As humans, making our way through this big crazy world, we are all a bunch of imperfect weirdos. Like, we can totally master the office smile that hides the “I hate this work” mood you’ve been dragging for the past you've-lost-count-kinda years.

But if, for whatever reason, someone blocks your way on the way to point B at a busy street, or worse, is painfully slowly dragging their feet right in front of you, you burst into uncontrollable anger. And that poor person, unknown to them, has become your nemesis.

This is just one of many scenarios that trigger our bad selves without much rationality. And people shared so much more in this thread when Redditor Baconbear36 posed the question “What is something that makes you unreasonably angry?” What followed was a bunch of illuminating stories, and hey, it’s honestly very relatable.


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Recipes that start with an essay about the author.

I don't need to know your f*cking life story, Jessica, I'm trying to figure out how to make fried chicken.

I've been scrolling for 15 minutes, is there actually a recipe on this damn page?!

thisnoseisokay , Tyson Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Recipies that miss a crucial ingredient from their listing of ingredients. Like when cooking it will suddenly tell you to put in the cheese, while it neglected to tell you to buy cheese.

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To find out just why we get irrationally angry about small things, and how to control it, Bored Panda reached out to Helen Marlo, a licensed clinical psychologist and Jungian psychoanalyst who provides psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and consultation. Helen is also a Professor of Clinical Psychology and the Department Chair at Notre Dame de Namur University.

“We often get irrationally angry about the small things because these small situations may be temporary and easier to confront, control, or solve. When we get angry at the small things, we address and emote at easier and safer things,” Helen said.


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Anti maskers. Wear the f***ing piece of cloth or go somewhere else

Still-Contest-980 , Neettttttt Report


Daylight savings time. There is no reason to change times twice a year, every theory about why it’s good has been debunked and I hate it.

Representative_Bad57 Report

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Dasha Slepenkina
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'd prefer it if we stayed on DST year-round. I'd rather wake up and have it darker than have it be dark when I'm done with work.

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But it turns out that “We may fool ourselves into feeling like we are having a voice or addressing our stressors yet, in reality, we remain insulated and protected from directly facing more painful, traumatic, or complex issues that we push out of consciousness.”

The psychologist warns that “the more we push the important stuff out of consciousness—and not deal with what is going on in our lives—the more we find ourselves getting angry at smaller, less threatening things.” Helen explained that “we are often unconscious of how the small things that lead to anger are often connected to more meaningful emotions, memories, thoughts, sensations, and images.”

She continued: “This inner material makes up our personal, psychological complexes which are associated with intense experiences and relationships. They need very little provocation to be activated.”


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) People with trolleys chatting in the middle of the aisle, while blocking it for everybody else.

Scallywagstv2 , UTS TKD Report


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) People who say freedom of speech as an excuse for being an asshole. Yes, you are allowed to say it, but you don't have to.

Drops-of-Q , Silar Report

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Wyn Williams
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People mistake freedom of speech for freedom of consequences for that speech

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Turns out that unraveling what these reactions are about is not that simple, and it requires us to “face our defenses and be mindful and aware of the issues, which is psychological work,” Helen told us.

Meanwhile, things that make us more seriously angry usually have to do with something more complex, emotional, meaningful, personal, and complicated. “We often have competing thoughts and feelings about these situations—that is, we feel in conflict about them and they may be related to our wounds or traumas.” Helen explained that “often, the situations that make us more seriously angry are challenging for us to avoid, escape, influence, or control.”


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) When people litter out their car windows. Especially cigarette butts.

todashcleaner , Z22 Report


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) People talking on their phone in public or break room at work on speakerphone.

1964GamerBro , Tiger Lily Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I never dared to ask, but why do people hold their phones like that?

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When asked why we don’t normally get that sudden, overpowering burst of anger when dealing with these situations, Helen said that it comes down to the fact that they “are often difficult to resolve so our psychological defenses kick in to help us manage the ongoing stress and anxiety and continue functioning.”

She continued: “For example, we may consciously deny, minimize, suppress, repress, or even dissociate the big stuff.” However, the psychologist warns that this style of coping cannot be sustained and eventually catches up. Moreover, “It may result in irrational anger towards seemingly small things.”


When people are famous for existing or being rich. Other people have to work to get places, meanwhile Trisha McMoney gets red carpet treatment simply for being born to tax dodging a**holes who think poor people are a plague

T00Bytoon Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Kardashians. Fame off the back of their dad being the lawyer in OJ Simpson trial

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People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) People who enter the bus/train/whatever without letting other people out first. I get it, you don't want to miss your ride, but it won't leave while others still exit.

Fabulous_Alpaka , Downtowngal Report


If we cannot deal with stressful and angering situations, we can at least control our behavior around it. When asked how we can learn to be in a better relationship with our anger, Helen said “by first, noticing when we are having an exaggerated or heightened reaction, especially to a situation that seems small.”

