Hello you, my name is Nino, a french artist. I am a spirit in a body, just like you. I use this body to do some psychedelic drawings and music that makes travelling.
I always have been attracted by these forms of art and recently started writing metaphysical texts in connection with my drawings and my music.
I think there is no creation but only inspiration. I translate the information received by my pineal gland and transforms it into drawing, music and text.
I am not special, each one of you is able to do the same, you have to connect yourself to the present moment and let go. You must let the cosmic energy enter into you and let it express itself.
Life is the most beautiful of experiences…
I have several projects, a graphic and musical novel where each drawing will have its text and its music, as well as the reproduction of some drawings in poster and tee shirt for sale.
If you are interested by my artistic universe, you can go here : ninomartin.canalblog.com and you can listen to my music here : https://soundcloud.com/andomark
See you soon and i wish that cosmic energies flood you with love and positive waves.
More info: ninomartin.canalblog.com
Le réveil
Le minotaure
La tour
Fleur cosmique d’Automne 2016 n°2
Fleur cosmique d’Automne 2016 n°3
Fleur cosmique d’Hiver 2016-2017 n°4
Masque cosmique n°1
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