This Black Guy Drew What It Was Like Being The Only Black Man In A White Office In The 60s, And It’s Worse Than You Think
There's a lot of drama and discrimination in the workplace, but probably only a handful of people have experienced the race discrimination as much as the people of color who started entering predominantly white offices a few decades ago. Tom Floyd was born in Gary, Indiana in 1929 and operated his own advertising firm before working as a designer for the Inland Steel Company. There, his insights on racism dynamics were formed.
"As a 'BLACK' white collar worker having willingly and conscientiously taken an active part in America's leading social pre-occupation... An experiment called 'Integration' ... I feel compelled to assess my total experience on discrimination, and perhaps the experiences of other Blacks by saying…. 'INTEGRATION IS A BITCH'...," Tom Floyd commented.
Floyd used his personal experience as the only black man working in a white environment in the 60s, showcasing the absurd reality he was forced to be a part of. The cartoonist was a proponent of meaningful racial understanding and cooperation. His comic series 'Integration is a Bitch' was released in 1969, a time where the vast majority of works like it were rejected by publishers, too scared to deal with such a sensitive subject. Luckily, Floyd's work managed to squeeze its way into the pressing machine, and people say it's relevant even today.
Scroll down to check Floyd's vintage-style comics filled with disgraceful discrimination examples and best comebacks to the shortsighted racists themselves.
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Did You Know Him?
Clap Clap Clap
It's St. Patrick's Day..... Where Is Your Shamrock? It's Black History Week Where Is Your Dashiki?
Oh No Fred..... He Works Here
Ya' See... Thay're Taking Over....
It's A Brilliant Idea.... Who Helped You With It?
... And This Is Our Negro!
We Had A Nice Colored Man Cuttting Our Grass Yesterday... And You Know.. He Didn't Steal A Thing....
It's honestly horrifying that people I knew or even was related to may have thought that saying s**t like this was not only ok but a complement
If I Told You A Joke.... Would You Get Offended? ... And Then This Colored Guy Said..... And Then This Hillbilly Said.......
Having to train myself to not read the titles because they give it all away.
Rape! File This.....
Very true today!! An extension of the second panel would be if he looked would be a replay of the first, or a cry of harassment.
Thats Right, Ali... Hit Him... Knock His Head Off...
Sorry... But All Of The Men Are Out Of The Office Now.. Could You Call Back Later?
Maybe They Don't Serve People In Sport Coats... Maybe These Waiters Don't Like To Be Called Boys
Some Negroes Beat Up My Boy Last Night!
Here Are Some Of My Kids Old Clothes... I Thought That Your Kids Could Use Them....
I get how this is disrespectful and distasteful, but in reality I'm gladly accepting alllll the handmedowns. Kids grow like crazy, it's hard to keep up!
Race Is Unimportant At Abc Engineering. We Got Three New Employees..... 2 Ones And 1 Five
My dad told me this is how his university in DC coded students in the 60's. He was a 3.
Hi Boss.. Remember That Problem That You Couldn't Solve.. Well I Just.....
Oh, they take it equally "well" from anybody, regardless of their color/sex/religion.
We Can't Give You A Raise Simply Because You Are Colored...
....now You Speak In This And... And...
Hi 'Ya Fellows! Good Morning Whitey
We Felt That You Would Like A Window With A View.....
Eh.... No Seats
Racism aside, if I walk into a bar with a friend I'd prefer to sit together as well.
The Following Words Are Never To Be Used When Addressing A Black Person
Have You Seen My Coin Purse?
Average Looking... What Do You Mean... My Blond Wife Is Average Looking...
Shoot, if a coworker sees a picture of my wife he better say she's average looking.
What Do You Think About Negroes In The Street... I Mean.. Crime In The Streets....?
When I Was Young I Belonged To A Gang,... But, That Was Different... I Have Nothing Against Negroes... Some Of My Best Friends Are Culturally Deprived. If You Think We Mistreated You Blacks... Look How We Did The Indians
Shh.... Here He Comes!
One Of Your Soul Brothers Beat Me Up Last Nite!
For Heaven's Sake, George.... Tell Them How Well We Treat You!
I Don't Know What Happened..... When You Came They All Moved
Well-We Won't Be Needing This Anymore.....
You Two Probably Know Each Other.....
.... Now Lets Face It... If Blacks Were On Top... They Would Treat Whites The Same Inhumane Way.....
