30 Times Vegans Were Caught Gatekeeping When They Really Should’ve Just Kept Their Mouth Shut
Gatekeeping is the activity during which someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to an identity and its goods.
Like the time when a guy said watching Star Wars movies and liking them does not make you a Star Wars fan.
But instead of telling you about this phenomenon, we decided to show you more examples of it.
After doing a bit of research, we landed on a subreddit of the same name (r/gatekeeping) and quickly realized that probably all communities have their "guardians."
This time, however, we'll focus on vegans. Not because we have something against them or anything. It's just that their gatekeepers are as funny as they are popular on Reddit.
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Because Heaven Forbid Non-Vegans Eat Vegan Foods
Apparently I'm Not A Vegan, Even Though I Don't Buy Animal Products. There Are Toxic People In Every Community
But even if we disregard, let's call them, extreme vegans such as the ones we see in the pictures, many people are still wary of this community. To understand them a little better, let's look at the situation from their perspective.
"The caution around our dietary requirements is arguably warranted," Dejan Jotanovic wrote in The Guardian. "Many assert that veganism just isn’t an option to a large chunk of the population. The labour and cost of sifting through nutritional requirements, alongside inflated pricing for plant-based meat alternatives, is often too great."
Jotanovic also raised the issue of food accessibility. "Many live in areas – popularly termed 'food deserts' – where access to fresh produce or even supermarkets is difficult. Meat, dairy and other animal products are also staples to a variety of cultural and religious groups. In Australia, for example, our overtly masculine and sunburnt culture has a real appetite for red meat, namely beef, as per the annual promotional campaigns. The intersections of class, race, culture and veganism makes for a recipe that’s pretty damn hard to swallow."
Gatekeeping Being Vegan
Eat Dairy? You're A Misogynist
Me: *Looks at this while drinking milk and eating scrambled eggs* Also me: Guess I'm not really a feminist
The Orator Of All Vegetarians
Before I became vegetarian, I hated self-righteous vegetarians who criticized my choices. So I've never done that to other people.
Before I became a vegetarian, I had vegetarian friends who never, ever, criticized my choice to eat meat. So I don't criticize others now.
Load More Replies...Chloe would have been slaughtered anyways, as the farmers want to make a living. I am sad, though, at the amount of meat that goes wasted. It's a dishonor to the animal's sacrifice. Seriously.
Not eating Chloe would mean letting Chloe go to waste.
Load More Replies...Oh no! You don't consider them vegetarian? Whatever will they do without your approval?!
They will wither up and die! Life is empty without *Blurred name's* approval!
Load More Replies...Well, I would eat the meat because the animal is already dead. Not eating it won't bring it back. It would just waste food.
Would she be happier if we played an "In Memoriam" vid during the barbeque?
In fact, I would search for my name, like with those Coca Cola bottles a few years ago.
Is the joke here that people's individualism expands into the existence of other beings? When someone decides to have 12 children, it certainly reduces my 1 child's chance of sustaining life and happiness. When people make a habit of eating animals larger than themselves, it has - effects. For the animal, the planet and themselves. We agree not to smoke indoors. We should agree not to eat meat. We are too many people, and the alternatives to the suffering are great.
For those of you saying that the cow is already dead so why not eat it-- I've been vegetarian or vegan for over half my life, and it's about the long haul. If there's less demand, there will be eventually less animals slaughtered. I do not want to contribute now or in the future to the slaughter.
Nah, that was a shitty response. How can someone see that and think, "Yum!"?
I can, but I'm also a human, who has evolved to eat meat as well as plants.
Load More Replies...bruh the grill is too much we're all just trying to save the environment
You may have wanted to live but you didn't. If no one buys you, then you 100% died for nothing...
Diet choice. Way of living. Religion.Beliefs. NOT THE SAME S#IT . Good LORD ppl. You should EDUCATE usbon ur 'belief' of ur way of life, & UR Choices ,.Not CRITICIZE OTHERS. LET' S Change the word Vegan to-* Christian- Jehovah* - abortion * . DO YOU SEE IT NOW?! Good for you ..I'll bring the potato salad. I am NOT a FAN of meat.I don't eat red meat ,pork, I eat chicken, shellfish..etc.I'M NOT A VEGETARIAN but I'm allowed to not like something ! I cant kill a bug in my house, I cant STAND the thought of fishing or HUNTING UNLESS ITS FOR FOOD. Although I COULD NEVER eat anything I saw living..seems thats how the oceans, the animals, the cavemen and dinosaurs survived.... maybe its the ICU nurse in me. I see "flesh, smell blood, smell death... I dunno. But seriously. If someone likes country music, that doesn't make them a cowboy.
People should choose to not eat meat due to it's environmental impacts. putting emotional pressure on people won't help, specially because a lot of people don't really care. What you should care about is your meat habit helping to kill the planet.
Sooo should we tell the lions tigers and wolbes there sunners or....
It's already been slaughtered anyways, so yay for barbecue.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - the cow is dead. I'm not going to waste cow meat. Some vegetarians and vegans are a special kind of moronic. Maybe they need to eat more meat. Yup. I went there.
