I remember my rhetoric professor once warned us to never make statements that involve everybody, nobody, everything, nothing, and other absolute extremes. Why? Because of people like this.
A Redditor recently asked folks to share things and activities that nearly everyone hates, or at the very least finds extremely dull and uninteresting, yet they themselves find enjoyable.
Because of course there’s gonna be that one dude or dudette who loves untangling Christmas lights. Or that one person who absolutely loves writing academic essays. Or that one guy or gal who can’t wait to get home and do their dishes because it’s hella relaxing. Or that one writer who still uses hella in their writings, for that matter... There's always that one not allowing for absolute statements.
Scroll down to find the best responses to the now-viral question what's something you like that the vast majority of people hate? found on AskReddit. And hey, while you’re going that way, why not leave an upvote and a comment sharing things you love while the rest of the world looks at you all confused.
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knovit said:
Being alone.
jasta85 replied:
This is me. When I was young, I was always told that the key to success was making friends and building up a network, and that the end goal was marriage. I forced myself to do work towards all these things, ended up working leadership/management positions for most of my career, almost got married. But I realized over time that my happiest moments were when I was alone at home and could just relax and not worry about anyone else.
I'm single, with no intention of ever changing that. I also now work from home, and don't go out of my way to be around people unless it's for something I genuinely enjoy. It's been 3 years and my life is so much better now and I'm not changing my lifestyle unless I feel a need to.
I love being Alone, my friends call me of hermit, because i desapear for months at the time.
eggtart_prince said:
Gloomy and rainy days.
amposa replied:
I love gloomy and rainy days, just like I love the winter, and the night time. The world slows down, I don’t feel like I have to be “on,” there is no reason to feel like I am missing out on something performative since we can all just stay inside. I’ve suffered from depression most of my life and I find the symptoms worsen on hot sunny days. They are so all consuming and oppressive.
I love it lots of Rain thunder and wind, especially if i'm home and don't have to leave.
I think wind turbines are elegant. I don’t think they should be installed everywhere, but I don’t find them ugly as many people do.
Far less ugly than billowing black smoke from burning coal and smog from factories.
-alexandra- said:
Doing absolute nothing all weekend. Unfortunately this is a distant memory because kids.
scocopat replied:
Nothing beats laying on my bed with my dogs and wasting all my time. Love Reddit and Instagram and YouTube. Absolutely nothing productive just laze. If I could get away with being a lazy piece of nothing with no contributions to society I would.
I've had a few weekends where I just slept, then my mom calling Sunday night asking what I did all weekend with a disappointed "Oh" response. I don't care. I needed the rest.
I love untangling things. Your Christmas lights end up in a ball and there’s no telling where it starts or ends? Give. Got a necklace that got rolled up into a total mess? I’m your detangler. Headphones come out of your pocket looking like a Tangela? No problem! Total zen for me. Wish I could make a few bucks with it tho.
featureenvy said:
Brussels sprouts
Turtlehead88 replied:
Oven roasted with bacon.
sketchypoutine replied:
Sauteed with garlic, olive oil and minced sun dried tomatoes.
Jayypoc replied:
Sautee brussels sprouts halved with garlic, chili flakes, soy sauce, onions and some popcorn shrimp. Serve on top of riced cauliflower. *chefs kiss*
dilxoxoxlib replied:
In a sauce made of heavy cream and pepper, baked in an oven and parmesan.
Psychological_Air455 replied:
Roasted with honey and balsamic vinaigrette!
vexmaster123 replied:
Why is everyone describing ways to hide the flavour? Jk I love them too, they're really hard to burn so you can go super dark and them glaze them, super tasty and there might even be some vitamins left! They're also great in a coleslaw.
SalFunction12 said:
Dark chocolate.
DiamondOracle194 replied:
It's my go to in baking. Everyone eats the cookies, brownies,or fudge I make with it and they enjoy it because it's not sickenly sweet.
Dark chocolate nibs from the Bulk Barn for the win.
Even better...dark roasted coffee beans coated in dark chocolate. They're addictive.
FakeLordFarquaad said:
A winnipeg winter day where there's not a cloud in the sky or a breath of wind, but it's so f*****g cold out your nose hairs freeze together every time you breathe
WaterCluster replied:
I much prefer the winter to the summer we are having right now. You can always put more layers on, there are only so many you can take off. I like going outdoors to run and in the winter you don’t get cold with the right layers (even if your sweat freezes in your top layer). With the current weather, jumping in water every kilometer is the only way.
