50 Times Cats Hilariously Malfunctioned, Making Owners Ask “What’s Wrong With My Cat?” (New Pics)
They’re adorable, they’re charming, and judging by the way they rule the internet, cats are certainly entertaining. Sure, they can be mischievous at times, seeing your houseplants as their greatest enemies or smacking things off the kitchen counter for no reason at all. But if you ask us, that’s all part of their charm.
It’s no surprise that many cat lovers scratch their heads, trying to figure out why these mysterious creatures act a certain way. They've even created an online community to share their worries and laughs. What’s Wrong With Your Cat is full of the most hilarious pictures of our furry goofballs pouncing, cramming, stalking, and completely confusing their owners.
From getting stuck in odd places to striking really unflattering poses, we have collected some of the funniest posts from this subreddit. Continue scrolling and upvote your favorites! And if you’re in great need of even more malfunctioning cat pics, take a look at our previous posts right here, here, and here.
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My Mom’s Cat Stares At Her Like This Until She Pets Him
Her Favorite Way To Lay On The Couch
We reached out to Anita Kelsey who is a certified and vet-referred cat behaviorist in the UK and author of Let's Talk About Cats: Conversations On Feline Behaviour. She was kind enough to share her thoughts about why felines sometimes do strange things that don’t quite make sense to humans.
First, Kelsey mentioned that it really depends on what you define as “strange”: “We cannot explain all things to do with cats and I still come across the odd cat in my behavior practice whereby I will have no idea why they are doing a particular thing,” she told Bored Panda.
However, when we notice our little pets doing such weird stuff as in the What’s Wrong With Your Cat online community, there could be a reason behind it. “Generally, a cat acting ‘out of character’ would signify there’s a conversation to be had to understand why,” the feline behavior expert added.
Caught My Cat Yawning While Tilting Her Head. Confirmed Eldritch Horror
Orange Kitty Lost The Single Brain Cell In The Middle Of Grooming
While the feline actions of your house cat may seem perplexing, Kelsey mentioned that usually their behaviors are based on evolutionary traits and instincts. “Cats are very curious animals,” she said. “So lots of things they do out of curiosity do land them into trouble, which could be classified as strange when being viewed from the outside. A cat does not act mysteriously just for fun, that is human labeling.”
However, the expert provided a few examples of when you should be concerned about the way your pet is behaving. “When a human knows their cat well, including the typical structure of their day and behaviors, it is easy to spot worrying changes,” Kelsey explained.
“An example of this is sleeping for longer than usual, hiding away from their guardians, lack of interest in play or food, not going outside anymore if free-roaming, toileting outside of the litter tray, or aggression that isn’t normally there.”
Just Vibing
Lykoi Disapproves Of Your Shenanigans
It seems that there’s a lot that we still don’t know about cats. While the general public feels confused by the actions of their little furry friends, feline behavior experts believe that some weird cat behavior can be explained.
Many are familiar with the cute kneading of their paws, when cats move them up and down, as if “making biscuits.” Nikki Johnson, an animal behaviorist at RSPCA Victoria, told INSIDER that kittens will knead their mothers to stimulate milk production.
Spider Cat Is Here
This Cat Trying To Get Someone To Answer The Door
Doodles Refuses To Let Me Brush Him, So About Once A Year He Has To Be Shaved Down Because His Fur Gets Matted. He Was Especially Unimpressed This Year
“We think adult cats knead because it’s connected with the soothing and comfortable practice from when they were kittens. It’s the same reason some cats drool. They are both little behaviors left over from kittenhood,” she explained.
When it comes to finding cats in the most unusual and tiny places, it probably makes them feel secure: “You will see tigers exhibit the same behavior in zoos when given access to boxes,” the animal behaviorist said. “We think it’s linked with a feeling of safety and security. If you have your back against the wall, you can see everywhere.”
“She’s Behind Me, Isn’t She?”
I was fan-girling over this gentleman/lady, then read the title. I hadn't noticed the grey head and the one eye!!
Half Of Cat Stopped Working
Mondays Be Like
Meanwhile, if a cat nudges or is headbutting your leg, it doesn’t always mean they’re asking to be petted. Richard Gowan, a senior veterinarian at The Cat Clinic, explained that “we, as humans, perceive headbutting as a sign of affection but the cat may not tolerate you bending down to pat it.”
