These 30 Women Who Ditched Dyeing Their Hair Look So Good, They May Convince You To Do The Same
There's an Instagram account dedicated to getting women to embrace their natural beauty, and they are here for it. Turns out, a lot of women are sick and tired of society pressuring them into spending precious hours and dollars in hair salons. Shocking, right? Martha Truslow Smith created Going grey with (grohm)(bray) in 2016 with a simple, yet difficult mission: to start a different dialogue around natural silver hair color on women. Now, it has over 102K followers and it's probably safe to say that people think it's a conversation we have to be having.
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“I got married last year. I had people saying ‘you should dye your hair for your wedding. You’ll regret it. You’re going to look so old!’. I could not be happier about the fact that I was MYSELF on my wedding day!”
Martha was interested in answering the question 'Is it true that my silver hair is ugly, makes me look old, and means I'm no longer good enough?' And after many, many selfie submissions and even more comments under them, she's found the answer. "I’m only in my twenties. If that is true, how will I feel and what will I believe about myself when I’m in my 40s, 50s, 60s?" Martha told Bored Panda in an earlier interview. "I want to challenge the way we think about what we consider 'beautiful,' and why, and propose that we have more important things to spend our precious time, energy and resources on if we find our hearts aren’t aligning with the things we find to be someone else’s biases."
“Not a week goes by that I'm not stopped in public and delivered a sweet compliment on my hair. Women, primarily, will usually say, ‘Your gray is so beautiful! If mine looked like that, maybe I'd have the courage to grow it out.’ My answer is always: How do you know what you have hiding under there, waiting to take shape??? All silver sisters have their unique pattern or calling card, and I've yet to see one that isn't stunning in its own right. Own it!”
She kind of looks like Cruella DeVille, but much more beautiful and good.
Rudimental hair dyes have a long history. They date back to ancient Egyptian and Roman cultures (pickled leeches or urine hair baths, anyone?) but emerged in their modern form around the turn of the 20th Century. And as the image of the "perfect housewife" made its way into the 1950s pop culture, brands such as L'Oréal and Clairol began marketing safe and discreet at-home natural hair colors. If women wanted to remain fertile and youthful, their appearance had to look accordingly.
“Going grey has been a life changer for me. I have a completely different outlook on aging and life in general. The process definitely gave me a willpower I didn’t know I had. The journey is empowering! I love my hair! I love me!”
“Over 2 years dye free and I love not being a slave to the dye, best decision ever. Also trying to be brave with my choice of colours, I might even wear the red lips in public!”
Interestingly, most of what we consider 'premature' greying actually isn't. Professor Desmond Tobin, a hair and skin pigmentation specialist at the University of Bradford in the UK, told the BBC that it is perfectly normal for people from European backgrounds to start greying in their early 20s. A research he collaborated on found that different races have different average aging rates - with African and East-Asian backgrounds tending to whiten later. But while some people do have a genetic predisposition to lose pigment or go bald more than others, a lot of other factors influence our hair follicle production, too (including hormones and stress).
“I just started cgm in January - so I’m trying a lot of different products for what might work. Still new to the cgm products but not to the curls that have been quite fierce my entire life”
“I got my first gray streak right in the front center of my hair. It seemed my Mom and I were the only ones to appreciate my boldness and the trendsetter I pride myself on the gray/silver began. Of course I got the "you would look younger if you dye your hair." Me being an older parent, my young son thought the gray/silver hair made me look older than his dyed hair classmates mothers. For his sake , after it got more streaks I decided to put a rinse on my hair. I did it twice, it was beautiful and I looked younger but quickly realized that at my age I wanted to look great not necessary younger.
With my confidence and head full of silver/gray hair I've begin to get more and more compliments as my hair color changed. Being myself, embracing my beautiful strands way before it became a thing has been and still is the best glamour decision I have ever made.”
“I’ve had my fair share of people telling me I’m too young to have salt and pepper hair. Their words have stung at first, but have actually made me want to keep growing out my grays even more. Gray doesn’t mean old, of frumpy or that I’ve let myself go. Silver is strong and sexy. I’ve seen my true colors for the first time in 15 years, and couldn’t be happier with the results!”
