“What Conspiracy Theory Do You Believe To Your Core But Have No Evidence For?” (30 Answers)
We certainly have not yet discovered all the mysteries of the world, and that's how we end up speculating on things. Sometimes, we just have that weird feeling in our gut when hearing about socially acceptable truths that we know of today, telling us that they might turn out to be false instead. That has happened before, so why shouldn't it happen again? We are only human, and we do tend to make mistakes.
So, I'm sure that everybody has a conspiracy theory they believe is true despite there being little to no evidence. Therefore, I asked our community to share what they choose to believe. No judgment here.
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You say conspiracy theory, I say prove me wrong! I am certain that Mr. Trump has done more dishonest, despicable, morally corrupt, illegal, selfish, anti-American, treasonous, misogynistic, and immoral acts than any other president or politician in history. I'm sure that many have been put to death for treason for much less than he did in his first year of office. Yet, there is absolutely no way (January 6 Committee notwithstanding) that he will ever be held responsible. The man colluded with Russia in order to tamper with our election. Hello!? He incited the riot on January 6th making it possible for murder and injuries to occur. And those are just the few that we know about. I don't want to hear about all the Trumpers' denial out there. Brainwashing is real. Look it up. He deserves to be locked up in a federal penitentiary for the rest of his natural-born life. He will never be severely punished, let alone slapped on the wrist with a fine. So what does that say to the next person or organization who wants the presidency? Pretty soon the American government will be run by the highest bidder who may or may not have ties/affiliations to a foreign government. Slippery slope, people. Open your eyes.
That aliens exist. Look at the night sky, all those stars are suns, and all those suns have planets, so there is NO WAY that Earth is the only planet with life.
Yes, I find it very arrogant of us to believe that we are the only species in the whole universe to exist. (I don't necessarily believe in Alien abductions and that little green men landed here, but the universe is so vast, who's to say there's no other life forms on other planets)
"I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here." -Arthur C. Clarke
Load More Replies...Extraterrestrial life: Yes. INTELLIGENT extraterrestrial life? Maybe. Alien abductions? Bulls*t
I don't think "aliens exist" is a conspiracy theory, though, not when many reputable scientists have publicly hypothesized about their existence. Honestly, it would be the height of human hubris to believe we're alone in the universe. Frankly, I think being alone in the universe would be more frightening.
What is we're the only ones in the universe who exist at this specific point in time. How weird would that be!
Load More Replies...No doubt they are out there. There is a miniscule chance we are the first (someone has to be) but the sad fact is that space is enormous. We may never fine each other. Have a look how far our radio signals have travelled (at the speed of light) since we started making noise a century ago, https://www.planetary.org/articles/3390
Wow, Chich! Thank you for the link! Kinda puts things into perspective, doesn't it? : )
Load More Replies...Life comes in SO MANY versions. Just look at the billions of life forms on our own planet.
In my opinion, while there may be planets with life I think we will never reach them due to the limitations of man and the vastness of the universe. But, it is likely there is life out there.
We may have limitations but who knows what their strengths are
Load More Replies...Remember all the things humans told each other as the truth 50-100 years ago. We're still telling some of these stories to each other. The one that comes to mind is that we're the only sentient creatures on earth and that animals can't have emotions. They only respond to stimuli. Anyone with a pet knows otherwise.
it was back in the late 90s or early 2000s that the vatican released a papal bull stating that all extraterrestrial life was sacred. i remember thinking that if the vatican is releasing this kind of statement then there is the possibility that we would be either visited or more info would be released by governments. over the years since then more video and statements have come out. the sad part of this is that if we were ever visited people would panic. a person is smart - people not so much
I firmly believe that other sapient species exist. I also don't think we'll ever meet any of them. Even if they had the ability to travel to Earth, why would they?
Thing is though, there surely is life on another planets. Is there intelligent form of life? And how advanced their society really is? Those are the doubts.
