People Are Sharing The Most ‘WTF’ Stock Images They Find To This Online Group And Here Are 30 Of The Most Bizarre Ones
By definition, stock images are professional photos that are used for commercial purposes, like complementing publications, adverts, etc. But in reality, we know very well that many stock pics out there are just so weird, they've become somewhat of a household name for bizarre, pointless, and lousy photographs that make them particularly laughable.
It's this precise quality of the wacky and wondrous elements of stock photography that makes you instantly realize that what you’re seeing is a stock image and nothing else.
Thanks to this subreddit which has 333k members, we now have the most "seriously?", "are they kiddin’ me?" "do u see what I’m seeing?" compilation that poses way more questions than it answers.
Sit back and enjoy these carefully stacked stock monstrosities and after you’re done, be sure to check out Bored Panda's previous post with even more stock goodness that you won’t be able to unsee. Ever.
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This Makes Me Feel Uncomfortable
Oh Damn You Caught Me Keeping A Bowl Of Crackers In The Fridge
I'm embarrassed at how long it took me to understand what was wrong with this
Surfing The Web
See her face, the face of "why must i received this modelling offer from Shutterstock?"
While scrolling through this post, you are very likely to start wondering in what kind of context someone would need a stock image of a man with a meatloaf mask blended into his skin, or a shot of a woman pointing a baguette at a chef in what seems to be a carefully staged... bakery robbery.
It all has to do with the demand for very specialized imagery which happens when a subscriber browses through the peculiar stock archive. But the photographers have to already be ahead of the demand and anticipate people’s imagery needs before they start typing in the keywords.
Trying To Tell Your Wife Her Cooking Is Crap
This Stock Photo Illustrates The Dangers Of Shirt Hoarding
Google female bullying and you will find more of these pictures with the same girls.
An Italian Having A Conversation With A Giant Nacho
According to The Atlantic, “Shutterstock's content team will do direct outreach to the site's top videographers, photographers, and illustrators 'to help fill specific content needs.'” However, the contributing photographers are the ones who figure out what the subscribers will be looking for.
These days, stock imagery has become kind of its own aesthetic category that’s posed and weird without any apparent reason. Incredibly, according to Shutterstocker Emily Goodwin, “it's the utilitarian content—the images that capture the banalities and absurdities of everyday life—that prove popular” on the website.
I Think I’ll Go Snow Skiing In A Bikini; Ya Know, Since I’m Pregnant And All
Kermit Sacrifices A Potato?
Woman Is Robbing Bakery With A Baguette
Alligator Attacking Businesswoman In Office Cubicle
Sign on break room wall: It has been 0 days since the last alligator attack
Forbidden Affair
Aliens should really study human anatomy more carefully before they try to shapeshift into one of us to blend in.
I'll say it once, and i'll say it again: Reptilians do not use shapeshifting technology to blend in. They use it so they can make jokes about other species without getting bad looks.
Load More Replies..."Before the dental surgery, Maude and Edgar hadn't been able to eat vitamins. But now, they can even bite into the same apple at the same time"
Was it such a good idea to install Photoshop on Grandpa's PC as a Christmas gift ?
I think I have found two terminators, must be Arnold Schwarzenegger's parents
Is anyone else really glad that this isn't a full on photo of them biting the apple together
The people who made these are on something strange...
It's called Apple because that's the only bit of the photo that I can deal with.
When you use the virtual background on zoom and you don't have a green screen behind you
if the THING MONSTER was old grandparents this is what it would look like XD
When they said that SO's start looking alike as they age I hope they were not talking about this.
After Many Weeks Lurking, I Have Finally Found A Wtfstockphoto
I Have No Idea What This Is Supposed To Represent
She Doesn’t Have A Spine
Dads When Gas Prices Go Up 1 Cent
"Sir,your gas tank port at your right. It's your first time fill gas?"
Yes Grandma I Want Some Ice-Cream
Please Nurse, Do Your Job
It's Like I'm Really There!
Ironically, the program running right now is "Experience in the Emergency Room".
Ok, Love You Too
I know they're supposed to be shorter than the other fingers, but rule of thumb clearly doesn't apply here.
Bubble Wrap Fun
When No One Shows Up To Your Victorian Themed Whoville Party
Congratulations On Your New Husband!
Man With A Meat Loaf Mask Blended Into His Skin Or Whatever This Is
Burger Baby
So... I Came Across This Picture
How To Properly Censor A Dingdingdong
Man Poking A Gpu Card With A Soldering Iron
You’ve gotta love the fact that he’s clearly never held – or perhaps even seen – a soldering iron. In his entire life.
I Don't Even Know What To Say
Warning Sign
I think this was the funniest / best comments thread I've seen on here
What a strange place I just went to, to listen to my own comments
This wasn't a fun thread. I quit early on and I still regret clicking on it.
when your coworker hasnt turned in the papers 1 second after they're due download-2...fc92dd.jpg
I think this was the funniest / best comments thread I've seen on here
What a strange place I just went to, to listen to my own comments
This wasn't a fun thread. I quit early on and I still regret clicking on it.
when your coworker hasnt turned in the papers 1 second after they're due download-2...fc92dd.jpg