50 People List Actors Who Were Such ‘Perfectly Hateable’ Villains, They Can’t Stand Them In Any Other Films
Joffrey Baratheon from “Game of Thrones,” or Mrs. Umbridge from “Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix” (and later books and films) are all examples of characters so detested that they make readers and viewers' blood boil. Sometimes this emotion transcends the screen and we begin to forget where the character ends and the actor begins.
One internet user wanted to know what actors portrayed a villain so effectively that people could no longer see them as anything else. The results were illuminating, so sit down and be sure to upvote your favorites as you read through people’s answers. Remember to comment your own examples if you didn’t see it here.
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For me, it’s Joffrey Baratheon played by Jack Gleeson.
poopface41217 replied:
The ironic thing is I read Jack Gleeson is one of the kindest people and is active in volunteer efforts. I watched an interview where his co-star Sophie Turner said he was the greatest guy.
Do someone really think actors who play villains are terrible people in real life?
Imelda Staunton, Mrs Umbridge in Harry Potter.
forbiddenmemeories replied:
Honestly the biggest challenge for any new HP series is going to be matching the casting of the movies. Imelda Staunton is one of many who was absolutely perfect for her character and it's going to be hard to buy anyone else in the role.
Lunavixen15 replied:
I can't unsee Umbridge as her, even after reading the books again. She encapsulated Umbridge so well.
John Lithgow was so terrifying in Dexter that I kept expecting him to murder somebody in The Great British Bake Off.
Hollywood has a long track record of typecasting certain actors in specific roles. This is pretty prevalent among character actors who people can only see in one role. The cast of Star Trek, particularly the original series, struggled with this issue for the rest of their careers. For example, Nichelle Nichols who played translator and communications officer Uhura, believed that the role so defined her as an actress that no one was willing to hire her for anything else.
Star Trek seemed to be particularly cursed, as even established actors of stage and screen ended up “stuck” with connections to the show. Sir Patrick Stewart, who played Captain Picard in “The Next Generation” was turned down from a role because the director thought Picard overshadowed the actor. It’s worth noting that Sir Patrick Stewart has decades of experience and was and is a fully respected actor in his own right, yet still ended up typecast by this one role.
Giancarlo Esposito as Gus Fring in Breaking Bad and as Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian. When I saw Giancarlo Esposito in Community, I just about sh*t myself in fear.
Sam Rockwell in Green Mile was so disgusting and off-putting and perfect in his role that I still don’t like to look at him.
Iwan Rheon as Ramsay Bolton. I tell a lie as he was so cute in Vicious as Ash Weston.
sporkabork replied:
He freaked me out so much as Ramsay Bolton that I’m pretty sure I’d cross the street if I happened to see him out walking around. That’s a good actor.
It seems like the inability to see an actor as separate from the character is just as present among casting directors as the audience. John Hamm, of Mad Men fame, recalled getting basically only pitches for films and shows set in the 1960s or about advertising. Despite his range, one excellent performance was enough to force him into the same role over and over again, with diminishing results and, no doubt, motivation.
Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List.
Milkweedhugger replied:
Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort also!
anotherkeebler replied:
I've been scared of him all my life. I was so happy to see him play such a different character in The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Bastards.
crateofkate replied:
See his role on Basterds influenced my perspective of him so much I spent the entire movie waiting for him to betray Django and when the credits rolled and he hadn’t my mind was in denial
DeannaZone replied:
I loved that movie because of him, but unfortunately if I ever see or hear him in something I am like this is the bad guy ... he did is sooo good!
Christoph was Perfect for the role! He's the only reason I watch the movie. The whole story line was stupid.
Jack Nicholson did such a good job as Jack Torrance that he gives me the creeps every time I see his face now.
He's always given me the creeps, no matter what role he played, because of his dead eyes. He may be a great actor and certainly has earned a lot of praise and prestige, but those emotionless eyes never change.
There are historical examples of this as well. Soviet actor Mikheil Gelovani played Stalin no less than twelve times, which perhaps wasn’t quite as challenging range-wise, but the pressure to portray the murderous Premier of the Soviet Union no doubt added a certain level of difficulty. Regardless, both Khrushchev’s de-Stalinization and the idea that Gelovani could not depict “mere mortals” after playing Stalin all led to him being denied any other roles.
How is Joaquin Phoenix not on here for Commodus in Gladiator?
Mud_Landry added:
Took me quite a while to watch Joaquin Phoenix in anything after Gladiator, his Commodus was so f*****g evil I couldn’t stand him in anything for years
Charles Dance in well everything... Golden Child, GOT.
He could cure cancer tomorrow and he would still ring villain to me.
Tom Felton reportedly gets a ton of hate for his portrayal of Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series.
trisharae_88 replied:
But also a super chill dude in real life.
Some actors actually end up “bonding” with a character so deeply that they begin to do public appearances as them. Clayton Moore, best known as the Lone Ranger, liked being the masked, former Texas ranger so much that Jack Wrather, who actually owned the rights to the character, had to issue a cease and desist letter. The dispute was ultimately resolved and Moore would continue to go out in public as the ranger.
