Recently, Reddit user u/0_7_0 decided to find out what are the prime examples of common sense.
On July 13, they made a post on r/AskReddit, asking people "What is one 'unwritten rule' that you believe everyone should know and follow?" And it blew up.
As of this article, u/0_7_0's question has received over 3,400 comments, many of which are valuable tidbits we all should listen to. Here are some of the most upvoted ones.
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If I show you a picture on my phone, don't go swiping sideways.
If someone is wearing headphones and is clearly keeping to themselves, leave them alone!
Don't litter. It's really not hard to just not litter
Its not hard to keep it in a pocket until you find a bin
Don't watch loud videos on your phone at a restaurant. Can't believe this isn't common courtesy anymore
If someone is giving you a ride, you should be ready at the door before they get there. It’s so rude to have someone waiting on you when they are doing you a favor by picking you up
The 'wave' of thank you when someone lets you in while driving in traffic. It's just polite
Just because you know someone who does something for a living, that doesn't automatically mean they owe you a discount if you ask for their services.
I don't do art for a living but I do take commissions sometimes and this bothers me so heckin much...
If you want to go for a hike and listen to music, come with earphones or headphones. Don't blast loud music.
Quit pissing on public toilet seats. And if you do, at least have the decency to wipe it up
Or leaving little drops on the seat. Even if it's by accident, no one else wants to wipe it off so they can sit.
Don't just show up randomly at someone's house. Call, text, or otherwise reach out and positivity confirm that it's okay before heading to someone else's home.
I have some really close friends that we're comfortable enough to just rock up to each others houses, but don't do that unless it's someone you know won't have a problem with it.
When you have a complaint with a retail store or business, please remember that the person you are speaking too (or yelling at sadly) is just the one that happened to pick up the phone or is standing at the till. they likely have nothing to do with what went wrong and have little sway in what can be done to help. They dont need to be yelled and screamed at for something they did not do or is under the control of a corporate office/higher up.
I always talk in a polite and friendly manner when making complaints. I have found they are more likely to go above and beyond to help. And always thank them afterwards and compliment their ability to help as it makes their day.
Don’t touch pregnant people’s bellies.
What is it about being pregnant that suddenly makes other people feel entitled to touch you without asking.
You shouldn’t be touching other people anywhere, not their hair, not there butt not their stomach, nothing… not unless you ask first
I hate being touched pregnant or not. I don't respond well to physical contact. Have to be very close friends or family for me not to jump or cringe when touching me. Grew up in a low physical contact family, even close proximity makes my skin crawl.
Load More Replies...There's a flip side to this though. When friends or acquaintances are pregnant and they're like 'Quick! Touch it! It's kicking!' and you've got to rub this person's stomach while the rest of the damn pub looks on. It's weird and I don't like it. Even when your kid is born, unless it's just won a Nobel prize, I'm really not interested.
I was helping someone move (way back when I was a teenager) and they'd just had a baby. Regardless of the fact that I had just gone through infant certification, they just sort of said "here hold him for a second I have to do something" and just sort of left me with him. Didn't care that it was actually too awkward for me to handle... probably figured it would make me change my mind about children or something. It haunts me to this day.
Load More Replies...Whenever a girl has long hair, people feel the need to touch it, or people with frizzy hair. It's just uncomfortable.
As a long haired female, yes, this is true and it's the worst! For years I was unable to enjoy even 1 single night at the bar with friends without some rando grabbing and stroking my hair. Always men of course. F*** off ffs! I always have it tied up now, because of this
Load More Replies...Or when the pregnant woman's with a man who's apparently her partner, how come people don't touch his balls and say 'good job, dude'? (Read this somewhere - made me chuckle)
Your name is sooo apropos for your comment 😹🤣😹. I heard this one a few years ago and have been waiting to try this (Covid-19 cockblocked me, literally).
Load More Replies...How about you have your own rules and other people can have theirs? In some cultures it is very normal to do this and it shows affection. I love it and am happy to reciprocate it.
Load More Replies...IKR, this gender neutral thing is getting out of hand. When a (biological) man has a baby then they can "change" it to people.
Load More Replies...If I ever become pregnant I'm going to touch their bellies in return. See how they like it.
I don't understand this - I could never touch someone's stomach unless they told me to and even's just weird and so rude.
