11 May 2018,

In Trunyan village, the habitants follow a different ritual than in the rest of the island, the bodies are not cremated but left to rot without being buried.

The main cemetary is located on the the border of the lake Batur and is only accessible by boat. There are three separated burial sites for this village, the first for natural deaths, a second one for those who died in an accident or because of unnatural causes and the last one is for children.

At the entrance you’ll find a plate filled with coins for offerings and 4 scarecrows watching over the gate.

The bodies are laid down under bamboo cages, to avoid animals scavenging, and lined up under a giant smelly tree that covers the putrid smells. The name of the village is derivated from the words “Taru menyan”, the nice smelling tree.

When the bodies are fully decomposed, the skulls are placed on a stone altar a few meters away.

Only men have access to the cemetary as, according to the villagers beliefs, women entering the site can lead to an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.

On the way back, we were not allowed to enter the village and the temple as a cleansing ceremony needs to be performed after a visit of the cemetary.


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    A plate filled with coins for offerings at the entrance

    Cemetary entrance.

    The village of Trunyan


    The village of Trunyan

    Scarecrows watching over the entrance

    Scarecrows watching over the entrance


    The graves under the gigantic and smelly tree.


    Bodies lying under their bamboo cages

    Body decaying inside his cage.

    Body decaying inside his cage.

    Offerings next to a grave

    Objects next to a grave.


    Wall of skulls


    Skulls lined up

    More skulls

    And more…

    My local guide and captain.

    View of the Batur volcano on the way back.