I want to know what funny things pets all across the world do.
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I don’t know if anyone’s dog does this too, but he will drink out of the pool, hates water, and will bang his butt against the door if he needs to go poop
Whenever my cat doesn't like something he's eaten, he'll start making a motion with his paw like he is digging up cat litter. It's his way of letting us know he doesn't like the certain food.
My cat HATES heights. Whenever she doesn't feel solid ground under her she spazzes out. One time she was on a memory foam pillow, and when she put her paw on it and it moved she totally freaked. Along with being TERRIFIED of heights, when she is picked up, she puts her paws around my neck, leans her head against my chest, and starts meowing lightly. It's kinda adorable but I also don't pick her up much since she doesn't like it.