I've never forgiven Jeffrey Dean Morgan for killing Glenn. I used to really like him.
I fell in love with him on Grey's Anatomy and in P.S. I Love You, and when he killed Glenn he broke my heart forever.
Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratched in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and as Kai Winn in "Deep Space Nine".
LitherLily replied:
She is excellent at playing the villain. You are helpless against the tide of hate that washes over you.
Lena Headey in GOT. She's actually super nice when I've seen interviews but damn she was too perfect as Cersei.
Ultimately, more creative directors will try to play “against type” by taking an actor best known for a specific genre or role and casting them in something very different. Bruce Willis was mainly known for romcoms before his career-making time in “Die Hard,” while rapper Ice-T was an unusual, but inspired choice for a police detective in “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.”
Rosamund Pike played a sociopath so perfectly in *Gone Girl* that I have only recently been able to watch shows or movies that she is in.
I don’t hate him but after watching Primal Fear and American History X if I saw Edward Norton in a dark alley I’d turn around and walk the other way.
Billy Zane in Titanic.
Fly_By_Orchestra added:
It's too bad; he's a cool dude.
Nope, Billy Zane in "Dead Calm." Epic. That movie still puts the frighteners on me.
Pam Ferris as Agatha Trunchbull in Matilda.
Kathy Bates in Misery. It makes me sad because she is a great actress, but I can't get past it.
For me it's kinda opposite. She's usually the likeable character and when l watch Misery is just admiration at how good she is.
Samuel L Jackson in Django Unchained. DiCaprio had a certain insane charisma to him in that movie, not Jackson. Perfectly portrays someone who sold out their own.
Javier Bardem as Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old Men. I watched No Country for Old Men in the theater and studiously avoided Javier Bardem until last year when I watched Dune. He’s a great actor; otherwise, Anton Chigurh wouldn’t have mentally scarred me for a decade.
Also as Silva in Skyfall. Scarily sympathetic, but after that one scene, it's hard to look him in the face.
I will never ever forgive Paul Reiser for betraying those Colonial Marines on LV426.
daddyvs replied:
I have hated Paul Reiser since the 80s because of Aliens.
billions_of_stars replied:
I remember Paul Reiser being on a talk show many years ago after he was in the movie Aliens. He talked to Jay Lemon or whoever it was about how he was doing standup once and before he even started people were booing him because they hated that character so much. He said something to the host along the lines of “they realize I’m not actually that guy, right?”
I was so torn about which Paul Reiser to see his character as when he starred in later seasons of Stranger Things. EXCELLENT casting.
Tobias Menzies who played Capt Randall on Outlander. Every movie and film he is in, I always hope his character dies. I think I would spit on him if I saw him in real life. He's actually really nice guy but was so good in his role that I just hate him.
Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and as Colonel William Tavington in The Patriot.
Gotta say, he excels at portraying despicable villains.
Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith in The Matrix.
Krampsport replied:
This!!! Agent Smith and he was forever a sinister and scary mf.
This is gonna be a throwback but Robert Knepper as T-Bag in Prison Break. He played that character EXTREMELY well...like jeez. I've never been able to see him the same way since watching Prison Break.
I've never seen her in anything but The Office, but it's always such a mind‐f**k when I see an interview or something with Angela Kinsey and she's smiling and seems somewhat likeable.
I got to meet her at a convention once, and she is incredibly sweet IRL. So are Oscar Nuñez and Brian Baumgartner.
I went to the convention dressed as Dwight and, when it was time for my picture with Angela, she exclaimed “Dwight!” Then she told me she was going to go “full Angela” for the photo, and she did.
GonzoThompson replied:
Brian was extra careful to make sure I got all the photos I wanted with him. We had already taken three or so when he asked me if I was sure I got everything I wanted with him.
All three of them are super nice people.
yea she seems awesome but any interview or whatever i've seen w her i fully expect her to actually go full angela
Jesse Plemons (poor man's Matt Damon) as Todd in Breaking Bad.
overmonk replied:
Same. It took years for me to see past his dead-fish sociopathic Todd and recognize his immense acting talent. He’s really very good.
Chace Crawford as The Deep in The Boys. I see him in actor interviews and get the heebie-jeebies even though I know it’s just a character.
Doug Hutchison (Percy Wetmore in The Green Mile). Although I haven't seen him in much since, Lost being the only thing that comes to mind. He has some real-life issues though as well, having married a 16-year-old when he was 51.
Adam Scott could play the sweetest guy ever but I would still wanta punch his face in because all I'd be able to see was Trevor from the Good Place.
Mo'Nique when she played the mom in Precious.
SmellyCheeseDiseass replied:
Oh this is a good answer. Funnily enough Mo'Nique is apparently one of the biggest sweethearts in the world.
Antony Starr Homelander in The Boys.
ballplayer0025 replied:
100% He is so good at it that initially I was like "holy s**t where his this guy been hiding?" But ultimately because of it I will never be able to see him as anything but homelander.
