Being weird isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Every kid is unique, and every classroom has its fair share of interesting personalities. Sometimes, a child might be unfairly labeled as the “weird” kid just because they behave differently or do things others don’t.

That’s why when someone asked folks to share stories about the odd kid in their school, the answers ranged from creepy to hilarious. It’s up to you to figure out if any of the people mentioned were truly weird or just doing things that others would never have expected.

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) He was weird as f**k, but he smeared dog s**t on his bullies combination lock before school and everybody called the bully s**t hands for 2.5 years.

Always_Hungover , kjarrett Report


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) Turn out to not be who she said she was. She acted very standoffish. Turned out she was actually a 31 year old adult woman suffering mental health issues.

jackfaire , Darya Sannikova Report


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) He brought a whole rotisserie chicken to class and ate it like an apple during a lecture.

No-Performance-2440 , Nano Erdozain Report

Sometimes, it feels like no matter what a kid does, they’ll be told they’re weird just for not fitting into the norm. Research has found that people who are anxious or socially awkward often get told this, maybe because most folks don’t know how to connect with them. Sometimes, even having a unique look, an odd sense of humor, or a quirk can get you that label.

To get a self-proclaimed “weird” kid’s perspective, Bored Panda reached out to YouTuber Angelika Devara to hear about her experience. She told us that she doesn’t “believe there is necessarily a clear-cut definition of what a ‘weird’ kid vs. a ‘normal’ kid is as every kid has their quirks.” 


“My childhood was heavily influenced by YouTube, and I easily fit into the ‘edgy’ internet kid persona. Having a plethora of free time and the entire World Wide Web at my disposal, I navigated interests of mine through endless rabbit holes.”

“Since most kids my age didn’t have lenient parents when it came to social media, finding another kid with the same level of online knowledge as me was like finding a needle in a haystack. Therefore, I declared myself the ‘weird kid,’ and I took pride in the title. Little me, unfortunately, liked the idea of being different than the other girls,” she explained.


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) Climbed *in* to the first floor lab through the window as chemistry lesson was in progress, posed dramatically at the door, announced “Join me in the corridors of time” and left.

Hivemind_alpha , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) He had a tooth he was able to easily remove and put back in for some reason and would do it for a quarter. Surprisingly, i think he actually made quite a bit of money doing it because i constantly saw people paying him so good on him i guess.

Dark_Inkorporated , Karolina Kaboompics Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) In my school in Scotland , there was a guy called Willie!

If you shouted " Willie give us a wiggle" he would tuck his arms in like a t-rex and shake is hips back and forth 😂 . That image has never left me to this day!

AKA Willie wiggle.

Any_Spare_change , freepik Report

The word weird is often treated like a taboo, and anyone given that title is generally seen as an outcast. It also becomes tough to break free from that label, and that’s why many children feel like they need to change or conform just to fit in.

To understand how to deal with such situations in schools, we reached out to Dr. Jessica Koehler, an associate faculty member at the University of Arizona Global Campus. She has a Ph.D. in School Psychology and shares practical knowledge to help empower people to improve their well-being, enhance their relationships, and navigate life’s challenges.

She said: “First, reframing the label ‘weird’ in a more positive light is crucial. Often, children who stand out due to their quirks or eccentricities are the ones with the most creative, innovative, and outside-the-box thinking. These kids are often the future problem-solvers and innovators, as their uniqueness can allow them to see the world in ways others cannot.”

“What may seem strange to others today could be the very qualities that drive success and innovation in the future. For the children who feel labeled, my advice is to embrace what makes them different. Rather than seeing these traits as something to hide, they should understand that their individuality is a strength,” she explained.


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) The weird kid once brought a potato to class and insisted it was his emotional support vegetable!

loovelyymia , Polina Tankilevitch Report


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) Dude brought a waffle maker to school and during PE he stayed hidden in the dressing room until they locked it and then he chilled there and made some waffles for himself until the class ended and the dressing rooms were unlocked again.

The smell of waffles was nice tho.

pablo603 , Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) He was a ranchers kid, and he showed up on the high school campus in a front loader filled with bagels. Literally hundreds of bagels and poured them out on the central terrace. Six foot high pile of bagels. He parked the thing back in the lot, walked back to his pile of bagels, and just started chucking bagels at people.

Started a bagel fight that was legendary.

KMFullMonty , Engin Akyurt Report

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shaunlee avatar
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4 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Unpopular take: I used to think food fights were funny (watched too many from movies) but now I think that's just throwing away good food. Even more so, bagels... T_T

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Many kids who don’t fit in are often subjected to bullying or made fun of for things they can’t control or change. Dr. Jessica Koehler also told us that kids who are different “face rejection or exclusion from peers, which can foster feelings of isolation. However, these experiences often help them build resilience, perseverance, and self-confidence—qualities that are essential for success in adulthood.”


