Discover the work of the talented artist Elena Shichko, who creates her pieces using watercolor. Elena Shichko is a professional artist from Belarus, currently living and working in Germany. She works in various genres and techniques, but she especially loves capturing picturesque corners of the garden filled with flowers, which she paints with great pleasure in watercolor.

The series of watercolors presented below is dedicated to flowers from the artist's garden. In her interview, Elena shares her impressions:

"I am fascinated not only by the variety of shapes and colors of plants but also by the fleeting nature of their blooming. I am constantly chasing this ephemeral, rapidly changing beauty. In nature, everything happens so quickly. I want to stop and capture the moment as fast as possible. Watercolors come to the rescue here, helping to convey the lightness, transparency of halftones and shades of flowers, and the full diversity of plant forms. My garden is my place of strength, a source of my inspiration and positive energy. I can spend whole days observing the endless transformations of my garden, the life of flowers, birds, insects, and the changing seasons. It never gets boring."

Support the artist with a comment and a follow on her Instagram account @shichko_art.

More info: Instagram


    Garden sweet garden. Watercolor

    Blue fantasie. Watercolor


    Lilies from my garden. Watercolor

    Smile of Sun. Watercolor

    Rose garden. Watercolor

    Pink lilies. Watercolor

    Little pansies. Watercolor.


    White peonies. Watercolor

    My beautiful garden. Watercolor


    Autumn still life. Watercolor

    Still life with sunflowers. Watercolor

    Pink peonies. Watercolor

    Lawender. Watercolor.