could not avoid the call. He took more than 30 mins explaining about his product and work and software. But our deal could not be finalized because of his expectations.

    Just then I remembered my pizza. After the call, I opened the box. The pizzas had gone cold (don't have a microwave oven at my place). I can't eat cold cheese pizzas. That totally broke my mood and had to eat them with tea, since the cold ones are not chew-able.

    Love pizzas but had to have them cold - was the suckiest thing on my birthday.

    anon Report