"Everyday I feel so grateful for my gray hair. It makes me unique, for my age (34), and it's such low maintenance! My first gray hair showed up when I was 17 but it really didn't come in thick until about 30 and that's when I stopped dying my roots. My original color is very very dark brown so when I knew I was going to let the gray take over I colored the majority of my hair white blonde. As it started to grow out the transition was much more seamless. The top half of my hair is always natural and I love how intentional it looks"
"Less self-conscious... More self-aware. 13 months dye free and loving my hair and myself more everyday.”
“I was born with 1 grey hair.
By the time I was a teenager I had grey hair at the front, black/brown at the back.
I use to dye it constantly till I reached 40.
Then it was like a light bulb went off.
I suddenly didn't care what anyone thought of me.
I danced at parties for the first time in my life,
I didn't care if I was overweight.
I didn't care if my hair was Grey/white.
I embraced me.
I stopped dyeing my hair.
Suddenly I felt free to be me.
My only regret was waiting so long.
I have had strangers come up to me in the street asking about my hair.
I have even had random strangers start stroking my hair,like they are memorised.
My hair is white at the front and salt and pepper at the back.
And I would not have it any other way.”
"I sat with the idea of going gray for years. I let it stew in the back of my mind as I scheduled my days around my next dye session; scouring Pinterest and Youtube for inspiration. I was dyeing my hair every 2-3 weeks but seeing roots every 2-3 days. I have a long list of reasons I was done with the dye. Even now I read posts by my silver sisters and think, 'Yes!! that too!' The process was definitely tough at times. It’s a mind game, really. And there are so many thoughts that pushed me through. This is one of them... I have been fascinated by my father’s silver for YEARS. It looked SO cool when he was just a bit of salt and a whole lot of pepper and it’s now this amazing silver with just the slightest touch of dark. I loved every stage of watching his silver come in. At some point I realized I didn’t want to miss out on that. I want to watch time paint more and more silver through my hair. It’s a slow magic but magic nonetheless."
"I feel more confident since I decided to let my grey shine. I dyed my hair a while ago and immediately regretted doing so; like I’d washed my identity away. While I’m still learning to deal with the new texture, I love seeing my tinsel tresses in the mirror!"
“I was diagnosed with breast cancer 12/2016. Chemo caused my hair to fall out and it grew back gray (mostly in the front). I get compliments on it all the time. "
"Recently a stranger at the store referred to my hair as a skunk and that was so upsetting to me because it’s taken me a long time to love myself for who I am. And a sweet friend of mine sent me the most beautiful text to cheer me up:
'I feel like God wants me to say this to you. I saw your post about your hair and what that lady said.
I just want you to know that God says you are beautifully and wonderfully made. He knew what He wanted you to look like and it is truly beautiful. I love your hair and it looks perfect on you. '
People are weird who say things like that to strangers. They are clueless who that person is and/or what they are going through in that moment. Wake up people
“I have traveled a lot and received opinions from many different cultures. Some fully embrace it, viewing it as an asset and others are confused as to why I don’t dye it. No matter what, it makes me smile because it just is what it is!
If I can inspire others to discontinue buying harsh chemicals that end up in our bodies and water system, then that’s a win for me. To be naturally and purely yourself is a gift we can first give to ourselves and then watch as it ripples out.”
“I am a 22 years old Mexican-American from the Chicago-land area. I began growing a few strands of grey hair around 12 years old. During my high school years I would constantly dye my hair because of how embarrassed I would feel when someone would call them out. Within the last 2 years however, I have been letting them flourish & grow to their fullest grey potential & it has been the best decision I’ve done. It has given me a closer sense of connection to where I come from and how to love everything that I was born with.”
“I decided enough was enough. No more hiding behind this box of dye. I feel so proud of myself for taking the ‘scary’ leap and embracing the process of going naturally grey. It’s been fun and exciting and liberating. So much more than I ever imagined it would be!”
“I discontinued dying my hair in 2010 after my son was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. I thought how can I tell him to rock what you're given, when I was hiding what I was given. So the journey began.”
“Going silver for the wedding was pre-meditated since I had already started the growing out process with a pixie cut. It was just a question of how much would be grown out by the wedding, and how would I style it. Eventually, I leaned in and decided to frame my silver with an actual crown, and forego covering it with a veil. Even if I one day to go back to dye (which I doubt I will) at least I’ll know that I was truly myself on my wedding day.”
