At the start of 2020 my next project was going to be series of paintings about climate crisis. Then along came the Covid pandemic, lockdown, and the ‘New Normal.’ I drew a cartoon of a dog sniffing another’s smelly bits, blissfully unaware of social distancing. It was well received on social media, and I realised that rather than yet more gloom and doom, I should try to make people smile.

Dogs are endlessly fascinating and I love drawing them. The cartoons I’m hoping to publish in a book are about what it means to be one: their dogged stoicism, cuteness, exasperatingly wayward behaviour … what they make of humans and our foibles, cats, spiders …

What would an exhibition of canine conceptual art be like?

How do dogs know how to manipulate humans?

What would a dog think about a ‘Cats Lives Matter’ protest?

How should a dog behave on a first date?

What do dogs think about climate change?

My rescue dog, Gizmo, features in many of these cartoons.

More info:


    Social distancing

    The World has gone to the dogs…!

    The Dog’s Pollocks


    Bones of Contention – Art by Avant Guard Dogs