We’ve all made it. Let’s stand for a big round of applause for the 2020 survivors: you, me, our loved ones, relatives, frenemies, and whatnot. The good news is, it’s all history now and the twenty twenty (w)one memes are here to stay in the archive.
The better news is that we are off to a good start. Just think about it… the long-awaited Covid-19 vaccines are in, Biden is president, and the earth is still round.
To show you that we are all going to be alright, Bored Panda has compiled a list of the most wholesome pictures to warm our hearts and bring us a sense of happiness. Remember to upvote your favorite uplifting stories and let us know in the comments below what made you smile recently.
After all, happiness is contagious. Trust us, we all know very well what we’re saying.
This post may include affiliate links.
I Met This Kid At An Orphanage In Tanzania A Few Years Ago And Told Him That If He Studied Hard, I’d Pay For His School To Help Him Towards His Dream Of Becoming A Doctor
He just got into medical school. I don’t have kids but I’m proud like a mother hen.
My Daughter Finished Chemotherapy Today
Sister And Unsung Brotherhood
The year 2020 has been one hell of a ride. And although things are finally going for the better, many people still find themselves struggling to cope with uncertainty about the future, prolonged effects of quarantine, and low spirits in times of worldwide health crisis.
A batch of positive news, like this post, has likely done the job and lifted our spirits, but finding inner peace in your mind takes much more than that. In order to find out what an expert has to say about keeping oneself in a good place, Bored Panda reached out to the positivity coach and author of “Positive Young Minds” Lynn How. Lynn specializes in supporting parents, teachers, and children as they navigate through mental health issues and prevention.
According to Lynn, there’s always a source of strength deep inside us which helps us get through all kinds of crises. “Whether it’s work-life balance or combatting an issue such as addiction, a pandemic situation such as this exacerbates our difficulties to the extreme. With suicide at an all-time high and a mental health crisis on our hands, it is time we learnt how to access those skills which will help us to help ourselves.”
But Lynn explains that inner strength is something we most often don’t know we have until it's needed. “It’s what keeps you getting up every day when all you want to do is crawl back under the duvet and pretend the day hasn’t started. It’s the thing that makes you smile at your kids when you’re dying inside.”
I Overcame My Depression And Went For A Hike. It's The Small Things
2500 Mile Flight, 2 Hour Drive, 6 Hour Hike, And My Wife Is At Rest
We got to know each other on a backpacking trip there, and I proposed in the same mountains a year later.
Hadn’t Seen Each Other Since Daycare Closed, Parents Arranged A Playdate. When It Was Time To Leave:
Luckily, “We all have it to some degree and therefore we can build upon it.” In order to do so, Lynn says it's crucial to not be afraid to ask for help and let people know how you feel.”
Another important aspect of finding one’s inner strength is resilience. The positive mindset coach explains that “it’s the ultimate key to that inner strength, that ‘bounceablility’—which is the ability to keep getting up when you get knocked down, is often what you learn in the first few years of your life.”
This is a trait that should be fostered from an early age, but “unfortunately, as parents, we always want to solve children’s problems to cause them the least amount of pain possible.” But resilience is also something we can work on throughout the course of our lives.
I Won Second Place For My Painting! I'm Very Excited So Hope You Guys Don't Mind My Sharing
4-Year-Old In Virginia Today Went Outside To Play Then Came Back To The Front Door With A New Friend
He has deer on his jammies. They maybe reindeer, but still... perfect.
The deer wants to know if Virginia can spend the night. Her doe said it s ok
Kids that have a connection like this with animals are truly special!
Disney Prince in the making. Showing his future wife his resume & soft heart. ❤️
"oh hello, your son said it was ok if I come over for breakfast, what are we having"
Don't call a game warden to help......they don't help, they put them down
Oh my goodness if this isn't the sweetest😍 I l love my deer I feed, a couple of them I was lucky enough to hand feed (doe & bucks) but to get one to come with me to my door? That's just awesome 💜
Oh, this is priceless ~ love the jammies ... almost as though he knew ... hm
Just be careful, if you are in a Rabies area, wild animals can become unnaturally friendly if they have Rabies.
There's some problem with the leg of the deer. I'm afraid this is fake :(
I think it says more about you than the picture that the first thing you do is look for signs that it is fake. To paraphrase Forrest Gump, "Cynical is as cynical does." Pure enjoyment can come out of fantasy, too...
Load More Replies...Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus! (I know his name is not Virginia, but the state is.
You Can Never Know What's Going On Inside Someone's Head
Everyone should treat everyone like that. We all have our own problems, we shouldn't burden others with them as we don't want others to burden us with theirs. Kindness goes a long way.
I Was A Homeless Heroin Addict For 3 Years. Monday, I Begin My Career As Coordinator Of A Homeless Shelter
I was a homeless veteran with PTSD when I first got out. Suicidal and depression. Now I'm a social worker working on a psychology PhD working in an ER helping all sorts of homeless and suicidal patients.
