Someone Sick Of Hearing Anti-Vaxxers’ Stupid Arguments Creates 31 Scientific Posters That Completely Destroy Their Logic
There's a Facebook page called The Vaccination Station and it's doing god's work. Instead of belittling anti-vaxxers, they are trying to show that immunization works.
"This is a pro-vaxx page sharing information about all aspects of vaccination. Questions are welcome, but unsubstantiated claims will be treated with the scepticism they deserve. If you want to disagree, bring science and evidence," The Vaccination Station introduced itself.
After gathering information from reputable professionals qualified in relevant fields, the page presents it with comprehensible posters. Not everyone has the patience or the time to read scientific papers, so this format is perfect not only for convincing anti-vaxxers to change their minds, but to prepare those who might meet them as well.
More info: Facebook
This post may include affiliate links.
Sadly these posters won’t convince those anti-vaxx morons, they only see what they want to see and I doubt they can even read properly anyway.
“I am deeply concerned by the resurgence of the modern anti-vaxx movement and its negative impact on public health; an impact which can be traced directly (though not exclusively) to Andrew Wakefield’s fraudulent MMR study of 1998,” the man behind The Vaccination Station, Dave, told Bored Panda. “I want to demystify vaccination by explaining it in terms that anyone can understand.”
Throughout his life, Dave has met only met a few anti-vaxxers in the real world. “Most of them were personal friends who have since cut me off. Discussions about vaccines did not go well; they simply refused to listen.” However, many have reached out to him via social media. “I am regularly accused of being a paid shill for the pharmaceutical industry,” he said. “One person even said I must be a bot! The truth is that I’m just a regular dad with a Facebook page that I manage by myself, with no funding from anyone.”
While working on the project, Dave has learned quite a few things. “Firstly, anti-vaxx propaganda must be engaged & refuted at its primary source: social media. The influence of the ‘post-truth’ era has sadly eroded public confidence in professional expertise. Furthermore, there is an urgent need to teach & promote critical thinking skills such as logic & deductive reasoning.”
“Scientific consensus is based on strength of evidence, not volume of voices,” he added. “No amount of sincere belief will change facts that are inconvenient to your worldview.”
"Fake news! Fake media! Big pharma paid that! Oh, an aromatic oil that heals cancer, removes warts and can be used to clean the plumbing? This web site says it worked for 3 people over the courseof 30 years already, while only killing the otner 4737 who tried it? Creditable information! I NE
Ok, this infuriates me more than anything else on this list. They really claim that severe brain damage comes from anything else than violently shaking their Baby? I have no words for that level of ignorance
Poor Yosef probably believes in chemtrails, flat earth, and Deep State too!
why is it so hard to convince these so called "anti-vaxxers"? do they really loves their child? or are they influenced by some people scheming on how to reduce human population?
Yeah, do the anti-vaxxers wonder why they aren't sick all the time? "Oh, I use essential oils every morning and eat healthy." No, while you were a child, your parents got you vaccinated from all of these preventable diseases, but you are too selfish to realize you are killing your child. Anti-vaxxers will only realize their mistakes when someone close to them dies from the sickness, because they didn't vaccinate them.
As a woman with HPV 16, I have already had one count of abnormal cells, face annual Pap smears, and if I have a second abnormal smear, it has been suggested as I have been through menopause, I should have a hysterectomy. If only we had gardasil vaccine when I was young. This is given free in Australian schools, and as a teacher, who use to take my class down for their injections. I was stunned at the number who opted out. Point of interest, boys are also susceptible to these viruses and should also be vaccinated.
It also takes a lot of mercury to adversely effect the brain. The Mad Hatter from Alice and Wonderland was portrayed as crazy because he was representing old time Haberdashers who used to treat the brims of hats with mercury to kill bacteria while protecting the fabric. Eventually, after years and years of use...they would go crazy from the build up of mercury. The amount in a few vaccines, even if it did accumulated in the blood, would not be enough to cause brain damage.
And here is the key. I can talk to antivaxxers for hours about research, but the thing that gets through is always my anecdotical evidence when telling them how a difteria or pertussis child look, sound and suffer.
And it is the healthy children who can protect the ones who, for whatever reason, do not have that strong immune system.
Suggest future versions of this poster spell 'diphtheria' correctly.
