Pro-Life Couple Goes Viral For Asking Women To Let Them Adopt Their Baby If They Are Considering Abortion And Succeeds
Kindness comes in all shapes and forms. And while some rely on faith and religion to assess their values, it really does not matter where it comes from as long as it does good. At the beginning of this year, a married couple from Virginia – Sarah Marie and Blake Thomas – put up a Facebook post that soon went viral. They were encouraging mothers who opted for abortion, to let them adopt the baby. Fast forward to today, their pursuit proved successful.
More info: Facebook
This Virginia couple, was looking for mothers who opted for abortion to let them adopt their babies
Image credits: Sarah Marie Thomas
The viral Facebook post read: “This offer remains open indefinitely! Don’t abort your baby! We will adopt! Please contact us if you’d be open to adoption as an option! We will adopt from any state. Please do not hesitate to contact us!” This was posted on 28th of January and almost instantly received over 24k likes and was shared 87k times.
After 9 months, they finally received good news
Image credits: Stephanie Parker
Sarah Marie posted an update on her Facebook page: “Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in helping these women. At this time, we are no longer receiving messages and the women who contacted us have been referred to Pregnancy Resource Centers or adoption agencies. Thank you! Dozens of expectant mothers contacted us, many of whom were contemplating or planning abortions. Many of those mothers are now considering parenting their babies and others are actively pursuing adoption. We have had the great honor of accepting one mother’s request that we adopt her baby. It has been a whirlwind of a week and we are still processing all of it. We are so grateful for all of these babies’ lives and their mothers, and we feel so privileged and honored to be parents again in approximately 7 months!”
The child won’t be the first entering their family through adoption
Image credits: Sarah Marie Thomas
The Thomas family is raising a 1-year-old biological son together with 3-year-old Kayden, who’s been adopted through foster care. The couple have described him to the media as a “blessing and such a joy.”
Here’s what people online had to say
Share on FacebookI am pro-life --- as in, pro-life-after-the-birth. So this couple is living their values, not just waving a sign once a month. Good on them.
The pro-life movement is lead by conservatives; who also want to eliminate all 'entitlement' programs for children. People living paycheck to paycheck often can't afford an abortion. Two visits are required, if the only places in your state are hours away, it means two days off work and bus fares . Meanwhile, these same politicians can afford to send their mistresses or daughters someplace private to quietly have the pregnancy aborted. Hypocrites.
Load More Replies...This is how pro life folks can reduce abortions. By caring about the children after they've been born. As a pro choice supporter I support this strategy.
The REAL way that they can reduce abortions is by teaching people accurate sex education and allowing easy access to things like condoms and birth control.
Load More Replies...So this post assumes abortions are unwanted perfectly healthy pregnancies. They need to think for a moment about the mother at the 25 week ultrasound (after miscarrying twice) finding out major organs haven't formed, skull or brain is only partially formed. Or such major complications that require years of intense surgery and medical care that are completely unattainable for a young family. Those mothers are heartbroken at the choice of terminating the pregnancy or trying to go al close to full term for maybe 24 hours of life outside the womb. Terminating a pregnancy is a clinical procedure done for many reasons, all difficult to navigate. The only voices that matter are those of the mother and the doctor. The rest of us are uneducated.
Absolutely right, but I think the voice of the father is to be heard, too. ... and none of the so-called pro-life bs. Heartbeat ... a heart is just a pump. The only thing making people state this would indicate a seperate life is that it is easier to observe than anything else, like a liver doing it's work ... although just as important, the liver does work in total silence to the uneducated, so they just take what they're able to see or feel - the pump is pumping. Actually, what the brain is doing should be what matters, which practically ends pro-life-supremacy-delusions immediately.
Load More Replies...So they actually didn’t adopt all babies offered, huh? It’s nice, as long as they respect women who do want abortions as well.
Yeah. We know they only posted their offer because they wanted to adopt a couple—-healthy and white—-kids, which they now have. Wonder how quickly their tune will change once they get thousands of women taking them up on their proposal. What if the next babies are mixed race, or have genetic disorders, or the mother is an addict? How willing will they be they to adopt them? Since you and I both know the rest of the fanatics won’t step up and start adopting.
