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    Idk if this made sense, I’m not great with words, but here I go!
    It was an improv game, with lots of people, and it was so much fun! So basically there were like 4-5 ppl in the center, and they started to act out a scene. The test of the people watched until they saw an opportunity to change or have some fun with the scene. They would say “ pause!” Loudly and everyone in the circle would freeze right where they were. The person who paused it would take one person out and replace them, and then start with an opening line to create a new scene. The ppl still in the circle have to go along with it, and it ends up being really funny!
    (For ex: someone fell down in the scene, and a friend was helping them up. A person shouts pause and then takes the place of the friend. After they are in position, they start out by saying “ it’s a boy!” Thus changing the scene from a walk to a hospital story.)


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    I'm not sure what kind of game you were thi king of but one of my favorite games is called Stratego. It is a capture the flag type war bored game. You can't see what figures your opponent placed and they are different ranks. You chose how to set up your troops and then try to get the other flag.


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