40 Painfully Accurate Posts From ‘Workers Strike Back’ To Illustrate How Out Of Hand Capitalism Has Gotten (New Pics)
Gone are the days when a person working full time has the resources to enjoy their free time, invest in the future and build up a stable amount of savings. Bit by bit, workers are seeing their workloads increase while remunerations remain stagnant. But through the power of the internet, some are starting to fight back.
The “Workers Strike Back” online community is dedicated to supporting workers, critiquing capitalism, and sharing the harsh realities of workplace conditions and economic inequality. Heavy stuff, yes, but vital information for anyone caught in a thankless, underappreciated job. So scroll through and upvote the most poignant points and be sure to comment your own thoughts on labor, striking, and a more equitable future for all.
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Billionaires Are Anathema To Humanity
Agree. Top ten on the a$$hole-list... All because of greed...
We're Living In Dystopia
I *think* it started under Nixon, but it went into high gear in the 80s.
Capitalists Don't Create Value, Workers Do
Yeah..and they call Social Security a pyramid scheme. Least they can do is pay the 6% on all of it.
While the subject matter is a far cry from the more fun and hobby-based content most people come to the internet for, The “Workers Strike Back” group has garnered a lot of online popularity, with more than 140 thousand active members, which puts it, slightly ironically, into the top 1% of groups on Reddit.
The group gathers people interested in a number of topics, from “supporting worker strikes, protests, and unions all over the world,” to simply offering advice for workers in exploitative positions. It was founded in 2021 and had around 75 thousand users last year. Since then, it has grown explosively, roughly doubling in size. There is, unfortunately, no reason to expect that it will diminish, as this topic remains and is likely to continue to remain relevant for millions in the near future.
Charlie Kirk Btfo
And he is also SO stupid. He doesn't even know that marxisme and socialisme are as different as night and day. Good answer Girl...
Going On Strike Is Always A Good Thing!
Well, Are They Wrong?
While the exploitation of workers happens all around the world, the labor conditions and existing protections vary heavily from place to place and even from industry to industry. Despite its status as a first-world country and a highly developed nation, the US ranks near the bottom of the 38 OECD nations in terms of worker protection. Even worse, existing protections may end up curtailed or limited in the future, as currently there is no organized mass movement to make these safeguards more permanent.
The Difference Between Corporate Malfeasance And Terrorism
Identify The Real Enemy
No, No, They've Got A Point
Despite a lack of formal organization, many workers around the world are starting to make their displeasure known, simply by limiting access to their labor. Last year, in the US alone, over 50 million workers left their jobs due to dissatisfaction or better offers elsewhere. This is sometimes referred to as the “great resignation.” Companies may hate it, but this is ultimately a good thing, putting pressure on nearly every industry to improve conditions.
Warren Buffett Is Making Billions And Rail Workers Still Can't Get Any Paid Sick Leave
Corporations and politicians in this country are in a sick symbiotic relationship. Corporations: profits over people. Politicians: Power and profits over people. Our country will never see positive change that benefits the larger population until this pathway of corruption is broken.
Berlin Knows How To Send A Message
A Job Is Little More Than Just Us Trying To Survive!
Gonna use this my next job interview. I am selling you my time and effort, this is the time and effort I'm bringing to the table, now why should I want to work for your company.
Industries, where wages have been traditionally disproportional to the amount of abuse suffered, were hit the hardest. It doesn’t take a scientist to understand that hospitality and food service are generally not comfortable positions that are simultaneously underpaid and overworked. Now, in many places, they are just understaffed, since workers refuse to do this sort of on-your-feet, customer-facing labor for a laughable wage.
Stop Blaming Minorities For Your Woes
Because It Isn't
I really don't get competitive salaries, everyone should pay the same or more!
Ask The Right Question
Some jobs are slowly understanding that the old game plan of offering the bare minimum for people who are desperate might not work if every single company is forced to do it. There are only so many desperate workers and a lot more desperate businesses. Who would have thought, a company actually needs labor to survive? Some American companies have started offering childcare to entice families that were otherwise occupied by raising their children. While this is a step in the right direction, it’s worth noting that in some nations, childcare is free and maternity and paternity leave are covered for months, if not years.