Load More Replies...How about people should mind their own damn business and let women (and men) choose what to do with our own bodies. If it’s not your body, then you have no say in the matter. What I choose to do with my body is no one’s business but my own.
I agree. Better idea to adopt a child than ask someone to give a birth to another unwanted baby.
Load More Replies...Abortion is good for more than just not having a baby in the future though, it's also good for not having to deal with a PREGNANCY. Also, I just want to say f**k off to anyone who doesn't support abortion.
Fully agreed, adoption is fine if one wants to go trough all the risks a pregnancy brings, but abortion should be available for all those who dont.
Load More Replies...What about when carrying to term would literally endanger the mother's life? Should they then be allowed to abort without judgement?
Call them what they really are - gestation slavers. You'll note that they only want to purchase (because they're not doing this for anyone but themselves) healthy, white babies with cute mothers.
Load More Replies...So, no one mentioned who paid for the pregnant women's medical care before, during, and after childbirth. No one mentioned whether other people paid their living expenses if they get fired for being pregnant and no one else will hire a visibly pregnant woman. No one mentioned (except people here in the comments) the danger of pregnancy and childbirth. No one mentioned nearly a year of discomfort ranging to pain. People who have never been pregnant tend to downplay the very real issues involved.
John Smith for someone that physically cannot becomes pregnant and seems to have a very limited knowledge of the whole female pregnancies in general, constantly demeaning and being annoying honestly to anyone that has a differing opinion than your own does NOTHING to further your views except to cause everyone to ignore any point you might have to make. If you want your views and opinions to be viewed as legitimate or taken seriously, being more willing to have discussions (which are back and forth) and less "in-your-face" argumentative will have much better rate of success to changing someone's opinions. A person's stance on this or any matter as far as I am concerned becomes absolutely invalid the minute you tried to shove your views down my throat and insult me or anyone else. THAT my friend is NOT how you sway an audience.
Load More Replies...This is all fine & dandy but what about children who have already been born who don't have families? I'm sure an orphaned seven year old would appreciate their kindness far more than a fetus. I'm not saying this couple have done anything wrong, but there are so many children who need families & there's no point in "saving" the fetuses.
They only want healthy white babies. They wouldn't go near any brown baby or a kid with disabilities.
Load More Replies...I hate this article so bad... It's not about pro life, if they were, they would just adopt already born babies who needed family, but all they did is bringing ANOTHER unwanted child and leaving those which were already alive still unwanted. Congrats, you did nothing to help anyone but helped yourself to get some likes
"Dozens of expectant mothers contacted us, many of whom were contemplating or planning abortions. Many of those mothers are now considering parenting their babies." So they picked one baby and left dozens of expectant mothers out in the cold.
I always thought I would have adopted children but the cost of adoption is crippling
Yes it is and the children available for adoption have very serious needs most of the time, having been left in abusive homes too long. It's a job that takes a lot of skill and strength.
Load More Replies...So...this couple goes on Facebook looking for a perfectly healthy white baby that they can take and they find it. In the meantime, all of the women, whose babies this couple doesn't want (most likely because they aren't white) are shamed and sent to places where they will receive further shaming until they have a child that they cannot care for. I mean, I guess if you want a healthy, white baby this is one way to go about getting it.
Without going through the psychological testing to weed out the ones mentally unable to support a child. Abuse isn't just physical.
Load More Replies...I am pro-choice, I donate money to a home for pregnant young women. Having the baby has to be a choice.
My question is, if they're"pro-life" then why didn't they adopt any of the thousands that are needing to be adopted? THAT'S how you be pro-life! Adopt the ones already living and stuck in the adoption system
Pro-lifers need to understand that adoption is an alternative to parenting a baby, not pregnancy. The alternative to pregnancy, a process very tasking on a woman's body, is abortion. This couple could have adopted a child that was already born and in need of a loving home, but instead it looks like they picked the healthy, cute babies they wanted out of the bunch and left dozens of other mothers-to-be in the cold.
“This offer remains open indefinitely!" Yeah right. They got their pick of 2 healthy babies and stopped there.