This isn't a conspiracy theory, this is statistics. It is statistically impossible for us to be the only life in the universe.
I love to think there are aliens but my fear is what the Spanish did to the Mayans
There's this documentary you might to watch. It's called 'Independence Day' /s
Load More Replies...Speaking by a mathematical point of view, the probability theory and the economy of the cosmos say that it's true. I don't think that they landed on earth somewhere but it is pretty unlikely that with all the galaxies and associated planets in the universe, there isn't another planet suitable for life somewhere.
"Either we are alone in the universe, or we are not. Both prospects are equally frightening."
no really a conspiracy... the conspiracy theory here is that the government is covering up alien interaction.
And I don't think we will have ", first contact" until we are one planet instead of many countries.
I sometimes wonder if first contact might be the only thing that saves us from ourselves. I also wonder if any government would tell us that it happened, if they had the power to hide it.
Load More Replies...Yes, I totally agree, the universe is trillion and trillions of light years large. There is simply no way that life on earth is the only life in the universe.
If there is intelligent life out there, they are probably intelligent enough to not mess with idiots like we humans are...
I firmly believe that Aliens dont come here to observe or abduct they come here to drop off their crazies as earth is the asylum for the universe : Think about it. It certainly explains a lot :>)
But. The nearest star would take millions of years to travel to Earth. That is a long time without food or a potty break. And there is no way around the speed of light. Sorry.
I been saying it for years I find some r just terrified at the thought and can't admit it
I don't know. The actual process it took to form life on this planet and then the evolution process and then humans etc etc etc. Sometimes it blows my mind how utterly complicated it all was. Can't really see any planets we have found or seen by powerful telescope so far that look even remotely as lush green / sea, vibrant as the earth is. There could be something way, way out in other galaxies that has some form of life on it but really intelligent? Spaceship creating life? Not sure on that one. I think the theory that we are the ONLY intelligent life to exist is just as viable a theory as stating that there must be life out there, evolving like we have.
This is. Or a conspiracy theory anymore. Governments (u.s. included) admit knowledge of ufo's or uap's as they call them now and have been studying them for sometime
It's not only the stars we can see. There's an amazing image from Hubble. They had Hubble stare at a dark square of sky the size of a postage stamp from our perspective. A square that is totally dark to us, no stars. When Hubble looked started at that spot for a long time, it was able to generate an image showing 10,000 *galaxies*.
Extremely unlikely that we are the only ones, considering there are trillions of stars out there
Aliens exist. There's no way they don't. But I highly doubt they ever visited us, even if (keyword being IF) they are sapient and technologically advanced enough to travel in space.
I look at the sky and cannot tell which is a satellite vs a atar anymore and where I live, I can count 8-10 different kinds of lights moving across the night in various speeds, all silent. No way these are all drones and I do live close to a military base but I am 100% certain the aliens are already here and have been here quite awhile. No one questions these UFOs because they just assume they are drones or planes and that is the aliens best weapon
There are many galaxies, and we're only in one of them. Yeah, there's no way that we're the only ones. I am not very religious, but in my religion, God created everything for a reason.
My scientist dad always says we have proof bacteria are on planets, and bacteria are living. Boom. Aliens
They are out there, but the universe is so big, and the distances between stars and galaxies so great that there is probably little likelihood that we will ever meet.
Yes, they might not green with big heads and eyes, and we may never be able to interact with them (or in this lifetime) but there HAS to be life out there
There is absolutely no way we are the only life forms in this or other galaxies.
I fully agree, although we'll most likey never see them.
I recommand watching this video ! It's super interesting to know all the theories about aliens ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNhhvQGsMEc
Look at those stars in the sky. Many of them WERE suns. Many of them collapsed millions of years ago and their light is still on its way to our planet!
Not really a conspiracy theory is it. Who believes they don't exist?
a long time ago I read a conspiracy about aliens, if they accidentally approach the earth, they blow up their craft. because they don't want anything to do with our world, war, destruction etc. I think we are definitely not alone in the galaxy and somehow I fell in love with that explanation. because I think we are destroying our own planet.