“Why other children may shy away from befriending ‘weird’ kids often boils down to a fear of the unknown or a desire to conform. School social dynamics can be tricky, and many children prefer to stick with what feels familiar. However, it’s important to teach all children that diversity in personalities and interests enriches our lives, fostering empathy and understanding,” she shared.


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) There was a girl in high school who would hiss at people and carry around a stuffed pumpkin. She told me that I was fun to bully because I was too nice and wouldn’t do anything about it 😭😭 new low when you get bullied by the weird kid.

LilSebastiansNum1Fan , Go to Andyone's profile Andyone Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) A kid who wear a cape everyday and claimed that he is a superhero.

lila_dust , Vicki Yde Report

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marykaymann avatar
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3 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In high school, there was a guy who wore a long black cape to school every day and insisted on being called "Lord B."


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) Put a slice of bologna in the teachers cd player and pressed play. Nothing happened but it was hilarious when the teacher went to put in a cd and was like wtf?

fryed4life517 , Zeke See Report

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Nobody wants to be considered the weird kid at school, because it can really impact a child’s self-esteem and psychological wellbeing. That’s why we asked Angelika if she had any advice for kids who feel like they are misfits.

She said: “At the end of the day, everyone is weird. Everyone has their idiosyncrasies, and that is what makes each individual who they are. Being weird is your superpower. So do not walk around with the title engraved on your forehead, using it as a weapon to victimize yourself and harbor hatred towards the people you might consider ‘basic.’ Instead, be the person who makes it look cool.”

“Embrace your niche interests because they are your interests for a reason! Even if you look back and cringe, at least you can live on knowing that you were happy during that phase. Or, even better, if you never grew out of that phase, own it!”


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) We had this kid in class that was bullied all through HS. Me and 3 others were the only people to talk to him and treat him as a normal human being (he was special and he knew that, so he didn’t mind standing out, he just disliked the bullying). The principal knew all about the bullying but never did anything about it but the kid never snapped. Instead, he started an anonymous online blog where he’d post all details about the bullying school-wide and the principal called him into the office. The kid invited the local newspaper to join him. They wrote an entire article about it and the principal had to step up to “save the school”. The bullying also stopped and the kid was able to be weird again and could pick his nose and eat it without being bothered. Cool kid. Think he works at Apple now.

chrisge58 , freepik Report

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glowworm2 avatar
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39 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

By no means a weird kid. An awesome one who handled school bullying himself when no one else would.


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) There was a quiet kid in my school, Alex, who always carried a big notebook and sat alone, scribbling during breaks. One day, our art teacher asked him to share what he’d been working on. He had written an entire fantasy novel, complete with its own world, mythology, and languages. My class was amazed, and after that day, he was no longer seen as the "weird kid" but as the creative genius no one had noticed before.. no idea where is he now tho.

betty9fb04 , Katerina Holmes Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) Hit the school bully over the head with a mini baseball bat and split his head wide open. The school bully was absolutely brutal but I winced seeing it.

“Weird kid” was charged with aggravated battery and expelled from school . He ended up becoming a very successful diesel mechanic. He wasn’t weird at all but didn’t fit in to what the school and suburb considered to be normal.

JD054 , Gustavo Fring Report

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Joseph Dixon
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45 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not shocking... People usually hate smart people because they feel insecure with their own stupidity.

Apart from kids owning up to their quirks and embracing their identity, it’s also important for parents and teachers to help create a safe space for growing children. Dr. Jessica said that “the key for parents and educators is to provide guidance and support while encouraging individuality. It’s important to listen to children's interests, nurture their curiosity, and provide them with the tools they need to explore their passions.”

She told us that “ultimately, celebrating the ‘weird’ in kids is about creating spaces where they can fully express themselves and grow into the best versions of themselves. By helping them understand that their quirks are strengths, we empower them to face life's challenges with confidence and creativity.”


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) S**t on the teachers desk when he was answering an important phone call outside.

DecentReflection3182 , Arthur Krijgsman Report


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) We were playing baseball, he was either on the first or the second base (can't remember exactly) and I was next to him. He said, "watch this, I'm gonna do something cool". He pulled his pants down and took a s**t on the base. I was shocked and no one else saw it. I didn't know how act, I was speechless. The kid batting got a hit and the kid who pooped on the base ran to the next base. Then the next kid when onto the base that had poop on it and slid. He was like "who the f**k shat on the base?".

CITYcommaSTATE , David McElwee Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) He used to get made fun of for having a Thomas the Tank Engine rolling backpack so he set it on fire in the bathroom.

