Most thirty-somethings remember Britney Spears’ first marriage, which lasted only 55 hours. Back then, we thought that it had to be a world record. However, since then, many couples who are not celebrities have beaten that record. The record for the shortest marriage belongs to a Kuwaiti couple, who, in 2019, divorced after being married for a mere three minutes.

It's hard to know for sure, but there were probably some red flags for these short-lived marriages during the wedding ceremony. Recently, people who attended such weddings where the couple didn't last for long shared their experiences, as a netizen prompted them with a question: "People who went to a wedding where the couple didn't last long, what happened?"

Maybe you have attended a similar wedding and have a juicy story to share? Let us know in the comments!


“Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last My cousin (female/bride) was “dancing too much” at the reception so the groom hit her. My uncles gave HIM a ride to the hospital which he needed very badly by the time he got there. It was annuled pretty quickly.

WhatWouldTNGPicardDo , Luca Istrate/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last During the reception the brides niece accidentally knocked over a drink that splashed the brides shoes and she back handed her in front of everyone. It caused a huge fight and the groom walked out right then.

    Rare-Highlight-9674 , Dimitri Kuliuk/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last The groom was about 35 the bride was 25. The groom was a high-flying corporate lawyer with no understanding that his young wife was far more intelligent and driven than he was.

    His entire speech was about how she was a total idiot and how he was her meal ticket and life-guide.

    They lasted a year. He’s still doing very well as a lawyer, she was on the board of major organisations before she was 30. He either utterly misjudged her as a person, or was threatened by her.

    Either way she divorced him and moved on.

    MrAlf0nse , Emma Bauso/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last The Groom had a quickie with a barmaid at the reception and the Bride came out to her maid of honour. Almost everyone at the wedding caught chicken pox from the ring bearer (who was clearly feverish) the food was horrible and it all ended with a mass brawl in the car park.

    backtobiba , Jeremy Wong/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last My very sweet and adorable cousin has epilepsy. We really liked her boyfriend turned fiance and they seemed like a great match. We were all confused when she divorced him a year after their wedding. Turns out after they were officially married a switch flipped inside him and he became very emotionally abusive and manipulative. He would hold her epilepsy medication hostage in order for her to do whatever he asked. He was so psychologically abusive. As soon as she gathered enough courage to leave him, it’s been amazing seeing her recovery to being her authentic, free self again after him.

    Selkie_Queen , Terje Sollie/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Groom smashed the cake into the Bride’s face when she had specifically told him not too. I have never seen rage shoot from someone’s eyes like that before. She walked out of the wedding, and tore up the certificate. Called the whole thing off. Apparently there had been other red flags with the groom but this was the final straw sort of thing. Honestly, I’m happy for her. Groom gave me weird vibes the few times I’d met him.

    FawkesFire13 , Jill Wellington/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    8 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s kind of handy when you are only officially married once you register the certificate. In my country you are married the moment you sign and annulment is even more complicated than divorce, if things go wrong at the reception there is no easy way out really.

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last The maid of honor sat down at our table, downed a shot, and said, "I give them three years."

    Edit: They made it 2 years and 8 months.

    SamuraiSuplex , Terje Sollie/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Didn’t go to the wedding, but did go to the bachelorette/goodbye party. We were in college, she was 19, from a super conservative family. Her long time boyfriend visited her once and was terrible - wouldn’t talk to anyone, basically sulked the whole time. He clearly hated that she was in school. When he proposed, her parents pulled the plug on college tuition because “she didn’t need it anymore.” So she dropped out at the end of her freshman year, moved back to central California and got married to the sh*thead. I never saw her again, but from what I’ve seen on Facebook she finally dumped him in her mid-20s, moved across the country to get away from her family, and was working restaurant jobs while trying to get a degree. We’re in our 30s now, and she still seems pretty angry about everything she missed out on and how she was treated, but she’s living her life on her own terms. Not a happy ending, but I’m happy for her.

    LAX_to_MDW , Min An/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last I was at a friend's relatives wedding. Groom slurred his way through his vows. The ring he tried to put on her finger didn't fit. Then he gave a very drunk speech saying if he didn't screw up his life by cheating on his ex then she would be sitting there right now and not his new bride. The ring didn't fit because it was one he bought for his ex fiance. He started crying and left. Like he left the venue. Bride had the marriage annulled. Groom tried to get back with his ex. She had moved on and was engaged already. He then tried to get back with the bride. Fortunately she had firm backbone and told him to f**k all the way off. Last I heard she got with a great guy and they have kids. Groom is still alone.

    superwholockian62 , Fidel Hajj/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last From the first time I met him, I knew my friend's exhusband was an insecure, controlling, arrogant a*****e. Interesting that my friend didn't see it, considering what a strong and independent woman she is. Anyway, after he accused her of being in love with a coworker (she wasn't), he spent a furious evening burning all of her stuff in the yard, including her wedding dress and a not inexpensive clarinet. She divorced him before their first anniversary. The bakery that did their wedding cake had a one year anniversary cake written into their contract, so she enjoyed that cake with her mom and sister, toasting to her divorce.

    1000121562127 , Spencer Selover/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last We went to a wedding and the bride found out the groom was cheating on the bride with her maid of honour. The maid of honour was (unknowingly) pregnant with the grooms baby at the time of the wedding. The bride found out on their honeymoon when she saw a text message from her “best friend” on her husband’s phone informing him of his new parental status.

    The bride filed for divorce when they came back home and she moved back in with her parents.

    She felt betrayed and humiliated by her friend and husband.

