Fifteen years ago, a group of nerdy friends decided to build a Medieval village in remote Haltdalen in Norway, because we wanted to create the perfect arena for LARPS, reenactment and other venues.

We had no money, no plan and no regard for out own limitations, just our friendship and a wonderful dream. Oh, plus a wheelbarrow and some shovels. 15 years later we have used more than 18.000 hours of voluntary work to build some of the smaller houses, and we are now turning to the ultimate dream, the heart of the village: The Great Hall.

The Great Hall will be built using a large, traditional timber logged house that we have already taken down and stored on site, and to fund the construction, we have launched an Indiegogo campaign.

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    Reliving history though play

    Dare to dream!

    Welcome to the Village, a place of dreams… and hard work


    Old crafts speak to old souls.

    Winter bliss

    A task shared is a task solved

    Laying the traditional turf roof


    Children know what we forgot – how to make work fun

    True craftsmanship take time

    Let your young heart play on


    When you are tired, EVERYTHING is funny

    Chasing an actual ogre is much more fun than chasing a virtual pokémon. Look, he’s behind you, girls!


    Enter, friend

    Never stop playing

    A much deserved rest and hot drink


    Friendship fuels the heart in the cold of night. And food, of course

    A winter visit

    A quiet evening under the stars, with the bonfires crackling

    We love our Village!