Of course they exist - the 'conspiracy theory' is that they're already among us.
While I agree that life on other planets is very likely, I don't have the slightest belief 'they' have visited. Until someone comes up with a believable FTL system, it just doesn't make sense.
i don't think this is actually a conspiracy theory. science has long been onboard with the idea that it is HIGHLY likely that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. or is the conspiracy that we are the only "intelligent" life in the universe (quotes intentional)?
I agree but also don't think they'd choose Earth to visit - out of the billions, and billions of hunks of rocks to visit. Nope, not going to happen.
unfortunately we will most likely never make first contact, due to the universe's expansion and the sheer enormity of space. look up the Fermi Paradox
There have been multiple videos released by the Pentagon. It just gets buried because otherwise there would be mass chaos. In the past year, Canada and the United States have earmarked funds to fight ‘Alien (threat? 🤔)? We are the problem.
Absolutely maybe but them to come all the way over here just to probe s**t? That's were I nope out.
Yeah, my people aren't into all that probing c**p.
Load More Replies...Here's a conspiracy theory that almost fits! The Illuminati will let a half- literate bot join, but only after scammers eat its money! 🤣🤣🤣 *pokes the bot*
Load More Replies... The pandemic was orchestrated by cats.
Okay, I don't legitimately believe this, but it's still plausible.
Pandemic happens. Everyone has to stay home. And spend more time with their cats. And do business/school over online meetings, which are infiltrated by cats.
The drug companies keep really effective drugs off the market because they profit only from sick people. Once cured, a person no longer relies on the drug industry.
Okay, for those who haven’t seen Beauty and the Beast, this is gonna be gibberish. So, in Belle (the first song, I think), a lady sings “I need six eggs, that’s too expensive.” But later, Gaston sings, “When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs…now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs”! GASTON IS SINGLE-HANDEDLY JACKING UP EGG PRICES AND LEAVING THE EGGCONOMY IN SHAMBLES.
(Not my theory. From Tumblr.)
Historian here, and I think most modern history is a lie: an edited, revised, washed down, sanitized, and censored approximation written by conservative, crusty, old white men in XIX century Europe. Our ideas of civilization, democracy, and progress are neither Western nor modern, and at worst are an ideological excuse for domination.
I believe that kindness still exists.
Not so much a theory per se, but it is my reasoned belief that the far right used Orwell's 1984 as a how-to manual, rather than as a warning.
There was way, way more to 9/11.
I love love love the Southpark episode on the 911 anticonspiracy, and that is my conspiracy I believe in. For those who haven't watched it, basically they say the government made up these conspiracy theories and let them loose, because 911 happened exactly as it did, but the government refuses to allow the public to see how weak and defenceless they really were so they decided to give a show of force instead.
I know this isn't the most original theory, and have seen it a gazillion times, but whatever.
Women's pockets. The purse industry and the pants/other clothing industries are working together to make a ton of money. They make the pockets so dam small that we are forced to either buy men's clothes or purses.
I have taken to stitching little pockets into my soprts bras. And why do we never get something that can fit a phone?!
The reason colleges in the U.S. cost so much is so you're more pressured to join the military.
Similarly...."Student loan forgiveness undermines one of our military's greatest recruitment tools at a time of dangerously low enlistments" Republican Congressman Jim Banks
I know it's rather weird but... I think everyone is allergic to something and most people just say they aren't allergic to anything because they haven't found the thing they're allergic to. I know that it's not true but It just always kind of made sense to me.
Technically, poison ivy, bug bites, etc are all allergies.
You can lie to a lie detector. See, it works based on your pulse. Your pulse is like a mirror of your feelings and thoughts. If you lie but convince yourself to be dead calm, it will read as the truth. If you make yourself uncomfortable when telling the truth, it will be detected as a lie. This is actually based on my own research, and believe it or not, IT. WORKS.