"This is false" homie brings down an entire chain of arguments with three words and cold hard facts
So, as someone who does not like needles (and with kids afraid of needles) I have o ask: If there is no practical difference, why WHY W-H-Y(!) are most vaccines inhected?
that's right man hit 'em with the "this is false" again, it's hilarious how many of anti-vaxxers' arguments are outright false
It's important to stick with facts when talking about any hot topic (immunizations, politics, religion, etc.) and be respectful instead of hurling insults or treating people with contempt or hate. Not everyone will listen to facts, however resorting to personal attacks is shameful and doesn't accomplish anything.
One of my favorite lines: Two things that never get old: dark humor and kids that aren't vaccinated. In my view, vaccination is a public health matter. Their use should be legislated and then enforced. There are those very few who cannot be vaccinated, so there's the exception. Public health matters should always supercede personal beliefs. 300+ years of established science fact as opposed to a discredited and greedy manufacturer of vaccines whose only real support was from a sixth-rate actress who fits the old maxim of better seen than heard.
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Load More Replies...Anecdote nobody will listen to. My son has had all his vaccinations, but seems to have a weaker immune system. Herd immunity would protect people like him, infants, elderly, and those with compromised immune system. Instead he got whooping cough and HPV. He was horribly sick, it was frightening. BUT he did not die. Without the immunity of the vaccine, he would not have been able right the disease. If more people had vaccines, herd immunity - when enough people are vaccinated the disease can't spread - he would never have gotten the illness. Before I even finish explaining, I am cut off because someone's kid became autistic because of a vaccine. Someone they read about on the Internet, not someone they know.
Sweetheart, from one mom to another I AM TRULY , SOULY SORRY YOUR BABY WAS ILL..... I have twins both on autism spectrum, one with developmental delay and heart disease and his twin is fully autistic.. I try to tell people it's only thought to be connected because when autism is noticed is when about the times kids get those vaccines. You can't tell autism at birth it's when they don't hit those milestones like other kids and start showing differences.. but the age it's the age that coincides with the autism diagnosis but has no relevance at all...I'm sorry you guys went through such heartbreaks when I think of any kid suffering... Kills me.. seeing your kid hooked up to machines does things to you.. PTSD maybe.. but I think of the unvaccinated kids losing their limbs their bodies to these diseases that were eradicated hundred years ago.. heartbreaking. Truly. I wish you and your family everything good in life. And lottery money .
Load More Replies...Amazon still has anti-vaccine documentaries. Didn't they say would remove those in the interest of public health? Schools should not allow unvaccinated children to attend.
Full Name - Amazon made a statement promising to do something. They have not done it. Problem.
Load More Replies...Hi, I'm the guy who created The Vaccination Station. Thanks to everyone who's expressed appreciation for my work. :)
I kind of want to print these out and put them in my anti-vax neighbors' mailbox...
Please hang them up all over spread awareness. They don't know the terror of polio, dengue fever or whatever kid can lose their limbs, their life their brains ... I can't think of any kid having to go through that pain and suffering because parents are insane... It's just not fair to those kids
Load More Replies...Can we bring back the flat earthers and ufo fans? At least they were harmless and a bit more entertaining than pro-plaguers? ( heavy irony here , its a joke ok ? )
Magpie: I don't see 'pro-plaguers' as a joke but a very accurate description of reality.
Load More Replies...Let's just put this to rest - I am living proof if anyone cared to take note. I am autistic, and I was never vaccinated. There is no link between the two. BTW - I'm getting my shots soon.
YESSSSS.....Please, please, please....take a moment and send this article to as many people as you can. Bored Panda - UNITE!!!!
Proud to say my son just got 3 more vaccines this morning - his influenza vaccine and we started him on both HPV and Meningitis B. *Boom*
Society still tends to think of the Internet as a blessing because of the great boon in knowledge and communication it brought about. But the amount of misinformation that is consumed, believed and disseminated by the gullible and stupid makes me wonder if the internet has truly been a net positive for society.
The Facebook opened the gates of Hell, now we live in the era of "proud idiots". Previously all these stupid folks were able to do is to tell lies and stupid gossip in the local pubs, but now they can spread their poisonous s**t very effectively using the net.
Load More Replies...Whilst I applaud the efforts of the Vaccination Station (the information provided was extremely educational), I think that most anti-vaxxers have already made up their minds, and no amount of 'truth' is going to affect them. They will just say that this is big pharma spreading their lies. The fact that these people don't trust their health care professionals is almost funny, if it weren't so sad.
