Here Are 10 Psychology Tricks Shared By This Mental Health Coach To Use In Everyday Interactions
Psychology is a great discipline all around. Even if you don’t plan on being a psychologist, you’re bound to partake in this thing called socializing, so knowing how to properly talk to people, read their body language or to just know how to properly present yourself and make a good impression is always a nice thing.
TikToker and mental health coach Karissa Wampler has not too long ago shared 10 ways you can use psychology to your advantage when talking to people. This includes everything from ‘forcing’ someone into finishing a conversation to making them stop staring at you to increasing your chances of getting a positive response regarding an idea you’re pitching.
Wampler’s list of videos is neatly divided into 10 days, which you can find transcribed below. Vote and comment on the psychology tricks you enjoyed the most, and why not let us know some of your psychological tricks in the comment section at the bottom!
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“If somebody is ever staring at you in public, don’t acknowledge them, but look straight at their shoes and don’t look away. Without even acknowledging them, you will make them so uncomfortable and concerned with what’s wrong with their shoes they will either turn away from you or walk away completely.”
“Want to throw someone off? Next time somebody is trying to manipulate you, look at their forehead mid-conversation. It makes the subconscious incredibly uncomfortable. Switch between looking at their eyes and their forehead. They’ll either end the conversation completely, or lose their train of thought.”
this one works - My wife does it to me all the time (not on purpose - just a habit) and it still throws me off when she does it.
“A tactic used in business, sales, and law that has probably been used on you. If you are pitching an idea or delivering an argument that you want someone else to accept, nod subtly while you deliver your main points. Mirroring is a natural human behavior. People will naturally nod along with you, making them more likely to agree with you, and give you an affirmative answer.”
“Next time you meet someone and you want to make a good impression, try this: as the conversation starts, pay attention to their eye color. Not only will this ease some anxiety that you might have surrounding the conversation, it will naturally lead you to hold eye contact longer and give you something to remember about this person.”
“If you want people to trust you, be open and honest about your minor mistakes. The times that you do really stupid stuff, like wear your shirt backwards. People who we see as perfect threaten and intimidate us. So, when you are open about these small details, it helps others to see that you are a safe, honest person that they can share their imperfections with. It sends the subconscious message that you are safe and trustworthy, and they can be real with you.”
“You actually have to be very careful how you talk about people who aren’t in the room when you’re with friends. And here’s why. It might seem harmless to talk poorly about people because they’ll never know, but you’re actually sending the subconscious message to your friends that you’ll talk poorly about them when they are not with you. So, be careful that you don’t sabotage yourself to make conversation.”
this is so true. Not just friends - in all parts of your life - neighbors, business etc.
“Next time you’re stuck in a conversation you don’t want to be having, here’s what you’re going to do: instead of making up a lame excuse or just walking away, you can actually use psychology to make them end the conversation for you. While you’re talking, switch among looking at the left and right eyes and the forehead. Looking at the forehead makes the subconscious incredibly uncomfortable, which will lead people to believe that they need to exit the conversation. And you don’t have to say anything.”
“Next time someone tells you something that you’re already aware of, do everything you can to refrain from saying ‘I know.’ Not only does it devalue what they are saying, but it can trigger a defense response. To avoid that altogether, simply replace it with ‘you’re right.’”
“Next time somebody is upset with you, and they are going to get aggressive, but you want them to go a little easier on you, position yourself directly next to them. It’s been proven that confrontation is much more difficult when you are in such close proximity, so sit next to your angry boss, or mom.”
“If you want to achieve a super lofty goal, put it down on paper! (I like to write mine in the self journal). As soon as you physically put it down on paper, you are 43% more likely to achieve it.”
a) Never trust psychological advice if no sources to scientific articles or at least contemporary textbooks are given. The field is vast and complex and too many people seem to believe they understand psychology. b) Be aware that Karissa Wampler is an influencer, who normally would be frowned upon on BP. One of her Youtube videos is "TIKTOK /INSTAGRAM GROWTH HACKS". You can do good and get attention at the same time, no question, but if I am not sure what it is about, I will always suspect attention as the goal. As a side note, I do not find any hints to qualification or at least references on her Web site. What does all of that mean? Not necessarily much, but keep being critical to content on social media, folks!
An influenza on Tiktok doesn't qualify as "expert". Could BP stop giving those idiots with their "life hacks" any further attention?
Another psychology hack: If you want to appear credible, lay off the photo filters.
Is anybody else completely distracted by her disappearing/reappearing freckles?
Jezzz you lot are such a bore..!! Criticising everything...Its just a bit of fun for goodness sake...I for one will be trying a few out to see if they work...Unlike you lot, I won't be having a hissy fit if they don't.
Mental health that a TikTok degree in "I used these tricks to manipulate people in my life, and I will claim it worked for me and will therefore work for you?"
BTW the best psychologue have to be a good psychopath to understand their patient, like you will never bee a great firefighter man if you don't like fire
"Mental health coach?" Where did you get your degree in psychology, young lady?
This is all body language, and may or may not work; some of the advice could even be dangerous. But none of this has anything to do with actual psychology.
lol I just realized that most of these are from that bright side video #unreliable
Did she draw those freckles on? I don't know if I can trust a mental health coach who draws freckles on their face.
a) Never trust psychological advice if no sources to scientific articles or at least contemporary textbooks are given. The field is vast and complex and too many people seem to believe they understand psychology. b) Be aware that Karissa Wampler is an influencer, who normally would be frowned upon on BP. One of her Youtube videos is "TIKTOK /INSTAGRAM GROWTH HACKS". You can do good and get attention at the same time, no question, but if I am not sure what it is about, I will always suspect attention as the goal. As a side note, I do not find any hints to qualification or at least references on her Web site. What does all of that mean? Not necessarily much, but keep being critical to content on social media, folks!
An influenza on Tiktok doesn't qualify as "expert". Could BP stop giving those idiots with their "life hacks" any further attention?
Another psychology hack: If you want to appear credible, lay off the photo filters.
Is anybody else completely distracted by her disappearing/reappearing freckles?
Jezzz you lot are such a bore..!! Criticising everything...Its just a bit of fun for goodness sake...I for one will be trying a few out to see if they work...Unlike you lot, I won't be having a hissy fit if they don't.
Mental health that a TikTok degree in "I used these tricks to manipulate people in my life, and I will claim it worked for me and will therefore work for you?"
BTW the best psychologue have to be a good psychopath to understand their patient, like you will never bee a great firefighter man if you don't like fire
"Mental health coach?" Where did you get your degree in psychology, young lady?
This is all body language, and may or may not work; some of the advice could even be dangerous. But none of this has anything to do with actual psychology.
lol I just realized that most of these are from that bright side video #unreliable
Did she draw those freckles on? I don't know if I can trust a mental health coach who draws freckles on their face.