I think that both loop quantum gravity AND string theory are true. Loop quantum gravity states that the universe is made of small loops, but string theory that it is made of tiny strings. My theory is that it is like knitting or crocheting. Tiny strings looped into a larger fabric.
That the people in charge of this world are actively destroying things, taking away life from as many as possible, and making things absolutely miserable for us on purpose. Not sure exactly what the point of killing us all is, but I do believe they’re f*****g stuff up. And it doesn’t matter who wins any election, we can’t fix any of it by voting.
They're doing it for shortsighted personal greed. Definitely in South Africa
Magic is real.
Taking yeast, water, salt, and flour and turning it into bread is magic. Fireflies are magic. Growing vegetables is magic. Our relationships with our pets is magic. The entire process by which we reproduce is magic. Life is magic.
Me and my family have a theory that Elon Musk is a supervillain. He's super rich and kids' names sound like sneezes. I dare you to prove me wrong
Honestly, Elon isnt that great of a person, i know a lot of poeple who love him, and think that hes going to help a lot of people, but he really just does drugs and makes money
Time travel. I think that there are infinite numbers of different dimensions and that people have come to our current time before.
Makes sense. There is an alternate timeline where you did not submit this, where I did not comment, where this post never existed, even where BP never existed! What if those were reality?
More and more I believe big industrial groups create fake product shortages in order to increase prices and push people to purchase things that they don't need (in fear of lacking something).
Examples in France this year:
- Semiconductor shortage and now the price of a new car has almost increased by 30%
- Sunflower oil missing for weeks and went from 3€ per liter to 6,50€ "because of war in Ukraine" when the sunflower oil was already stocked and the future seeds were to be harvested months afterward.
- Mustard, same shortage, same overpricing, same lame explanations, when you could buy tons of French mustard in foreign countries at a lower cost.
- Gas/petrol these days, several reasons given (at first it was due to the success of a commercial operation, then a strike in refineries, and today no explanations at all and still many gas stations are closed or have just one type of fuel.
Some people blame the lack of foreseeing of industrial groups who didn't buy enough to meet the demand, I think it's done totally on purpose, less storage, fewer workers, fewer logistics, same income.
There was a topic on this here in the US back in the 70's where they tried it on bathroom tissue. They claimed a shortage and shelves went empty and prices doubled and even tripled. Almost a year later, boom... the gas shortage thus doubling and even tripling the price. They figured it worked with TP... it'll work with anything.
I firmly believe that the car industry as well as the oil industry prevent the development of more efficient energy sources.
I also believe that many inventions that flop are actually intended to fail so that users will get back to the established products. This is achieved by intentionally flawed design and/or propaganda.
Some days I'm almost convinced that there is a group running things in the background. Sort of like the Illuminati but not for anything as banal as money or power. No, they are doing it for the LOLs.
The universe is a simulation for a middle schooler's science project. Quantum physics is nuts because they didn't want to do the math to make things actually make sense. And the speed of light was determined by their CPU clock speed. FYI, they got a C+. Any minute now they will turn it off and this nonsense will be finished.
Bored Panda occasionally chooses a random word out of the dictionary and censors it.
Other people have already said 9/11 and JFK so here's another one I believe:
The Loch Ness Monster exists or did exist. I have no trouble believing land dinosaurs died out, but we can't guarantee that sea dinosaurs did. There could be tons of giant dinosaur species at the bottom of the ocean (like in The Meg). There've been Nessie sightings for centuries, so a deep sea tunnel makes sense to me, maybe near a family of plesiosaurs.
There was a lot of concern about QAnon before the year 2020, because 2+0+2+0=4, which is the exact amount of nipples Hitler would have had if he had 2 more nipples.
Found online.
All those images and videos from cameras you’ve put up for security around your house are automatically stored at Amazon, at least for the “free trial” month of your “subscription.” How might that be used against us in the future?
Just wondering since 23andMe admitted data could be used against us by insurers and law enforcement.