For context, everyone, the past few summers in Manitoba have been drought stricken, smokey from forest fires, dusty, drab and too hot to really do much outside. This summer we're having has been our rainiest, lushest, greenest, freshest we've had in a long time. I've been embracing it. Our winters are frigid, yes, but you get those days where the air is cold but it's tolerable to be outside if you're bundled up, there's no bugs, the snow is glittering in the sunlight and crunching under your feet and there's this old-fashioned, Christmas village vibe that makes you think of a cabin with a toasty warm fireplace waiting for you.
Theybe_Kar_Mans said:
Salt and vinegar Lays chips. I love them and whenever I ask people look at me like I'm crazy. It's good and idk why people are sleeping on it but apparently no on like it.
WeirdGuacamole replied:
Hated these as a kid, but love them as an adult. I’m curious if a lot of people just haven’t given them another chance since they were little, and are just going off of that memory.
This used to be my go-to flavour of chips. Lately it's been hurting my mouth.
When it starts getting dark early. People complain how Polish winters are gloomy and depressing because it starts getting dark after 3 p.m. but I love it. F**k the sun.
I absolutely love being up late at night. The world is calm and quiet and I feel like I'm the only one up. Then sky start to lighten up and soon the birds start chirping. And lastly the bastard sun comes up! But usually I've fallen asleep before the sun rises.
happygoose2022 said:
Wrapping presents! It's super therapeutic and relaxing to me. I'll wrap everyone's presents in the house, even the ones they have to give to other people!
frickineh replied:
If everyone would just get off my [case] about it, *cough* mother *cough*, and let me take my time, I'd love it. I did it for Macy's one Christmas and learned how to do it so every edge and fold is clean and the bows are majestic as heck, and I still do my own that way, but my mom will ask me to wrap something for her and then stand there and tell me I'm so slow and it doesn't have to be perfect blah blah. Ma'am. You asked me because you know I'm good at it, if it takes 5 minutes, that's how long it takes.
I love puns. They're the easiest jokes to get because I'm stupid.
There should be punitive damages for people that don't appreciate puns.
Oatmeal raisin cookies, and raisin bran, I like raisins in general.
waverunnr said:
Blue Cheese. I’ll add it to most things I eat.
countingsheep1234 replied:
Local pizza place has a blue cheese pizza and OMG it’s the best thing ever.
DoorSubstantial2104 replied:
I bought my husband a pizza oven for his birthday and since then I’ve had blue cheese pizza every weekend. Just had one about 3 hours ago. Best thing is it means there’s always blue cheese in the fridge to snack on too.
This_Personality3731 said:
I don’t know anyone personally besides myself that likes cilantro.
DasherPepper replied:
I [fudgin'] love cilantro. Fries with a spicy seasoning, feta, [dung] tons of cilantro, sour cream and salsa, yeees.
This_Personality3731 replied:
You’re speaking my language.
Obamas_Tie said:
takichandler replied:
I used to eat it with mustard… just a plate full of mustardy sauerkraut. Also there is a chocolate cake recipe that has sauerkraut that is delicious and no one believes it’s possible 😹 I’ve made it and it is so good.
Powerful-Humor-7474 said:
Black licorice.
Cradled_In_Space replied:
You and my mom would get along. She even gets this kind from Germany that is diamond shaped, hard, and super potent. I can stand it, but I don't love it.
WoorkAtHome replied:
That's how we find traitors/spies in Sweden and Finland. If they don't like licorice they are obviously not Swedish or Finish.
NotFourrestGump said:
Using my blinker.
andrewdok replied:
And not like when you're already half way through the turn.
UmbertoEcoTheDolphin replied:
Me: "Wow, you blinked 1 1/2 times when you were already 95% in the turn lane. Who saw that coming?"
Writing essays. I got addicted to research when I was in college and something about putting everything together to present a coherent argument is just exciting for me.
I'm the same way. Research used to mean going into the stacks at the library and writing a copious amount of notes on paper. Then once I had enough info, I'd spread my notes out all over the place and organize them into an outline. There's something so satisfying about finding a bunch of different points on a subject and then pulling them all together into a cohesive, persuasive narrative. I still have a paper that I wrote for my Neuropsychology class that earned me an excellent grade in that difficult class. I looked at it not so long ago and was amazed that I could write so well... it didn't seem possible.
DemonChild_56 said:
Seaweed as a snack
[deleted] replied:
YES. YES! Thank you. Everyone thought my oldest daughter was crazy in grade school because she LOVES seaweed. I would have to pack her those little packets of it every day as a snack.
krasavetsa said:
People that talk a lot so I don’t need to. I like listening to them and I find their energy refreshing.
earthlover6312 replied:
It sometimes gets tiring but I absolutely love this about my husband. He can talk about pretty much anything forever. He also remembers to ask questions when I just want nothing to do with it.