Bryce Dallas Howard as Hilly Holbrook in The Help, after that I can't stand her in anything else...
For me, Matt Damon in The Departed was so absolutely hateable that even when I see him in things like The Martian, for example, I’m still like “oh, absolutely not. Just leave him there.”
Holy. Moly... did NO ONE like him in Good Will Hunting?????? I can't be alone in this. wtf. I think Matt Damon ROCKS.
The Mist (2007) has a character named Mrs Carmody who was a religious nut they were all trapped in the grocery store with. She was played by actress Marcia Gay Harden, who I still can't stand to this day because of that character.
David Schwimmer as Cpt Sobel in Band of Brothers. I swear his O3 character caused me to have flashbacks of bad company commanders.
He was really good as Captain Sobel in the "Band of Brothers ".Thanks for reminding me of BoB. It's time for my annual rewatch.
Kirsten Dunst as Amy in 1994’s Little Women. I will never forgive her for burning that manuscript. Then her character grew up married Laurie?! What. A. B***h.
Major Frank Burns from M*A*S*H, His lack of empathy and overall ego made me hate the guy. They tried a couple of times expressing on why he came out the way he did...but it just wasn't enough. Always getting in the way of Hawkeye treating patients, leading on Hotlips, and just being an overall shithead the way he treated the locals in Korea. That being said Robert Duvall did a great job.
Larry Linville hated the character. He actually quit the show because Frank had not grown or changed at all. Linville is (was?) a nice guy with a good sense of humor.
I actually had this issue this morning. I was watching Breaking Bad and Jesse's AA leader was on. Perfectly softly spoken gentle man. Hate him on sight. Had to Google him. Turns out he was a character in Sabrina the Teenage Witch that I watched as a child (Zelda's husband) and he was such a bastard I've apparently carried a dormant instinctual hatred for him ever since.
Jere Burns also played a compulsive liar and womanizer in Dear John for five seasons in the early 90s.
Kevin Bacon in Sleepers, when he played [character] who killed Magneto's family I was like, 'that was good casting'.
_Goose_ replied:
Haven’t been able to enjoy him in anything since.
JK Simmons after watching him in Whiplash.
mrstonewallin replied:
'Not quite my tempo' just echoes through the head.
Michael Fassbender's role in 12 Years a Slave made me want to punch him. Had to remind myself hes just a great actor. Where is he though? After the X Men films he doesn't seem to be doing much.
Looks like he took a break during covid. Nothing since 2019. But he's got 8 upcoming projects coming out in the next year or so.
Billy Bob Thornton as Lorne Malvo in the Fargo TV show. He actually played him *too* well, do much so in anything else he does I can't get past it.
No, Billy Bob Thornton is ALWAYS creepy as hell, even when playing the good guys. The fact that he could be a good guy ("Pushing Tin," for instance) when being so creepy is a testament to his acting skills.
Idris Elba as Charles Minor.
kiwimag5 replied:
God he was so good in this role. The period of time when Charles thought Dwight was a reasonable person was perfect. So well done.
I always hated Steve Zahn, but I couldn't put my finger on why. It was because he was such a convincing s**t in "Riding in Cars with Boys." I almost forgot about the movie entirely and him being in it, but my impression of him stayed.
I avoid Tom Cruise movies. Not because of a particular role, I just can't watch him. He comes of as smarmy on screen and in interviews.
I mean his brain has probably been turned to mush by Scientology….
Load More Replies...Obviously from a younger audience. Anyone around 60 who saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as a 5-7 year-old will still be traumatised by Robert Helpmann as the Child Catcher. I still get shivers when I think of him.
I was thinking the same thing. Also, Margaret Hamilton influenced an entire generation as the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz. It always astounded me seeing that lovely little old lady selling Maxwell House Coffee
Load More Replies...Did I just miss Zachary Quinto as Syler, or was he not on the list? I was terrified of him for a time. Seeing him in Star Trek came as a shock. Since then I learned to love him hugely because of his portrayal of Spock.
I loved Sylar. I named my Death Knight in Wow after him.
Load More Replies...I avoid Tom Cruise movies. Not because of a particular role, I just can't watch him. He comes of as smarmy on screen and in interviews.
I mean his brain has probably been turned to mush by Scientology….
Load More Replies...Obviously from a younger audience. Anyone around 60 who saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as a 5-7 year-old will still be traumatised by Robert Helpmann as the Child Catcher. I still get shivers when I think of him.
I was thinking the same thing. Also, Margaret Hamilton influenced an entire generation as the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz. It always astounded me seeing that lovely little old lady selling Maxwell House Coffee
Load More Replies...Did I just miss Zachary Quinto as Syler, or was he not on the list? I was terrified of him for a time. Seeing him in Star Trek came as a shock. Since then I learned to love him hugely because of his portrayal of Spock.
I loved Sylar. I named my Death Knight in Wow after him.
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