Might save the people who are teetering on the edge of believing ant-vaxx anecdotal rubbish. Also, gives more ammunition to those family members of the anti-vaxxers to TRY and get them to do the right thing.
Load More Replies...You know what this does do? Bring the topic up again to those who support vaccines. We are better informed and when legislation comes up, hopefully we are mad enough to act.
Exactly - which is why these posts are so important. People who are negative about Bored Panda posting these can just avoid them and stop moaning.
Load More Replies...Anti vaxxers make me so mad. I have a reduced immune system due to chemo and treatment for autoimmune diseases so am at huge risk. You might get sick and recover in a week but I might get sick and die. That's the bottom line. There is nothing I could have done to prevent my illness, I am not in his position through choice, but you are! I know that this will fall on deaf ears as there is nothing that gets through to those who choose not to believe the massive scientific evidence supporting vaccinations, but I have to try. I do understand the fear of allergic reaction as part of my condition means I can go into anaphylaxis shock without trigger, and that's scary but the risk of reaction is absolutely minuscule! Please don't have my death, or the death of countless other "at risk" groups of people on your hands. It happens... but it shouldn't have to happen. I fight so hard to keep myself as well as I can, but you can undo that in an instance.
Dear BoredPanda, would it be too much to ask not to shorten this article to 30 entries?
Wait, weren't people just sending a petition to Bored Panda to include all the images. If you don't like it, stop reading. I like the option to see more.
Load More Replies...Good god! Do people still believe in this garbage about not vaccinating their kids? One million of us can eat from the same apple orchard and I assure you, one or two of us will get sick from it. Should we ban apples all together? I wish they would label people who don’t vaccinate. That way I can stay away from them.
If anyone belongs to Pinterest, PLEASE post these there. (I got kicked off because I apparently hurt a Trumpster's feelings by telling them that everything they were saying was a lie.)
Every school in the US that receives any public dollars or tax breaks should be required to put these posters up or have something similar to educate the children. Because if we can't change the minds of the parents' who are irrationally against vaccines, we can at least educate the next generation before they get snookered.
AFAIK, most anti-vaxxers aren't actually concerned with the issues raised here. They ARE concerned about the flu vaccine, not because of thimerosol in the flumist/inhaler vaccine, but because of its ineffectiveness, the randomness of the flu strains selections, how the incidence of flu has increased as the vaccine increased, the promotion then removal then promotion of flumist, and the resulting distrust for the pharmaceutical companies.
How tragic that vaxxers have no idea how deeply they are conditioned. It is extremely violent to expect people to vaccinate where there is no necessity. It is natural to have diseases and some of us die. To vaccinate takes away the ability to have a strong immune-system - a healthy body does not get sick. The deeper realms of the unconscious are very important to understand. Most people are deeply ignorant about it.
finally reached the end here, i am tired of reading most of the anti-vaxxers comment
Sounds all good, but idiots will not accept it because they cannot understand it. Without brain they are stupid as a box of rocks.
Good effort...but what is the likelihood that a single flat Earther/anti-vaxxer will take the time to read them and change their mind? Society needs to exert more pressure to ensure that the only kids without vaccinations are the ones with genuine medical exemptions. Giving the ill-informed a “free choice” is putting many lives at risk.
No, it wasn't. The comparisons were fair and accurate. Any belief that the UK products didn't have everything listed is erroneous as the laws are exceptionally tight on this. BHA and BHT are subject to severe restrictions in Europe but are widely used in American food products. This was pointed out to you at the time. Your belief that it was inaccurate - is inaccurate.
Load More Replies...That is a stance that only serves to protect yourself from feeling that maybe you should be more vocal yourself.
Load More Replies...No, you'll never change the mind of someone who is determined they're right -- but you MIGHT help sway someone who is on the fence and has not yet been brainwashed with "alternative facts."
Load More Replies...Oh, f**k off. This stuff is important. If you don't want to read it, then simply don't.
Load More Replies...They don't give out the leaflets as most people don't read them and it costs a fortune just to have things thrown in the bin. You can ask the nurse or speak with your doctor - it is not to do with the ingredients sounding scary at all. Other drugs you may need to give your baby if they are ill will have 'scary-sounding' leaflets but you'll still get given them. The typical reactions to vaccines are just as easily explained at the time rather than rely on a parent to read a leaflet. New mums need to be tough for their child's sake and not get so anxious as that is no help to their baby. Particularly over something as minor as the short term pain of a jab with a possible sore arm or a mild fever. Children can get colds that are far worse. Mums of my parents generation used to take this kind of thing in their stride and just got their children vaccinated. Why have mums got so easily panicked? Probably because they read anecdotal b******t.
