Some people just looove talking. Like your auntie Betsie who just created a FB account and floods it with posts on chemtrails, or that entitled anti-masker who believes wearing a face covering impinges on their rights. Or many other loud ones on social media who can’t miss a chance to spread some misinformation on drinking bleach to prevent COVID-19.
But the world is the place of karma, and if there’s yin, there’s always yang. That means that if you throw some nonsense out there into the world, it may come back and hit you like a boomerang.
To show you how it works in practice, Bored Panda compiled a mesmerizing collection from the witty subreddit called “Murdered By Words.” It’s a prominent corner of the internet entirely devoted to put-downs, comebacks, and counter-arguments.
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Shots Fired, Two Men Down
I'm Gonna Take The Surgeon's Side On This One
Disabled Parking Should Only Be Valid During Business Hours 9 To 5
Being in an argument, whether voluntarily or not, is one of the most emotionally draining situations you can get yourself into. It raises your blood pressure, and you may feel trapped by the opponent trying to prove their point no matter what.
It gets even more frustrating when the person you’re arguing with is proving a point that, in your eyes, doesn’t make any sense to begin with. Whether it’s anti-maskers, anti-vaxers, flat-earthers, or conspiracy theorists, anyone can have their own opinion, but as such, everyone can stand up for their own beliefs.
Luckily, there’re some tricks you should know to winning an argument. According to Susan Krauss Whitbourne, a professor emerita of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, you should start by knowing your facts.
“How many times have you made a claim about some piece of trivia only to realize, as soon as you’ve made that claim, that you’re completely wrong?” Such a situation doesn’t lead you anywhere and gives your opponent a straight shot to winning.
Now Sit Your Ass Down, Stefan.
Find A Different Career.
Apparently, It's Impossible For Women To Be Smart And Beautiful At The Same Time
Reminds me of a time i went on a speed dating: 4/5 dudes straight up told me that they're intimidated with intelligent women. The only one that did not - was a self sufficient, creative, ambitious and overall impressive guy
Seeing other person’s perspective may also help you in an argument. “You don’t have to agree with a foe in order to see his or her perspective,” says Susan.
“However, if you want to win an argument, you do need to be able to see the world the way your opponent does. Stepping into the mental set of those you argue with allows you to figure out what’s influencing them.”
If you figure out what’s triggering the person you’re arguing with, you can direct your focus there and showing a little empathy never hurt anybody.
The Fact That He Never Removed The Post Surprises Me
That Backfired
Murdered By Kindness.
And the third thing is to remember that “Becoming defensive is one of the worst ways to win an argument.” Letting your opponent see that you've dug into your position with no other alternatives may lift the argument from bad to ugly. Moreover, if you let the other person realize that you’re open-minded, even if you're pretending to be, the argument may resolve itself.
It's Never Just About A Cake
Just Pulled The Lever To The Verbal Guillotine.
It's the same distinction between them being blessed with a fruitful marriage, where immigrants breed like rabbits.
Mmm Spicy
On A Comment Thread About UPS And USPS Workers
People that are condescending about other people's jobs are usually parasites with no job at all.
Well, When You Put It That Way...
This Guy Wants All The Cake.
Wise Advice!
Cut The Shit Lady. You Chose The Bathroom.
She shouldn't have said gender neutral ,if she was gonna make a sexist comment. It's like god can u even read
I Love Arnold's Wholesome Murders
It's funny how it's always the people with fragile egos accusing others of being snowflakes, when they themselves are visibly half melted in outrage.
If He Were Here He'd Consume These Morons With Fireballs From His Eyes And Bolts Of Lightning From His Arse
Yellow Tape Around Her Body It's A Fucking Homicide
Amen. Speaking from NZ and Australia I just laugh at how retarded the Americans are in this topic. Raped by your insurance companies and begging for more
Good Old Meghan Mccain
The Ramsays Has The Best Insults
Don't Defend Corporations, They Will Not Return The Favor
This is a famous old case, still worth bringing up occasionally, as many people never questioned the "scamming from poor corporations" line.
Murdered By The Word Of God.
That's Just How It Is Though, Isn't It?
An Effortless Genocide
A lot of immigrants work in jobs that others don’t want to do, majority have come for a better life and will take what they can, they have to start their lives all over again and they are not picky like many of us westerners (especially the privileged). They often take the lower paying jobs like trolley collectors, taxi/uber drivers, food delivery drivers and fruit pickers etc. What a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that a lot of these immigrants are well educated but their qualifications mean nothing because of where they are from and studied so they have to do it all over again.
Very Strange, Indeed
Yeah who wants to go to have a raging know-it-all bigot at a party. No thanks.