Hire Some Negroes.. Quick! Look, Boss.... I Got Our Image Maker
Discrimination Complaint.....? See Mr. George Brown
'we Are Pledged To Do All In Our Power To Assure Genuine Equality Of Opportunity In Employment...'. In Comparison With Other Bigoted Companies, Abc Engineering Is Very Outstanding. We Do Everything To Make Our Employees Happy Here!
Make Sure That These Pictures Are Sent To The Black Dispatch..... Afro American News, Etc.
Years ago, I worked for a company that has been around for over 100 years. In the hallway hung a photograph taken in the 1930s (not a typo) of the executive officers. As you'd expect there were white dudes -- and one black man, standing tall and proud in his business suit, the head of their secretarial staff. There were no women, no Irish, no Italians, no Catholics, no Jews. Today that same company touts diversity, and have a multitude of VPs among minorities and women. Yet it's still pretty much a WASP men's club at the top. The glass ceiling is still around, it's just moved to a higher floor.
May I Sit Here Or Are You One Of Those Black Militants
Because there can't possibly be another reason why people wouldn't like this guy sitting next to them...
...you're The First Colored Fellow That He Has Ever Seen....
But, We Thought He'd Make You Feel At Home!
Illustration By Tom Floyd
George... A Cup Of Coffee, Light On Cream
I Got This Job Because I'm Colored. Why?
Does He Get A Report Too?
Ya See..... They All Can Dance
7 More Minutes Of Integration!
Ya' Know,... I Wouldn't Mind If A Nice Colored Fellow Like You Would Live Next Door To Me
I Think George Is Trying To Tell Us Something
There Is No Need To Write In Your Race On This Application... Just Put... Where You Live...
What... You Don't Like Watermelon, George? George.... We Have A Treat For You...
This is one I've never understood. I guess as I grew up I simply never knew all these particular racial stereotypes regarding foods. I still don't know a lot of them and when I learn about them they still confuse me.
Your Report Was Good.... But.....
Let's Get One Thing Straight... You Weren't Hired To Solve Engineering Problems....
Boy... Do You Need A Haircut!
Hey, Doc... Here Is A Good Heart Donor Prospect....
We've Always Had An Outstanding Integration Record
Let Me Show You How To Do That!
So there was whiteplaining in addition to mansplaining. No surprise there.
There Were Some Cute Colored Kids On Tv Last Night
See.... Here Is Proof That You Deprived Guys Can Make It
He's Got A Knife! No.... For The Third Time I Don't Carry A Knife!
Still Want To Buy My House? It Will Be A While Before The Neighbors Get Use To You!
Illustration By Tom Floyd
The start of a "witch hunt". White men frequently assumed any working woman was a fair target for their groping. But were obsessed with "protecting" such women from ..>>insert the n word <<. Accidental bumping like this could start horrific attacks on both the black person and the women. So he would be justifiably afraid. If a black woman could even get a job, things were much worse for them.
Don't Call Him Boy!
I'm not sure I understand this one. Isn't the other guy trying stand up for him.
Soul Brother..... I'm So Glad You're Here....
I Made Them With Peanut Brittle And Nigger Toes
I Belong To The Naacp... I Send My Daughter To An Integrated School.. But... I Still Can't See Open Housing
Only At Abc Engineering Could You Find Fringe Benefits Like This… Ah… Miss Jones… I Simply Detest Exhibitionism…
Now See Here, George, Somebody Has To Be Low Man On The Totem Pole
I would also like to express my annoyance at the term "low man on the totem pole". I don't know why anyone started assuming that totem poles were like... a hierarchical thing. There are a bunch of different types, with different purposes, but I've never heard of one that's listing people in order of importance.
This Is B. T. Jones.... He Is Well Liked Here...
Now In Preparing Good Bar-B-Cue....
Bigots... Extremists... And White Racists.....
And Here Are Some Slides Of My Wonderful Vacation In Alabama....
Why Aren't All Negroes Like Ralph Bunch?
How About A Little Luck... George?
...for My Reward In Heaven....... Why?
You're Late, Mr. Brown!
You Will Be Our Second Attempt At Integration
It's Brotherhood Week
Now He Has The Wrong Attitude...
Hooray.... Alabama Won!
This Image Report Reads As Follows...
I don't understand why people on here feel the need to make it about women's struggles then and now. Why can't we stay on topic... Keep the fight for women's rights on it's own threads instead of always whining on threads on different subjects -.- Yes equal rights for women is important, but so is educating ourselves and each other on past and current racism...
