I Illustrated What Would Happen If Movies/ Tv Shows Were Made Nowadays Or In Real Life
Hi! My name is Diogo Seabra and I'm the creator of BE A BIRD COMICS.
So I saw a movie or a TV show and then I think what would happen if the movie was made in real life or nowadays.
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I'm sure he's more hung than THAT sorry little bit. Even his FINGERS have more promise!
Harry doesn't have a mom, so that means he would have to live with his aunt and uncle. Which means...
More realistically, would be to cut off all the hair and braid it into a strong rope
Poor joke, spanish naming customs use two last names, the father's first one and the mother´s first one, because women get to keep their last name. This guy has three last names and in any case, he would say Montoya, not Juarez at the beginning. Also composite first names are common, made of two names, not three,which, something that is also failry common in english naming customs, like.
here is a colorized picture of trumps workers destroying and killing a poor illegal citizen