    We dropped the husband as a friend as my husband and I have zero trust with cheaters.

    sweetiejaxon , Irina Iriser/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last The bride and groom got married and within 3 months, the bride found out the groom was married and had kids in a different country.

    mimibox , Jonathan Borba/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I just don't understand these types of men... I've got barely enough time to enjoy ONE wife and ZERO kids so how the actual F*** do these clowns expect to pull this insanity off??? 🤡

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last I'm offering up this one because it actually, ultimately, has a happy ending.

    I got to know a guy in my home town who had a wife from somewhere abroad. Every time I was around at his house she'd glare at him, refuse to speak to or acknowledge me, and just walk around like the physical incarnation of a thunderstorm. She was the exact same toward everyone else as well.

    When I asked my friend about this, he admitted she didn't really like where they lived, that being a town in the UK. And in fairness, it was not the nicest area of town by a very long shot, but he seemed oblivious to this. Their apartment was great, but the area around it looked like a set from The Walking Dead.

    That marriage lasted six months. When I asked him after, why they got married, he told me he thought that since he was now (at that time) thirty years old, he should probably settle down. Which is the daftest reason to get married anyone's ever given me.

    Then this happened, told to me, by him, after the fact.

    From time to time he'd get emails from an old friend of his, a girl who had been a part of his circle of friends when he was younger, and who had since returned home to Asia. When she learned he'd married, her emails dried up for a few years.

    Just days after his divorce, she got back in touch for the first time in a long time and he wrote back with the news he was divorced.

    Three days later she flew halfway around the world to see him. They became a couple after a couple of days, married one year later, and now have three kids. And live in a much nicer area.

    bad-at-science , Sandy Millar/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you have any doubts, at all, don't do it! While my ex-husband and I loved each other, I don't think either of us was "in love" with the other. I felt horrible leaving him (he was still, working in the UK), until i got his letter saying he didn't realize how miserable he was until i left. We unnecessarily hurt each other because we wouldn't face the truth.

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last A friend of mine found out a few days after her wedding, that her husband hadn't been away for work a few months before their marriage as he claimed, but was actually with his side chick, that was giving birth to his child. Turns out the side chick had no idea either so they had a long talk about him before confronting him.

    She got an annulment due to the marriage having been entered into under false circumstances.

    grax23 , Shamia Casiano/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    R.A. Haley
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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's wonderful when all the ladies find out and retaliate against the guy. That was the funniest part of the song and movie I mentioned earlier. These stories are the very definition of FAFO.

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last I attended two Disney-themed weddings, and both couples had gotten engaged at Disneyland, spent a fortune on Disney decor for the weddings, and honeymooned at Disneyland. In both cases, the women wanted the whole dream wedding of being a princess and they totally glazed over the reality of marriage and the flawed nature of their outlook on it. They wanted the wedding but weren't ready for the future afterward. Both couples divorced in less than two years. My friends, who had a ceremony at the courthouse, have been together for almost 10 years now

    Key-Controls 7348 , Avel Chuklanov/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Austin Sauce
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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you’re immature enough to think you’re a Disney princess for a wedding, you’re probably not mature enough for married life

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last I was bartending a wedding and the groom kept getting drink after drink. He was so drunk that I started making his drinks with water and he didnt notice. Next thing you know he is kissing a bridesmaid in the middle of the dance floor. His new father in law didn't take kindly to this and proceeded to knock him the f**k out. They got it annuled.

    infinitely-oblivious , Rene Asmussen/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Groom went missing between ceremony and reception. Bride found him banging the best man in the toilets. She smashed a glass in his face.

    karamellokoala , Craig Adderley/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    Rayne OfSalt
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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok, I get being enraged by your husband cheating on your immediately, but glassing someone ain't acceptable. I lost my eye back in my early 20s cos some a$$hat in a pub thought it would be funny to throw a glass across the bar.

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last They were banging other people before the wedding, didn't go on the same honeymoon together, continued to bang other people after the wedding, and stopped living in the same house by the time five months had rolled around.

    Wedding was fun, though, and the booze was free.

    biochamberr , Oleksandr P/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Groom caught bride cheating with the best man at the wedding, it had been going on for months. They Kept it together for the night so no one knew. They tried to make it work but only lasted 3 months.

    nomorepumpkins , Ron Lach/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last The bride had a very Instagram wedding, which was quite over the top. She had two different dresses and a videographer who made it look like it was a film. It turns out the groom had been sleeping with the maid of honor for six months before the wedding, and it was found out when the MOH was crying, saying, 'This should've been me,' at the party afterward. The cake tasted absolutely incredible, though, 10/10

    Bruce___Wayne , Emma Bauso/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last My friend is a wedding photographer in Australia and she had a couple where the groom was visibly recoiling from the bride in every photo. She couldn’t get a photo of him looking comfortable or happy around his bride. No idea what was going on but they didn’t last long….

    Upsidedown0310 , Leah Newhouse/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Baby-trapping or "marriage for the child's sake" maybe? Or arranged marriage?

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Uh...The bride came out to slipknot. They wrote their own vows which were, shall we say, overtly and uncomfortably sexual, and they had been dating for a grand total of two whole weeks.

    Any and all attempts to inform them that this was a mistake were met with "When you know, you know." or "You're just jealous."

    But hey, a free bar is a free bar.

    Edit: So many questions.

    The song was the last/bonus track on subliminal verses. I'm told this track is called "Danger - keep away".

    The wedding itself was a small thing with a registrar in a council building.

    The staff there were very professional, and only laughed quietly.