I completely agree. Women don't have it as good as men. However, they have it better than most men and women of color. White women aren't being shot because they might have a weapon. Police aren't called because a white woman is eating her lunch in a breakroom at SMITH COLLEGE, or taking her chidren swimming in her own apartment complex. Police aren't called because they're barbecuing. This is serious stuff, and yes, it's better than it was, but it's still horrible, and actually getting worse.
Load More Replies...unfortunately many similar things happen to women now, over the years the target has only changed ...
Similar things happened to women back then as well, and they still happen to black people.
Load More Replies...It's important for all of us to remember the past in order to avoid repeating it.
the title ruin the effect. If i already see the joke before the cartoon whats the point? I stopped after the second page. Annoying
Unfortunately many similar things still happen to various kinds of people now, over the years nothing has changed.
That work place must suck a little. There's all kinds of races and backgrounds in my office. No one is treated different. In fact, lol, we had some one quit because we didnt treat her special due to her race.
Diversity doesn't matter. If people are civil, they will retain their civility talking with any coworker, regardless of their background.
Load More Replies...Things weren't much better in the 90's. I worked with a woman who was sure her diamond tennis bracelet has fallen off the lone black man picked it up. After listening to her rant for way too ling, I told her probably just forgot to wear it and it was at her house. The next day I asked her if she found it. Yes, it was on her dresser in her bedroom. Then she precedes to tell that IF it had been stolen, he would have done it.
As if people like that still exist. But sadly they do.
Load More Replies...Can woman stop making everything about them? This is about race for f***s sake.
Hopefully this attitude is on the way out and soon gets completely done with
I am against racist people, I feel that everyone should be equal and kind to one another all the time but F***king trump s**t is busting it even worse c**p how many more years till someone else runs for the spot?!?!?!??!!
the same does happen to many Indians, who migrated to Europe, Australia, America!!!
I always felt kind of bad for one of my best friends. She's Nigerian and she is studying to be an engineer. I fully support her, I just hope she doesn't encounter any sexist or racist people along the way.
It is not like respect is a rare earth or something. There are unlimited amounts for us to share. I do believe and hope that humans can become humane. Meanwhile just write that letter to any public figure that is being horrible to whatever people are doing it hard where you are.
writing letters is only slightly less useless than praying.
Load More Replies...Hah, I totally symphatise with the black guy. I have been in an office for one year and unfortunately most of people at my block were condescending and arrogant pricks - the situations depicted in the comics are almost the same I have been getting into. So glad I was able to get to another place with better people.
Things didn't change that much in the 90's. I worked with a woman who thought she's lost her expensive bracelet in the office and was 100% sure the lone black man picked it up and stole it. After listening to her rant about for way too long, I told her probably just forgot to wear and it was at home. The next day, I asked her where it was. On her dresser, in her bedroom. Her reply, "Well if it had been stolen, he would have done it." SMDH
My experience as a brown male, surrounded by white females, has been and still is very similar. -Dr M
Damn dude, that sucks. I hope someday people won't be this dumb.
Load More Replies...My mom was the first black person to attend her college. She said most students wanted nothing to do with her but she made a couple of amazing friends who stood up for her when he was refused service in restaurants/stores etc. She also married a white man, my father and they both took abuse for that. One old lady chased then down the street hitting them with her umbrella screaming at them. And as mixed race kids we got it from both sides. White kids said we were too black and black kids said we weren't black enough. It never ends. Racism will always exist in this country.
I think it's time to stop that c**p. Really. All this planet going in the wrong direction. What is a purpose of this topic? Really don't know. As I really don't know what is a purpose to put black actors into places they are not belong. Did we ask f.e. Ryan Gosling to play a role as a Malcom X? Come on people!
I don't know what people playing different races has to do with workplace microagressions?
Load More Replies...Yeah, we know all of this stuff. A little interesting, but obviously dated. Wait! Did you know we had a black President? Once upon a time.............
The art style ... ! This is what Peanut characters would look as adults!
I’m neither American nor did I live in the US in the 1960s, so I wonder whether these cartoons are an exaggerated but reasonably fair depiction of reality at that time.
Read some of the books by D**k Gregory. He was there. These could be illustrations from his life experiences.
Load More Replies...Each group will have its problems. Sexism and sexual harassment sucks (yup, know this from personal experience, some of it traumatic). So does racial harassment and getting shot by cops. I don't find that what I faced prevents me from feeling compassion for others.
Load More Replies...Unfortunately a lot of these things aren't history.
Load More Replies...I don't understand why people on here feel the need to make it about women's struggles then and now. Why can't we stay on topic... Keep the fight for women's rights on it's own threads instead of always whining on threads on different subjects -.- Yes equal rights for women is important, but so is educating ourselves and each other on past and current racism...