"Sorry I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair. Here’s to turning up the volume and not listening to the expectations or opinions of others. Love who you are. Know you are created for a purpose."
“For over the past 12 years, I’ve spent countless hours constantly dying my hair to cover what I thought aged me. I got tired but never wanted to take that leap, afraid of how I’d be perceived. It wasn’t until last year while pregnant with my second child, that I decided to embrace my natural hair color. Embracing me, the way God made me, has been such a beautifully freeing experience and I’m loving every step of this journey.”
“I started going grey in my early teens and started dyeing my hair at age 16. I’m 14 months dye free now and I’m so happy I made the choice to stop colouring my hair.
I love the journey to my natural hair, it’s so exciting to finally see my natural hair colour. My only regret is that I didn’t stop sooner!”
“In my 10 months of not dying my lovely silver hair. Have more confidence and I am who I am”
“Nearly 5 months and counting! I dyed my hair for the last time on November 4, 2018. I’m 41 and started prematurely graying at 30. (I get it from my Daddy ) Before then, I had accepted that dyeing my hair was going to be my life until I’m at least in my 50s because gray hair “made me look so old and like I’ve let myself go”. I was really fine with coloring it even though it was an annoying, timely and messy process at home and expensive at salons. My husband had been encouraging me to grow out my gray hair for years, but I wasn’t ready. Then, (I don’t even remember precisely how it happened) I started seeing here on Instagram that I wasn’t alone, that I wasn’t the only woman whose gray strands were taking over her hair. AND that I wasn’t alone in my initial feelings of frustration and sometimes embarrassment that my hair color didn’t fall in line with traditional beauty/age standards. The last straw was seeing gray hairs make their debut less than two weeks after coloring! I realized it was time to give up and let nature run its course with dignity. So here I am! I’m natural, but I recently straightened my hair to stretch it and see how far it’s grown. Here is my journey so far.”
“Been gray a while and have completely embraced my crown of wisdom over the last couple years. Loving this time in my life right now.”
These women are so beautiful they would look good with any color hair or none at all! I dyed my hair for a few years when I was single, afraid that potential dates would think I was older than I was. Now that I've stopped dying it I like it just fine and it's a relief not to have to deal with the hassle, expense, and smelly chemicals. I don't know why grey is "distinguished" on men but on women it means they've "let themselves go." Total double standard. Anyone should be able to color or not, however they like, without being judged for it.
Stopped dyeing my hair a few months ago and my mom acted like I said I was going to take up kicking puppies as a hobby. It's a long process, and they really stand out in my dark hair, but I'm actually excited now that I can actually see some growth.
The problem with grey hair is that it makes most people look 20 years older than they actually are, and that is what people try to avoid when they colour their hair. Grey is a great colour for hair, but it doesn't suit everyone and not everyone wants that colour hair. #PersonalChoice.
All these women look so distinguished, like they are all experts in their fields and I'd be willing to pay to hear them talk.
When I was about 23, I found a coarse wirey grey hair in my fringe. I plucked it out and it never came back, that was 14 years ago. Having said that, I don't like how people automatically assume people are being forced by social pressures to do things like dyeing grey hair. Some people just prefer it that way. My mum dyes her grey hair but not as a result of feeling she has to conform. People do things for all sorts of reasons. Modern day feminists seem to paint every single person and every single situation with the same brush, which is just stupid and does nothing to help combat the feminist stereotype.
Im dying my hair for 12 yearas now, I was always a light brown and disliked that colour. Dyed first time beginning univ into dark chocolate and stayed this way ever since. I even triend to stop dying, but I just massively dislike my original colour and feel awful in it. I presume same might go for women, who greyed. Stop judgeing people's choices and mind your own head.
I grew my gray out years ago, and now I condition it with mint green /turquoise tinted conditioners... so it's gray...but with a little minty blue flavor. I live with chronic pain and auto immune issues, so the plain gray made me look sickly. I absolutely love my soft color, and I get compliments every time I go out in public!
Just like any other hair color or style, it works for some people and not for others. And it also depends on other things like positioning of the greys, hair texture, etc. I color my greys because they look bad. I have known myself long enough to know what looks good or bad. But I admire these girls because they prove that grey doesn’t mean you’re a matron or out of touch. It’s just a hair color and there’s no reason to not accept it if the women like it and the hair looks good.
