What Do You Guys Think Of Me? I Know Some Don’t Have Positive Things For Me.
Just a curious supernatural all powerful being.
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Can you at least help me get rid of my eating disorder please? I’ve struggled with it for a year now and I want it gone!
I don’t believe in you, but…
If you are real, can you get rid of whatever stupid mental disorder I have?
I believe in God, through the lens of Islam because it makes the most sense to me. But regardless of a specific religion, I do believe God exists. The scale of the universe just seems too vast for there to not be one.
We can zoom in from our perspective as humans. The smallest bacteria to ever exist. It is alive. It has all of the intracellular components for it to function its best way. It can take from its environment what it needs and leave behind what it makes as waste.
And zoom a little further out. Perhaps a plant leaf. Again, all of the small components it needs to function correctly. How life springs out from the dirt and grows by giving it a clear liquid. All of its main nutrients and vitamins placed in a little package, a vegetable, fruit, or flower, right there for the taking of other animals to gain benefit from.
The deepest, darkest depths of the ocean where sunlight is incapable or reaching. How life there is capable of extracting what it needs from geothermal activity, on the same planet as us yet totally independent of our food chain.
How the tectonic plates, slowly pushing towards each other by just a small measurement each year can create mountains taller than any human structure.
And this is just here on our planet. How in our solar system, the sun and the planets, other celestial bodies move on their set paths, so precise that we can use our tools as humans to determine exactly where they were at a specific point in history, and where they will be in a specific point in the future.
How there are vast galaxies - we've barely scratched the surface of exploring space. Perhaps other forms of life, totally different to how it is here on Earth.
And yet, through all of this organized chaos, through this magnificent system of the universe of many components we don't even understand, when you are in desperate need of anything and you turn in prayer to God, it is as though it is just you and Him - as if none of these other things exist and you have His full attention.
Some people might ask why certain miracles don't happen every day if God really exists. But to me, these are miracles. What I've said and the great majority that I haven't said, that I don't even have knowledge of, these are miracles. From the smallest single cell organism, to the largest celestial body that exists somewhere out there, hidden from us, and the harmony in all of it.