She didn't say was going to eat the meat she said she would throw a. Barbecue. I understand where she's coming from. I don't like people telling me what to do either. Give my meat a name. I don't care. How can you proffess to know what the cow wanted?
If a cow typed that sticker I would totally buy the whole cow. Not to eat it, but because I'd have a cow which could type.
Animal welfare a factor for vegetarianism is a false premise. The most cruel and torturous acts against “livestock” are with dairy cows and egg hens. Both of which are what separates vegetarianism from veganism. And these cows and chickens are routinely and continually tortured as opposed to animals raised primarily for meat. I see no issue eating any way one wants, it let’s not kid ourselves into thinking that limiting our animal consumption to dairy and eggs is any healthier or in any way at all more humane to animals.
Interesting that you never, ever hear vegans discussing the plight of the undocumented workers picking their vegetables and fruit.
Yep, because a random user of a social network knows your life better than you.
Chloe looks delicious, and she's already no longer alive, so why not
But if we don’t eat Chloe she died for nothing, her purpose was wasted - although I always though we mostly ate the boys and kept the girls for dairy/making more cows ? So maybe it’s kurt
I honestly don't think people think enough about where meat really comes from, and really I think if people feel uncomfortable about the picture on the pack they maybe should question their choices...
I'd have thought vegans would be against anthropomorphising animals by giving them human names and speech.
A vegetarian doesn't have to be afraid of meat. My friends eat meat all the time around me and idc
you cant be vegaterian if you throw a barbeqeu for people in the neibhorhood
However, Jotanovic argues that most people find vegans annoying because "it's one of the only social justice causes whose point of entry is entirely negotiated by real, quantifiable, fundamental behavior change."
"Everyone thinks of themselves as a good person. But it's much easier to slap 'Feminist as F**k' on your T-shirt and #BlackLivesMatter in your Twitter bio than it is to actively support animal welfare and the climate through an upheaval of your current lifestyle."
Vegan Gatekeeping
Apparently You Have To Be A Vegan To Post About An Animal Rescue
Hypocrites vs. Real Vegans
Vegan Gatekeeping
However, Jotanovic understands that vegans are constantly splashing around in their own hypocrisy too.
"What we need to do instead is look internally and reconsider what it means to care," he said. "I can, for example, say that I care about labour exploitation around the world, but it's obviously not bountiful enough considering my current purchasing habits. Saying that we care for absolutely everything – because we want to be deemed as fundamentally good – just isn’t sustainable or done with any real integrity."
Ok So Called Vegan
Faker Than The Fake Tofu Meat They Make
Non Vegans Cant Make Salads
Not quite true. I make beautifully coloured salads with many taste matching ingredients.
Only Vegans Are Allowed To Care About The Environment
But methane coming from cow farts is causing global warming. So isn't eating the cows so there'd be less a good thing?
Regardless of their diet, most people recognize that factory farming is a moral problem. Nearly 70% of Americans have "some discomfort with the way animals are used in the food industry."
Things is, many simply believe that going vegetarian or vegan is too demanding — and too annoying — to be sustainable.
My Sister Is Eating My Vegan Ice Cream... But She's Not Vegan?
Gatekeeping Being Vegan
These People Give Vegans A Bad Rep
I share my chicken dinner with my cat...so you're saying I don't love my cat? Are you ready to defend that because Mr. Fuzzyboots would disagree.
Vegan Gatekeeping
Its like it's never good enough. And there's a difference between veganism for ethical reasons and veganism for health reasons. What I personally see on the right is a health nut using "veganism" as righteous fury. The left side tells me that they'll eat whatever is available to keep themselves from eating animals.
Subconsciously, people don't hate vegans. In a 2017 study, for instance, researchers tracked the meal purchases of over 300 people at a Stanford University cafe who were asked to fill out a survey while waiting in line.
Some patrons were told that a fixed minority of Americans reduce their meat consumption. Others were told that these people represent an increasing trend in those avoiding meat. Patrons in the second group were almost twice as likely to order vegetarian meals when they reached the cashier.
Only Vegans Have Sweet Smelling Private Parts!
You Can't Care Unless You Are Vegan
Ohhhhhh Peta
Why can't we apparently eat eggs? Is it because we have eggs inside us? People do realize we aren't eating our own eggs, right?
If You’re Vegan For Reasons Other Than The Animals I Have News For You... You’re Not Vegan Sorry Bud
Again! People have there own reasons for being vegan, why does it hurt you if they are vegans for health reasons? They are still helping!
Durably reducing your own consumption of animal products offers “social proof” of its viability. It demonstrates to those around you that a plant-based diet is consistent with being healthy and enjoying the food on your plate.
Til Vegans Have Their Own Language And "Namaste" Is A Part Of It
More Vegan Gatekeeping
A*****e. I shouldn't even be bothered by these people but I really am.
Apparently You Can’t Be Vegan If You Believe Domestic Abuse Exists
You Can't Help The Environment If You Aren't Vegan Silly!
