We Made An Installation And Performance Art In The Mediterranean Sea Called “Waste”
WASTE is an installation & performance art in the Mediterranean. It’s a reminder of those who traveled seeking the unknown and left a huge love behind, those who tried to cross the Mediterranean but ended up floating near its shores.
With the help of artist Sarah Bioglou, we were able to collect wasted wood from different parts of Cyprus, beaches, forests, and abandoned houses lefts behind by refugees in the 1970s.
We didn’t restore or polish any part of the collected pieces because we wanted to keep their identity, we only removed the dangerous nails, leaving their marks behind as a reminder of their past.
With no strings or anchors that restrain their freedom of movement, we carried the letters to the sea.
For some of them, it felt like sending them back to where they came from.
For others, it felt like giving them a sense of a group.
Swimming around them and pushing them gently was enough to make the phrase we were aiming for. The gentle waves created a peaceful harmony between the letters allowing them to communicate.
On the 7th of January 2023, it will be my 8th anniversary since I left my home in Syria, during which I lived in 4 countries and encountered hundreds of lovable people… I don’t know where I’m heading next, but I know that I don’t want to waste love anymore.