    The after party was at a pub owned by the grooms uncle.

    The honey moon was at Butlins.

    They were separated by the time they got back.

    They were not in the military, just young/dumb.

    We are all white trash, and that's fine.

    I bought them a toaster from argos. I didn't ask for it back.

    Arthurius-Denticus , Deesha Chandra/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last My brother got married to a woman from Russia while in the army. The whole family thought she married him for a green card, but he was convinced it was love. They had their ceremony in a gazebo on a military base. It was a small gathering of family that traveled to it from out of state. His best friend since high school got ordained just so he could marry them. My brother was really excited. He wore a nice suit and the bride… well… she showed up in a bright pink track suit. They divorced a year later.

    MotleyCute , Ali Pazani/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last My friends mom got married to a trucker. Was a pretty nice guy, treated her well, took care of her financially.

    About a year in his other 3 wives from other states group called her to inform her that he was also married to all of them as well.

    They all divorced him at the same time. Nothing was even finalized yet and he was sitting at a bar drinking. A fight broke out between other people and he got shoved off his bar stool.

    Hit his head pretty good, went home to sleep it off and never woke up.

    orbitaldragon , Samantha Gades/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last I’m not sure but the thank you card from my gift arrived on the day I found out they were divorced. 2 weeks at most.

    soul-shine-lissa , alleksana/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    Big expensive wedding. Wife wanted a baby, father wanted to wait a little longer but agreed the timing was pretty good for a baby. When the baby was there the father did everything around the house and worked 60-70 hours per week on top of that. Wife cared for the baby but was annoyed by it 24/7 and wanted to work again (2 months after birth). Father bend over backwards to allow her to start her job sooner than expected. Still wasn’t happy and started a new job. Long story short she started f*****g her new boss and after a couple of months it came out. Divorce is through now and she’s with the new boss and now runs his small business with him. They constantly have expensive vacations but struggle for money the whole year for everything.

    Ex husband has spent the year reliving his 20s and having tons of fun and is genuinely a very good father. The fact that his ex wife started f*****g a bald, fat 50 year old behind his back helped him lose all feelings for her.

    HolyVeggie Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last They were both 35 successful lawyer and doctor. But had never spent the night at each other's house. 

    After the marriage they couldn't agree who would move in with who. And filed for divorce after 3 months. No one knows why they even got married at all. I guess they felt like they were supposed to at that age.

    randallAtl , Emma Bauso/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It seems to me those are things you hash out before you get married..

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last One of my best friends got married. None of us had met her before but we hadn’t seen him in years and were super excited to reconnect. This was the most elaborate wedding I had ever been to. Tuxes, an incredible meal, a hall that resembled hogwarts, an opera performance and a string quartet playing his favourite rap songs. It was incredible, yet we just knew it wasn’t “him”. We started to mingle with her friends at a table and we soon learned they didn’t really know her.. We brushed it off as we just wanted to be there for him and have a good time.

    That was until the mother of the bride made a harmless joke about the bride being difficult as a child. This led to the bride eventually storming off after the dances, locking herself in a room, getting blackout and berating him, his family and many guests who had flown across the country to be there. It all started to click that she was just absolutely psycho. Most of the guests caught the vibe and left by 930pm. Me and my friends eventually sat with her “friends” and shut down the party. From 150 guests down to 8. Why would we let everything go to waste? He quickly came over after he was able to calm her down and apologized to us and left. We honestly thought we’d never see him again.

    6 weeks later he called me, he had returned home. They were done. The story just has so many layers to it.

    Looking back, in the one day we had been around the situation there was SO many red flags. Thankfully we have him back and he’s thriving.

    ZeddM , Jeremy Wong Weddings/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Mike F
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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ...a string quartet playing his favorite rap songs, that sums it up right there.

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Both my brother and sister had short marriages.

    Sister: husband turned up to the wedding high on crack. She fell in love with someone else.

    Brother: had a destination wedding on the top of a mountain that took half a day for the guests to hike including my dad who is missing a knee cap. They wound up with an open marriage, but the wife ran off with the “other guy” and their cat.

    Myspacetui , Jeremy Wong Weddings/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last I live in a small town in switzerland, so everybody knows everybody. A couple was to marry on saturday. The guest came along and while they were greeted the bride excused herself. She left to s*ck of a former male friend of her 'one last time' and got caught. We used to joke about her 'blowing of the wedding'. This thing happend years ago, but the both are still living in our town seperatively and i can't unhear the story when i see them.

    ringgenbergeast , Scott Webb/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    By this persons username I guess they live in Ringgenberg in the Bernese mountains. Now to even call that a "small town" is a BIG stretch 🤣 we do not have banjos in Switzerland, yet if we had you'd hear them played in these regions a lot (joking oc). Anyways the region IS beautiful to visit though. And gossip in these small villages IS big. I know, I lived in the region for more than 10 years. 😅🙈

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Uh, it’s me, I’m the couple.

    She started cheating on me like 3 months after the wedding (that I can prove) but I’m like pretty sure she was beforehand, at least emotionally. She cried at the altar, but not a sweet happy cry, it seemed like a really upset “I’m about to make a big mistake” cry. I remember thinking “this doesn’t seem right, whys she crying like that?” But she gave me no hints at second guessing the whole wedding at all so I literally had no clue until we were GETTING MARRIED. So we went through with it, she started cheating 3 months later, I found out about it 3 months after that, and we got divorced.