Aliens are real.
Ghosts and strange creatures are real.
Skinwalkers who I guess are weird creatures are real.
Cryptids just haven't been scientifically classified yet. There are daily new discoveries, not all of them tiny creatures. There are definitely hoaxes, but a hoax in one continent cannot solve much older, similar sightings. There are also entire light spectrums not seen by the human eye. I believe it is not unheard of to develop camouflage.
-insert manic foaming picture taking here lol-
I love a good conspiracy theory but I don't like it when the theorists proof is that I can't prove him wrong. Just because I can't prove that everyone in Congress is not a shape-shifting alien does not mean they are. With that kind of logic you can make a conspiracy theory out of anything which takes all the fun out of it.
the top couple of theories are well written and fairly likely, but the farther you go down, the more lunatics’ invalid opinions you come across. This was a good idea, but I fear you’ve attracted the crazies on this one.
As the author of #2, thank you! some of the lunatics were there when I wrote. Maybe that's why my score has been increasing so much.
Load More Replies...Not a conspiracy theory but I believe that movies aren't actually getting any worse. We always hear people complaining that "scary movies used to be good" or "modern movies just don't compare", but really it's us that changed. Movies aren't scary anymore because we are desensitized, plots aren't exciting or surprising because we've seen everything before.
There's this one theory that falls under the category of "we can't prove it's true or false so we just have to put up with it." It's called the One Electron theory, and it basically states that there is only a single electron in the universe. It moves faster than light and space-time, so it can be everywhere at once. Stupidest sh!t I've ever heard but it's hilarious to me
I think gay people are gods way of testing if Christians actually love their neighbor, bc why would he make us if we were a sin?
As a Christian I completely agree. When people say gays are going to hell and I just say "Then why did God make them? We believe that God doesn't make mistakes, yet it sounds like you're saying he made a mistake." Nine times out of ten I get a blank stare and they walk away. We're called to love everyone, yet a lot of Christians ignore that and it infuriates me.
Load More Replies...That “Fun Size” Candy bars are not actually fun at all, and the makers of these delicious confections are gaslighting us.
All caps can get you down voted. Not by me , just,fyi.
Load More Replies...I have a theory (ik im hella late) bing, a show on CBeebies. He is abused by his real parents and sort of has his own little world where his toys are his parents that love him and care for him. Flop is literally a toy, so is Emma. Still kinda working on that theory but it is there
May I add a theory? Nessie isn't a Relic Plesiosaur,its a freshwater Whale, a freshwater toothed whale at that, that evolved in isolation from all other Whales once Loch Ness got cut off near completely from the oceans nearby. Or maybe its a subspeciesof greenland Shark. Definitely not an ancient marine reptile.
Once in Minecraft I set the world to the ‘flat setting’ and while I was playing a was singing a goofy little song like ‘the earth it flat! Will I fall off? There are no oceans, or houses of mountains! Because the earth is flat! It’s just dirt and grass. I might fall off! Will I fall off?” And my parents go “no! I thought we established this! It’s round! ROUND I TELL YOU! ROUNDDDDDDD!!!!”
I have one, but I’m so late to the party I doubt anyone will see it, but…. I believe that Coco Pops are a massive failure, they couldn’t get them to retain the chocolate flavouring once the milk was added, hence the slogan “so chocolately they even turn the milk brown” to make the failure into a feature!
My brother believes the paintings in museums are replicas and the real ones are hidden
Not always true, but more often than they will admit to.
Load More Replies...But this underlies my whole point - _you_ know this, and _i_ know this, but people with a sub-par education do NOT, and believe the propaganda they're told about all the benefits of a military career rather than college. My own exceptionally intelligent son who is in the navy as a nuclear engineer was astounded to realize he had to get a civilian degree in order to be an engineer after enlistment. THEY DONT KNOW OR UNDERSTAND HOW IT REALLY WORKS, so the military IS the employer of last resort in heavily urban and rural areas. Coincidence that the systematic attack on formalized national educational standards (and the repeated republican party calls to disband the cabinet level department of education)
Didn't let me finish... Coincide with the end of the draft? I don't think so. National service requirements (like many other countries have), including non-military options, would be a great thing, but we'll never see it in this country.