Load More Replies...One of my favorite lines: Two things that never get old: dark humor and kids that aren't vaccinated. In my view, vaccination is a public health matter. Their use should be legislated and then enforced. There are those very few who cannot be vaccinated, so there's the exception. Public health matters should always supercede personal beliefs. 300+ years of established science fact as opposed to a discredited and greedy manufacturer of vaccines whose only real support was from a sixth-rate actress who fits the old maxim of better seen than heard.
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Load More Replies...Anecdote nobody will listen to. My son has had all his vaccinations, but seems to have a weaker immune system. Herd immunity would protect people like him, infants, elderly, and those with compromised immune system. Instead he got whooping cough and HPV. He was horribly sick, it was frightening. BUT he did not die. Without the immunity of the vaccine, he would not have been able right the disease. If more people had vaccines, herd immunity - when enough people are vaccinated the disease can't spread - he would never have gotten the illness. Before I even finish explaining, I am cut off because someone's kid became autistic because of a vaccine. Someone they read about on the Internet, not someone they know.
Sweetheart, from one mom to another I AM TRULY , SOULY SORRY YOUR BABY WAS ILL..... I have twins both on autism spectrum, one with developmental delay and heart disease and his twin is fully autistic.. I try to tell people it's only thought to be connected because when autism is noticed is when about the times kids get those vaccines. You can't tell autism at birth it's when they don't hit those milestones like other kids and start showing differences.. but the age it's the age that coincides with the autism diagnosis but has no relevance at all...I'm sorry you guys went through such heartbreaks when I think of any kid suffering... Kills me.. seeing your kid hooked up to machines does things to you.. PTSD maybe.. but I think of the unvaccinated kids losing their limbs their bodies to these diseases that were eradicated hundred years ago.. heartbreaking. Truly. I wish you and your family everything good in life. And lottery money .
Load More Replies...Amazon still has anti-vaccine documentaries. Didn't they say would remove those in the interest of public health? Schools should not allow unvaccinated children to attend.
Full Name - Amazon made a statement promising to do something. They have not done it. Problem.
Load More Replies...Hi, I'm the guy who created The Vaccination Station. Thanks to everyone who's expressed appreciation for my work. :)
I kind of want to print these out and put them in my anti-vax neighbors' mailbox...
Please hang them up all over spread awareness. They don't know the terror of polio, dengue fever or whatever kid can lose their limbs, their life their brains ... I can't think of any kid having to go through that pain and suffering because parents are insane... It's just not fair to those kids
Load More Replies...Can we bring back the flat earthers and ufo fans? At least they were harmless and a bit more entertaining than pro-plaguers? ( heavy irony here , its a joke ok ? )
Magpie: I don't see 'pro-plaguers' as a joke but a very accurate description of reality.
Load More Replies...Let's just put this to rest - I am living proof if anyone cared to take note. I am autistic, and I was never vaccinated. There is no link between the two. BTW - I'm getting my shots soon.
YESSSSS.....Please, please, please....take a moment and send this article to as many people as you can. Bored Panda - UNITE!!!!
Proud to say my son just got 3 more vaccines this morning - his influenza vaccine and we started him on both HPV and Meningitis B. *Boom*
Society still tends to think of the Internet as a blessing because of the great boon in knowledge and communication it brought about. But the amount of misinformation that is consumed, believed and disseminated by the gullible and stupid makes me wonder if the internet has truly been a net positive for society.
The Facebook opened the gates of Hell, now we live in the era of "proud idiots". Previously all these stupid folks were able to do is to tell lies and stupid gossip in the local pubs, but now they can spread their poisonous s**t very effectively using the net.
Load More Replies...Whilst I applaud the efforts of the Vaccination Station (the information provided was extremely educational), I think that most anti-vaxxers have already made up their minds, and no amount of 'truth' is going to affect them. They will just say that this is big pharma spreading their lies. The fact that these people don't trust their health care professionals is almost funny, if it weren't so sad.
Might save the people who are teetering on the edge of believing ant-vaxx anecdotal rubbish. Also, gives more ammunition to those family members of the anti-vaxxers to TRY and get them to do the right thing.