But social influence can quickly stagnate if people start behaving just like we see in these pictures. Moral superiority not only turns us off, but it also makes us defensive.
Studies have shown that negative attitudes toward vegetarians, for example, stem from anticipated moral reproach. In other words, we care so deeply about seeing ourselves as morally just that a mere whiff of virtue signaling or grandstanding puts our guard up.
Gatekeeping Veganism
Peta Gatekeeps How Vegans Should Play Animal Crossing
You’re Not Vegan Until You’ve Done It 7 Years
Only Vegans Or Vegetarians Can Feel Bad When An Animal Dies In A Movie
Only Vegans Know The Secret Uses Of Ripe Bananas
Free advice: Eat what you want, just don't make me eat what *you want*... goes for everyone.
As long as you're not a cannibal you are good with me!
Load More Replies...This is some scary cult mindset stuff. It's easy to laugh at this level of delusion, but like... has anybody checked if these people are okay? 😬
They are not. These specific people most definitely are not.
Load More Replies...I can't believe I made it to the end of this list. My conclusion: in any given group there are extremist zealots whose sole source of self worth comes from belittleing others..
There are extremist zealots, yes. That answers the question about not every vegan being like this. Some are just following their diet and leaving others to do and eat as they choose.
Load More Replies...So I'm not vegan and have no interesting in becoming vegan, but I'm wondering if these posts were propaganda put out by the meat industry
I personally theorize that there is a mental health disorder that makes people obsessively crave feeling "morally and intellectually superior" to the rest of the population. Those people flock towards groups that support this mindset. So they become a vegan, or they follow a conspiracy theory. That way they can be part of an elite group that can look down at the rest of the population for just not getting it. So veganism itself doesn't cause people to become crazy... it is the other way around, crazies are attracted to things like veganism. Which I'm sure is frustrating for people who are intelligent and actually care about the cause.
Load More Replies...vegetarian here: it's ok to be non-vegan/vegetarian! Eat what you want! Just don't make fun of other people for eating what they want!
Technically, to be truly vegan wouldn't you have to reject medical treatments, medications? There is so much horrific animal abuses going on under the heading of science, can any "vegan" be truly vegan knowing all the horrors animals receive?
Vegans tend to not like me. I wonder if it has anything to do with me stopping the lecture they try to give me and instead giving them a lecture on things like soil, monocultures and the use of mined fertilizers? I have spent 11 years at university studying those subjects....😁 For example, do you know that vegans cause more animals to die?
I wish more vegans realized a sense of smug superiority is 100% counter productive. I wish more omnivores realized how much factory farming hurts people, too.
We do. We also recognize that not eating meat isn't going to solve anything. There's still meat in dog and cat food, after all. Want to make a difference in regards to factory farming? Try something else.
Load More Replies...Listen, I have respect for vegetarians and vegans because I know I could never follow the diet properly and I find it impressive that's why can, but these kinds of vegans piss me off. People can want to help the environment without giving up meat.
I was smoking about $500.00 of ribs, chicken, pork loin and grilling hamburgers and brats for a charity fundraiser event. I stepped inside the house to get a few things. I heard alot of noise in the backyard. 2 female vegans climbed over an 8 foot privacy fence and completely trashed the food, grill and smokers. They were shocked when the police came and arrested them on a number of charges. While being cuffed, they were screaming we were animal murderers and we should be arrested. The charity event was for a local animal shelter not affiliated with humane society.
I'm confused. I'm not 100% vegan, but eat vegan a lot and i'm in a big part of local vegan internet and I've never seen such posts anywhere. People there are just normal, nobody forcing anyone to do anything, no one puts any rude comments. But when I'm opening BP's post about vegan there is always a bunch of crazy, toxic people from US who wants everybody do what they say. Where do you get these people from?
Probably because you and the people you interact with are normal people, who are vegan. The people who post things like these are looking for attention and to make out they are special, and veganism is just something they have latched onto. Being involved in a community with other vegans would mean they are just like everyone else, and worse, with people who can correct them or shoot down their nonsense.
Load More Replies...Gatekeepers don't actually care about their cause... these people don't care about animals. They want to feel morally superior to other people, and that's it. If they actually cared about animals, they would encourage and support every opportunity to reduce harm to animals.
I am a vegetarian, I have been one for 30 + years. I believe that everyone has the right to their choice of diet. And that is exactly what veganism is, a choice of diet. Please, do not hate on anyone for choosing to be a carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore. That being stated, Vegans are crazy.
I've been lucky with the vegans in my life. They're actually pretty reasonable when they socialize with non-vegans.
Load More Replies...Sheesh vegans and veganism get enough crap from people as it is...it's terrible to see these complete lunatics stoking the flames of bigotry against themselves so forcefully.
To quote fictional character Nathen Drake "every group has it's assholes"
Fast way to give obnoxious vegans a panic attack: have them look up what lac resin is and what we use it for. If that doesn't work, make them look up carmine coloring too.