    Trelaboon1984 , Leah Newhouse/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last The father of the bride got extremely drunk and did a very long, rambling speech in which he revealed he'd done a background check on the husband and discovered they were cousins. He got booed and dragged off the stage, but unfortunately, things didn't last long, as you can imagine

    Throwaway_elle_T , Rene Asmussen/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Tale as old as time.

    One of my roommates in college got engaged to a guy in the army after dating for less than a year. My roommates and I were so confused when she came back from Christmas break engaged.

    During our senior year the fiancé was deployed and my roommate became “best friends” with the bouncer at our local bar, spending days and nights with him but denying there was anything going on. Girl, our bedrooms are right next to reach other.

    Well when her fiancé got back one of his groomsmen had to drop out of the wedding so she INSISTED her new “best friend” be a groomsman.

    I declined the wedding invite because it was obvious how screwed up the situation was and I didn’t support it. Definitely made for awkward times as we still lived together up until the wedding. Myself and another roommate did try to tell her fiancé what was going on but he totally blew us off. I think he was in denial and just made excuses for her. They lasted 10 months I think.

    ObieB , Rene Asmussen/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    I didn't actually attend the wedding. During lockdown, when we were working from home, this one colleague was always reluctant to have work related one to one calls with male colleagues such as myself. Eventually, I found out that her fiance would moan and get jealous that she was talking to other men on Teams, even if it was 100% professional and work related. Even then, I thought "woah" but figured it wasn't my place to say anything.

    They got married about 2 years ago. About 9 months ago, he asked for a divorce by text as HE, Mr Jealous, had found someone else.

    SnooChickens9666 Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last The bride and groom got married at 20, and the bride's dad asked her to return his credit card during his speech because she can't use 'daddy's money' now that she's married. He then ran over and started cutting his OWN credit card while the DJ played 'Rich Girl.'

    skilled-dreamer , Jeremy Wong/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    Austin Sauce
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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This conservation should have happened way before the wedding and definitely not in a public speech. Dad’s a d**k.

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    (Witnessed by my parents, not me)

    During the wedding reception someone asked the bride and groom when they were going to have kids (They had been dating for 8 years before getting married, so everyone assumed they were going to have kids immediately after getting married).

    The groom loudly said "Oh man, I'm NEVER having kids!"

    The Bride burst into tears and had to go to the restroom. They lasted about a year.

    You'd think that's something they would have talked about during that long time, but who knows.

    paul_swimmer Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Please stop inquiring after someone else's reproductive plans. It's rude and certainly none of your flipping business.

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last The bride had a history of being extremely flirty and staying in touch with her ex. The husband was very conscious of this and constantly asked her where she was and who she was with. Even though the flags were very red, they had a massively expensive wedding. It lasted three weeks

    Neither-Cup564 , Arthur Ogleznev/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    Captain McSmoot
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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I bet you the sex was too good to pass up on. Poor guy should have sobered up and realized, but, alas, the wrong head was being used for the thinking.

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    Went to Singapore to attend a female friend's wedding with a Singaporean guy. She'd been so happy up until the actual wedding. My friends and I arrived like three days before the ceremony, and the wedding girl was visibly troubled when she met us. We just thought it was nerves and all that. Wedding day comes and she comes out, in her full wedding gown, with an absolute b***h face. Like I'm-about-to-m*rder-someone kind of b***h face. I'm not even kidding lol. Never smiled once during the whole ceremony and the dinner. She loosened up a bit in the after party, and my gf went and asked if her she was OK. She waved my gf away. Right after the wedding, she went back to Hong Kong for work, claiming there's s**t she needs to do. Then covid hit and we're practically not allowed to travel anywhere for a year or two. We were worried about her marriage but she was always rather evasive, not answering our questions or just shooting the s**t whenever we talked about it. Our circle of friends learned not to ask about it anymore. Fast forward 5 years until now, it turns out that she never actually got married lol. The ceremony and everything was a show. We gathered that the dude probably had another girlfriend in Singapore and she only found out right before the wedding. But then she never said it out loud, hinted it here or there with some close friends of hers. Sh*ts unreal. 6 or 7 of us, with a 4yo kid, flew to Singapore just to witness a show of a wedding lol.

    Mathilliterate_asian Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’ve always pictured Singapore as being one of the farthest places away, no matter where you live…even Singapore.

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last My cousin was in a toxic relationship for a long time. They got engaged and he tried to leave her before the wedding. Her family (apparently d**g doing, trouble making hillbillies) pressured him into staying. The wedding was called off about a week before, and was back on in less than 24 hours. He married her and they separated like the next day. They’re getting a divorce now. She just had a baby, and we’re not sure if it’s his or not. This happened pretty recently, so it’s causing some family drama.

    Xingxingting , Irina Iriser/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Actually, I performed a wedding at a local bar.. we left about 10 pm. The newlyweds got drunk, started fighting, and were arrested, spending the night in jail.

    Fickle_Pipe1954 , Alex Knight/Pexels (not the actual phtoo) Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mean that doesn't have to mean the marriage wasn't happy. Unless they started the fight with each other?

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    About a week before the wedding, she found proof that he was cheating. She'd already suspected it, but now there was evidence. He was already kind of a sucky partner; he was a bum and made her pay for all their living expenses alone. All of us bridesmaids encouraged her to call it off. Even her father, who paid for everything, told her it was fine if she called it off. But she went ahead anyway, and we all had to smile through it. A year later, they had a baby. A year after that, they were divorced

    speedspectator Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For heaven's sake, why have a baby in this situation? That's just selfish.

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    My good friend and college roommate got married to his high school sweetheart as he was working through grad school. It was a beautiful wedding, but a few of us noticed the lack of enthusiasm on the face of the bride.

