In the way of our world

Words have a weight

In the way of this world

Knives have a weight

When we feel threatened

We reach for words

To we brandish as knives

In the face of our enemies

When we feel threatened

We reach for our knives

Which we use to express the feelings

In the face of those who do not speak

In ancient eras

We followed the sword from which protection spilled like death

Which spills from the force of the wolves

For without it, our bodies would perish into the earth

In modern eras,

We follow the pens from which worthwhile words spill like liquor

Which falls from the forces of silver tongues

For without it, our souls would perish into oblivion

    Words Aren't That Much Different From Weapons

    In the way of our world

    Words have a weight

    In the way of this world

    Knives have a weight

    When we feel threatened

    We reach for words

    To we brandish as knives

    In the face of our enemies

    When we feel threatened

    We reach for our knives

    Which we use to express the feelings

    In the face of those who do not speak

    In ancient eras

    We followed the sword from which protection spilled like death

    Which spills from the force of the wolves

    For without it, our bodies would perish into the earth

    In modern eras,

    We follow the pens from which worthwhile words spill like liquor

    Which falls from the forces of silver tongues

    For without it, our souls would perish into oblivion

      Words Aren't That Much Different From Weapons