Gray hair is beautiful. Dyed hair can be just as beautiful. All a matter of preference, and what the person underneath is comfortable with. To me, what instantly adds 15 years to the look, is going from long to short. Again, all about preference, and I see plenty of good reasons to cut one's hair short, so if that is what the hair owner is comfortable with, my opinion and taste means zip.
But dyeing grey hair neon colors is such fun. The colors come out bright with no bleach.
Found my 1st few grey hairs at 25 and 40 years later I am maybe 5% grey evenly spread in medium brown coarse wavy hair. Actually wish there was more grey or specific streaks, as it is noticeable but not enough to be a statement - just makes my hair look dull and scruffy as the grey hairs are more wiry and curly than the rest -- stick out everywhere. Unfortunately I don't have the spare money for regular colouring and am hoping I will end up like my Grandmother with beautiful pure white/silver hair. Unlikely though, as my mother had similar hair to mine at 76.
I get highlights but my gray hairs are left alone... Hubby calls them my angel wings. And I just like hot pink in my hair, not about "society"...
I wanted to stop dyeing my hair for soooo long but finally took the step 3 years ago. Because I'm lazy and so done with that mess every 4 weeks. I just let it grow out because I didnt wanna cut my hair. Non stop comments about how i really need to dye my hair now. Sigh! When it was long enough I cut it off, about 2 years ago and I'm still happy! And I get so many compliments from guys haha! (almost never from girls!) When I see all the hairdye in the shop now i just laugh!!
So a bunch of beautiful women who'd look good with any colour hair or even bald, are letting their hair go grey. Why is this a story?
I'm a dude and I love my gray/white hair. I'm fortunate that it comes in bright white and makes me feel very wise.
If they like it, good for them, myself - not a huge fan of the look.
Lovely silver! Have had my share of folks tell me, for "my own sake" that I was dating myself by sprouting uninhibited silver! Pfffft! For more lovelies, please check my Pinterest section "Older Violins" which contains commentary / philosophies of many!
I am turning 24 this month and my family greys early in life, since I hit my teens I have been dying my hair but not because its greying yet, not that I would care if it were. I like to dye my hair wild colors. Right now its black and teal and i love it. People dye their hair or do makeup or get tattoos and piercings because its what they want to do what makes them feel good about themselves. I'm gonna keep dying my hair wild colors till I croak and I'm gonna make sure that when I'm in my funeral casket that my hair is just a brightly wild as it is now cause this is me, wild and colorful and happy!
I watched my grandmother dye her hair black until well into her 70s. She'd come over and my mom helped her do it in our kitchen sink. One time it occurred to me, When do you stop? That's how I decided, at age 9, to let my hair stay its natural color.
Looks good when there is a lot, but when you have a little they stand out and look messy
More power to them! I'am not a woman, but I have gray hair for over 15 years now, now I'm more white than grey, and I'm not even 40 yet. But we could have gotten the picture with only 10 examples, not a 100! Damn!
I’ve been chemical free for several years, but I use henna — the natural kind, mixed with brewed tea! It keeps my hair thick & hip length, but it does color my grey red. Still pretty and still a natural, DIY way to embrace your hair ❤️
I decided that when I turned 40, I would stop coloring. I've colored since my 20s and during my early 30s used to tweeze out the stubborn little white strands as soon as they appeared. In my mid to late 30s I even got to the point where I used to touch up my roots twice weekly as my hair grew out so quickly. I thought that this could never be good for my fine hair so after along internal battle I made the decision. And oh how I looked forward to turning 40 and ditching the dye!!!! Having hid my greys for over 25 years I felt liberated. Of course, I got the expected stares and negative comments but there were a few supportive persons on my side and I pushed through. I recently marked 12 months of no coloring and my hair looks awesome. The dyed parts are almost gone and I can finally see my true and natural beautiful locks. I have absolutely no regrets about my decision.
For some reason, some of the most beautiful young women I have seen have had gray hair. One of the employees at I store I frequented before they closed, had violet eyes as well. She totally rocked her look.
A lot of them look nice because they are attractive and take good care of their hair.
For many years I colored my hair for fun, I then got tired of it, wished I went silver sooner !!!