    Fast forward to the honeymoon, and he had planned fun little couples excursions for each day of the trip. She wouldn't go on any of them, and insisted on staying in the room reading books. After the third day of her staying in, he went to the pool bar and chatted with the bartender and other guests for a few hours before returning to the room. She accused him of drunkenly knocking her over during an attempted hug, followed by her ranting through tears about how she should never have married him. She booked an early flight home, and the annulment was already underway by the time he returned two days later.

    Turns out, she had been voicing her concerns about getting married for months before the big day, and her father/family and my buddy had persuaded her to go through with it. Her initial story upon returning was that he had thrown her down, but within a week, she had come clean that it was definitely an accident (which we all knew, bc my friend is one of the kindest and gentlest people I know). He's remarried to a lovely woman and has a young daughter, and his ex is traveling the world. Moral of the story is not to marry someone who clearly doesn't want to get married.

    KCG0005 Report

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    Anna Ekberg
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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nobody should get persuaded into getting married! I mean wtf....

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    It turned out he was HIV positive and had another wife. She got caught banging his underage cousin.

    ACam574 Report


    My grandmother was married before she met my grandfather (this is back in the 50’s). I’ve only heard the story once or twice, but:

    She was 17, he was in his 20’s. She was dirt poor in Kentucky, and he had a job. They got married, and within a few weeks he got pretty rough with her. When she told her parents, it came to light that he’d been abusive for a while.

    Her dad and brothers didn’t know her new husband as well as they’d like, since he was going to be part of the family and all, so they invited him on a hunting trip.

    Anyway, there was some kind of accident, and the guy got shot. Since he’d been in the service and she was his widow, my grandmother got some veterans benefits for the rest of her life.

    Shortly thereafter (when she was 19-20) she met my grandfather and they were married just a few months shy of 50 years. One of the most compatible couples I’ve ever met.

    Nwcray Report


    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Good mate of mine, totally weird vibe at the wedding so I knew something was up. He sat on the bridal table and smashed a bottle of scotch, she danced all night with her teenage daughter from a previous relationship. Turns out he'd picked up the iPad connected to her phone in the week before the wedding and saw all the messages from her karate instructor who she was having an affair with. His relatives were already en route from overseas so they went through with the wedding but never signed the paperwork!

    CoweringInTheCorner , Ibrahim Boran/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    A week before the wedding the bride walked in on the groom f*****g the dog's stuffed toy. They went through with the very elaborate wedding and I'm pretty sure it's because she wanted a wedding, not a marriage, in the first place. They anulled the marriage 2 weeks later. Her parents are still paying off the wedding debt and that happened 5 years ago.

    pinkradar Report

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    Groom met girl, fell hard “in love”, and pushed girl to quickly marry, he said “love of his life”.
    Three months later after they married, he left her, victim blaming and gaslighting all around.
    He leaves out the part where he emotionally beat her into the ground with “I’m just kidding” and “you know what I mean” kinda s**t.
    He didn’t really leave her after three months of marriage. He went back, and left for some other reason, and went back, and left for yet another reason. This went on for months, and the wife never even knew problems existed.

    He destroyed that girl.

    I hope she finds someone who doesn’t use love as a weapon against her.

    thef*ckeryofityall Report

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    Anna Ekberg
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    8 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ironic he used the phrase "fell hard in love" when he obviously have no idea what love is nore cares to know.

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    Apparently the bride wanted an open marriage and the groom didn't. It was me. I was the groom.

    Married in Feb, separated in May. The fella she was seeing on the side wifed her up for better or worse. Good on him, I guess. She was extremely abusive throughout the relationship, and from the inside I didn't really see it until a confidante talked to me about it after it ended. I now have a partner who isn't abusive and a wonderful child so I don't feel like I lost much except for the mental and emotional toll of it all.

    nathan_f72 Report

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    S. K.
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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's good to see that domestic abuse perpetrated by women against men is getting an airing in this thread. Good on you for speaking up and sharing your truth with everyone.

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    Went to a wedding that the bride's parents spent $30,000 for. One month later, the husband got a better job in a city 90 minutes away. The wife didn't want to move that far from her parents. They were divorced less than two months of marriage.

    iamjustsyd Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm on the husband's side on this one. It doesn't sound like she was committed to the marriage, and it's not like they were going to be on the other side of the world.

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Saw some signs at the wedding like ignoring each other, making rude and snide remarks publicly, etc. They tried to fix their marriage by having a kid earlier than they planned and that led to divorce. Both are married to different people now and have had more kids, by all accounts far more civil, even cordial with each other.

    AgingLemon , Irina Iriser/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report


    The relationship between the bride’s father and the groom was contentious from before the wedding. At it, one of the bride’s cousins’ +1 had a dress with a cleavage, and one of the groom’s cousins, drunk off his a*s, came to her and told her he wanted, ad verbatim, to suck her boobs.

    +1 tells her date, who promptly punches the groom’s cousin. This begins a full on family vs family brawl, that culminates with the groom punching the bride’s father, and this man taking his daughter away and keeping her away from her husband for ten days.

    It got annulled! Can’t imagine why 🤪.

    ffflowerpppower Report

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    It was an arranged marriage and she quickly went from independent girl boss to a slave for his whole family in a different country. You could tell at the wedding when his mates were all talking about him taking her virginity that night and how he’d gotten plenty of practice in before the wedding. Glad she got out of there, I hope her family understood.

    b0ringusern4me Report


    Wedding was fine. But then the groom tried to throw the bride off the balcony of the penthouse apartment they were staying in on the wedding night.