Ohhhh So When We Do It It's An Issue. Cool Cool Cool * Starts Unionizing *
Well This Is Definitely True
Trust The Free Market!!!
But the bottom line for workers almost everywhere are wages. While it may sound cynical, there is a price that can be put on nearly every sort of job and benefit (or lack thereof) but most companies seem blind to the issue. The bottom line is labor will go to jobs that pay better. Certain industries need to adjust, for example, why would one take $12 to be yelled at by hostile motel guests when they can get the same pay working in a fast food restaurant?
The Rich Are Getting Richer Well The Poor Are Getting Poorer
Solidarity Strikes Are Very Effective
It's The Owner Class That Is The Real Enemy
Neither is your actual enemy the guy who owns the place. Look instead to the guy who made it legal, and therefore acceptable, to run a business that way. The laws COULD have been set up to demand fair pay, but instead we are the country that even believes tipping is reasonable behavior. All else was human nature following the path of least resistance.
Instead of facing reality, many businesses use the excuse that “people don’t want to work” or that “most prefer unemployment.” There is not a lot of data to back up either point. Regarding the latter, the great resignation was not about never working again, it was about not working for specific companies. Similarly, unemployment benefits, particularly in the US, remain slim, significantly less than the wages many jobs pay that are still insufficient to do anything more but survive.
Fired For Kicking An Empty Box
I’d kick at least 10 more on my way out. I wouldn’t be an employee anymore, so what could they do to stop me?
Capitalism Doesn't Make Anything
Eat The Rich, Solidarity With Unions!
No Elon is not about freedom just his own brand of censorship. He censored a guy just because he didn't like him and even admitted it. Which hey it's his company his right to do it, but don't go around pretending to be about free speech.
Respect To Gen Z
If work doesn’t care about my mental health and personal well-being, my mental health and personal well-being won’t care about work.
Unionize Apple
The Definition Of A "Labor Shortage"
Let's Get That Number Higher!
The problem is, they won't keep losing that money, they just charge innocent shoppers more to make up for all the thefts. Stealing from walmart is not the answer they just then go and steal it from innocent people.
When The Times Get Tough, These Eyes Stay Shut 🤐
Maybe We Should All Start Demanding A "Thriving Wage" Until It Becomes A Thing
you guys need real disruptors like this in your congress. https://businesstech.co.za/news/media/123913/watch-violence-erupts-in-sa-parliament-as-eff-is-ejected-again/
The Biggest Lie
Hey Eva, you do understand that capitalism is an economic system and a regime is a form of government, right? Maybe try comparing US capitalism with Norwegian socialism. That's a fair comparison.
The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Are Getting Poorer
"No You Can't Get Paid A Living Wage How Will I Afford My Second Yacht Then" ~ Capitalists
If Only Justice Is Truly Fair But It's Not. This Society Is Run By Criminals , The Parasite Rich. Class War!
Living Wagee
A year ago I had that experience of looking for an apartment that didn't require at least 2.5x the rent for income. Since I'm retired and live alone, it was not an easy thing. Ironically, Seattle and the entire state of WA protect just about every minority group where finding a place to live goes (eg, ex-cons, LGBQTs, the elderly, the physically challenged, etc.) only to allow landlords to obviate all those protections with this one rule. It effectively allows landlords to mandate what your own personal, private budgets are. Shame on WA and any other state that practices this. I was extremely lucky to find a place that was ideal, and much better than all the other places that turned me down because of this rule.
It's Not " Normal " At All , It Never Was
Much of human history is competition. If not by individuals, then by groups.
Profit Before People
Unionize Food Companies
Excellent Question!
You misunderstood the paradigm. It was giving you what you wanted before, within reason typically. Now it is just barely giving you what you need. Freedom itself is the next step. The lawmakers create the environment, the companies play in it. We seem to be voting for the wrong people. (Both R & D parties are bad, to be clear, and guilty of creating this system)
How Jeff Bezos Made It To Space In One Picture
Stuff like this surprises me on how so many people haven't snapped & gone on a killing spree.
Stuff like this surprises me on how so many people haven't snapped & gone on a killing spree.