Woman Gets Sick Of Hypocritical Shirtless Men On Social Media, Starts Exposing Them One By One
For reasons unknown to any of us, certain guys like to trash on women because of the way they dress. But some guys - let's call them assholes - take it even further than that. They like to troll women on Twitter for showing too much flesh, even though they themselves post multiple pictures of their own semi-naked bodies. But one woman who goes by the name of Lindsey has rightly had enough of this hypocritical bullshit, and so using the hashtag #ShirtlessShamers, she's taken to trolling the trolls in order to highlight the absurd irony of their ridiculous double standards. Scroll down to see for yourself.
This isn't the first time that Lindsey has spoken out against inappropriate attitudes towards the opposite sex. In 2014 she started a project called Cards Against Harassment designed to raise awareness about sexual harassment. You can learn more about it here.
More info: Twitter | Cards Against Harassment
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I bet he wishes it was harder, too. Shame he wouldn't be able to find someone to help him with that.
Nice kiddie pose of you with your hands crossed in front of your junk like you're feeling shy, man. Real impressive.
I don't think this should be qualified as a "half naked pic", rather it should be called an "old guy at the pool" pic.
"respect yourself to be respected"... not only Migelito, you also have to respect people to have their respect back, and you're faaaar from that part.
Gotta love all these guys who complain about wanting classy girls, yet address women in general as "bitches." Fun fact, boys: being a rude piece of s**t isn't classy, either.
Lol. And being a 'fuckboy' is having self respect? Riiight. Grow up.
And why exactly are you half naked in your car, sir? Is that how you go to job interviews, or...?
How strange! I'm not his man, either, but I can see them, too! Dude needs to contact the support team. Looks like all of his not-mans are getting to see this. His man is gonna be so pissed.
I think the fact that he's the type of guy who even asks for those pictures to begin with makes it clear his opinion is worthless.
Uh, hold up. Are you seriously judging and talking about respect while posing shirtless with not one, but apparently TWO girls? Seriously?
I could never be with a man whose boobs are bigger than mine and are proudly showing them off on social media
Whao... that's ... I terribly sorry for his sisters. Worst brother ever!
Gotta love those oversized boxers pulled halfway up one leg. Looks super classy, man. Really gets the ladyboner going. (Insert sarcasm here)
Not to mention the super classy photo of him and his friend with the woman's bikini-clad a*s behind them. No shame for the lady, just the judgmental d-bag.
I think the disrespect from him is enough of a precursor to warn you away.
What he said was, (see above.) What he MEANT was, "I'm just mad because I can't be a male stripper."
Wanna talk about respect? I can't take a guy who says "bruh" non-ironically seriously, let alone respect him. Learn some real words, "bruh."
I'm honestly not sure this fool even knows what the word "naked" means.
Good to know that you'll murder your wife if she dares act like her body is not your property... I wonder if she'll "tombstone" you
D-bag tats and hat? Check. Sexist attitude? Check. Inability to use hashtags correctly and failure to notice such? Check-a-rooney. No further information needed to know this guy's a tool.
The "like huh?" and the look on his face just combine to make it clear he's stupid.
Well, i'm affraid you'll not fing lust with these pic nor love with these comments...
It's kinda mindblowing how many men think that 1. Female nudity equals low self respect; 2. The man in the relationship gets to decide what a woman does with her body. News flash guys... being in a relationship doesn't mean you own a woman. Or get to treat her as your property.
I'd like to add that female bodies are not there to be objectified or sexualized by men. When men do this, it is on them. Their brain. Their penis. Their responsibility. Women do not exist to be pleasing in the eyes of men. If you have issues with how other men look at the woman you're with, either take it up with those men or do something about your self-esteem.
Load More Replies...I brush it off with good ol sarcasim. there's no way I'm a female dog in heat howling like I'm being murdered.
Load More Replies...It's kinda mindblowing how many men think that 1. Female nudity equals low self respect; 2. The man in the relationship gets to decide what a woman does with her body. News flash guys... being in a relationship doesn't mean you own a woman. Or get to treat her as your property.
I'd like to add that female bodies are not there to be objectified or sexualized by men. When men do this, it is on them. Their brain. Their penis. Their responsibility. Women do not exist to be pleasing in the eyes of men. If you have issues with how other men look at the woman you're with, either take it up with those men or do something about your self-esteem.
Load More Replies...I brush it off with good ol sarcasim. there's no way I'm a female dog in heat howling like I'm being murdered.
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