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Love Letters.. She Always Would Watch You, Her Eyes Would Stay On You, And If You Stare Into Them Long Enough She Would Just Look More Evil
If you look up "love letter painting" she pops up as one of the world's most haunted paintings. All copies and all... lucky me my dad broke it! He threw a shoe from downstairs upstairs and broke her. (The glass) I remember when I found out she was cursed. I was literally sitting across from her while watching a video about haunted paintings. She was number three. I thought she was creepy and haunted, but I did not know how to prove it. I showed my younger sister and she was scared. At night if I left my room to go to bathroom (which was upstairs in our loft across from my room) I would always have a strong feeling of someone watching me. Super creepy. [This picture is from Google, because like I said my dad broke it]
My Cat Sometimes Is Creepy, But I Can’t Think Of Much Of Anything Else
Awww! Super cute! (And don't worry your not alone my cat is also creepy!)