They look ok but I guarantee that grey hair makes them look much older
Stopped dying my hair in November 2018. Occasionally, talk about dying hair comes up and when I tell people that it's been 5 months since I dyed, people have to look really closely to figure out where the dye starts. Pretty happy with that. :D
All these women have thick, and often, long hair. if I let mine go natural, I'd age myself about 30 years because my hair is so pathetically thin. I've been getting lots of compliments on the purple
these women are beautiful. I'm not. (and I never dyed my hair either.)
I know it's different for women but i have started to get grey hairs on my head and beard but at 39 i kind of expect it, the beard greys are symmetrical which is nice.
Meh. I did this a few years ago, but mine didn't come in all nice and streaky like theirs, mine came in salt and pepper and dull. Also.....many of these women are natural beauties, so.....I'm glad it works for them but it doesn't work on everyone. Plus, I like to dye. To each her own.
My Friend’s Silver Crown - My dear friend wears a beautiful silver crown, she did not buy it, it was not given to her, it is something she earned through years of trials and years of love, years of faith and loyalty to our God above. Her silver crown shines as a symbol of wisdom to guide the inexperienced, it’s a warm symbol of comfort for the down trodden, and a smiling crown of laughter for all who are blessed with her friendship. Her beautiful silver crown of wisdom and experience is a symbol of many wonderful things, but it is just a symbol of all that shines forth from within, my beautiful friend. If ever she were to lose her crown, or someone took it away, she would still have all the beauty her crown displayed, because it shines from within the person she is, my beautiful friend.
i have really, really dark brown hair and i have this one streak of semi-light brown hair, now, as the only one im my family that has BOTH dark brown hair and dark brown eyes that almost look like they are black, i always wished that my hair would grow out to be a bit lighter. Im not even joking when i say that i got into a fight with multiple people who just cant wrap their heads around the fact that my eyes ARE NOT black yes they have "black" flakes in them (because no one can really have black eyes it just appears that way) but they aren't black and so i always want to wear contacts to make my eyes lighter.
I've been turning silver for a long time now. An ex noticed it in my 20s and I was horrified - but I became used to it (I have natural ash in my honey blonde hair anyway, so it blends). I do like to experiment with bold colours, but once I start seeing the silver I'd like to see in my roots, I'll stop and let the silver shine.
I am 37 now and have no grey hair, and I color it now for 20 years.... little strange... maybe
I have white hairs & I dye them with a teal & purple rinse out dyes.... Lots of my white hair doesnt take the dye well, and it washes out, but I also get teal and purple and blue streaks highlighting the white hair. It's dyeing, but it's not exactly hiding my white hair.
I think all women portrayed are beautiful. Gray hair isn't a turnoff. If they feel insecure about their haircolor, it would be a turnoff. I myself have black hair and yes, found a fair share of gray and even silver hair on my head. I couldn't care less. Maybe it makes me look sophisticated.
How many women look this good with grey hair? 1%? Mine certainly look like s**t :(
Most of these women have beautiful skin and somehow their eyebrows avoided the gray hair? Hmmmm. Don't be natural in one way but forget you are anything but natural in several other ways. It's shaming women that dye their hair. I am pro be happy with yourself, dye, don't dye, get your eyebrows done, get some botox. Just don't be full of BS, like most of these women.
These women are so beautiful they would look good with any color hair or none at all! I dyed my hair for a few years when I was single, afraid that potential dates would think I was older than I was. Now that I've stopped dying it I like it just fine and it's a relief not to have to deal with the hassle, expense, and smelly chemicals. I don't know why grey is "distinguished" on men but on women it means they've "let themselves go." Total double standard. Anyone should be able to color or not, however they like, without being judged for it.
Stopped dyeing my hair a few months ago and my mom acted like I said I was going to take up kicking puppies as a hobby. It's a long process, and they really stand out in my dark hair, but I'm actually excited now that I can actually see some growth.
The problem with grey hair is that it makes most people look 20 years older than they actually are, and that is what people try to avoid when they colour their hair. Grey is a great colour for hair, but it doesn't suit everyone and not everyone wants that colour hair. #PersonalChoice.
All these women look so distinguished, like they are all experts in their fields and I'd be willing to pay to hear them talk.
When I was about 23, I found a coarse wirey grey hair in my fringe. I plucked it out and it never came back, that was 14 years ago. Having said that, I don't like how people automatically assume people are being forced by social pressures to do things like dyeing grey hair. Some people just prefer it that way. My mum dyes her grey hair but not as a result of feeling she has to conform. People do things for all sorts of reasons. Modern day feminists seem to paint every single person and every single situation with the same brush, which is just stupid and does nothing to help combat the feminist stereotype.