“Cats have limited scent glands around their body. They have these glands around their feet, face, and bum. So generally, when cats do things like kneading, scratching, or headbutting, they’re actually marking you with their glands,” the veterinarian added.
What Apex Animal Is This
Lookouts Observing A Crime In Process
The Three Catsketeers [Edit: or as @IeabellAlakar@aqueenofaplanet said Meowskatears!]
Even though our cats both amuse and baffle us, we still accept them into our families with open hearts. And if trying to better understand them helps us harmonize our relationship with them, it’s certainly worth a try.
Sandals Are His Favorite Toy.. Until He Gets Stuck And I Have To Save Him
How did cats ever survive long enough in the wild before they had staff?
There Is No Cat In This Image
This image was posted somewhere else and the bigger picture actually shows 2 cats! The big tree on the left has a kitty on the other side of it sitting if you can find the original pic!
He’s Ascended
Why Are You Disturbing My Rest Time With Your Camera
I Can't Believe He Got Those Ears To Fit
When You Attack The Yarn, But It Gets Stuck On Your Tongue
When You've Been Gone Too Long, And The Food Dish Is Empty
This Is A Common Occurrence. She Makes Too Many Friends
Mission: Impossible Theme Plays
This Is Jack, He’s Available For Adoption. Unfortunately For Jack Everyone Thinks He’s An Alien
My Sister Is A Vet Tech, She Snapped A Pic Of My Drugged Up Boy After His Dental. Weeeee
Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Walk Around Barefoot
Waiter, Why Is My Beverage Licking Itself?
Deeeeeep Sleep
Are They Supposed To Have Tentacles?
This Is My Weirdest Cat
Shared This With A Coworker Today, She Asked If He's Alive. Ordered A Cat Tree At This Same Height Cuz I Want To Take My Blanket Off Of The Drying Rack As It's Been On There For 3 Days
Bipedal Behavior And A Lush Tail; A Squirrel?
How To Avoid The Snow. Vintage Cat From 1967
The Look On Their Faces
I Can Never Get A Normal Picture Of Him
My Cat Wouldn’t Stop Trying To Get Into Her Food Bag. I Put Her Food Into A Container Instead And This Is How I Found Her
Had to do this with my cat Sunday, who was sneaky enough to claw a hole in the food bag in the back where I couldn't see. After however long of porking out, she received the unfortunate nickname, "Sunday The Hutt."
Just Felt Right At The Time, I Guess?
My Cat Likes To Put Any And All Bags On His Head And Walk Around (Often Into Walls)
What cat? I can't see anything in the pic except the floor, bins and a wheely-shelf
Samuel Goes Into Salivary Overdrive Every Single Time I Pet Him, And Only When I Pet Him. Which Is Often
He Wandered Into My House About A Week Ago And Hasnt Left. Send Help?
This Cat Is Plotting Something
My Helpless Grandma Watches As Our Paper Towels Get Nommed
Sometimes I Think Cats Are Aliens In Disguise, Trying To Adjust To An Earthling World
'ah the grass here is so green. reminds me of the moons of calypso back on Felinis-2. how i long to go back.'
Squaring Up!
At Least Someone Benefits From My Plant Dying
Maybe this is why the plant died... cats are often nefarious plant murderers.
He Really Didn't Like The Smell Of Vitamin C
You Cannot Hide From Me, Catto
Mmmm Blanket
Zig Saw A Moth On The Ceiling
She Prefers Rubber Bands, But A Net Will Do Too
Just FYI to everyone; whenever it's two or three pics, it's a video. Just tap the bottom right link
If ever we needed to have visual evidence to back up our weirdest moments that escape comprehension as to how we can go wonky once in a while and not let it define us, these pictures should make us a little more forgiving of marching to that different drummer once in a while. We are a xerox copy of anything when born. And it's up to us to not settle for anything.
Just FYI to everyone; whenever it's two or three pics, it's a video. Just tap the bottom right link
If ever we needed to have visual evidence to back up our weirdest moments that escape comprehension as to how we can go wonky once in a while and not let it define us, these pictures should make us a little more forgiving of marching to that different drummer once in a while. We are a xerox copy of anything when born. And it's up to us to not settle for anything.