Big shock, the anti choicers are promoting sexist, misogynist lies in the comments like, "only sexually irresponsible women have abortions " and "abortions for medical reasons are rare." Here's a hint: if you're lying or can only use "your" sources, you're wrong. This conservative fantasy c**p is why decent people anti choice forced birthers. Better start handing out birth control (instead of outlawing it) and making men use birth control, too.
Call me heartless but... I don't give a c**p about unborn fetuses. Sorry. We humans put too much importance on our own existence and the moment in which life is given to another human. It's just a biological mechanism. It doesn't mean anything beyond the meaning we attribute to it. The world is overcrowded as it is, and acting like fertilizing an egg is a sacred untouchable thing when it literally happens millions of times a day to all life on earth makes me laugh. We don't need more people on this planet. We're overpopulated as it is. Work on fixing the lives of the poor people already here, and the kids already born, rather than shaming women into having unwanted kids. Human life isn't this sacred thing that needs to be preserved at all costs. We're kinda a scourge. Less of us would be good.
I worked with the welfare department for 35 years. I would be much more impressed if they were considering handicapped children. No, they just want They-look-like-me-and-are-perfect children...and don't want to go through the 'trouble' of proving they're psychologically able to care for a child!
Well, that's nice and all - on the surface. Below, it gets weird and frightening. Only healthy white babies? So ... actually they are pro white healthy life, not pro every life, do I get this right? Pro life is, tbh, goodmouthing a way to usually effortless place yourself on the high road, pretending ethic superiority to one own's mind without doing anything for it - just critisize people in whose shoes you'll never be to walk a single step. Pro life sucks. It's pointless anyway - there is no baby yet, so no baby can be killed. If it's about potential human beings - while a lot more sentinent beings are not taken into any account by the vast majority of so called pro lifers -, any can of tomato soup is to be protected the same way, because some of the stuff in it will be turned into human cells one day, after someone ate it. But ... what if, let's say, a horse eats the soup? Is tomato soup good for horses? Does anyone care about the horse? Unsentinent human cells are cells, no more!
This was a great article, and yet 95% of you are bitching and showing just what kind of pure garbage you are. I'd hate to wake up in your life
This really bothers me, the idea that women don't actually need to have dominion over their own bodies, and should be expected to go through nine months of pregnancy and a delivery and give the child away. If you want to keep someone's kid alive then offer them the resources to support the child themselves, and if they don't want to, then don't tell them what to do with their own bodies. Grrrrrrrrrrr. (Incidentally, you will find that most abortions are not selected by hapless teens, but by married women who already have children and frequently whose contraception has failed). I'm not okay with this type of social manipulation. If you are happy to adopt a kid, then look at all the kids who are already born who need homes. You don't have to trawl the sexual health clinics. Please don't tell me I'm the only person really pissed off by this.
I'm Sorry, but every time John Smith says choose life all I can tink of is the wake me up before you go go video X'D
So long as we understand there may be some reasons the child can't always be carried to term (such as killing both mother and baby, etc.)
This is so sick and disturbing. How are they willing to help with the pregnancy? Is she able to go through another person's pregnancy? They want to adopt? Fine. Why don't they adopt the 400k+ kids in foster care? Why those babies are important only if they're not alive yet? Plus, there were news on this couple and they were asking for fundraising to adopt other people's kid so... Yeah. Awful.
I am pro life.... If they want to keep the baby. What if they know that they aren't ready for a baby or that they would be good parents.
I think in one of these women should shout: DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
If I found out that I almost got a fast ticket away from this mess until someone convinced the woman in whom I had been captured to give birth to me, thus causing me to get stuck here for another lifetime I'd be pretty mad. I just hope the poor gal who decided to carry to term didn't get hurt in the process; Yikes. I can't wait for the people who fight to prevent strangers from accessing safe legal abortion are finally made to acknowledge the hypocrisy of turning a blind eye to fertility clinics and their routine policy of creating an abundant surplus of real human embryos which they then discard as part of their standard operation procedures. Forcing anti abortion groups to deal with those human embryos will destroy the cause and that is something worth praying for.
Why make this whole thing a political statement? They adopt children, GOOD FOR THEM. But that has nothing to do with a woman's right to choose to have a baby - or NOT. Sorry but this is nothing but pointing fingers at the evil, evil right of free choice.