Im dying my hair for 12 yearas now, I was always a light brown and disliked that colour. Dyed first time beginning univ into dark chocolate and stayed this way ever since. I even triend to stop dying, but I just massively dislike my original colour and feel awful in it. I presume same might go for women, who greyed. Stop judgeing people's choices and mind your own head.
I grew my gray out years ago, and now I condition it with mint green /turquoise tinted conditioners... so it's gray...but with a little minty blue flavor. I live with chronic pain and auto immune issues, so the plain gray made me look sickly. I absolutely love my soft color, and I get compliments every time I go out in public!
Just like any other hair color or style, it works for some people and not for others. And it also depends on other things like positioning of the greys, hair texture, etc. I color my greys because they look bad. I have known myself long enough to know what looks good or bad. But I admire these girls because they prove that grey doesn’t mean you’re a matron or out of touch. It’s just a hair color and there’s no reason to not accept it if the women like it and the hair looks good.
Gray hair is beautiful. Dyed hair can be just as beautiful. All a matter of preference, and what the person underneath is comfortable with. To me, what instantly adds 15 years to the look, is going from long to short. Again, all about preference, and I see plenty of good reasons to cut one's hair short, so if that is what the hair owner is comfortable with, my opinion and taste means zip.
But dyeing grey hair neon colors is such fun. The colors come out bright with no bleach.
Found my 1st few grey hairs at 25 and 40 years later I am maybe 5% grey evenly spread in medium brown coarse wavy hair. Actually wish there was more grey or specific streaks, as it is noticeable but not enough to be a statement - just makes my hair look dull and scruffy as the grey hairs are more wiry and curly than the rest -- stick out everywhere. Unfortunately I don't have the spare money for regular colouring and am hoping I will end up like my Grandmother with beautiful pure white/silver hair. Unlikely though, as my mother had similar hair to mine at 76.
I get highlights but my gray hairs are left alone... Hubby calls them my angel wings. And I just like hot pink in my hair, not about "society"...
I wanted to stop dyeing my hair for soooo long but finally took the step 3 years ago. Because I'm lazy and so done with that mess every 4 weeks. I just let it grow out because I didnt wanna cut my hair. Non stop comments about how i really need to dye my hair now. Sigh! When it was long enough I cut it off, about 2 years ago and I'm still happy! And I get so many compliments from guys haha! (almost never from girls!) When I see all the hairdye in the shop now i just laugh!!
So a bunch of beautiful women who'd look good with any colour hair or even bald, are letting their hair go grey. Why is this a story?
I'm a dude and I love my gray/white hair. I'm fortunate that it comes in bright white and makes me feel very wise.
If they like it, good for them, myself - not a huge fan of the look.
Lovely silver! Have had my share of folks tell me, for "my own sake" that I was dating myself by sprouting uninhibited silver! Pfffft! For more lovelies, please check my Pinterest section "Older Violins" which contains commentary / philosophies of many!
I am turning 24 this month and my family greys early in life, since I hit my teens I have been dying my hair but not because its greying yet, not that I would care if it were. I like to dye my hair wild colors. Right now its black and teal and i love it. People dye their hair or do makeup or get tattoos and piercings because its what they want to do what makes them feel good about themselves. I'm gonna keep dying my hair wild colors till I croak and I'm gonna make sure that when I'm in my funeral casket that my hair is just a brightly wild as it is now cause this is me, wild and colorful and happy!
I watched my grandmother dye her hair black until well into her 70s. She'd come over and my mom helped her do it in our kitchen sink. One time it occurred to me, When do you stop? That's how I decided, at age 9, to let my hair stay its natural color.
Looks good when there is a lot, but when you have a little they stand out and look messy
More power to them! I'am not a woman, but I have gray hair for over 15 years now, now I'm more white than grey, and I'm not even 40 yet. But we could have gotten the picture with only 10 examples, not a 100! Damn!