Mm, sure do love those beetle-goo jelly beans
Load More Replies...Why do vegans have this need to tell everyone they're vegan? We get it. You want us to know you're "in trend."
Sometimes they mention that they're vegan to let hosts know what they will or will not eat.
Load More Replies...Vegan's should go back to their own country, we do not want them over here!
I think you forgot the /s at the end. Unless you really are a MAGA.
Load More Replies...I believe that you vote with your dollar....therefore, I buy local honey (support the bees or the bloody vegans will die, too), pasture raised eggs and chicken and 100% grass raised beef. I don't buy "vegan" leather (aka plastic), and I support regenerative farming practices and the rebuilding of our topsoil. I understand that everyone needs to make a difference in their own way and pick their battles, but I wish that more people fell back on facts vs. rhetoric/dogma...and as a vegan, wouldn't you want to celebrate any changes people made in support of animal welfare (such as incorporate vegan ice cream or nutmilks into their diet)??? Also, not to ruin anyone's day, but have you seen how many gallons of water it takes to make a gallon of almond milk?
I hate to say it, but I lost a really good friend a while back when she turned vegan. I have no problem with what people eat, but she became really toxic about it, and started treating everyone around her like garbage. She used to be really sweet, but the transition was like night and day, to the point that I was concerned her diet was having a negative impact on her brain. I don't know of very many other things that can make people act this way
Funny, I just read an article that reading oysters makes less greenhouse gases that tubers or leafy greens https://www-sfchronicle-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.sfchronicle.com/climate/amp/Seafood-joins-plant-based-foods-in-being-more-16984983.php?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIKAGwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16468298442893&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sfchronicle.com%2Fclimate%2Farticle%2FSeafood-joins-plant-based-foods-in-being-more-16984983.php. Also, do these people realize tofu has been responsible for Amazon deforestation? Self righteous idiots.
Reading oysters?? Lol. Ahem, *eating oysters. Stupid autocorrect
Load More Replies...This is basically just a bunch of vegans saying you have to be an extremist vegan, other wise you are an idiot and aren’t helping the world and only vegans are good people… It’s infuriating and entertaining at the same time
Wow, thankfully I am only vegetarian. If I had to guess, maybe it's the lack of cheese?
My view is as follows. (1) They are right meat harms the planet. As our population grows and more enter the middle class, the demand for meat will become unsustainable leading to total environmental collapse. (2) That means you either have to keep most of the planet dirt poor OR reduce meat consumption. (3). It is logically and morally incoherent to eat cows but not dogs. If you hate the Guilin Dog Meat festival, go to your local abbatoir and watch, and see if it's still ok by you. In my view, it's just inconsistent to support one and not the other. Why do you NOT eat your dog? I mean, hes' just meat right? So I think they're correct on those points. The issue is obviously the dogmatic nature of these posts, or puritanism. Anyone who is prepared to not eat meat, e.g. just for one day, makes a difference. Someone who refrains for two days, even better. Etc. Gatekeeping drives away potential converts. It's like insisting someone must be an Amish or not call themselves christian. Fanatics
I wonder what would happen to these overly zealous vegans if put in a survival scenario. Lost at sea, stuck in a forest, etc. How long before they break away from veganism for the sake of living one more day. What scares me even more about that train of thought is that their like minded friends would probably ostracize them if they survived the order for eating meat/fish/bugs
I wonder if those folks grow their own sustainable fruits ,veggies and grains to avoid the 1000s of animals killed every season for each and every commerical crop that feeds them. But again now a days its more important to act high and mighty than to lead by example.
You know who wasn't vegan? Many of the ancient, pre-industrial humans that ever existed. And yes, I did not say 'all', I said many; the protein molecule analyses from ancient human bones, fossilized poop (funny, but it's actually true) and fossilized ancient human cooking fire pits, in many instances, turns up significant direct evidence that our species has mostly been omnivorous. Scientists have also found significant evidence that many ancient humans caused many mass extinctions of other species, (part of why our time is called The Anthropocene by some), which could only be explained by ancient humans doing significant hunting. So we're evolved to eat meat, therefore nutritionally we need it on some level, like many other species do. Our species has been the apex predator on Earth for thousands upon thousand of years. Craving meat is as natural as craving sex! (Also see the ep. of The Drs. w/ Jordan Younger for why ultra-purist veganism doesn't work as a diet plan).
Omnivore here. I kinda see where some of these people are coming from. Eating a plant-based diet is a change a person can realistically make to help animals/climate change. So why isn't everyone doing it as their first step? As a straightforward first step of something they can control to make a difference? But the way they present that opinion comes across totally crazy, self-aggrandizing, and not encouraging.
Please, introduce me to some vegans who are not like this. Do vegans themselves know what veganism is all about? Doesn't seem like it.
Mk. Let's clear this up. You can be vegan, vegetarian, ECT and that's perfectly fine, just don't force it on others. Same with anything else, like religion or sexual orientation. Just don't force it on others.
