“What it means to be alone” is a series of illustrations about introvert personalities and coping with complex characteristics, consequences, and perks of the unique preference for loneliness.

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    Part 1: See-saw Paralysis

    Being and feeling alone can sometimes be sad.
    One of the ultimate symbols of sadness is a person sitting alone in a see-saw staring blankly at the empty seat on the other end. It’s like this person is inevitably waiting for a force to start its life to get moving, but nothing happens, nothing will happen, unless a ‘someone else’ comes.

    Part 2: Diagonally

    Sleeping alone gives one the greatest liberty of all. You can wear whatever, leave that dish from last night at the bedside on days you felt like being a slob, get all the pillows, make the ultimate decision on what to do with the blanket, sleep with some books if you like. Seriously, what’s not to like? Definitely one of the perks of a single life.

    This particular way of sleeping was also inspired by my lovely sister’s way of owning her introvert fortress.


    Part 3: Drowning Thoughts


    Alone time means more time to think anything through. Things you don’t normally (or don’t want to) discuss with other people. Ultra-personal things like questions about your reality, the cosmos, your life’s purpose, your dreams and aspirations, your deepest darkest and scariest fears.

    Feeling lonely can easily drown you with a profound interest in your self, on your sense of being. And for once, isn’t that such a beautiful thing? To silence everyone around this loud, messy world and just be drowned in your own thoughts.

    Part 4: The Swing Complex

    For this drawing idea, I remembered how I swept the swing higher and harder for when I want the exhilarating speed with the wind rushing in my face. And I remember how I lazily sway it for when I just let my thoughts and the soft breeze take over me. Slow days indeed.


    A swing was some sort of comfort knowing you can sit there, be absolutely silent and just have control and freedom on how you choose to ride today and express those feelings. Swing it harder or swing it slower. But unlike a see-saw, a swing can either work on its own or with another person that can push it.

    I think this is one of the complex characteristics or a person who prefers to be alone. Being alone is fine. However, there can be times (rare as it can be) when this person longs for a close person to share that kind of control and freedom over those speeding moments. But, yeah rare times.

    Part 5: Scrambling for words

    Being alone means letting your mind play with the words and thoughts on your head that you may or may not say out loud.

    Sometimes, being alone in a word game board is no fun, it means the knowledge you might have shared and exchanged with another person is put to waste, but solitude also has its way of teaching a person on self-learning.


    Some of my words don’t make sense most of the time, because it is too difficult to put my thoughts into meaningful words. That’s why I draw them 💜

    Part 6: You’re all you’ve got

    You have to be one and whole, on your own. You have to have the strength to carry on and face your greatest fears, wildest dreams, and most blissful moments of your life. You are on your own, and you are alone. You’ll stumble, you’ll get hurt, but you’ll stand up, on your own.

    Life is wonderful when shared with others, but life also starts to get meaningful when you learn to recognize yourself first when you learn to love yourself first ?. Knowing yourself deeply is something nobody can take away from you. You are on your own. And you’ll be happy. 😊

    This concludes my last post for this 6-part series, I’ve received a mostly positive response from you, thank you and thank yourselves for loving every bit of your awesomeness. Who knows I might draw more of this series in the future, meanwhile… I’ll continue drawing silly doodles 😄