Pikachubathwater , freepik Report

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annamurphy avatar
Do-nut touch da donut
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43 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Aww, poor lad... if he likes thomas then he should be able to keep thomas without the bullying >:( ... kids be lil brats

Most of these stories really show the power of being the “weird” kid and how their creativity, originality, and funkiness played a role in making them so memorable. I hope you also never feel anxious about standing out from the crowd and really embrace who you are and the things that make you unique.

In the spirit of embracing one’s weirdness, we’d love to hear if you ever did any crazy, shocking, or memorable things like the folks in these stories.


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) Released 20 cicadas caught in the field into a random classroom!

SKITS-O , TAG Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) I was the weird kid tbh. I used to lie like Jay Cartwright in primary school, I think at one point I said my uncle owned Xbox and that I had a "golden xbox 720 that isn't coming out until next year", among many other stupid and insignificant lies. Everyone probably thought I was a d**k but luckily I've managed to channel that into writing fiction stories as an adult.

AlwaysPlantin , Damo1977 Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) He asked another kid to lay his hand on the table and then he took a pencil and pierced the other kids hand with it. I think we were around 7 years old at the time.

Crazykitten0754 , tulyawat01 Report

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leealon2323 avatar
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's not the "weird" kid, that's the kid that needs psychiatric intervention fast before it escalates 😳


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) Dude caught a live wolf spider behind a cabinet in class. Turns on a hot glue gun and proceeds to shove the hot glue gun between his fingers to cover the spider (and his hand) with hot glue. 

Ended up with 1st and 2nd degree burns. 

Same dude launched bottle rockets out of his a*s, more second degree burns on his a*s this time. 

Also heated up a penny in chemistry class and branded himself with it. 

I’m just now realizing this kid liked burning himself….

Enough_Technology946 , wirestock Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) He built a miniature rocket in science class and launched it during lunch, sending the whole cafeteria into chaos.

shawn83416 , Kindel Media Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) He knew how to imitate the voices of the teachers very well, sometimes he made jokes to the teachers imitating the voice of the director. He was so funny.

justhot_girlshere , freepik Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) More of a quiet guy than a weird guy, but he turns around out of nowhere and says "I'm going to fake a seizure."

Sitting in the front, just blasts his desk and chair over, starts writhing around on the floor making crazy noise and knocking stuff over for probably 2 minutes. Just gets up and says "Thought I was having a seizure!" Teacher was just shocked, and just went back to teaching.

One of the most out of character things I've ever seen anyone do, dude was like the polar opposite of a troublemaker. It was absolutely hilarious. But this was a pretty rowdy class and the teacher didn't really have much control over the room, so nutty stuff was happening all the time.

Falconman21 , Max Fischer Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) Little skinny kid with glasses who ate worms and like to make himself choke just to freak people out, tried out for the football team and made it as a kicker.

SailorTwyft9891 , Sippakorn Yamkasikorn Report

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He used to wear a suit and ear-piece and pretend he was secret service. He was pretty harmless.

ChubbyChevyChase Report

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annamurphy avatar
Do-nut touch da donut
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35 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Actually this ones pretty alr, ive seen wierder things kids have worn and prstended to be, suit and ear peice is practical and fashionable :3


This dumbass named Penny crossed over a barrier at the zoo to feed a cougar a peppermint. The cat scratched her and the zoo decided to euthanize it rather than risk legal ramifications. Seriously, f**k that stupid b***h.

Weirda*smustache Report


Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) Brought firecrackers in the room and lit them up as we were having class.

AylenGlow , Griffin Wooldridge Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) For context. Someone threw a banana peel across the classroom. It just so happened to land next to the weird kid. The teacher (very stupidly) thought it was the weird kid. Like how is it them? It flew across the room and landed beside them. Anyway, the kid proceeded to lose his s**t after being accused, opened the window and tried jumping out of it. (It was on the third floor). I wasn’t there for it but apparently he backed out or something. And so it became the famous story of our year group. Everyone knew about it.

BalladOfAntiSocial , SHVETS production Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) I was the weird kid. Did nothing in particular but looking back I was dealing with a s****y homelife which definitely affected the way I was at school.

SadDragonfruit4005 , Pixabay Report

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Netizens Share The Most Shocking And Hilarious Stories About Weird Kids At School (32 Examples) I was one of the weird kids, got picked on mercilessly from 2nd to 6th grade for being quiet and timid. Then one day at recess I snapped and grabbed one bully by the shoulders and bounced his head off the concrete wall behind him. 

Then I got picked on for having “anger management issues” until I went to a different high school than all of them.

6disc_cdchanger , RDNE Stock project Report

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