My 8-Year-Old Is Painting Pet Portraits To Raise Money For The Animal Shelter
Bought Something For Our Dog On Chewy, But He Died Before It Got Here. Not Only Did They Refund Us The Money, But Also They Sent Us Flowers That Were The Color Of His Fur
They also said to keep it and donate it to a local shelter in his name.
I'm so so so sorry for your loss! Chewy is the best online store ever!
A UPS Driver Delivered Nearly 200 Packages A Day Through Lockdowns And The Holiday Season. This Week, Hundreds Of Neighbors Came Out To Give Him A Hero's Salute
Villagers In India Made Giant Sweaters To Keep Rescued Elephants Warm
My 90-Year-Old Nana And Her 23-Year-Old Cat Love Sending Me Goodnight Selfies
I Decided To Finally Go Vaccinated Behind My Anti-Vax Parent's Back
Her smile is as contagious as the diseases she's now safe from. Please, please vaccinate your kids.
Handsome Dog Photoshoot
I’ve Hosted A Friend Since November Due To Her Depression. Today She Made Her Bed For The First Time. She’s At The Store Right Now
I Came Out When I Was 14 (Now 35) And To Say My Parents Weren’t Thrilled Is A Complete Understatement. But Last Night, 21 Years Later, I Saw This Little Ornament On Their Tree
I really can’t believe how far they’ve both come as humans.
That's Why Dogs Are Human's Best Friends
Best Way To End Year. My Lil Dude Is Officially My Son
Nike Surprises Justin Gallegos With A Contract. Justin Is Their First Professional Athlete With Cerebral Palsy
This is what sport should be about. Being able to compete on your best terms no matter what.. I'll never be athletic but I sure admire TRUE athletes.
Stray Doggo Interrupts Street Performance In Turkey To Help The Actor Who Was Pretending To Be Hurt. What A Pure Heart
My Grandmother Turned 100 Last October, This Is Her Doing The Plank For 30 Seconds
10-Hour Shifts 6 Days A Week In 100 Degree Florida Heat Wearing Face Masks, If We Can Do It So Can You
Giraffe Saying Hello To Terminally Ill Patient During “Last Wish” Event In Dutch Zoo
12 Years Ago I Was Homeless. Today I'm A Homeowner
Long Lost Siblings
The same thing happened to us! Not only did we bump into someone who also owned a Border Terrier (a rarity in these parts), not only did theirs turn out to come from the same breeder, but THEY EVEN HAD THE SAME NAME! Which is Oscar. :D
Pilot Celebrates At Her Graduation As The First Black Female Tactical Jet Pilot In US Navy History
2 Years Ago Today I Received A Bone Marrow Transplant To Cure My Second Relapse Of Leukemia. Today I'm Officially Cured
My god, he looks so terrible in the first picture. D: Thank goodness he made it!
Turning A Dead Tree Into A Small Free Library That Looks Like Something Straight Out Of A Fairytale
This Post My Mom Made On My Birthday A Few Years Ago Still Makes Me Cry
Blessed Serenade
The Man Standing On The Left Is The Patient's Uber Driver. He Went Inside With Him Because He Had No One Else To Keep Him Company While In The Hospital. So Kind
Randomly Reunited With My Sister Tonight After She Ran Away From Home In 2005
The story is quite long and painful, but the summary is that we were raised in an abusive home. She had an undiagnosed mental illness and ran away at 17, I was 16. She was on the streets and dealing with addiction, in and out of rehab but she's been clean for nearly a year now. It wasn't random in that we accidentally bumped into each other, but random in that I assumed I'd never see her again as she became a distant memory, but that all changed overnight. I received a call before bed yesterday from another family member that they'd made contact with her, and that she'd actually moved back to our home city 2 years ago. Less than 24 hours later and she's back in my life again. The whole thing feels very surreal and I'm still trying to wrap my head around what just happened.
This is a great story for getting out of a horrible place and being reunited, now healthy and I hope the future is brighter ❤
My Friend Eating A Burger With Prosthetic Hands I Designed And Built For Him
Dad Sleeps Downstairs On The Sofa Bed With Elderly Dog To Keep Him Company Since Dog Can’t Get Up The Stairs Anymore
My Father Said He Started Leaving Food Out Like I Do, I Visited Him Today And Saw This
I Put Out A Request On Facebook In November For Mail For My 19-Year-Old Son, With Autism, Who Loves Walking To The Post Office
He has lost over 75 lbs from keto and these walks. He has received over 3200 letters and parcels with kind words and encouragement from over 24 different countries.
The CEO Of My Company Doing The Dishes After Buying Everyone Lunch. This Is Why I Love My Job
No matter who you are, no matter what your job is, dishes are a constant. Dishes are forever.
These Neighbors Adjusted Their Fence So They Could Enjoy A Beer Together With Social Distance
Things Have Changed
I get a huge kick out of imagining how pissed Hitler would be to see that rainbow flag. >:D
Today My Daughter Is 5 Years Cancer Free! I Took This Photo To Commemorate Washing Away 5 Years
True Love Knows No Fences
Guys My Dad Is No Longer Transphobic. It Was My Birthday Today And He Got Me This Gift. I Cried My Eyes Out
He chose me over his beliefs. This is what the shirt looks like from the front and back. I'm pre-t and got a long way to go, it's nice to know that I got support from my family.
