If you spend time on the internet, which everyone does these days, you’d know that a big part of communication here is made up of memes. “Weird flex but Ok” is no exception.
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the first known use of “weird flex but ok” occurred in December 2017, when a college student named Finn Feighery replied to a post by the human rights activist Malala Yousafzai with a sarcastic response to a tweet listing the highlights of the year previous.
The phrase got picked up on social media, and today it has well secured its place in the internet’s lingo. So this time, we’re taking a look at “Weird flex but Ok” put into practice as seen in the cases of people bragging about questionable and unusual things. There’s even a corner of Reddit titled “Weird flex but Ok” dedicated to sharing such instances, so pull your seat closer!
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Weird Flex, But Ok!
Weird But True Flex
Feels Pretty Warm To Me
We all have come across someone who can’t seem to stop trying to impress others. Braggers seem to always try to make themselves look good by putting a positive spin on everything they believe can show them favorably. There are many reasons why people do this, from making themselves feel better to doing things to impress others, or simply enjoying talking about oneself.
But in reality, the habit of bragging or boasting can be rather problematic. Not only do braggers paint an inaccurate or even distorted picture of their lives, they monopolize conversations. No wonder, for their audience, this is often super annoying as their self-worth seems to be all over the place.
Weird Flex But Ok
Seems like he doesn't have a good relationship with food, which is worrying :(
Odd Boast But Alas
New York-based novelist Henya Drescher claims that braggers wear masks. “People who brag a lot sacrifice their true identity — or at least a part of it — on the altar of appearances,” she explains in a piece on Medium. “They boast their qualities, achievements, and successes to attain the admiration and respect of those around them. And if necessary, they also resort to exaggerations and lies.”
Cool, I Was Only Trying To Be Nice
Grandpa is about to drop the Flagpole Press on some unsuspecting jabroni XP
Ron Weedy
You may ask why, despite its negative connotations, so many people still brag like there was no yesterday. Well, interestingly, bragging may work because the audience does not have enough information (yet) to evaluate the braggart objectively, Joachim I. Krueger, a Professor of Psychology at Brown University suggests.
“Braggarts may try to anticipate—and manage—the audience’s reaction to their exuberant self-presentation, and here desire encroaches on reality,” the professor argues.
Get Rekt
Guess They Have Been Warned
Moreover, it’s suggested that braggarts have empathy gaps they are unaware of. Krueger explains: “They project the positive feelings stirred up within themselves by their own bragging onto others without realizing that these others do not care as much about them as they themselves do.” This way, their pay is a reputational cost since they don’t have perspective talking.
Pretty Impressive. Weird Flex But Ok
I Know That This Is Edgy As Hell But I Thought That This Was A Good Place To Put This
Meanwhile, flexing has an even more annoying connotation. This internet slang refers to showing off or exaggerating accomplishments and conveys arrogance or insecurity. Having sprung up in the 2010s through hip-hop songs like Rich Homie Quan’s 2015 smash “Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh),” the term broke out in 2018 with the meme “weird flex but OK” for something odd to brag about.
Hope Everyone Is Doing Well And Staying Safe!
Weird Flexecution
Die Like Men!
Oh the spacing on the second line is so weird. I genuinely thought it was a long word in German for a fraction of a second.
Ok. Neat Flex
Weird Flex But Ok
“Look How Rectangular My Cow Is”
Weird Flex But Ok
I really don't see the fuss about airpods. They look like something I would lose within an hour.
Flexing On Birds
Bill Gates 1994: This Cd-Rom Can Hold More Information Than All The Paper That's Here Below Me
For it's time, it was a neat visual flex. Some people just didn't understand all that memory, bytes stuff.
Only True Rednecks Put Stickers On Their Cars Flexing Their Redneckness
Paris Marathon Was Cancelled So This Dude Ran Back And Forth On His 7 Meter Balcony For A Marathon Length
This was in the beginning of the lockdowns. Hey, if you've trained for a marathon, got nothing but free time on your hands, might as well make it worth it.
Congrats. You've finally passed Pre-K. Actually, I think that's a Pre-K enrollment requirement now.
I’ve Had This Apple Stopwatch Running For Almost 3 Years
2.8 years. Has the device never been turned off or restarted or been updated or anything in that time?
I Have A Different Mask For Every Day Of The Week
Haha Yes
Weird Flex But Ok
Weird Flex, But It Works
Milk helping your bones be stronger is a myth. Calcium is found in many other food, such as beans, meat, fish, nuts, fortified cereals, as well as cheese and yogurt.
Weird Flex
Bill Nye F*cked My Mom In College
Grocery Store Hottie Flex
Money Is Money I Guess
Weard Flex But Okay
Weird Flex But Ok
Weird Flex But Ok
Imagine Liking Cheetos That Much
Power. Unlimited Power
You know they are getting a call about someone’s new toilet not working. You just know it
Future Flex, But Ok
"loser do their best..winners goes home and f*ck the prom queen" (read with scottish accent)
Uh, Okay
Ok Buddy
Ok Buddy
Weird Flex But Ok
I Am The King Unless Someone Beats Me
BoredPanda has confused me for the past two years when they started their "glorious" censorship campaign and started to censor basic human anatomy in posts and common curse words including c**p and d**k. Yet, they give us no way to easily block trolls. They'll post cute listicle of puppies and kittens and then they will posts something completely bizarre like this...I really wonder what their hiring process is.
Load More Replies...BoredPanda has confused me for the past two years when they started their "glorious" censorship campaign and started to censor basic human anatomy in posts and common curse words including c**p and d**k. Yet, they give us no way to easily block trolls. They'll post cute listicle of puppies and kittens and then they will posts something completely bizarre like this...I really wonder what their hiring process is.
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