Why do I read these things first thing in the morning? I have the unquenchable urge go scorched earth... Especially on those that force this on their cats and dogs
Our daughter is a vegetarian and both were are carnivores. We all accept each other for the way we are. It's not our right to judge each other but to support each other's choices.
Internet Vegan trolls seem a bit insane! All these posts are nutz!
This post, in general, makes vegetarians and vegans (in particular) seems completely broken.
I’m fine with vegans until they do s**t like this. Let us eat meat in peace!
For all vegans and vegetarians out there: There are legitimate environmental, ethical and health based arguments that support reducing or cutting meat from one's diet. If you genuinely want people to to become vegan or vegetarian, use them. If your interest is more in a feeling of superiority over others (like some of these posts probably are) then that's not right but go ahead, feel better about yourself, just don't project that feeling on others!
This is just another example of how ignorant people can be. So many people are offended by those who are not part of their group, whatever group that maybe. People just need to stop being offended over everything.
Most of these people have probably been vegan for about two weeks and will be eating burgers again by the end of the year. They just discovered it and use it to try to feel morally superior to others than anything else. I haven't eaten any corpse in over 25 years. But it took three to give up poultry after giving up beef and pork. Just eating less helps more than being super hardcore for a little while, while actively discouraging others from even trying just because they aren't as hardcore as you pretend to be.
25? Come back in another ten years, cannibal (sarcasm!)
Load More Replies...Dear vegan gate keepers, go f*ck yourselves. Sincerely, me. I hate people who spout crap
I am vegetarian since I was 21. I am so pissed of entitled people that know and does everything perfectly that I am an undercover vegetarian 🤷
Just don’t be eating other people (in the kill and cook sense, not the other kind) and I think we’re all good
I made up this word "Vagin". It's definition is probably obvious. I use it to shut down food-nazis in line at the grocery store. Makes things deliciously awkward. Please feel free to use it. It's my gift to those who still have managed to avoid assimilation into the disgusting political correctness that has taken root in our fair land. You're mucho very welcome.
There quite some idiots out there, no doubt about it. But if you really going to „hate“ vegans or veganism just because of some idiots, then you‘re going to hate LOTS of other stuff too
This kind of thing makes rational conversation impossible. I am a huge advocate for the environment and health so I am also against factory farming which is horribly destructive and causing out anti-biotics to be noneffective. I would love to see reform and regulation to help ease the issue. Everyone today is so all or nothing. There is no compromise anymore because we all sit in echo chambers and become extremest. Every topic these days is this life or death battle of us against them and our government has stagnated because of it.
SOOO... basically what I got out of this is MOST vegans are crazy 'professionally offended' pick-me people. Got it!
I don't think most vegans are, no, just that there are some very loud, obnoxious vegans who give it a bad name
Load More Replies...Well if you live in a house you can't be a vegan, because that house is built on land that used to be used by animals, who were either killed or relocate for your house. True vegans only live in caves. If you don't walk barefoot everywhere you aren't a true vegans. Anything made of plastic or rubber is made out of petroleum, which is responsible for climate change, and oil spills kill countless number of animals. /s
Gatekeeping sucks. „YoUr‘E nOt a ReAl____ iF yOu ____“ Just let people do things.
Someone pulled that stunt on someone who started a small organization for reusing items that would otherwise end up at a landfill. "If you drink almond milk, you're not an ecologist." Oy gevalt, nobody's perfect - and that included the gatekeeper (who turned out to be committing a few eco-crimes of their own).
Load More Replies...Vegans are anti-farm animals - cows/sheep/chickens would die out in a 'vegan' world. Totally what happened to the dodo. Hahaha
That's not quite true. (Sorry, I'm being 'that guy'). Farm animals are domesticated from wild species. Even though the farm animals would die out except for the ones kept as pets, the wild versions would remain. The dodo was a wild animal that was hunted to extinction, not just by humans, but mostly by the cats that people brought to the island
Load More Replies...this article gave me the biggest f*****g migraine from being pissed off ay these stupid peoples comments. i loved it
I am so fed up with Bored Panda making fun of an important global movement that simply tries to care for the planet and the living beings... These posts are stupid, not all vegans are radical, rude or uneducated. Most of us just want peace and look for respect. These comments here are just silly people like everywhere else. So sad to see BP always creating these STUPID content that continues spreading misinformation.
@adrianamns : The concern is that these people have a certain tendency to be authoritarian and intolerant with excessive positions. The above examples are the most excessive, it's true, but having recently worked with a speciesist vegan, we are unfortunately not far from the truth (I actually stopped hanging out with her because of her sweeping judgments and condemnations).
Load More Replies...He's a brilliant conversationalist if one has short-term memory loss.
Load More Replies...seriously, f**k gatekeeping vegans. I never thought i'd find a group more unbearable than the dream stans, but f**k
btw, there is a difference between vegans and gatekeeping vegans. just like there is a difference between dream fans and dream stans
Load More Replies...Then go somewhere else. Or maybe talk to your vegan friends and tell them to stop posting such self-righteous things.