I'm Pro-Life for the most part. But not every situation is going to be ideal to allow the mother to carry the child to term. I prefer women give up a child to adoption rather than abort it. Too many babies being killed to cover up infidelity and because conservative Christians threaten their children with living on the street if they become pregnant. To me...tossing out your kid because she got pregnant isn't very Christian. Glad this couple gave some women a way out.
What a beautiful thing this couple is doing!! I can't believe that BP is actually posting a positive pro-life article for once! about time!! (although i wish people would stop saying this is the only proper way to be pro-life, smh)
no women get abortions because they had bad things happen to them and\or cant afford a child or the child is having problems that could potentally kill the mother and the baby
Load More Replies...Well technically I think they only adopted ONE of those kiddos. The other one is their BIOLOGICAL child. I don't think BP'ers are getting angry at the article but the tense topic it addresses. Again, being less combative and reducing the name calling will get you much further.
Load More Replies...So you would also support the same for a man who doesn't take care of his children having a vasectomy?
Load More Replies...I am pro-life --- as in, pro-life-after-the-birth. So this couple is living their values, not just waving a sign once a month. Good on them.
The pro-life movement is lead by conservatives; who also want to eliminate all 'entitlement' programs for children. People living paycheck to paycheck often can't afford an abortion. Two visits are required, if the only places in your state are hours away, it means two days off work and bus fares . Meanwhile, these same politicians can afford to send their mistresses or daughters someplace private to quietly have the pregnancy aborted. Hypocrites.
Load More Replies...This is how pro life folks can reduce abortions. By caring about the children after they've been born. As a pro choice supporter I support this strategy.
The REAL way that they can reduce abortions is by teaching people accurate sex education and allowing easy access to things like condoms and birth control.
Load More Replies...So this post assumes abortions are unwanted perfectly healthy pregnancies. They need to think for a moment about the mother at the 25 week ultrasound (after miscarrying twice) finding out major organs haven't formed, skull or brain is only partially formed. Or such major complications that require years of intense surgery and medical care that are completely unattainable for a young family. Those mothers are heartbroken at the choice of terminating the pregnancy or trying to go al close to full term for maybe 24 hours of life outside the womb. Terminating a pregnancy is a clinical procedure done for many reasons, all difficult to navigate. The only voices that matter are those of the mother and the doctor. The rest of us are uneducated.
Absolutely right, but I think the voice of the father is to be heard, too. ... and none of the so-called pro-life bs. Heartbeat ... a heart is just a pump. The only thing making people state this would indicate a seperate life is that it is easier to observe than anything else, like a liver doing it's work ... although just as important, the liver does work in total silence to the uneducated, so they just take what they're able to see or feel - the pump is pumping. Actually, what the brain is doing should be what matters, which practically ends pro-life-supremacy-delusions immediately.
Load More Replies...So they actually didn’t adopt all babies offered, huh? It’s nice, as long as they respect women who do want abortions as well.
Yeah. We know they only posted their offer because they wanted to adopt a couple—-healthy and white—-kids, which they now have. Wonder how quickly their tune will change once they get thousands of women taking them up on their proposal. What if the next babies are mixed race, or have genetic disorders, or the mother is an addict? How willing will they be they to adopt them? Since you and I both know the rest of the fanatics won’t step up and start adopting.
Load More Replies...How about people should mind their own damn business and let women (and men) choose what to do with our own bodies. If it’s not your body, then you have no say in the matter. What I choose to do with my body is no one’s business but my own.
I agree. Better idea to adopt a child than ask someone to give a birth to another unwanted baby.
Load More Replies...Abortion is good for more than just not having a baby in the future though, it's also good for not having to deal with a PREGNANCY. Also, I just want to say f**k off to anyone who doesn't support abortion.
Fully agreed, adoption is fine if one wants to go trough all the risks a pregnancy brings, but abortion should be available for all those who dont.
Load More Replies...What about when carrying to term would literally endanger the mother's life? Should they then be allowed to abort without judgement?
Call them what they really are - gestation slavers. You'll note that they only want to purchase (because they're not doing this for anyone but themselves) healthy, white babies with cute mothers.
