The Big Picture Art Project is a unique collective art project where artists from all other the world are collaborating to build a giant mosaic of drawings and stories. Participation is free and open to anyone, anywhere in the world :
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The Big Picture Art Project
The Big Picture is growing online in real time, one drawing at a time.
So far we had more than 800 participants from more than 70 countries
The Picture is zoomable and clickable like a Google map
When you zoom in, you start to see the individual drawings
And read the story of each drawing
Drawing by Jenn Ashton
Country: Canada
The Story behind my drawing:
This year I had a very bad shoulder injury from too much painting, for months I had to use my nondominant hand. It was actually fantastic, I learned how to draw using only my left hand – which is what this picture was drawn with. This picture is me and the dogs in bed, at the start of my injury, when it was still very painful.
My connection to #Vancouver or what Vancouver evokes to me:
I love Vancouver! My G3x Grandfather was one of Vancouver’s first 100 Pioneers, and my Gx3 Grandmother was indigenous from WhoiWhoi (Stanley Park). This is my home and the home of my ancestors:-)
Find my work at:
Drawing by Medha Karandikar
Country: USA
The Story behind my drawing:
The title of this picture is “Memory post-it’s”. I try to remember ideas for drawings and writings. Sometimes they do not stick in my memory unless I write them down. I have a little box of post-it’s on which I write a few lines to describe what I hope will eventually become a short story or a lovely painting. Dementia in the family is a constant reminder that a good memory is a gift to cherish. Post-it notes are my way to make my memories last.
My connection to #Vancouver or what Vancouver evokes to me:
The Art Gallery is what will draw me to Vancouver. I will love to spend an entire day at the Vancouver Art Gallery. My niece has just moved to Seattle, and I plan to visit her and make a road trip to Vancouver for a couple of days. I want to experience the cultural diversity that they say Vancouver is known for.
Drawing by Krista Wells
Country: Canada
The Story behind my drawing:
I drew this from a photo I took at a café in Lagos, Portugal. There are many dogs and cats in need of rescuing in Portugal, but there are dedicated people who volunteer to make their lives better by running shelters and adoption events. My friends Robin and Diana always have a soft spot for dogs in need. They had a very old dog who had recently died. When I ran into them at the café, they had just picked up their new dog from the dog shelter. Robin is caressing his newly rescued pooch. The dog is soaking up the love. This will be a happy life filled with surfing, yoga, and romping on the beach.
My connection to #Vancouver or what Vancouver evokes to me:
When I was a child, I visited my uncle who was an architect in a Vancouver. He was a small man, about 5″4″. He wore a pith helmet and a bow tie. He drove a Morgan convertible. My strongest image is of him behind the wheel, barely able to see over the dash, and beside him in the passenger seat, sitting very tall, is his Great Dane.
Drawing by Laurence Caron C.
Country: Canada
The Story behind my drawing:
I always considered that drawing someone’s portrait is an intimate act, a way to enter the most secret and truthful part of somebody’s soul. As a transgender, I’ve lived a disrupted link to my body. During my transition from male to agendered person (using They, them singular pronoun) I deconstructed the binary gender system and it influenced my art. While Iwas getting a bachelor degree in the field of art I concentrated my work around realism and surrealism, but those styles didn’t seem to fit me, because I kept on asking questioning the conformity to beauty and aesthetics standards. I realised that pointillism and strokes were a way to deconstruct the image and that it fits with my way of understanding the body aesthetic. I kept tracks of the moments I was the less dysphoric to realise that it was only while I was naked. Afterward, it’s really logic, because while I’m naked, I look at my body for what it is, nothing more, nothing less, instead of looking at it through a social constr
My connection to #Vancouver or what Vancouver evokes to me:
Vancouver is something I don’t know yet. The only thing I can say is that Vancouver is bigger than every city I’ve ever been to. Maybe this city could be a nice destination for a futur trip… who knows..
Find my work at:
Drawing by Darrell Wilson
Country: United States
The Story behind my drawing:
There are many things that have inspired me over my lifetime. Seeing older men from my neighborhood having a beard as a child was one. I was always intrigued seeing these guys as they would interact on the block and at the local barbershop while getting them groomed. It just seemed so cool. Not only did they look good, but each person’s beard embodied their self-expression and shaped their personality. I have had a beard for seven years and it has given me a sense of freedom. So, I created this picture to ask the question, “What does your beard say about you?”
My connection to #Vancouver or what Vancouver evokes to me:
I would love to visit Vancouver one day. It looks so beautiful.
Drawing by Venita Salian
Country: Canada
The Story behind my drawing:
Before I reached the age of 12, we moved about 5 times in India due to my parents jobs and plans. Even though I made friends easily, moving made me feel lonely, but it also helped me develop a vivid imagination, which brought out the creative side in me. This happy memory/imagination was after it rained in Bombay, India. Puddles make great mini oceans to float paper boats.
My connection to #Vancouver or what Vancouver evokes to me:
I live in Canada, Ontario now and I still have a lot of places in Canada I need to visit. I would like to visit Vancouver to see the Canadian Rockies.
Drawing by mubarak muhammad Ali
Country: Pakistan
The Story behind my drawing:
i drowned in the main sea in my childhood at the age of 3, after that till many years i was afraid from sea, even from swimming pools, till 16 years i ever went to visit sea view, but at the age of 17 , i took a strong step to overcome my phobia from sea, first time i went to visit the sea view in fact i traveled through boats as well, moreover i also dive in the sea, unfortunately i did not know swimming so i started to become breathless but after that my sea phobia vanished, so one thing i learned from life is that never ever give things opportunity or chance to make you uncomfortable or frightened instead try to over come that fear, take the first step the beginning is always the hardest, take that first step rest will be easy
My connection to #Vancouver or what Vancouver evokes to me:
I would like to visit Vancouver one day
Find my work at:
Thanks MJ Viajes, feel free to participate if you would like to share a story :)
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