Or touch other people's babies. I see people bending down to pinch strangers' babies' cheeks - they should be knocked into next week.
Don't ever be the one to ask a woman if she's pregnant. Make her tell you or assume she's just got a beer belly and would die of embarrassment if you asked.
Oh, god, when I was pregnant, I had a dude kneel down and kiss my belly. I've never been so grossed out. Kid's okay, though!
I think pregnancy is magical , a true miracle. I think people tend to touch bellies because of this. It's not ok , but I think that's why some people might forget their manners .
I say hello to the pregnant bellies of my friends and my sisters. I swear my nephew was born knowing my voice because I used to talk to him in utero. My sister thought it was so cute!
It should be "Touch at your own risk... you may loose a limb... I'm hungry.."
Truth...... I was afraid some near-stranger was going to feel our baby move before my husband!
Ditto tattooed people...seriously, what makes you think because I'm inked you can just grab my arm and start looking at my work? Or try to look down my shirt to see my back? PSA: This could be hazardous to your health...XD
You all 3 pregnancies, I never had anyone do this. Granted with my first, I didn't really start showing until I was about 8 months pregnant...but still.
Had this happen when I wasn't even pregnant, people just thought I was. And it was people I didn't even know
I had the same issue with a necklace that had writing. People constantly reached out to grab it and see what it said.
I won't touch people unless we both want me to, or it is necessary to prevent some sort of peril. , If absolutely necessary I will tap someone on the arm.
do.not.touch.people. In general. In the states, this is how lawsuits are so easily started.
Pregnant women who get their bellies touched, should do the same to the person. "So, how far along are you?" "About 5 months, how about you?"
Where is this acceptable???? In my country you would receive "funny" looks, or worse, if you dare touch a pregnant woman's belly. In Spain we kiss and touch each other a lot, but I've never seen this, and it would be so awkward!
STOP posing for pictures with your hands cupping your tummy. That goes for Celebs, too!!!
Hands off or I'll embarass the h*ll out of you. Stranger snuck up to tuck the tag in on back of my shirt. They heard me clear up in the front of the market. "They teach you in kindergaren...."
PERSONAL SPACE (even when not in a pandemic)
I really care about personal space. Its one of the most important things
Don't leave perishable items in random aisles or at the checkout. You're wasting food and driving prices up.
Stand back before boarding a bus, subway, metro, or elevator so that those on can get off quickly without having to wait for you to back up first
On an escalator, stand on the right so people can walk on the left.
If u borrow even a damn dollar and promise to bring it back, bring it back
People, pls don't lend money you can't give. Meaning that you shouldn't go out of your way to lend what you can't afford to give. That way, if the person doesn't return it, you won't be broke. Thank you
Double flush if you must. Nobody wants to see your poop crumbs.
Never comment a person's weight, if they lost it, if they gained some. It's just very rude either way.
Don't talk loudly on the phone while you're in public transportation, it's super uncomfortable for everyone
Give up your seat to the pregnant lady on the bus/train (or to anyone else who needs it. Don't take up two seats because you like to put your feet/bag up).
Never ask a person if they're pregnant. It's just rude and you never know their medical history.
Similarly, never ask when they plan to have a child, or why they don't have children already. It's not your business and you don't know what trauma you may unveil. Maybe they had a miscarriage, maybe they did have a child who died at birth, or maybe they have been struggling to get pregnant.
If you borrow a friends car or truck, always return it with a full tank of gas.
The last one to go to bed has to turn all the lights off
When someone else is paying the bill, you shouldn't order something very pricey. (It's understandable if something expensive is the only thing you are able to eat.)
When you are shopping/looking for clothes and suddenly decide you don't want it anymore, put it back where you found it. Don't just dump it somewhere — it makes life hard for both workers who are cleaning up and the customers looking for something to buy.
If you make an appointment and can’t keep it, cancel or let someone know. I manage sales for a car dealership and we thrive on appointments. We understand things come up, just let us know. That simple gesture goes a long way.
Car salesmen can be very pushy though! My mum ended up making an appointment because the person talking to her wouldn't take no for an answer but she had no intention of buying the car and didn't attend. I understand what you're saying but she didn't want to have to ring and engage with him again, having been intimidated into making the initial appointment.