Load More Replies...So, no one mentioned who paid for the pregnant women's medical care before, during, and after childbirth. No one mentioned whether other people paid their living expenses if they get fired for being pregnant and no one else will hire a visibly pregnant woman. No one mentioned (except people here in the comments) the danger of pregnancy and childbirth. No one mentioned nearly a year of discomfort ranging to pain. People who have never been pregnant tend to downplay the very real issues involved.
John Smith for someone that physically cannot becomes pregnant and seems to have a very limited knowledge of the whole female pregnancies in general, constantly demeaning and being annoying honestly to anyone that has a differing opinion than your own does NOTHING to further your views except to cause everyone to ignore any point you might have to make. If you want your views and opinions to be viewed as legitimate or taken seriously, being more willing to have discussions (which are back and forth) and less "in-your-face" argumentative will have much better rate of success to changing someone's opinions. A person's stance on this or any matter as far as I am concerned becomes absolutely invalid the minute you tried to shove your views down my throat and insult me or anyone else. THAT my friend is NOT how you sway an audience.
Load More Replies...This is all fine & dandy but what about children who have already been born who don't have families? I'm sure an orphaned seven year old would appreciate their kindness far more than a fetus. I'm not saying this couple have done anything wrong, but there are so many children who need families & there's no point in "saving" the fetuses.
They only want healthy white babies. They wouldn't go near any brown baby or a kid with disabilities.
Load More Replies...I hate this article so bad... It's not about pro life, if they were, they would just adopt already born babies who needed family, but all they did is bringing ANOTHER unwanted child and leaving those which were already alive still unwanted. Congrats, you did nothing to help anyone but helped yourself to get some likes
"Dozens of expectant mothers contacted us, many of whom were contemplating or planning abortions. Many of those mothers are now considering parenting their babies." So they picked one baby and left dozens of expectant mothers out in the cold.
I always thought I would have adopted children but the cost of adoption is crippling
Yes it is and the children available for adoption have very serious needs most of the time, having been left in abusive homes too long. It's a job that takes a lot of skill and strength.
Load More Replies...So...this couple goes on Facebook looking for a perfectly healthy white baby that they can take and they find it. In the meantime, all of the women, whose babies this couple doesn't want (most likely because they aren't white) are shamed and sent to places where they will receive further shaming until they have a child that they cannot care for. I mean, I guess if you want a healthy, white baby this is one way to go about getting it.
Without going through the psychological testing to weed out the ones mentally unable to support a child. Abuse isn't just physical.
Load More Replies...I am pro-choice, I donate money to a home for pregnant young women. Having the baby has to be a choice.
My question is, if they're"pro-life" then why didn't they adopt any of the thousands that are needing to be adopted? THAT'S how you be pro-life! Adopt the ones already living and stuck in the adoption system
Pro-lifers need to understand that adoption is an alternative to parenting a baby, not pregnancy. The alternative to pregnancy, a process very tasking on a woman's body, is abortion. This couple could have adopted a child that was already born and in need of a loving home, but instead it looks like they picked the healthy, cute babies they wanted out of the bunch and left dozens of other mothers-to-be in the cold.
“This offer remains open indefinitely!" Yeah right. They got their pick of 2 healthy babies and stopped there.
Big shock, the anti choicers are promoting sexist, misogynist lies in the comments like, "only sexually irresponsible women have abortions " and "abortions for medical reasons are rare." Here's a hint: if you're lying or can only use "your" sources, you're wrong. This conservative fantasy c**p is why decent people anti choice forced birthers. Better start handing out birth control (instead of outlawing it) and making men use birth control, too.
Call me heartless but... I don't give a c**p about unborn fetuses. Sorry. We humans put too much importance on our own existence and the moment in which life is given to another human. It's just a biological mechanism. It doesn't mean anything beyond the meaning we attribute to it. The world is overcrowded as it is, and acting like fertilizing an egg is a sacred untouchable thing when it literally happens millions of times a day to all life on earth makes me laugh. We don't need more people on this planet. We're overpopulated as it is. Work on fixing the lives of the poor people already here, and the kids already born, rather than shaming women into having unwanted kids. Human life isn't this sacred thing that needs to be preserved at all costs. We're kinda a scourge. Less of us would be good.
