Personal conspiracy theories about Covid and its effects. Ones that you personally believe in.


I’ll go first,
This is one that I made myself and believe.

Covid was made as a test.
It was indeed made in a Chinese lab.
It was realized in order to test how the public would react in Disaster scenario. Variables were added to test how we would respond ( how long it would take us to get mad , how many government mandates we would allow before we thought our freedom was being taken, how fast we would come together, and many other non numerical analysis points. Like how we would treat on another, how division among our selves would work, and many more that I’m sure I know nothing of.) This could either be done in collaboration with multiple nation or by the Chinese alone. If done by Chinese allow they could be preparing invasions of other countries and needed a social test run, or they could be preparing a more powerful bio weapon. If by multiple nations in collaboration we can’t really know why they did it but we can assume that it is not for the greater good. As freedoms in America and other parts of the world are starting be be restricted and many countries are violating human rights, and more civilized nations are seeing insane amounts of corruption, eventually it is gonna burst. I can’t tell you what because I’m not a genius and I can’t tell the future so I don’t know what it will be but something is about to go down of planet earth, something big


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