    I know this because I was a bridesmaid and she called me and another bridesmaid and asked us to stay the night with them in their hotel room. Super awkward, but she assured us it wasn’t a sexual thing. Turns out she didn’t feel safe being alone with him. Rightly so.

    They hid it well in public, he seemed like a decent guy until then (from what I had seen. Obviously that wasn’t accurate). Why she married him I l’ll never know. I guess she was afraid of what he’d do if she said no.

    jolhar Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I understand marrying him bc she was afraid for her safety, but if you’re going to have two other people in your hotel room why don’t you just keave

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last Turned out the groom (who I was working for at the time) was banging the gal who played the violin for the music at their wedding.

    Not sure how long the marriage lasted, but it was pretty damned quick....couple of months at most.

    And it was a HUGE and very expensive wedding. I still feel bad for the bride. She was super nice, and he was such an idiot. I hope she got the wedding annulled and found someone who deserved her.

    I stopped working for the guy around that time so I never really heard what came of it, but I know it was over insanely fast.

    m149 , Drew Rae/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do believe there's an inverse relation between the cost of the wedding and the duration of the marriage.

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    She had a baby she never bonded with. Shortly thereafter, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and hospitalized for months. When she was released, he went to court to get an order mandating that she only be allowed to see her child with another adult present. They mutually decided at that point to end the marriage. He now has full custody of the child and she has limited visitation rights. Sad story.

    OPMom21 Report

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    Sandra Morison
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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is rather sad, as being bi polar is an illness not really anyone at fault here. Perhaps he should have tried again when she was stable on meds

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    One, the groom f****d a bridesmaid at the reception, got caught behind the bar.

    Another, bride f****d the best man in the limo on the way to the reception because the groom rode with his parents in the 2nd limo. The limo driver told the groom.

    TheGutter420 Report


    I helped a bride (coworker from my old job) get the wedding she wanted, not her MIL’s. I did tell the bride that I can only help sort her MIL & mama’s boy groom out for the wedding, but not for the marriage. I pointed out that MIL will get involved with everything in their marriage & the groom will side his mum. Also told her about the multiple red flags, I saw in their (bride & groom) relationship. I advise her to nope out of marrying the mama’s boy & his mum, before it’s too late. Bride believed that the second they say “I do”, the groom will change from mama’s boy to perfect husband. Their marriage lasted 6 months.

    This is what the bride told me was the final straw - The couple was having their honeymoon a few months after the wedding day. The bride had points to upgrade their flight tickets to 1st class. Bride was caught off guard by MIL being at the airport, the groom said him & his mum will fly 1st class and bride will fly economy. Then groom said about their hotel arrangements - him & his mum in honeymoon suite and bride in cheap single bed room.

    RottweilerBridesmaid Report

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    High school friend, and tennis partner. She fell in love with the highschool football jock that wanted to be a police officer. He got the job. And beat the brakes off my friend just 3 months after she had his child. She divorced him on the spot. She had enough. Looking back I can see the red flags he was flying in high school. I guess I just didn't have the voice or knowledge to know better (I came from a s****y home.)
    She's doing good now! And I'm happy for her!

    esprockerchick Report

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    “Asked For A Divorce By Text”: 40 People Share The Wildest Reasons Friends’ Marriages Didn’t Last It was a destination wedding. There were no bridesmaids and two best men, old colleagues of the groom he wasn't really close to. They had three photographers - one that came as part of the wedding package, one the bride paid to have flown out with them, and one friend of the couple who took all the photos on his phone, but otherwise worked as though he had been hired for the job. No one had anything good to say about them as a couple. Her family weren't invited, his family spent all evening b*tching about how awful the wedding prep had been since the bride cut so many people out of the wedding with just weeks to go (hence no bridesmaids, etc). The photographer who'd been hired to fly out sat with us at one point and offloaded about how stressful the whole day had been, calling the bride a 'bridezilla.' I'm not sure quickly they separated after but we never saw the wedding photos. I think it was a matter of weeks. We spent over £2000 to be there.

    jesuseatsbees , Scott Webb/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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    Several months before the wedding, they decided to (discreetly) open their relationship up to non-monogamy on the proviso that it would become monogamous again after the wedding day. The groom's new ‘girlfriend’ attended the wedding, got a bit too drunk, and spent the reception loudly stating how upset she was and how she couldn’t bear to watch them kiss during the ceremony. It didn’t take long for the new wife to come home and find the girlfriend hiding in the primary bedroom ensuite

    Focus_sonic_butt Report

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    The wedding was beautiful and the most expensive wedding I have even been to. The bride worked for a fashion designer in NYC and had 3 different dresses she wore during different parts of the wedding.

    They announced she was pregnant soon after the wedding and unfortunately scans showed there were a few things wrong with the baby. The stress of the situation caused my cousin (the husband) to relapse and go back to his old heroin habit - which apparently she had no idea about. His d**g use quickly spiraled and he got fired from his job for stealing, and then his wife found out about it all and moved out to stay with her parents. Baby was born 100% healthy - scans had got it wrong. He tried to quit d***s and make amends to her but it was rocky and she divorced him before their 1st anniversary.