Load More Replies...Yes, many manage to live their lives without given any thought. But if you stop and make them think about it... many people would start to feel uncomfortable about it. So, making them think about it would be a smart thing, rather than "coming to terms" with the lack of interest. The people above are idiots, but I think it would be a good idea to actually make people stop and consider how horrible many factory farms are. I'm fine with eating animals, that's nature. But I want the animals to have a decent life, and an ethical death before I eat them.
Load More Replies...Free advice: Eat what you want, just don't make me eat what *you want*... goes for everyone.
As long as you're not a cannibal you are good with me!
Load More Replies...This is some scary cult mindset stuff. It's easy to laugh at this level of delusion, but like... has anybody checked if these people are okay? 😬
They are not. These specific people most definitely are not.
Load More Replies...I can't believe I made it to the end of this list. My conclusion: in any given group there are extremist zealots whose sole source of self worth comes from belittleing others..
There are extremist zealots, yes. That answers the question about not every vegan being like this. Some are just following their diet and leaving others to do and eat as they choose.
Load More Replies...So I'm not vegan and have no interesting in becoming vegan, but I'm wondering if these posts were propaganda put out by the meat industry
I personally theorize that there is a mental health disorder that makes people obsessively crave feeling "morally and intellectually superior" to the rest of the population. Those people flock towards groups that support this mindset. So they become a vegan, or they follow a conspiracy theory. That way they can be part of an elite group that can look down at the rest of the population for just not getting it. So veganism itself doesn't cause people to become crazy... it is the other way around, crazies are attracted to things like veganism. Which I'm sure is frustrating for people who are intelligent and actually care about the cause.
Load More Replies...vegetarian here: it's ok to be non-vegan/vegetarian! Eat what you want! Just don't make fun of other people for eating what they want!
Technically, to be truly vegan wouldn't you have to reject medical treatments, medications? There is so much horrific animal abuses going on under the heading of science, can any "vegan" be truly vegan knowing all the horrors animals receive?
Vegans tend to not like me. I wonder if it has anything to do with me stopping the lecture they try to give me and instead giving them a lecture on things like soil, monocultures and the use of mined fertilizers? I have spent 11 years at university studying those subjects....😁 For example, do you know that vegans cause more animals to die?
I wish more vegans realized a sense of smug superiority is 100% counter productive. I wish more omnivores realized how much factory farming hurts people, too.
We do. We also recognize that not eating meat isn't going to solve anything. There's still meat in dog and cat food, after all. Want to make a difference in regards to factory farming? Try something else.
Load More Replies...Listen, I have respect for vegetarians and vegans because I know I could never follow the diet properly and I find it impressive that's why can, but these kinds of vegans piss me off. People can want to help the environment without giving up meat.
I was smoking about $500.00 of ribs, chicken, pork loin and grilling hamburgers and brats for a charity fundraiser event. I stepped inside the house to get a few things. I heard alot of noise in the backyard. 2 female vegans climbed over an 8 foot privacy fence and completely trashed the food, grill and smokers. They were shocked when the police came and arrested them on a number of charges. While being cuffed, they were screaming we were animal murderers and we should be arrested. The charity event was for a local animal shelter not affiliated with humane society.
I'm confused. I'm not 100% vegan, but eat vegan a lot and i'm in a big part of local vegan internet and I've never seen such posts anywhere. People there are just normal, nobody forcing anyone to do anything, no one puts any rude comments. But when I'm opening BP's post about vegan there is always a bunch of crazy, toxic people from US who wants everybody do what they say. Where do you get these people from?
Probably because you and the people you interact with are normal people, who are vegan. The people who post things like these are looking for attention and to make out they are special, and veganism is just something they have latched onto. Being involved in a community with other vegans would mean they are just like everyone else, and worse, with people who can correct them or shoot down their nonsense.
Load More Replies...Gatekeepers don't actually care about their cause... these people don't care about animals. They want to feel morally superior to other people, and that's it. If they actually cared about animals, they would encourage and support every opportunity to reduce harm to animals.
I am a vegetarian, I have been one for 30 + years. I believe that everyone has the right to their choice of diet. And that is exactly what veganism is, a choice of diet. Please, do not hate on anyone for choosing to be a carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore. That being stated, Vegans are crazy.
I've been lucky with the vegans in my life. They're actually pretty reasonable when they socialize with non-vegans.
Load More Replies...Sheesh vegans and veganism get enough crap from people as it is...it's terrible to see these complete lunatics stoking the flames of bigotry against themselves so forcefully.
To quote fictional character Nathen Drake "every group has it's assholes"
Fast way to give obnoxious vegans a panic attack: have them look up what lac resin is and what we use it for. If that doesn't work, make them look up carmine coloring too.
Mm, sure do love those beetle-goo jelly beans
Load More Replies...Why do vegans have this need to tell everyone they're vegan? We get it. You want us to know you're "in trend."
Sometimes they mention that they're vegan to let hosts know what they will or will not eat.
Load More Replies...Vegan's should go back to their own country, we do not want them over here!
I think you forgot the /s at the end. Unless you really are a MAGA.
