What Was The Worst Misunderstanding You Have Ever Made In School.
Everybody makes mistakes. In school, mistakes can kill, or at least destroy you for the rest of the year. Misunderstandings? They will haunt you for the rest of your life, and can come to a point where there is no way to recover from it.
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Messaging the worst accidental message on a school google chat at the worst time. I was responding to some kid on things. I was 1 second away from hitting enter and this other kid said that I knew some explicit things. I did not see it.
I hit enter. My message; That’s part of my charm. They started absolutely destroying me. I tried to tell them that it was the wrong timing.
And than this other kid said that I was looking at some girls’ chest. I am NOT that kind of kid. I thought that it was my crush. Instead it was some other girl. (I found out later)
This gave me the worst social anxiety a person can ever have.
A few days later, after a school debate. The other girl was on the other team. A kid snapped a photo of my head at a low angle. They interpreted that in the worst way possible. Crippling anxiety returned. One of my best friends got caught up in it, and was joking around. The other girl is still nervous around me. I seriously don’t know what to do.
I have started a draft on an apology text. Should I send it? It has been 4 months and she still seems very nervous around me
The most beautiful girl in the school was in my drama class. In one of our shows, we had a long, emotion filled, romantic scene, that was also rather physically exerting.
Opening night, we had been rehearsing all day and pretty much running on adrenaline from pre-show excitement. So by the time our scene had finished, and the adrenaline had worn off, we were both pretty worn out.
We found a quiet corner under the stage to rest for a bit, before our little after-show gathering. The problem is, we both fell asleep and were woken, hours later, by the theatre security guard.
I walked her home, then headed off to my own bed.
The following day, when she was asked 'Where were you last night?' She decided to say, 'Oh! I slept with Donkey Boi!'. My reputation went through the roof instantly!
Despite both of us clarifying what had happened that night, nobody would believe that we had not slept together.
She is now a famous actress, and since a certain fantasy tv series skyrocketed her fame, I am still occasionally contacted by tabloids asking me to sell my story.