Jimmy Fallon strikes again. This time he asked people to share their most regrettable #WhyDidISayThat moments and the answers didn't disappoint.
The collection proves that occasionally everybody experience a sudden brain_function.exe error. So next time (trust me, there WILL be a next time) you say something stupid, don't be too hard on yourself, but remember to share it on the internet.
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I've apologized to my dog for accidently bumping her. Bless her heart, I have yet to hear her tell me it's okay, and she forgives me! :)
I once asked how many slices were in an 8 slice pizza (apparently there's 8 who knew) instead of is there 8 slices in a medium...
DOH!!!! Um, Yeah.... Can you come in on Saturday AND Sunday? That'll be great.
It was an easy mistake. I think she should have continued to talk and let it go. By not saying anything only made matters worse than they need be.
Poor guy you know This could have been a great accidental pick up line.
Well, some journalist did ask the Proclaimers where they first met. (They are twins)
See that's actually the right answer. I was always told ask a stupid question get a stupid answer. Dude deserved that
Hot guys make girls say and do the most bizarre things and vice versa with hot girls and guys
I learned a lonnng time ago, to make the right noises and lie when it came to babies and toddlers.
I hate it when someone asks for your name and you get a mental blank thinking "who am I again?" haha
I was playing a game with my 3 year old nice and my gf, the point of the game was that you remove the sticks from a container filled with glass balls. the point was to remove as many sticks as you can and have as little balls fall as possible. So I said first you play with a stick and then you play with the balls. To say the least, my gf was on the floor crying and then it hit me...
Don't get it, but I am not native English speaker.. mus be some phonetic sense ?
My friend ordered a quesadilla in LA, and it didn't come with cheese. When she asked the waiter, the waiter said, "Our quesadilla don't come with cheese." :o
I think"you too" is the most popular polite response it just sounds funny when it's misused
I had a kid do that to me recently... I just said it's not a real baby just a food baby. The mother thanked me for being so nice about it
I was talking to my boss once and thinking in my mind that it makes sense to start this project after a month. I decided to say we should wait and ended up saying we should mate... #facepalm #whydidisaythat
Same reason ur kids do it's there. I talk to my fish knowing full well there not listening it makes you feel like ur not alone
One time my friend told me he had lost his Grandfather, on instinct I asked him if he had checked behind the sofa.
Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves.... for we shall never cease to be amused!
Anyone else ever say "Thanks, you too" when a waiter/waitress said "enjoy your lunch" after bringing your food?
Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves.... for we shall never cease to be amused!
Anyone else ever say "Thanks, you too" when a waiter/waitress said "enjoy your lunch" after bringing your food?