Scyth, Monika S, and company, I don't agree that being against prejudiced views is worse than being against people of different ethnicities or religions or sexual orientations, but I feel that reactions against my Trump comment are fair criticism.
Load More Replies...Someone who publicly shames my family on Twitter would also not be invited to my family meetings.
saying all lives matter is like the fireman coming to put out a fire in someone's house (in this case, black people) and then insisting "All houses matter! and making them stop at every house in the neighborhood that is perfectly fine and leaving the house to burn down.
I, too, agree with what Billie Eilish said :) and I'm glad it's becoming a famous saying.
Load More Replies...Black person here. I say this almost every day: All lives DO matter, but not right now, Right now we are worring about the black ones like mine first before yours. So please, either stay in the core of the Earth 'till we have equality, or get of your hight horse and fight with us.
*Sigh*. One of my close friends said "Do you wanna know why I'll never say BLM supportively in my life?" And I answered "Sure." And she said "Because, on a news station, I saw a black police officer hitting and strangling and TAZING a white woman for shoplifting." Like ummm... In case you haven't noticed, that was also wrong on the woman's part for shoplifting, and also there was a black man who was painfully murdered by a white police officer, so like...
The cop's brutality is not a viable argument against BLM. One can condemn an individual's actions and still have compassion for members of their group. If one applies that "poisoned-the-well" logic, one could justify a wide range of discrimination. An example from years back in my town: a landlord refused to rent an apartment to a black medical student because some previous black tenants had been noisy.
Load More Replies...In the U.S., Black men face a 1 in 1,000 risk of being killed (not shot, killed) by a police officer. The risk for white men is 2.5 times that. Any police brutality is bad. Black people have it worse. Black Lives Matter.
Load More Replies...Hmm. So their message is: "I hate people. Love me!" .... Can't imagine why that's not welcome. (Note sarcasm)
It gets complicated when it's the other way around and your extended family are trump supporters...
See heres the thing, i like the IDEAL of BLM, but not BLM itself. I supportBlm and ALM or whatever, but DON"T support riots, looting(Which BLM openly supports because "Black people aren't getting hired in this difficult time and need supplies") and burning down buildings"( is the link and there are tons more proving they support looting)
People could say that about lots of things, from political parties to religions. Nothing is perfect.
Load More Replies...I'm glad they're cutting out the racists in their families. Non-white people have been cut out of too many things to have to put up with including assholes, no matter who they are.
I thought All Lives Matter meant that everyone, no matter their race, matters. Oops. :)
Seriously that's rather pathetic! Just because you chose to believe all lives matter and they believe that only BLM....
Because, while it's technically true, it is only said as an attempt to draw attention away from the suffering and oppression of black people and other minorities in America. Clearly all lives should matter but they definitely aren't being treated like so, and insisting all lives matter is effectively ignoring and condoning the problem. Think of it like standing up at the funeral of someone's child and announcing that all children are special- they are, but it would be insanely disrespectful to try to point it out at that moment, in that setting.
Load More Replies...So racist scum don't want to hang with smart competent people who aren't racist.... yep sounds about right
Guys, this is a little bit confusing down here in the comments. Why are people getting upset that someone wants to see all people as equal? Yes, I completely understand that black lives are the focus right now. But does that mean everybody else is useless? Would you tell immigrants that have fought to seek shelter and freedom that they don't matter if they aren't black? What about soldiers who fight for us every day? Or doctors who save the people you love, and everybody else that we deal with in our lives! It is true, all lives matter. Everyone has their own demons to fight, even if you can't see them. :)
no, they said ALL LIVES MATTER. Black ones, White ones, Hispanic ones. ALL LIVES MATTER!
It's not racist at all. The person clearly states that All Lives Matter and that they believe Black Lives Matter. If anything YOU'RE the racist one for not thinking so.
BLM is a crap organization full of Marxists. They call themselves that, look it up, dont take my word for it. They also fund the democrat party, not people in need, but the rich politicians. Saying all lives matters is all inclusive. You cant prop one race above another, that is the very definition of racist. Sorry to break your little hearts!
To bad BLM is a racist organization, you are welcome at my house anytime I’ll be your family
Let's try not to make assumptions or jump to conclusions with such severe consequences as this. Perhaps they're just not very good at wording things? That's a very unfortunate trait in the time of the internet.
Well, black lives matter rioters burn and pillage their own neighborhoods. Many of the people who gets murdered by BLM rioters are black people why try to defend their stores and their livelihood. If you live in those lawless neighbourhoods that gets terroriced by BLM and still support BLM, fine. You know what you are. But if you live in a safe neighborhood and still call everyone racist because they criticize BLM, than you are a passive participant in looting, burning and murdering poor people, many of them black. Shame on you. You call people racist to make yourself appear better and you don't care enough to check the actual facts.