Snapsforme replied:
This is the opposite of my husband who sometimes forgets he isn't answering me in his head so I'll just loudly do his part too for him but add a little flourish like "YES Wife, I absolutely do agree with that incredible point you just made and I wanted to remind you that you're beautiful" and then I'll just reply back like "Oh, thank you so much Husband, you're too kind. And the way you never fail to answer me makes me feel ever so important!" And then he's like damn I was doing it again and then he tells me what he thought with like 3 words.
Sometimes, that's what I prefer. Someone to listen to and not have to urge them to say more than 3 words.
abigailgwhitney said:
Everything about the airport. Idk why but it’s so fascinating. Honestly I like it more than the trip sometimes lol.
This is me. I never understood all the jokes about hating the airport. I just thought maybe it was because I don't fly enough.
M4nusky replied:
I've seen a lot of travellers that are quite stressed out before and/or tired after a trip. Very short fuses and clearly not chilling even if there's nothing to do between security and their flight.
No one post rants and memes on every social media they can get their hand on about how they enjoy being at an airport. It's the bias in favor of delays, cancellations, missed connections and other negative outcomes I guess.
Most travellers have nothing to say about their airport experience other than the day drinking and people watching. Last flight I really enjoyed the wooden rocking chairs in front of the big window facing the runway. Not the kind of thing that get a lot of traction on social media...
I love the airport. They have chairs, windows and I can pay $6.00 for a yogurt. It's fabulous.
thisgirlnamedbree said:
Candy corn.
MikeHuntessHarry69 replied:
I think I don't like candy corn but my first and only experience with it was when I was 6 I saw one on the road near the playground, so I put it in my mouth, and i don't remember the exact flavor, just that I didn't like it. I'm wondering If I should retry it.
[deleted] said:
Drinking lemon juice. It's sour and I love it.
I_Taste_Like_Spiders replied:
It's weird...I'm not sure I like it...but I want it. I'm like a flavor masochist. Something about the experience does it for me and I can't quite put a finer point on it than that...
LeGuruKID replied:
Flavor masochist is not a term I thought I would ever hear but I’m kinda into it. It just rolls of the tongue.
mermaid_with_pants said:
Apparently a lot of people don't like the lemon/yellow starburst candy, and that's the one I prefer.
Tdawwg78 replied:
Lemon and orange candies and popsicles are underrated… everybody goes for the cherry and strawberry I find those meh.
themamacurd619 replied:
For 34 of my 39 years I've been throwing away yellow Starburst because I thought they were banana! I was appalled at myself when I learned they're lemon.
banana ice cream!! i didn’t even know people hated it until my friends started giving me strange looks when i ate it
I don't know why people hate it. In grade 6 or 7 our teacher was buying us donuts and wanted to know what kinds to get. When one girl piped up she wanted banana cream. All the jerks in the class laughed.
LonelyWord7673 said:
Driving in the rain.
bobafat replied
I love it as well! My wife is amazing for many reasons but one in particular has to do with this. Over the years she noticed that when I was driving in the rain I would put on my favorite synthwave station on Pandora. Then the next time it rained and we were driving she started suggesting it.
Both the rain and the fact she noticed and encouraged it make me so happy.
Vanilla Coke. Everytime I say I despise cherry Coke and prefer vanilla, people give me that look.
Beets. And Vienna sausages. Not together, mind you.
I didn’t see it on there, but I love public speaking!! It’s a little bit of an adrenaline rush, but I also like connecting with people. The trick is to talk to the group as if you were speaking to a friend.
It's just big lego, or meccano. Yes, I like that too. Can be a lucrative business too.
Load More Replies...I really enjoy the smell of vinyl, like new pool toys or anything else made out of that type of plastic. I think the smell is nice. Maybe it has connection to fun times as a kid.
yesss I love it, but I try not to smell it too much bc its probably bad
Load More Replies...I didn’t see it on there, but I love public speaking!! It’s a little bit of an adrenaline rush, but I also like connecting with people. The trick is to talk to the group as if you were speaking to a friend.
It's just big lego, or meccano. Yes, I like that too. Can be a lucrative business too.
Load More Replies...I really enjoy the smell of vinyl, like new pool toys or anything else made out of that type of plastic. I think the smell is nice. Maybe it has connection to fun times as a kid.
yesss I love it, but I try not to smell it too much bc its probably bad
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