I completely agree. Women don't have it as good as men. However, they have it better than most men and women of color. White women aren't being shot because they might have a weapon. Police aren't called because a white woman is eating her lunch in a breakroom at SMITH COLLEGE, or taking her chidren swimming in her own apartment complex. Police aren't called because they're barbecuing. This is serious stuff, and yes, it's better than it was, but it's still horrible, and actually getting worse.
Load More Replies...unfortunately many similar things happen to women now, over the years the target has only changed ...
Similar things happened to women back then as well, and they still happen to black people.
Load More Replies...It's important for all of us to remember the past in order to avoid repeating it.
the title ruin the effect. If i already see the joke before the cartoon whats the point? I stopped after the second page. Annoying
Unfortunately many similar things still happen to various kinds of people now, over the years nothing has changed.
That work place must suck a little. There's all kinds of races and backgrounds in my office. No one is treated different. In fact, lol, we had some one quit because we didnt treat her special due to her race.
Diversity doesn't matter. If people are civil, they will retain their civility talking with any coworker, regardless of their background.
Load More Replies...Things weren't much better in the 90's. I worked with a woman who was sure her diamond tennis bracelet has fallen off the lone black man picked it up. After listening to her rant for way too ling, I told her probably just forgot to wear it and it was at her house. The next day I asked her if she found it. Yes, it was on her dresser in her bedroom. Then she precedes to tell that IF it had been stolen, he would have done it.
As if people like that still exist. But sadly they do.
Load More Replies...Can woman stop making everything about them? This is about race for f***s sake.
Hopefully this attitude is on the way out and soon gets completely done with
I am against racist people, I feel that everyone should be equal and kind to one another all the time but F***king trump s**t is busting it even worse c**p how many more years till someone else runs for the spot?!?!?!??!!
the same does happen to many Indians, who migrated to Europe, Australia, America!!!
I always felt kind of bad for one of my best friends. She's Nigerian and she is studying to be an engineer. I fully support her, I just hope she doesn't encounter any sexist or racist people along the way.
It is not like respect is a rare earth or something. There are unlimited amounts for us to share. I do believe and hope that humans can become humane. Meanwhile just write that letter to any public figure that is being horrible to whatever people are doing it hard where you are.
writing letters is only slightly less useless than praying.
Load More Replies...Hah, I totally symphatise with the black guy. I have been in an office for one year and unfortunately most of people at my block were condescending and arrogant pricks - the situations depicted in the comics are almost the same I have been getting into. So glad I was able to get to another place with better people.
Things didn't change that much in the 90's. I worked with a woman who thought she's lost her expensive bracelet in the office and was 100% sure the lone black man picked it up and stole it. After listening to her rant about for way too long, I told her probably just forgot to wear and it was at home. The next day, I asked her where it was. On her dresser, in her bedroom. Her reply, "Well if it had been stolen, he would have done it." SMDH
My experience as a brown male, surrounded by white females, has been and still is very similar. -Dr M
Damn dude, that sucks. I hope someday people won't be this dumb.
Load More Replies...My mom was the first black person to attend her college. She said most students wanted nothing to do with her but she made a couple of amazing friends who stood up for her when he was refused service in restaurants/stores etc. She also married a white man, my father and they both took abuse for that. One old lady chased then down the street hitting them with her umbrella screaming at them. And as mixed race kids we got it from both sides. White kids said we were too black and black kids said we weren't black enough. It never ends. Racism will always exist in this country.
I think it's time to stop that c**p. Really. All this planet going in the wrong direction. What is a purpose of this topic? Really don't know. As I really don't know what is a purpose to put black actors into places they are not belong. Did we ask f.e. Ryan Gosling to play a role as a Malcom X? Come on people!
I don't know what people playing different races has to do with workplace microagressions?
Load More Replies...Yeah, we know all of this stuff. A little interesting, but obviously dated. Wait! Did you know we had a black President? Once upon a time.............
The art style ... ! This is what Peanut characters would look as adults!
I’m neither American nor did I live in the US in the 1960s, so I wonder whether these cartoons are an exaggerated but reasonably fair depiction of reality at that time.
Read some of the books by D**k Gregory. He was there. These could be illustrations from his life experiences.
Load More Replies...Each group will have its problems. Sexism and sexual harassment sucks (yup, know this from personal experience, some of it traumatic). So does racial harassment and getting shot by cops. I don't find that what I faced prevents me from feeling compassion for others.
Load More Replies...Unfortunately a lot of these things aren't history.
Load More Replies...