    He dipped off for a few years doing d***s, then got sober and found out he had brain cancer. Relapsed. Got sober again and had his brain tumor removed. Now he is still sober and remarried, has a few kids with his new wife.

    ambereatsbugs Report


    I was going to be "best man" at a friend's wedding. We got together the evening before the wedding, and all seemed well. Then, at 7:30 the next morning, I got a phone call from my friend. He said that the wedding was called off, and he would call and explain later. He didn't. It was two weeks later, I finally got a hold of his dad, and he said that his son was away at boot camp, and wouldn't be coming back. I never heard from him or the bride again, so I don't really know what happened.

    fredzout Report

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    There was a young lady working with me, who was caught texting her boyfriend on the wedding day. She had even sent him herself in her wedding dress.

    Martiallawtheology Report

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    The wedding was gross, just overtly sexual and shallow. She got pregnant less than a year later. He blamed her and beat the s**t out of her. She offered to have an abortion but he's pro-life so that pissed him off more and he sent her to the hospital again. They'd been having unprotected sex since the wedding and everyone knew it so he was the only person who was surprised. They split up after the beatings but didn't divorce until after she had 3 more children because they thought they couldn't afford it. They had no assets or marital debt so they could've DIYed it, but neither of them were ever bright. He's never paid a cent of child support (willingly, his tax returns go to her now) or met his son, who hates him.

    RNYGrad2024 Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He is pro-life and beat the living daylights out of her while she was pregnant... I'm speechless.

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    Father of the child the bride was carrying (not the grooms) turned up at the reception. She left with him. Until then I had never seen a human so devastated.

    Zero_Overload Report


    I went to a wedding that was basically a gaslighting trap for the bride. The groom was a scumbag, his only skill was scamming unemployment for extensions based on fabricated reasons and grifting off the bride. They had a newborn and she had two other kids that he had calling him "daddy" at the time of the wedding, which was at his parents house and performed by one of his buddies that got ordained just for this event. The bride was working two jobs to afford a home for the both of them, my wife was the only bridesmaid that was her friend.

    Basically, throughout the night, there were several ill concealed insults to the bride. He danced with other women before the "first dance," he broke off their first dance awkwardly and quickly but danced with his mom for the full song, the bride ate alone with the baby while he ate sitting next to and flirting with other women at a different table, then as the night went on things just got out of hand. He and the entire bridal party (excepting my wife) continued to ignore her while dirty dancing with other women, his parents said some nasty s**t to her, and when she finally got upset and confronted him, the groom's parents literally snatched the baby and kicked her off of the property. She was not able to see her own newborn until county sheriff's came three days later and basically said "if you make us get a warrant, we're going to arrest you for kidnapping and turn the house upside down."

    Unfortunately, he still bothers her to this day, as he is father of one of her kids. She has custody now, but he still starts problems.

    He's probably the only person on the planet that I can genuinely say, if I ever come across him somewhere not in a well lit public area, I'd just immediately start kicking the s**t out of him.

    Edit to add: it never was actually a legal marriage, they signed the papers but obviously nothing was ever filed and the "minister" was a part of the scam.

    PoopSmith87 Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As I like to tell people: "there but for lacking opportunity goes a corpse"

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    Bridezilla snapped at the groom's mom, and then YELLED at the groom when he told her not to speak disrespectfully to his mother.

    tc6x6 Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Depends on the situation, but I’m guessing that from the use of “bridezilla” the bride was the problem

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    He was a marine Corp officer, fighter jet pilot. She was smart, pretty and crazy. She admitted in the bathroom before the wedding that she cheated on him in college... no worries, let it go. They both had just graduated.

    His best man blew the speech in a way that Bukowski couldn't have predicted or explained. It was a rambling of swear words and secrets best left in the back halls of dorms and pubs.

    Distortedhideaway Report


    My friend got married at one the most expensive weddings I'd ever seen, it's a big 12th century 4 star hotel in the middle of the countryside. They had two ceremonies, a legal one with just a few of us there and then an amazing meal, and then in the evening a religious blessing at the bigger party in front of a couple of hundred people, then fireworks and a totally free bar all day. It was probably about £40k at least. The whole relationship had started strangely, my friend was pushing 50 and told his 23yo partner that he was 36. They lived in the garage of the partner's grandmother. Friend came clean about age, partner said he always knew and that it was fine but not to tell his friends and family. They'd only been together about 3 months before they got married. At the wedding it was very obvious that my friend was older than the partner's parents. After the wedding they continued living in a garage. On their first anniversary they stayed in a hotel near us and we went to get dinner with them and my friends partner talked about all the clubbing and going out he did while my friend was much more the homemaker. About 1 month later, friend messaged me to tell me they've split because he didn't like that 23yo went out partying and to festivals and put with his mates all the time, he wanted him to stay home and be in bed by 9. Thing is my friends had previously been on a long term relationship with someone younger and they split for the same reason.

    Sidenote my husband and I had got married (a month before their wedding) and all our friends that came to the wedding as couples are no longer together. All have split other than one where the husband died.

    Another one of the couple lasted 3 months after he found her sexting a colleague, they'd been together for about 10 years before getting married. She's now married to the new guy.

    pbfhpunkshop Report

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    Kiss Army
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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We had people we thought were our friends come to our wedding and later found out that they were taking bets about how long it would last. They are all divorced now and we are still married 31+ years later.

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    A few weeks later, the bride drove to her parents” house after work instead of her home and said she didn’t want to be married anymore and asked them to fix it.

    Another one, bride left months later because groom’s d**g use had quickly spiraled out of control.

    gnarlslindbergh Report

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    My cousin got married pretty early into a relationship in her early twenties. It was a very simple wedding as not much could be afforded (they had the groom’s… 12 year old cousin (?) be the photographer because I was a bridesmaid).