If your advice or opinion wasn’t asked for, don’t give it.
I believe it's called a conversation. People have been having them for a very VERY long time. People need to stop making everything about them.
If you are going to talk with someone about your problems/issues, do a quick check-in first. Like, 'Are you in a good space for me to talk this out with you?' I’ve used it a few times, and I think just the basic courtesy of asking is such a relief to people!
The last of any food/drink is reserved for whoever bought said food/drink
Always leave stuff cleaner than it was when you got to it (campsites, AirBnBs, anything shared with people really)
If someone can't fix an aspect of their appearance in five minutes or less, don't mention it.
If you’re about to turn the light on in a dark room and someone is there, you have to announce what you’re about to do so the person doesn’t get a surprise. I feel like it’s really disrespectful to turn the light on without announcing it
When walking through a store, treat the aisles like lanes on a road. Keep to the right.
Don't bombard people with a ton of taking when they obviously feel tired and overwhelmed, they are having enough trouble with their own stuff, to deal with all of your stuff.
Never drink the last beer if you didn't buy them.
Someone on a budget wrote this. If you're offered the last beer, you get the last beer.
Also, if someone doesn't speak your language, don't yell the words at them. They are not def, they just don't understand you
The platinum rule: treat others as they want to be treated. Something you think is polite and respectful might be insulting to them
Load More Replies...I think this could be a much longer list. For example, 1. If it's down to two ice cubes, refill the tray. 2. It someone is using their turn signal (that is, you can figure out what they want), let them merge. 3. If something is running out (paper, toilet paper, cold beverages) and you know how to refill it and there's that item available, refill it. 4. Unless you have a mask on, sneeze into your dang elbow already. 5. If someone smiles and says hello or good morning, say it back. A less obvious one: 1. Don't tell a parent of a special needs child how to better help their child --especially if you don't know the situation very well. I would say even if you do know it well. You have no idea how challenging it is to manage this and having random suggestions (some of which logically aren't even possible, in conjunction with other suggestions) is even worse. There's more, but I'll stop.
The original post on Reddit is much longer:
Load More Replies...Don't even clip them in front of your roommate! Yuck.
Load More Replies...Asking a woman in their thirties why they don’t have kids (I even have patients asking me that question). Hurts me everytime.
Try saying "Erm, probably because I've never given birth to one."
Load More Replies...Yes! And also after your kids. If they need to 'go' in the woods (hiking for example), have the decency to bury the paper and any big business they leave. Honestly, as a person working in forests, that's way worse than dog-s**t. Which is already bad. But person-poop? And person-poop-stained toilet-paper? Dis-gusting! (Obviously the same goes for anyone's poop.)
Load More Replies...all of these are common sense or things your parents should have taught you; none are "unwritten rules" that anyone reading this didn't already know
thank-you ... was beginning to seriously wonder about people out there after reading some of these
Load More Replies...If someone, particularly female, is genuinely expressing pain, NEVER say "But you've given birth, right" or ask "Have you had a baby?" WTF kind of question is that, anyways? Are mothers expected to feel no pain after they've given birth for rest of their lives. IV without anesthetic are very painful. More painful than birth.
Alternative name for this list: What 'What kids should already know when they become teenager'..
This might not be an issue soon with Delta numbers on the rise, but don't ask someone why they're still wearing a mask in public. They might be immuno-deficient; they might just feel better wearing one (or being polite).
Have you actually had this problem? I'm just wondering. I haven't yet. I wear a mask because I genuinely enjoyed not being sick at all last year. No one has bothered me yet. Gonna see what happens next week at AirVenture...
Load More Replies...Politeness, decency, empathy. Apply those 3 and solve 90% of the above.
Also, idk if this was added or not I kinda skimmed the article, DONT TOUCH ME. I really hate being touched unless I say you can touch me, or your like my mom. But that’s it. And if your a sibling or a stranger, I will not hesitate to punch/slap you if you touch me. Respect people’s space. Don’t be an idiot. Also, quick thing, if someone comes out as gay/lesbian/bi or whatever, please don’t make a big deal about their sexuality. I have a friend who just came out as lesbian, and she told our mutual friend who then proceeded to make a big deal of it and just make things generally awkward. Unless they say the want it to be a big deal, don’t make it one.
