Hey pandas, I love hearing ghost stories. What is your creepiest paranormal encounter?


Disclaimer: didn't actually happen to be paranormal but the timing was insane!

When I was about 16 years old I was in the living room watching A Haunting. It was on a scene where they were about to reveal the spirit. The music was getting more and more intense and they were slowly panning the highway about to show the ghost. As soon as it is about to appear on screen the TV loudly shows static and a painting above the couch jumps off the wall and hits me in the head. Freaking out I run to the highway and meet my mom and we are both screaming at the top of our lungs. I ask her if she saw the ghost and she says, "what ghost? I was spooked by the lightning strike!". My Mom is so afraid of lightning. Turns out our neighbors house was struck by lightning and the impact effected our house. No ghost was responsible.



    About 10 years ago I was staying the night a friend's house. He had suspected his house was haunted and had been experiencing some poltergeist activity lately and didn't want to be alone that night. We (foolishly) decided to use a ouija board. There was some activity on the board while we asked it questions but I took it with a grain of salt because it could have inadvertently been either of us moving it. Supposedly we were communicating with a demon and it wanted to hurt me at 330am. At some point my friend and I each got mysterious scratches on our arms. We decide it's time to quit and say 'goodbye'.

    Here's when it really gets creepy. The lights are out and the door is shut with the hallway light on. We see a shadow moving under the Crack of the door in the hallway. His mom and aunt are asleep and the landing and stairs, which are right outside the door, creek loudly when someone moves on them but it was silent. We then see his computer chair slowly spin on its own. We are both clutching each other's arms with our backs to the wall at the head of his bed and at this point we both hear a long slow scratch down the wall between our heads. Of course we both freak the fu k out and turn the lights on. We examine the wall where we heard the scratch and sure enough there's a long deep scratch in the wall. Deep enough to take away paint. We wait for something else to happen but all is quiet. After a few moments we decide to try and sleep. I move to the guest bed on the other side of the room and we both lay down to sleep with the light on. I close my eyes facing the edge of the bed and after a few seconds I hear clear as day what sounds like an elderly man grumble something inaudible in my ear. I exclaim 'holy s**t!' And bolt right up startling my friend who was still laying in his own bed. Nothing happened the rest of the night.

    Scariest f*****g s**t I've ever had happened to me.


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