Load More Replies...You know what this does do? Bring the topic up again to those who support vaccines. We are better informed and when legislation comes up, hopefully we are mad enough to act.
Exactly - which is why these posts are so important. People who are negative about Bored Panda posting these can just avoid them and stop moaning.
Load More Replies...Anti vaxxers make me so mad. I have a reduced immune system due to chemo and treatment for autoimmune diseases so am at huge risk. You might get sick and recover in a week but I might get sick and die. That's the bottom line. There is nothing I could have done to prevent my illness, I am not in his position through choice, but you are! I know that this will fall on deaf ears as there is nothing that gets through to those who choose not to believe the massive scientific evidence supporting vaccinations, but I have to try. I do understand the fear of allergic reaction as part of my condition means I can go into anaphylaxis shock without trigger, and that's scary but the risk of reaction is absolutely minuscule! Please don't have my death, or the death of countless other "at risk" groups of people on your hands. It happens... but it shouldn't have to happen. I fight so hard to keep myself as well as I can, but you can undo that in an instance.
Dear BoredPanda, would it be too much to ask not to shorten this article to 30 entries?
Wait, weren't people just sending a petition to Bored Panda to include all the images. If you don't like it, stop reading. I like the option to see more.
Load More Replies...Good god! Do people still believe in this garbage about not vaccinating their kids? One million of us can eat from the same apple orchard and I assure you, one or two of us will get sick from it. Should we ban apples all together? I wish they would label people who don’t vaccinate. That way I can stay away from them.
If anyone belongs to Pinterest, PLEASE post these there. (I got kicked off because I apparently hurt a Trumpster's feelings by telling them that everything they were saying was a lie.)
Every school in the US that receives any public dollars or tax breaks should be required to put these posters up or have something similar to educate the children. Because if we can't change the minds of the parents' who are irrationally against vaccines, we can at least educate the next generation before they get snookered.
AFAIK, most anti-vaxxers aren't actually concerned with the issues raised here. They ARE concerned about the flu vaccine, not because of thimerosol in the flumist/inhaler vaccine, but because of its ineffectiveness, the randomness of the flu strains selections, how the incidence of flu has increased as the vaccine increased, the promotion then removal then promotion of flumist, and the resulting distrust for the pharmaceutical companies.
How tragic that vaxxers have no idea how deeply they are conditioned. It is extremely violent to expect people to vaccinate where there is no necessity. It is natural to have diseases and some of us die. To vaccinate takes away the ability to have a strong immune-system - a healthy body does not get sick. The deeper realms of the unconscious are very important to understand. Most people are deeply ignorant about it.
finally reached the end here, i am tired of reading most of the anti-vaxxers comment
Sounds all good, but idiots will not accept it because they cannot understand it. Without brain they are stupid as a box of rocks.
Good effort...but what is the likelihood that a single flat Earther/anti-vaxxer will take the time to read them and change their mind? Society needs to exert more pressure to ensure that the only kids without vaccinations are the ones with genuine medical exemptions. Giving the ill-informed a “free choice” is putting many lives at risk.
No, it wasn't. The comparisons were fair and accurate. Any belief that the UK products didn't have everything listed is erroneous as the laws are exceptionally tight on this. BHA and BHT are subject to severe restrictions in Europe but are widely used in American food products. This was pointed out to you at the time. Your belief that it was inaccurate - is inaccurate.
Load More Replies...That is a stance that only serves to protect yourself from feeling that maybe you should be more vocal yourself.
Load More Replies...No, you'll never change the mind of someone who is determined they're right -- but you MIGHT help sway someone who is on the fence and has not yet been brainwashed with "alternative facts."
Load More Replies...Oh, f**k off. This stuff is important. If you don't want to read it, then simply don't.
Load More Replies...They don't give out the leaflets as most people don't read them and it costs a fortune just to have things thrown in the bin. You can ask the nurse or speak with your doctor - it is not to do with the ingredients sounding scary at all. Other drugs you may need to give your baby if they are ill will have 'scary-sounding' leaflets but you'll still get given them. The typical reactions to vaccines are just as easily explained at the time rather than rely on a parent to read a leaflet. New mums need to be tough for their child's sake and not get so anxious as that is no help to their baby. Particularly over something as minor as the short term pain of a jab with a possible sore arm or a mild fever. Children can get colds that are far worse. Mums of my parents generation used to take this kind of thing in their stride and just got their children vaccinated. Why have mums got so easily panicked? Probably because they read anecdotal b******t.
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