    When cutting the cake, my cousin fed the piece of cake to her new husband and did the usual little show but didn’t make that big of a mess. It was his turn. He absolutely tried to smash it into my cousin’s face.

    They got divorced. I can’t remember how long after the wedding that was but maybe at least a year later?

    Now she’s remarried and seems very happy. They’re on holiday right now. I’ll be able to meet him in roughly two months.

    elixan Report

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    My ex sister in law married a guy she hadn't known very long and although that isn't any reliable indicator of how long a relationship will last, I found it very disturbing that the groom stood with his back turned toward his bride while she walked down the aisle. One of his groomsmen had to tap him on the arm and whisper in his ear that he was supposed to turn around when the wedding march started. She was maybe only 3 steps away from him when he finally turned around to see her.

    Less than a year later he just came home from work one day and told her he had been with someone else since before they were married and she had to leave.

    EasyBounce Report

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    Within a year their baby died, he went to prison, and she got hooked on meth.

    Maxhousen Report


    He was a laid back, depressed cynic, she was an over-enthusiastic over-achiever with Strong Opinions on everyone else's life choices. They'd never lived under the same roof before (I suspect religion may have been a factor). Of course, she got pregnant immediately after the wedding and the kid was born just around the time they realized they couldn't stand each other. Poor kid.

    KeaAware Report

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    My step-sister in law got married when she was a teenager and her husband was young as well and a moron. I'm not even sure it lasted a year. I remember one thing he did was brake check cars multiple times causing crashes and needing physical therapy. I can't imagine being that god damn stupid. I remember he and his friends drinking illegally at the wedding like they were cool but they just looked like f*****g clowns. I hated to see her marry an idiot like that because she is super smart and had goals and his goal was just to be a moron.

    atducker Report

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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Embarrassed to admit it took me a minute to figure out ‘step sister in law’. 😂


    One of my closest friends was in a relationship for 10 years. They got married, she got pregnant. She didn’t want kids, he did. She got an abortion & they were married and divorced within a year after a 10 year relationship.

    HighlyUnoffended Report


    In contrast to some others here this couple lasted long, a full six months.

    Until she confessed to cheating on him. Repeatedly. With several men, for several years, sometimes with multiple men at the same time.

    Dude was a mess for a year after that.

    Cheap_Brilliant_5841 Report

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    The groom wanted an open marriage and the bride didn’t.

    soymilkmolasses Report


    3 weeks. The bride who was a very good friend of mine had terminal cancer.

    xebt1000 Report


    Seemed like the bride and groom both knew this wasn't going to last long. They kept talking about how nice the party was but never about the excitement of being together and their future together.

    Ancient_Blackberry10 Report

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    Wedding was fine, but afterwards the groom got a job that required him to relocate (the bride would move over a bit later) and the she (a daily emotional alcoholic) was already giving him s**t for having a few female colleagues and when she moves there she wants to meet them, like she was really paranoid even though the groom is a decent loyal guy. Getting closer to her moving to where he was based, i overheard her (already drunk again) talking unjustified smack about her husband to her friend over the phone and was often quick to point out she'll divorce him for just about any scenario. Anyway she moves in with him at their new place and not long after they got divorced. She does some travelling for her work and turns out she was f*****g her driver. Marriage didn't even last a few months.

    Secret_Agent_666 Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A bunch of these stories have a common thread. Partner suspects cheating, Surprise!!! they are the cheater.

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    The lawyers had to split up the cake.

    FlatulentParamecium Report

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    She was way hotter than my cousin. By like a lot. She was also was nicer than him. Like a lot. So she left him. I still don't know why she married him in the first place. She made more than he did/does. So it wasn't looks, personality, or money.

    ATL28-NE3 Report


    One cheated. The cheater was given an ultimatum to either break up or stop talking to the affair partner then prove their love/devotion with marriage. It turns out marriage isn’t a good solution for relationship issues.

    amerra Report


    The bride disappeared during the reception and went on a bender.

    Wall-flower-1 Report

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    Pretty boring, but among one person's life goals was to be a parent and the other didn't want children. That's a hard bump in the road to ignore.

    tbri001 Report

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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That just goes to show that love only is not enough: you have to talk about how you are going to manage finances, children, jobs and chores. I swear, sometimes I think a marriage of convenience has a better chance of lasting than marriage just for love.

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    Nothing much, but the (very very crazy) bride's family were religious wackos and made a big deal about pointing out their father's law offices and all his rental properties.

    Also, one of the groomsmen (who I think was the bride's brother) who got way too into the gambling when we were in Atlantic City kept trying to get us to leave the rehearsal dinner to find a casino (which were not legal in Ohio then).

    Peemster99 Report

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    Wife got pregnant unexpectedly. Her rich family freaked out, called in all their connections to pull a $100K wedding and reception within a few weeks.

    Wife had a miscarriage after 6 months. A year later they were divorced and their marriage annulled.

    Neither the wife nor the husband really wanted to marry but they caved due to pro-life family pressure. I think they would have made a go of it had they had the kid, but once that was out of the picture the marriage fell pretty quickly.

    CharlesAvlnchGreen Report

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    Mike F
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    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A $100k wedding. Imagine how many people could have been supplied housing, and/or how many hungry people could have been fed with that money. Humans suck.

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    Bride had a very Instagram wedding and it was quite over the top. She had 2 different dresses, videographer who made it look like it was a film

    Turns out the groom had been sleeping with the maid of honour for 6 months prior to the wedding and it was found out when the MoH was crying saying "this should've been me" at the party afterwards

    Cake tasted absolutely incredible though, 10/10.

    Bruce______Wayne Report