Such heightened reactions can signal to us that we are vulnerable and need to pause to become more conscious and mindful in that moment, she argues. “When angry at something that seems small, the anger can feel autonomous, like it has a mind of its own, and we can feel out of control. This is a clue that we are in a psychological complex and not in good, conscious relationship with our anger.”


When a group of people walk next to each other on a sidewalk taking all of it up and not moving out of the way when you approach. I just started to walk into people.

jjtitula Report


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Loud chewing noises, especially if you're an open-mouthed chewer, double especially if you're also a lip smacker.

diiejso , Andres Ayrton Report


Only “when we realize this, it can be a good time to physically move, change one’s physical environment, ground oneself physically, or shift one’s physical position to help break away from the strong emotions that prevent us from being conscious.”

According to Helen, once we are more grounded, we can take the next steps and ask ourselves two basic questions: “'What am I noticing inside me?' And, 'what else might this situation be?'”

“This can help us to connect with the emotions, memories, images, sensations and thoughts that may be swirling around inside during this seemingly small event,” the psychologist explained and added that “This can help us begin to become more conscious of how this small situation may be related to other meaningful issues in one’s life.”


People not using their turn signals. Absolutely enraged.

waterwheel38 Report

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Valisbourne Spiritforge
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"If only there were some way I could let the people around me know I was going to change both speed and direction... perhaps some useful gadget that could let them know!" I swear it's like people never heard of a turn signal before. It just reinforces my belief that, for a large part of the population, other people aren't really real but are instead just life hazards to be navigated.

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People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) People who don’t put shopping carts back properly.

DirtStarWars , Eu_eugen Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They have to at my local supermarkets. We have to put a £1 coin in them. We get it back when the trolley is returned to the trolley park

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Bored Panda also spoke to Lise Deguire, a clinical psychologist and award-winning author of “Flashback Girl: Lessons on Resilience From a Burn Survivor” who said that it’s indeed a paradox that sometimes we can handle serious stress, and then completely lose our patience over something trivial. “This reminds me of the poem 'The Shoelace,' by Charles Bukowski:

'’s not the large things that

send a man to the 

madhouse. death he’s ready for, or

murder, incest, robbery, fire, flood…

no, it’s the continuing series of small tragedies

that send a man to the


not the death of his love

but a shoelace that snaps

with no time left…'"

“I think that people often emotionally prepare themselves to handle big stresses. We know we have something hard ahead of ourselves, and we prepare to handle it. And often we DO handle those big things quite well,” Lise explained.


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Force hyped youtubers who just scream around for no reason like idiots

TiredArmsBrain Report

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~hUmMuS vIbEs~
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hate the thumbnails where they're gasping at nothing with some giant text that says something like "SHE SAID WHAT?!?!?!" They're a waste of space.

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People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) When people tell me I'm shy or quiet. No. I'm simply uncomfortable. I can be very loud and extroverted in a comfortable environment surrounded by people I'm comfortable with, but that's obviously not what I'm doing right now if I'm shy and quiet.

upperslide8 , Raychan Report

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Dorothy Parker
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I understand that. It's even worse when the parents or others label a child as shy. Kids buy into that immediately and figure that's who they are. We just said our kid took her time getting to know people.

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“But then, when one more little thing goes wrong, we just lose our cool. It can feel profoundly unfair, because we are trying so hard to handle big problems, and then that one more issue comes along,” she said.

The good news is that many times, we can handle this anger better with a reset of expectations. “It is good to assume that we may have difficulties, that our plans may not turn out exactly as we hoped. It is safe to assume that people will occasionally misbehave or disappoint us,” Lise explained.

“For myself, for example, I try to build extra time into my schedule, on the assumption that my schedule will not go exactly as I hoped, and that plans frequently go wrong.”


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Banks. Why would an institution that almost all people are required to use have shorter hours than an average job.

Cole844 , Gyver Chang Report

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Kathryn Baylis
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And charge you for services that used to be free (like Teller assistance), or aren’t really “services” at all when most of it is essentially self-service?

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I cannot give blood just because I am gay. I have been in a monogamous relationship for the past few years so it is not like STDs are going to randomly spring up.

OnasoapboX41 Report


On the other hand, things when put into practice are not always that simple. According to Lise, even when we reset our expectations, sometimes people will still get triggered. “If you find yourself overwhelmed with anger, try to take a break. Give yourself a little time-out. Walk away from the frustration if possible. Get a little fresh air. Do some deep breathing, and while you do it, try not to rehash your annoyance.”

The psychologist reminds us that “Life is aggravating at times, we all know that. Usually with a brief time-out, we can let our little frustrations go and get back to enjoying our day.”


When someone throws in a negative aspect of a life milestone or accomplishment. For example when someone buys a first house, as I recently did. It's something my wife and I have saved a long time for, found the perfect one, and finally have a place to call our own. Some chuckle head throws in how expensive it is and how it's a money pit and how you'll have so much work to do. I'm aware of those things, just be happy for me.

littlerunnerboy Report


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) "Connected but no internet."