I saw this video on reddit of rioters destroying a black mans shop (idk if it was a shop, but it was a place he owned) it was really sad, he was telling them to stop and he said how he grew up in the ghetto just like them, and he worked really hard to get where he is. I have nothing wrong with protesters, but, the rioters are total a--holes. And it also disappoints me how so many people can't tell the difference between a protester and a rioter.
Load More Replies...I feel this, though I'm not racist I just talk about politics and social issues to much, which is fine I rather talk to people who have intelligence and not discuss the lastest pop song or stupid s**t that literally no one cares about.grwt you did a thing, that's nice...did you know we have huge issue that could impact our lives..but sure let's discuss Beiber and that new movie coming out. Sorry not sorry, don't invite me I don't just go through life brain dead from on entertainment to the next ..I want meaning to my pointless existence.
I'm not good at small talk either, but I've come to accept it as part of life. Some people around me discuss pop culture, but they're also very kind and I treasure that. Are you able to find people who are stimulating? Even online groups could help. I know someone with high intelligence and a restless mind who joins groups that do research and projects for the greater good. It sounds as if you could do a lot of good in the world by using your intelligence to help others (that includes animals).
Load More Replies...But it's not "technically" as it's used as a comeback to someone saying "Black Lives Matter." TECHNICALLY it's true if I say "I love my daughter" but it's reasonably sub-optimal if I say it to someone just when they tell me their daughter just died of cancer. Context matters. Stop being disingenuous.
Load More Replies...Pardon my scepticism, but do you even know what the word "Marxism" means?
Load More Replies...Your “Logic” Deserves A Slap In The Face
Homophobia Is Manmade
Thanks for the Jewish perspective! I have seen the first one so often, but the second one is a very new perspective. Thanks for the share!
Taken To School.
Murdered By Laws
Trump wouldn’t know what ethics was even if it slapped him in the face.
A Better Headline
I mean I am happily married even though we both lost our job in corona and now live in a church community house. Screw the idea of having kids though, they’d have to sleep on the floor of the games room or something, and I wouldn’t want anyone’s life to start out like that.
Short And To The Point
Murdered By Numbers?
Maybe Not The First, But Definitely The Most Famous
More specifically, first Innocent brown man killed publicly by a police state while his homies could only stand powerlessly and watched.
Kill Theirs Or Educate Ours?
It's the same boring song that Republicans sing every time. Why invest 50 billion in education when we need that money to buy tanks and develop nuclear bombs? Because obviously having the power to destroy this entire world 5 times isn't enough....
Does It Make Sense For You Now?
Ain't No Right Way
Same here! Not everything is as suspicious as you people seem to think!
Is It True
Maybe they think it's part of the uniform? Like typical blue/green "medical color" doesn't really do anything but it's part of the image?
The Aunt Looks Like Such A Nice Person
When you have alcohol problems and are in a divorce but still feel entitled enough to lecture people on how they should live their life.
Roll Tide!
I Lol'd Hard
Were they any steel toilets nearby? That would have given them a shock
Holy Hell! Call The Morgue
Yuck, why not just say your room is getting a bit stuffy and whiffy so please air it out. No need to go into such detail.
Say It Like You Mean It
That Moment When An Anti-Vaxx Mom Is Called Out On Facebook By Her Son's Pediatric Nurse
Sadly only the Anti-vaxxer lies will be retweeted, adding some more misinformation to the huge pile of BS that's already on the internet.
Video Games Cause Violence
"No thank you, I'll keep playing chess where I get ahead by sacrificing my own peons to murder their horses bishops peons and queen".
We The People
Why Do Old People Insist On Doing This?
You Can Disagree With An Opinion, But The Math Never Lies
It's this kind of "math" that leads Americans to believe that in "Socialist" European countries people pay about 125% of their income on taxes. And that's why healthcare is free.
Murdered With One Word Almost 3 Years Later
Friend recently ranted to me, "Dems are going to make us socialist! I don't want any socialism!" so I replied< "Give up your unemployment, your SSDI, your parents' Medicare and social security benefits, and oh yeah, your medicaid." Strangely, she had no reply to that.
That was amazing. I’m going to use that on all of my conservative republican Christian friends
Load More Replies...Friend recently ranted to me, "Dems are going to make us socialist! I don't want any socialism!" so I replied< "Give up your unemployment, your SSDI, your parents' Medicare and social security benefits, and oh yeah, your medicaid." Strangely, she had no reply to that.
That was amazing. I’m going to use that on all of my conservative republican Christian friends
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