Load More Replies...Not a conspiracy theory exactly, but it’s hard for me to think of humans as a thing that can comprehend emotions and challenges. Sometimes I’ll look at someone and just think ‘oh my god. That’s a living, breathing, human being who feels pain, and happiness and confusion just like me’ I’m just weird lol. It makes me feel kind of like a shitty person though😅. I try to be empathetic and nice to people. But in my mind I only really see them as a part of my own life story, if anyone really knows what I’m talking about
My conspiracy theory is that Elon Musk’s plan with neuralink is the same as riddler’s plan with the TVs. Steal information directly from your naked, exposed brains.
i think it's really bad to believe anything without good reason. lack of evidence is not itself evidence of anything.
it depends on how you define stupidity aswell as what you compare us to. Compared to something such as a horse, we're pretty smart.
Load More Replies...Not a conspiracy theory exactly, but wouldn’t it be crazy if all history was a lie/vice versa where the bad guys lied to look like a victim (example: slavery, what if Africans enslaved Asians instead of whites enslaving Africans. Or what if America was taxing British and the Brits protested and dumped tea/coffee into the river. Or what if none of this crazy history s**t ever happened and historians were just being silly and everyone thinks they were being serious)
I do believe it was Prince Philip who orchestrated Diana's and Dodi's "accident." She was in a relationship with an Egyptian - shock horror. She was only 36 and loved being a mum. No-one could ever accuse the Queen's husband of anything. He had the motive and the means and the ruthlessness.
Yes he definitely went to MI6 and ordered her assassination and they said right away sir and set out their ingenious assassination plan - a sniper? Don't be so foolish. Poison? How old hat. Fake a drug overdose - too easy. Make it look like suicide - boring. No, we'll organise a high speed chase with a load of photographers and journalists through a densely populated city. What could go wrong? And everyone knows car crashes are the best way to kill someone, no one ever survives those. /s
Load More Replies...I love a good conspiracy theory but I don't like it when the theorists proof is that I can't prove him wrong. Just because I can't prove that everyone in Congress is not a shape-shifting alien does not mean they are. With that kind of logic you can make a conspiracy theory out of anything which takes all the fun out of it.
the top couple of theories are well written and fairly likely, but the farther you go down, the more lunatics’ invalid opinions you come across. This was a good idea, but I fear you’ve attracted the crazies on this one.
As the author of #2, thank you! some of the lunatics were there when I wrote. Maybe that's why my score has been increasing so much.
Load More Replies...Not a conspiracy theory but I believe that movies aren't actually getting any worse. We always hear people complaining that "scary movies used to be good" or "modern movies just don't compare", but really it's us that changed. Movies aren't scary anymore because we are desensitized, plots aren't exciting or surprising because we've seen everything before.
There's this one theory that falls under the category of "we can't prove it's true or false so we just have to put up with it." It's called the One Electron theory, and it basically states that there is only a single electron in the universe. It moves faster than light and space-time, so it can be everywhere at once. Stupidest sh!t I've ever heard but it's hilarious to me
I think gay people are gods way of testing if Christians actually love their neighbor, bc why would he make us if we were a sin?
As a Christian I completely agree. When people say gays are going to hell and I just say "Then why did God make them? We believe that God doesn't make mistakes, yet it sounds like you're saying he made a mistake." Nine times out of ten I get a blank stare and they walk away. We're called to love everyone, yet a lot of Christians ignore that and it infuriates me.
Load More Replies...That “Fun Size” Candy bars are not actually fun at all, and the makers of these delicious confections are gaslighting us.
All caps can get you down voted. Not by me , just,fyi.