The store shelf or table is not your garbage can. No one that works in that store is there to clean up your mess, grow up and put your coffee cup, water bottle away yourself.
emm, these are rules for 10-year-olds and alike. I always considered these bare minimum of adult ethics.
If you're paying for something at a cashier, get off your damn phone and acknowledge that a human being is standing in front of you.
Where I am in the UK, most cashiers won't serve you until you are off your phone.
Load More Replies...“I don’t mean to interrupt, but…..” If you don’t mean to interrupt, then don’t.
"I don't mean to interrupt, but is that your house on fire over there?"
Load More Replies...All of these are basic things a good parent teaches their kids. 1 generation of parents teaching kids to respect themselves and others and this world would improve so much!
Karen :"but....but.....I have rights to be asshole"
Load More Replies...Many common sense, polite, considerate points which.........jerks will not follow. Waste of time.
If you book a table in a restaurant and your plans change. Phone them and cancel. Restaurants lose loads of money by having no-shows. I don't understand it - it's just one damn phone call or email. That's it. Why wouldn't you cancel???
Waiting in line: Do not make a person in front of you feel uncomfortable with agitated, impatient body language. Even if they are doing something wrong buying a full cart of items in 15 or less aisle, or they’re taking to long (for you). You never know what their life is like. The elderly could be having memory issues, someone may have just gotten a cancer diagnosis, is in extreme pain, etc…. I tend to be as polite as possible when in public, but I really learned about this after two simultaneous major traumas (one physical, one not) and I had real difficulty. I was rude at times without even noticing it - something I would *never* do otherwise. This works with driving too. Just imagine the person causing an annoyance (as you see it), make up a story for them. Even help if appropriate. It really helps.
Or: 1. Pay staff a decent wage, 2. Don't impose your flawed system on other cultures.
Load More Replies...Some of these are fine, but a lot of them are some people thinking they have the authority to define social norms for the entire world. If you don't like something, okay, but it doesn't mean that everyone thinks like you, so don't tell us not to do something.
I can't believe we have to remind adults of stuff like "keep your hands to yourself."
Most of those advices are so basic that I wonder in which rude society the people who gave them live that they need to state such obvious things. All this is elementary courtesy/decency of living in a society and should have been told them by their parents.
(My first post ever) People know it's rude to be late, but not that it is equally rude to show up early. The person you're meeting may think they still have 15 minutes to shower or finish up whatever they are doing. So if you are supposed to be there at 6pm....don't show up at 5:45 unless you get the all clear.
all European working class men (hourly workers) who come over to the US to work on loan from your companies back in Germany or France, take note: in the US, you are expected to shower or bathe every day, wear deodorant, and wear fresh clothes. This is practiced by all working men in the US. Workers from Germany come over here to Texas to work at the Bayer plant. They have to take an orientation class, "Working in Texas" its called. The first bullet point of a long list is to bathe every day and wear fresh clothes. Working men in Germany may only take a thorough bath once every month. They think it is enough to towel off at the end of the day with a wet towel and to wear yesterday's smelly clothes. A frenchie electrician came over here to commission a generator plant with equipment sold by a french firm. He never got the message, even after US workers left "presents" on his desk of bar soap & deodorant. The US workers called him "Monsieur Steenkeey" (Mr. Stinky) after a while. This goes for you Australian working men also. Come on, guys, bathe or shower. Wear fresh clothes. Okay?
side note: I met a british working man once who did not appreciate the advice. He said, "Now listen here, you bleedin' colonial: I bathe once a year whether I need it or not". A**hole....
Load More Replies...It's sad that basic manners and respect are so foreign these days. Is no one teaching this anymore?? This was a huge deal when I was a kid. My mom made sure I was polite and respectful in all cases.
kind of expected with babies having babies - younger and younger parents don't have the skills or time to teach these days so this is what you get
Load More Replies...Don't be offended if other people don't feel like you do. Some people might actually LIKE other people.
The hardest one of all to master be respectful of everything and everyone. We are all guilty at times of failing this one, but it is one we should try to master.
Definetly missing: If a public service vehicle stops: Let the people leave BEFORE you try to get inside!!!
If you are not busy and want to, but don't get in my way while I am listening to you and getting ready for work.