RemixTape2 , Krish Dulal Report

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~hUmMuS vIbEs~
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I get a high score on the dinosaur game but then the internet starts working again XD.

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Capcha. Hate having to teach AI what fire hydrants and Stop lights are and it's a robot making sure I'm not a robot.

Terror_Reels Report

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Robert T
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hate them as much as anyone, but have had to implement them as we get so many spam submissions. If we could eradicate the spammers, then we might be able to get rid of them!

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People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Double unskippable ads

Ajax531_ , Mikhail Nilov Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Youtube is doing this more and more often. It's like already double the amount of ads per video.

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Youtube tutorials, and the guy starts telling you his life story. Mate I dont give a f***, tell me how to make a omellete

ape-with-keyboard Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The best thing you can do is search Google instead of Youtube. Google's video results will generally start with the most sensible result and also give timestamps of the important steps.

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People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Clicking on a news article and hitting a paywall. The crappy stuff is free for the taking, but oh, you want accurate news? Gotta pay.

claire0 , Trang Doan Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The counter argument is that if you want quality news from proper journalists then pay for it so they can be paid to do their jobs

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People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) When a boiled egg is difficult to peel.

SlamRipley , Bart Everson Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You need to 'scare' them. Run them under cold water for a minute or two directly after taking them out of the hot water.

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People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Getting touched out of nowhere.

ImperfectDivinity , Keira Burton Report

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Valisbourne Spiritforge
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I never noticed until I got married. In a restaurant, I'd just sit at whatever chair/booth on the table I came too. Until I noticed if my wife was sitting closest to the walk way, people would just randomly touch her going by. Now I sit closest to the walk way and no one touches me except maybe by accident (usually, I don't get touched at all).

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People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Whenever somebody tries to sound like they are more educated on a topic than you yet it’s obvious they only have surface level knowledge of said topic

Salad_Plankton , Anna Shvets Report


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Unsolicited and/or condescending advice.

Sensedog , Liza Summer Report

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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Approaching 40, happily divorced, single and do not want children - I hate it when I am advised about getting pregnant like "You should really get on with it, you are not getting any younger". Or my second "favorite" "Don't worry, there is someone out there for you too". Aaaaargh

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People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) People who are walking out of a shop and then suddenly decide to stop smack bang right outside blocking the door.

Just move to the f***ing side.

incoming-idiot , Tiia Monto Report


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) People snapping at me to get my attention. Like literally, when people snap in my face as if I'm a dog or something just makes me so mad

Yugi_595 , maxpixel Report

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ben woskje
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

+1... a finger snap is another way of saying "i would like my face re-arranged please"

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People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Cupboards being left open at head height

ZealousidealArm9414 , Paul Flint Report


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Going outside and seeing other people who are also outside.

-----jess----- , Cameron Casey Report

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Julie C Rose
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Be kind; it’s a challenge for people in high density areas to get outside and spread their legs when they are surrounded by other people.

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Unsolicited phone calls! Stop calling my number and not leaving a message and if I do answer, you hang up! Go to hell, get a real job loser!

formerNPC Report

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Robert T
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If it cuts off without them speaking, that is usally an auto-dialler that couldn't find a free operator. Only trouble is now the scammers have auto-diallers. :(

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People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Mosquitoes. They're irritating, but I get so angry once I see them flying around, irrationally mad when they buzz by my ear & unreasonably ruin-my-day/night livid if I get bit

Last_Sundae_6894 , Report


Going into the bathroom and seeing one sheet of toilet paper on the roll.

Andykck Report

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Samantha Lomb
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

or finding out the TP dispenser is on the wall OUTSIDE the stall on your way in

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When I flip a book over to read the summary and it's just a bunch of, "'A beautiful story!' -New York Times" crap and so I have to completely flip the book around to find the summary on the inside front cover.

retro-petro Report


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Getting earbuds pulled out of your ears by accident or by someone else.

wendiggler , Andrea Piacquadio Report


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) Crappy mobile game ads

Prize-Cup-3010 Report

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Foxxy (The Original)
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What pisses me off more is when they advertise an app you find interesting so you download it and it's nothing like the ad. Really gets my goat.

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Poor elevator etiquette. People coming in before those inside exit or are standing right in front of the door when it opens. Drives me CRAZY

thefranchise305 Report


People Are Sharing What Makes Them So Angry, They Can't Think Rationally Anymore (40 Posts) When my significant other "soaks dishes" before washing them.

The washing never happens.

Suprise, suprise.

jordankeyline , Jessica Merz Report

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Devil's Advocate
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Some things need soaking, but they should always be washed up at some point, not much needs a long soak, normally stick it in the sink first and wash everything else above it and all good

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The sound of styrofoam.

SulfurtheCrapposter Report

Note: this post originally had 57 images. It’s been shortened to the top 40 images based on user votes.