Load More Replies...I have a theory (ik im hella late) bing, a show on CBeebies. He is abused by his real parents and sort of has his own little world where his toys are his parents that love him and care for him. Flop is literally a toy, so is Emma. Still kinda working on that theory but it is there
May I add a theory? Nessie isn't a Relic Plesiosaur,its a freshwater Whale, a freshwater toothed whale at that, that evolved in isolation from all other Whales once Loch Ness got cut off near completely from the oceans nearby. Or maybe its a subspeciesof greenland Shark. Definitely not an ancient marine reptile.
Once in Minecraft I set the world to the ‘flat setting’ and while I was playing a was singing a goofy little song like ‘the earth it flat! Will I fall off? There are no oceans, or houses of mountains! Because the earth is flat! It’s just dirt and grass. I might fall off! Will I fall off?” And my parents go “no! I thought we established this! It’s round! ROUND I TELL YOU! ROUNDDDDDDD!!!!”
I have one, but I’m so late to the party I doubt anyone will see it, but…. I believe that Coco Pops are a massive failure, they couldn’t get them to retain the chocolate flavouring once the milk was added, hence the slogan “so chocolately they even turn the milk brown” to make the failure into a feature!
My brother believes the paintings in museums are replicas and the real ones are hidden
Not always true, but more often than they will admit to.
Load More Replies...But this underlies my whole point - _you_ know this, and _i_ know this, but people with a sub-par education do NOT, and believe the propaganda they're told about all the benefits of a military career rather than college. My own exceptionally intelligent son who is in the navy as a nuclear engineer was astounded to realize he had to get a civilian degree in order to be an engineer after enlistment. THEY DONT KNOW OR UNDERSTAND HOW IT REALLY WORKS, so the military IS the employer of last resort in heavily urban and rural areas. Coincidence that the systematic attack on formalized national educational standards (and the repeated republican party calls to disband the cabinet level department of education)
Didn't let me finish... Coincide with the end of the draft? I don't think so. National service requirements (like many other countries have), including non-military options, would be a great thing, but we'll never see it in this country.
Load More Replies...Not a conspiracy theory exactly, but it’s hard for me to think of humans as a thing that can comprehend emotions and challenges. Sometimes I’ll look at someone and just think ‘oh my god. That’s a living, breathing, human being who feels pain, and happiness and confusion just like me’ I’m just weird lol. It makes me feel kind of like a shitty person though😅. I try to be empathetic and nice to people. But in my mind I only really see them as a part of my own life story, if anyone really knows what I’m talking about
My conspiracy theory is that Elon Musk’s plan with neuralink is the same as riddler’s plan with the TVs. Steal information directly from your naked, exposed brains.
i think it's really bad to believe anything without good reason. lack of evidence is not itself evidence of anything.
it depends on how you define stupidity aswell as what you compare us to. Compared to something such as a horse, we're pretty smart.
Load More Replies...Not a conspiracy theory exactly, but wouldn’t it be crazy if all history was a lie/vice versa where the bad guys lied to look like a victim (example: slavery, what if Africans enslaved Asians instead of whites enslaving Africans. Or what if America was taxing British and the Brits protested and dumped tea/coffee into the river. Or what if none of this crazy history s**t ever happened and historians were just being silly and everyone thinks they were being serious)
I do believe it was Prince Philip who orchestrated Diana's and Dodi's "accident." She was in a relationship with an Egyptian - shock horror. She was only 36 and loved being a mum. No-one could ever accuse the Queen's husband of anything. He had the motive and the means and the ruthlessness.
Yes he definitely went to MI6 and ordered her assassination and they said right away sir and set out their ingenious assassination plan - a sniper? Don't be so foolish. Poison? How old hat. Fake a drug overdose - too easy. Make it look like suicide - boring. No, we'll organise a high speed chase with a load of photographers and journalists through a densely populated city. What could go wrong? And everyone knows car crashes are the best way to kill someone, no one ever survives those. /s
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