I worked with the welfare department for 35 years. I would be much more impressed if they were considering handicapped children. No, they just want They-look-like-me-and-are-perfect children...and don't want to go through the 'trouble' of proving they're psychologically able to care for a child!
Well, that's nice and all - on the surface. Below, it gets weird and frightening. Only healthy white babies? So ... actually they are pro white healthy life, not pro every life, do I get this right? Pro life is, tbh, goodmouthing a way to usually effortless place yourself on the high road, pretending ethic superiority to one own's mind without doing anything for it - just critisize people in whose shoes you'll never be to walk a single step. Pro life sucks. It's pointless anyway - there is no baby yet, so no baby can be killed. If it's about potential human beings - while a lot more sentinent beings are not taken into any account by the vast majority of so called pro lifers -, any can of tomato soup is to be protected the same way, because some of the stuff in it will be turned into human cells one day, after someone ate it. But ... what if, let's say, a horse eats the soup? Is tomato soup good for horses? Does anyone care about the horse? Unsentinent human cells are cells, no more!
This was a great article, and yet 95% of you are bitching and showing just what kind of pure garbage you are. I'd hate to wake up in your life
This really bothers me, the idea that women don't actually need to have dominion over their own bodies, and should be expected to go through nine months of pregnancy and a delivery and give the child away. If you want to keep someone's kid alive then offer them the resources to support the child themselves, and if they don't want to, then don't tell them what to do with their own bodies. Grrrrrrrrrrr. (Incidentally, you will find that most abortions are not selected by hapless teens, but by married women who already have children and frequently whose contraception has failed). I'm not okay with this type of social manipulation. If you are happy to adopt a kid, then look at all the kids who are already born who need homes. You don't have to trawl the sexual health clinics. Please don't tell me I'm the only person really pissed off by this.
I'm Sorry, but every time John Smith says choose life all I can tink of is the wake me up before you go go video X'D
So long as we understand there may be some reasons the child can't always be carried to term (such as killing both mother and baby, etc.)
This is so sick and disturbing. How are they willing to help with the pregnancy? Is she able to go through another person's pregnancy? They want to adopt? Fine. Why don't they adopt the 400k+ kids in foster care? Why those babies are important only if they're not alive yet? Plus, there were news on this couple and they were asking for fundraising to adopt other people's kid so... Yeah. Awful.
I am pro life.... If they want to keep the baby. What if they know that they aren't ready for a baby or that they would be good parents.
I think in one of these women should shout: DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
If I found out that I almost got a fast ticket away from this mess until someone convinced the woman in whom I had been captured to give birth to me, thus causing me to get stuck here for another lifetime I'd be pretty mad. I just hope the poor gal who decided to carry to term didn't get hurt in the process; Yikes. I can't wait for the people who fight to prevent strangers from accessing safe legal abortion are finally made to acknowledge the hypocrisy of turning a blind eye to fertility clinics and their routine policy of creating an abundant surplus of real human embryos which they then discard as part of their standard operation procedures. Forcing anti abortion groups to deal with those human embryos will destroy the cause and that is something worth praying for.
Why make this whole thing a political statement? They adopt children, GOOD FOR THEM. But that has nothing to do with a woman's right to choose to have a baby - or NOT. Sorry but this is nothing but pointing fingers at the evil, evil right of free choice.
I'm Pro-Life for the most part. But not every situation is going to be ideal to allow the mother to carry the child to term. I prefer women give up a child to adoption rather than abort it. Too many babies being killed to cover up infidelity and because conservative Christians threaten their children with living on the street if they become pregnant. To me...tossing out your kid because she got pregnant isn't very Christian. Glad this couple gave some women a way out.
What a beautiful thing this couple is doing!! I can't believe that BP is actually posting a positive pro-life article for once! about time!! (although i wish people would stop saying this is the only proper way to be pro-life, smh)
no women get abortions because they had bad things happen to them and\or cant afford a child or the child is having problems that could potentally kill the mother and the baby
Load More Replies...Well technically I think they only adopted ONE of those kiddos. The other one is their BIOLOGICAL child. I don't think BP'ers are getting angry at the article but the tense topic it addresses. Again, being less combative and reducing the name calling will get you much further.
Load More Replies...So you would also support the same for a man who doesn't take care of his children having a vasectomy?
Load More Replies...