Load More Replies...I believe that you vote with your dollar....therefore, I buy local honey (support the bees or the bloody vegans will die, too), pasture raised eggs and chicken and 100% grass raised beef. I don't buy "vegan" leather (aka plastic), and I support regenerative farming practices and the rebuilding of our topsoil. I understand that everyone needs to make a difference in their own way and pick their battles, but I wish that more people fell back on facts vs. rhetoric/dogma...and as a vegan, wouldn't you want to celebrate any changes people made in support of animal welfare (such as incorporate vegan ice cream or nutmilks into their diet)??? Also, not to ruin anyone's day, but have you seen how many gallons of water it takes to make a gallon of almond milk?
I hate to say it, but I lost a really good friend a while back when she turned vegan. I have no problem with what people eat, but she became really toxic about it, and started treating everyone around her like garbage. She used to be really sweet, but the transition was like night and day, to the point that I was concerned her diet was having a negative impact on her brain. I don't know of very many other things that can make people act this way
Funny, I just read an article that reading oysters makes less greenhouse gases that tubers or leafy greens https://www-sfchronicle-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.sfchronicle.com/climate/amp/Seafood-joins-plant-based-foods-in-being-more-16984983.php?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIKAGwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16468298442893&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sfchronicle.com%2Fclimate%2Farticle%2FSeafood-joins-plant-based-foods-in-being-more-16984983.php. Also, do these people realize tofu has been responsible for Amazon deforestation? Self righteous idiots.
Reading oysters?? Lol. Ahem, *eating oysters. Stupid autocorrect
Load More Replies...This is basically just a bunch of vegans saying you have to be an extremist vegan, other wise you are an idiot and aren’t helping the world and only vegans are good people… It’s infuriating and entertaining at the same time
Wow, thankfully I am only vegetarian. If I had to guess, maybe it's the lack of cheese?
My view is as follows. (1) They are right meat harms the planet. As our population grows and more enter the middle class, the demand for meat will become unsustainable leading to total environmental collapse. (2) That means you either have to keep most of the planet dirt poor OR reduce meat consumption. (3). It is logically and morally incoherent to eat cows but not dogs. If you hate the Guilin Dog Meat festival, go to your local abbatoir and watch, and see if it's still ok by you. In my view, it's just inconsistent to support one and not the other. Why do you NOT eat your dog? I mean, hes' just meat right? So I think they're correct on those points. The issue is obviously the dogmatic nature of these posts, or puritanism. Anyone who is prepared to not eat meat, e.g. just for one day, makes a difference. Someone who refrains for two days, even better. Etc. Gatekeeping drives away potential converts. It's like insisting someone must be an Amish or not call themselves christian. Fanatics
I wonder what would happen to these overly zealous vegans if put in a survival scenario. Lost at sea, stuck in a forest, etc. How long before they break away from veganism for the sake of living one more day. What scares me even more about that train of thought is that their like minded friends would probably ostracize them if they survived the order for eating meat/fish/bugs
I wonder if those folks grow their own sustainable fruits ,veggies and grains to avoid the 1000s of animals killed every season for each and every commerical crop that feeds them. But again now a days its more important to act high and mighty than to lead by example.
You know who wasn't vegan? Many of the ancient, pre-industrial humans that ever existed. And yes, I did not say 'all', I said many; the protein molecule analyses from ancient human bones, fossilized poop (funny, but it's actually true) and fossilized ancient human cooking fire pits, in many instances, turns up significant direct evidence that our species has mostly been omnivorous. Scientists have also found significant evidence that many ancient humans caused many mass extinctions of other species, (part of why our time is called The Anthropocene by some), which could only be explained by ancient humans doing significant hunting. So we're evolved to eat meat, therefore nutritionally we need it on some level, like many other species do. Our species has been the apex predator on Earth for thousands upon thousand of years. Craving meat is as natural as craving sex! (Also see the ep. of The Drs. w/ Jordan Younger for why ultra-purist veganism doesn't work as a diet plan).
Omnivore here. I kinda see where some of these people are coming from. Eating a plant-based diet is a change a person can realistically make to help animals/climate change. So why isn't everyone doing it as their first step? As a straightforward first step of something they can control to make a difference? But the way they present that opinion comes across totally crazy, self-aggrandizing, and not encouraging.
Please, introduce me to some vegans who are not like this. Do vegans themselves know what veganism is all about? Doesn't seem like it.
Mk. Let's clear this up. You can be vegan, vegetarian, ECT and that's perfectly fine, just don't force it on others. Same with anything else, like religion or sexual orientation. Just don't force it on others.
Why do I read these things first thing in the morning? I have the unquenchable urge go scorched earth... Especially on those that force this on their cats and dogs
Our daughter is a vegetarian and both were are carnivores. We all accept each other for the way we are. It's not our right to judge each other but to support each other's choices.
Internet Vegan trolls seem a bit insane! All these posts are nutz!
This post, in general, makes vegetarians and vegans (in particular) seems completely broken.
I’m fine with vegans until they do s**t like this. Let us eat meat in peace!