I’ve been chemical free for several years, but I use henna — the natural kind, mixed with brewed tea! It keeps my hair thick & hip length, but it does color my grey red. Still pretty and still a natural, DIY way to embrace your hair ❤️
I decided that when I turned 40, I would stop coloring. I've colored since my 20s and during my early 30s used to tweeze out the stubborn little white strands as soon as they appeared. In my mid to late 30s I even got to the point where I used to touch up my roots twice weekly as my hair grew out so quickly. I thought that this could never be good for my fine hair so after along internal battle I made the decision. And oh how I looked forward to turning 40 and ditching the dye!!!! Having hid my greys for over 25 years I felt liberated. Of course, I got the expected stares and negative comments but there were a few supportive persons on my side and I pushed through. I recently marked 12 months of no coloring and my hair looks awesome. The dyed parts are almost gone and I can finally see my true and natural beautiful locks. I have absolutely no regrets about my decision.
For some reason, some of the most beautiful young women I have seen have had gray hair. One of the employees at I store I frequented before they closed, had violet eyes as well. She totally rocked her look.
A lot of them look nice because they are attractive and take good care of their hair.
For many years I colored my hair for fun, I then got tired of it, wished I went silver sooner !!!
They look ok but I guarantee that grey hair makes them look much older
Stopped dying my hair in November 2018. Occasionally, talk about dying hair comes up and when I tell people that it's been 5 months since I dyed, people have to look really closely to figure out where the dye starts. Pretty happy with that. :D
All these women have thick, and often, long hair. if I let mine go natural, I'd age myself about 30 years because my hair is so pathetically thin. I've been getting lots of compliments on the purple
these women are beautiful. I'm not. (and I never dyed my hair either.)
I know it's different for women but i have started to get grey hairs on my head and beard but at 39 i kind of expect it, the beard greys are symmetrical which is nice.
Meh. I did this a few years ago, but mine didn't come in all nice and streaky like theirs, mine came in salt and pepper and dull. Also.....many of these women are natural beauties, so.....I'm glad it works for them but it doesn't work on everyone. Plus, I like to dye. To each her own.
My Friend’s Silver Crown - My dear friend wears a beautiful silver crown, she did not buy it, it was not given to her, it is something she earned through years of trials and years of love, years of faith and loyalty to our God above. Her silver crown shines as a symbol of wisdom to guide the inexperienced, it’s a warm symbol of comfort for the down trodden, and a smiling crown of laughter for all who are blessed with her friendship. Her beautiful silver crown of wisdom and experience is a symbol of many wonderful things, but it is just a symbol of all that shines forth from within, my beautiful friend. If ever she were to lose her crown, or someone took it away, she would still have all the beauty her crown displayed, because it shines from within the person she is, my beautiful friend.
i have really, really dark brown hair and i have this one streak of semi-light brown hair, now, as the only one im my family that has BOTH dark brown hair and dark brown eyes that almost look like they are black, i always wished that my hair would grow out to be a bit lighter. Im not even joking when i say that i got into a fight with multiple people who just cant wrap their heads around the fact that my eyes ARE NOT black yes they have "black" flakes in them (because no one can really have black eyes it just appears that way) but they aren't black and so i always want to wear contacts to make my eyes lighter.
I've been turning silver for a long time now. An ex noticed it in my 20s and I was horrified - but I became used to it (I have natural ash in my honey blonde hair anyway, so it blends). I do like to experiment with bold colours, but once I start seeing the silver I'd like to see in my roots, I'll stop and let the silver shine.
I am 37 now and have no grey hair, and I color it now for 20 years.... little strange... maybe
I have white hairs & I dye them with a teal & purple rinse out dyes.... Lots of my white hair doesnt take the dye well, and it washes out, but I also get teal and purple and blue streaks highlighting the white hair. It's dyeing, but it's not exactly hiding my white hair.
I think all women portrayed are beautiful. Gray hair isn't a turnoff. If they feel insecure about their haircolor, it would be a turnoff. I myself have black hair and yes, found a fair share of gray and even silver hair on my head. I couldn't care less. Maybe it makes me look sophisticated.
How many women look this good with grey hair? 1%? Mine certainly look like s**t :(
Most of these women have beautiful skin and somehow their eyebrows avoided the gray hair? Hmmmm. Don't be natural in one way but forget you are anything but natural in several other ways. It's shaming women that dye their hair. I am pro be happy with yourself, dye, don't dye, get your eyebrows done, get some botox. Just don't be full of BS, like most of these women.