My 8-Year-Old Daughter Has Been Growing Her Hair For Nearly 2 Years To Donate It To A Charity That Makes Wigs For Cancer Kids That Cannot Afford Them
Today was the day she had it cut.
This Caring Dog Was Worried The Baby Isn’t Visibly Eating
Their dog hasn’t eaten well since they brought their baby home - the dog kept taking food into the living room and leaving it there. Someone suggested the dog might be worried the baby isn’t visibly eating, so is “feeding” the baby. They tried giving the baby a bowl of food at the same time. It worked.
Someone In The Apartment Across From Mine Is About To Get Proposed To
What Started As An Accidental Text Turned Into An Annual Tradition
This all started through a message sent to the wrong number about a Thanksgiving dinner. The man in the middle asked if he could come to Thanksgiving anyway even though they were complete strangers. They've been having Thanksgiving together for years now.
Accurate If You Ask Me
Why have these comments been down voted? What’s going on with PB? Has it now been infected with the usual internet negativity? Do we need to move now?
I don't know, I'm so confused. I think that there are troll bots downvoting every comment! So, if you see this, upvote every nice comment so that we can have a better comment section on boredpanda!
Load More Replies...A report button should be used only when comment is derogatory, insulting, mean.
Load More Replies...Same...how sad that someone felt the need to spread negativity. They must be so broken.
Load More Replies...Brilliant post but I think they need to change the title, a lot of these posts did not lift me, some of them had me in tears.
These photos are beautiful and show a great place the world can be. If only everyone could see these photos and think "Wow. I want to be just like these people." Then The world would be an amazing world. This made me cry so much, but it made my day. These people are an inspiration to everyone and thank you for doing what you do. The world has been a really hard place to live, but if people could do one kind thing every day, the world would be a great, inspiring, beautiful place to live. Again, thank you so, so, so much for being amazing people, and best of luck in your future lives. 💕💕💕💕
Really cannot understand why it's so hard for so many people to not realise that nearly all posts on bored panda are ripped off from other places on the Internet. You're all leaving comments under the posts as if the person will see them when they probably never will. Some of these posts are months or years old. Look at the links under the photos. If you really want to say something to the person that made the post then click the link. Stop wasting your time and effort on here.
You seem confused about how comments sections work.
Load More Replies...Loved all these! Kindness and humility should be shown more X
Some wholesome memories of mine for people who need a reason to smile: 1) there's this photograph my family has. It's of our deceased cat and me. In the photo, I'm still a baby, and I'm laid down on the floor to play. The cat has come over and is grooming my head. 2) the moment I adopted my rabbit. I was holding her and petting her, and this one sweet little girl comes up and says "nice rabbit". I remember that every time I look at my bunny now. Kiddo was right. 3) every moment in which I hug my parents. Our bond is strong.
thank you for all of the posters, my eyes have been painfully dry bc I sleep with them open and it's winter, and I was finally able to cry and get them moist :')
Why have these comments been down voted? What’s going on with PB? Has it now been infected with the usual internet negativity? Do we need to move now?
I don't know, I'm so confused. I think that there are troll bots downvoting every comment! So, if you see this, upvote every nice comment so that we can have a better comment section on boredpanda!
Load More Replies...A report button should be used only when comment is derogatory, insulting, mean.
Load More Replies...Same...how sad that someone felt the need to spread negativity. They must be so broken.
Load More Replies...Brilliant post but I think they need to change the title, a lot of these posts did not lift me, some of them had me in tears.
These photos are beautiful and show a great place the world can be. If only everyone could see these photos and think "Wow. I want to be just like these people." Then The world would be an amazing world. This made me cry so much, but it made my day. These people are an inspiration to everyone and thank you for doing what you do. The world has been a really hard place to live, but if people could do one kind thing every day, the world would be a great, inspiring, beautiful place to live. Again, thank you so, so, so much for being amazing people, and best of luck in your future lives. 💕💕💕💕
Really cannot understand why it's so hard for so many people to not realise that nearly all posts on bored panda are ripped off from other places on the Internet. You're all leaving comments under the posts as if the person will see them when they probably never will. Some of these posts are months or years old. Look at the links under the photos. If you really want to say something to the person that made the post then click the link. Stop wasting your time and effort on here.
You seem confused about how comments sections work.
Load More Replies...Loved all these! Kindness and humility should be shown more X
Some wholesome memories of mine for people who need a reason to smile: 1) there's this photograph my family has. It's of our deceased cat and me. In the photo, I'm still a baby, and I'm laid down on the floor to play. The cat has come over and is grooming my head. 2) the moment I adopted my rabbit. I was holding her and petting her, and this one sweet little girl comes up and says "nice rabbit". I remember that every time I look at my bunny now. Kiddo was right. 3) every moment in which I hug my parents. Our bond is strong.
thank you for all of the posters, my eyes have been painfully dry bc I sleep with them open and it's winter, and I was finally able to cry and get them moist :')