Tell me about a weird habit you guys have.
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I am a picker, and not the type you see on TV buying stuff to sell. I like picking zits, blackheads, spots, scabs etc and sometimes to the point I actually scar myself.
Talking to myself about my dream life especially in bed, on the toilet and in showers. Also, whenever I see something that has disgusted me, I sometimes wave my hand around and punch down like a blue shell for some reason
I need to combine the colour of my tender clamps (is that the word? I am not a native speaker) with each other and with the cloth that I am hanging. I can not do it but it makes me feel very uneasy. So for example a blue T-shirt needs to be hanged with an “appropriate” colour clamp, like blue or black. I don’t know what is the logic before the colours but they are quite consistent. My mother used to be very freaked out by it and “solved” it by buying colourless clamps.
well every time i get hurt i start laughing like last week i sprained my ankle and i was just lying n the ground in pain laughing uncontrollably no idea why. Does this count?
Me too. Someone decided that to make me leave they should throw a stick at ny head. I was ok but I couldn't stop laughing. I thought I was insane.
I am a picker and not
Dammit, I accidentally hit publish and now I can’t edit or delete it.
Not really a habit, but I only paint one of my fingernails on each hand for luck.
More of a tic, but I tap the middle finger and thumb of either hand together twice when walking through an automatic door.
I'm kind of OCD, so I have a LOT of ticks. I drink a mug of hot cocoa every day. I can't go more than a day without it.
If i music on i HAVE to like actually HAVE to run around. Its weird ill be so worn out and a song will come on. And suddently i have SO much energy its weird AF.
Mine is when I'm nervous, anxious, or thinking too hard I chew on my cuticles... so they're in shreds right now.