What’s The Funniest, Weirdest, Dumbest Thing That Your Pet Has Done?
We all know pets can be foolish. Why deny it?
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So, I like to bathe my horse in the summer. I use shampoo and conditioner and everything. I leave him tied up to dry. The second I let him back out in the pasture, he rolls around and it DRIVES ME NUTS! Like come on dude i went through all that work so you could just roll in dirt right after?
One of my cows didn't know how human hands worked and thought they were well udders. Every time I went to pet her I would hold out my hand and she would just bite it and suck on it. felt really weird but it was adorable.
My aunt would come to visit sometimes and bring her dog Gus. Gus loved to play on our rope swing, he thought it was a giant rope toy for him (i mean I guess it was) and he would run at it, grab it, and swing through the air like Tarzan. It was so funny to watch.
I was in the car with my dog, and she managed to climb over the seats and onto my back. I had to stay in the car like that for around 10 minutes before the driver could pull over on the side of the road to let me get the dog off me and back into the backseat. Funniest thing that has ever happened to me, and I was laughing my head off the entire time that she was standing on top of me, licking my neck. Caused a lot of back pain afterwards though.
My dog in the winter has a thick coat so she really likes snow and when I was shoveling snow off of our deck I kinda flung it in the air a little bit and she legit just jumped up into the snow that was falling and she still does this to this day. Bonus: once it got to near spring time when our weather is like up and down like it can snow in the middle of spring but anyway she had this little patch of snow to lay on to keep cool and it was adorable