“When Birds Paint The Sky”: i Created A Series Of Creative Renders Out Of Starling’s Murmuration
I’m an animation professional and amateur Astro and wildlife photographer. I was on the last day of a birding trip 500 miles from home when we came across an amazing murmuration of starlings. This was the first time I have seen murmuration and it was the most amazing experience which left me awestruck. I have captured a video with my iPhone and i was unable to take that beautiful event out of my head even after few days.
I have decided to capture the murmuration in a unique way.
so i set out for 16hrs drive, scouted for 3hrs with help of a local fisherman on his boat. planned with 3 different cameras by planting tripod in the lake at different places to capture 8 minutes of performance.
Spent countless hours of post-production to create a 1.30 min of visual treat which you can watch on my instagram feed.
More info: Instagram