For all vegans and vegetarians out there: There are legitimate environmental, ethical and health based arguments that support reducing or cutting meat from one's diet. If you genuinely want people to to become vegan or vegetarian, use them. If your interest is more in a feeling of superiority over others (like some of these posts probably are) then that's not right but go ahead, feel better about yourself, just don't project that feeling on others!
This is just another example of how ignorant people can be. So many people are offended by those who are not part of their group, whatever group that maybe. People just need to stop being offended over everything.
Most of these people have probably been vegan for about two weeks and will be eating burgers again by the end of the year. They just discovered it and use it to try to feel morally superior to others than anything else. I haven't eaten any corpse in over 25 years. But it took three to give up poultry after giving up beef and pork. Just eating less helps more than being super hardcore for a little while, while actively discouraging others from even trying just because they aren't as hardcore as you pretend to be.
25? Come back in another ten years, cannibal (sarcasm!)
Load More Replies...Dear vegan gate keepers, go f*ck yourselves. Sincerely, me. I hate people who spout crap
I am vegetarian since I was 21. I am so pissed of entitled people that know and does everything perfectly that I am an undercover vegetarian 🤷
Just don’t be eating other people (in the kill and cook sense, not the other kind) and I think we’re all good
I made up this word "Vagin". It's definition is probably obvious. I use it to shut down food-nazis in line at the grocery store. Makes things deliciously awkward. Please feel free to use it. It's my gift to those who still have managed to avoid assimilation into the disgusting political correctness that has taken root in our fair land. You're mucho very welcome.
There quite some idiots out there, no doubt about it. But if you really going to „hate“ vegans or veganism just because of some idiots, then you‘re going to hate LOTS of other stuff too
This kind of thing makes rational conversation impossible. I am a huge advocate for the environment and health so I am also against factory farming which is horribly destructive and causing out anti-biotics to be noneffective. I would love to see reform and regulation to help ease the issue. Everyone today is so all or nothing. There is no compromise anymore because we all sit in echo chambers and become extremest. Every topic these days is this life or death battle of us against them and our government has stagnated because of it.
SOOO... basically what I got out of this is MOST vegans are crazy 'professionally offended' pick-me people. Got it!
I don't think most vegans are, no, just that there are some very loud, obnoxious vegans who give it a bad name
Load More Replies...Well if you live in a house you can't be a vegan, because that house is built on land that used to be used by animals, who were either killed or relocate for your house. True vegans only live in caves. If you don't walk barefoot everywhere you aren't a true vegans. Anything made of plastic or rubber is made out of petroleum, which is responsible for climate change, and oil spills kill countless number of animals. /s
Gatekeeping sucks. „YoUr‘E nOt a ReAl____ iF yOu ____“ Just let people do things.
Someone pulled that stunt on someone who started a small organization for reusing items that would otherwise end up at a landfill. "If you drink almond milk, you're not an ecologist." Oy gevalt, nobody's perfect - and that included the gatekeeper (who turned out to be committing a few eco-crimes of their own).
Load More Replies...Vegans are anti-farm animals - cows/sheep/chickens would die out in a 'vegan' world. Totally what happened to the dodo. Hahaha
That's not quite true. (Sorry, I'm being 'that guy'). Farm animals are domesticated from wild species. Even though the farm animals would die out except for the ones kept as pets, the wild versions would remain. The dodo was a wild animal that was hunted to extinction, not just by humans, but mostly by the cats that people brought to the island
Load More Replies...this article gave me the biggest f*****g migraine from being pissed off ay these stupid peoples comments. i loved it
I am so fed up with Bored Panda making fun of an important global movement that simply tries to care for the planet and the living beings... These posts are stupid, not all vegans are radical, rude or uneducated. Most of us just want peace and look for respect. These comments here are just silly people like everywhere else. So sad to see BP always creating these STUPID content that continues spreading misinformation.
@adrianamns : The concern is that these people have a certain tendency to be authoritarian and intolerant with excessive positions. The above examples are the most excessive, it's true, but having recently worked with a speciesist vegan, we are unfortunately not far from the truth (I actually stopped hanging out with her because of her sweeping judgments and condemnations).
Load More Replies...He's a brilliant conversationalist if one has short-term memory loss.
Load More Replies...seriously, f**k gatekeeping vegans. I never thought i'd find a group more unbearable than the dream stans, but f**k
btw, there is a difference between vegans and gatekeeping vegans. just like there is a difference between dream fans and dream stans
Load More Replies...Then go somewhere else. Or maybe talk to your vegan friends and tell them to stop posting such self-righteous things.
Load More Replies...Yes, many manage to live their lives without given any thought. But if you stop and make them think about it... many people would start to feel uncomfortable about it. So, making them think about it would be a smart thing, rather than "coming to terms" with the lack of interest. The people above are idiots, but I think it would be a good idea to actually make people stop and consider how horrible many factory farms are. I'm fine with eating animals, that's nature. But I want the animals to have a decent life, and an ethical death before I eat them.
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