1/ if you ask for a job, and get hired, don't miss work until you're very ill. Your salary falls only because your boss company is running. 2/ Don't buy stuff if not really needed. You'll get bored of it, and it pollutes. Also aim for more expensive, but more durable stuff
You mean don't miss work unless you are ill, even slightly. Going into work sick gets everyone else sick and costs the company more than if you just stayed home.
Load More Replies...If you're on an expressway entrance ramp, YOU need to accelerate and safely merge with the rest of traffic. We're going full speed and have the right-of-way - don't just cut in front of us at half the speed we're driving.
Learn about and use the courtesy flush when using public restrooms. It covers noise and reduces odors by quickly removing offending matter.
Boredpanda is just stealing stuff from reddit and posting it in another fashion.
That's their business described in one sentence!
Load More Replies...Use your turn signal, other drivers can't read your mind. Also, if you see someone trying to merge ahead of you, don't speed up to get past them before they can do so; that's a great way to get sideswiped.
Ah, if only being a parent required some basic knowledge of parenting and good morals. But alas, every nutcase can breed and feed a child and no one intervenes if they don't actually raise the child. Leaving us with many people who need stupid posts like this to learn basic human decency (and then don't, because they don't read it or don't care).
#41 If it is on reddit, leave it on reddit. If it is on Facebook, leave it on Facebook. There is no point to calling your website SleepyZebra or something if all that is on it is reposts from some other site(s). Might as well call it RedditReposts or FacebookFunnies if you aren't going to post anything original.
#42 Don't assume that someone who disagrees with you or doesn't approve of what you do hates you. That is illogical and usually wrong.
Load More Replies...Also, if someone doesn't speak your language, don't yell the words at them. They are not def, they just don't understand you
The platinum rule: treat others as they want to be treated. Something you think is polite and respectful might be insulting to them
Load More Replies...I think this could be a much longer list. For example, 1. If it's down to two ice cubes, refill the tray. 2. It someone is using their turn signal (that is, you can figure out what they want), let them merge. 3. If something is running out (paper, toilet paper, cold beverages) and you know how to refill it and there's that item available, refill it. 4. Unless you have a mask on, sneeze into your dang elbow already. 5. If someone smiles and says hello or good morning, say it back. A less obvious one: 1. Don't tell a parent of a special needs child how to better help their child --especially if you don't know the situation very well. I would say even if you do know it well. You have no idea how challenging it is to manage this and having random suggestions (some of which logically aren't even possible, in conjunction with other suggestions) is even worse. There's more, but I'll stop.
The original post on Reddit is much longer:
Load More Replies...Don't even clip them in front of your roommate! Yuck.
Load More Replies...Asking a woman in their thirties why they don’t have kids (I even have patients asking me that question). Hurts me everytime.
Try saying "Erm, probably because I've never given birth to one."
Load More Replies...Yes! And also after your kids. If they need to 'go' in the woods (hiking for example), have the decency to bury the paper and any big business they leave. Honestly, as a person working in forests, that's way worse than dog-s**t. Which is already bad. But person-poop? And person-poop-stained toilet-paper? Dis-gusting! (Obviously the same goes for anyone's poop.)
Load More Replies...all of these are common sense or things your parents should have taught you; none are "unwritten rules" that anyone reading this didn't already know
thank-you ... was beginning to seriously wonder about people out there after reading some of these
Load More Replies...If someone, particularly female, is genuinely expressing pain, NEVER say "But you've given birth, right" or ask "Have you had a baby?" WTF kind of question is that, anyways? Are mothers expected to feel no pain after they've given birth for rest of their lives. IV without anesthetic are very painful. More painful than birth.
Alternative name for this list: What 'What kids should already know when they become teenager'..
This might not be an issue soon with Delta numbers on the rise, but don't ask someone why they're still wearing a mask in public. They might be immuno-deficient; they might just feel better wearing one (or being polite).
Have you actually had this problem? I'm just wondering. I haven't yet. I wear a mask because I genuinely enjoyed not being sick at all last year. No one has bothered me yet. Gonna see what happens next week at AirVenture...
Load More Replies...Politeness, decency, empathy. Apply those 3 and solve 90% of the above.
Also, idk if this was added or not I kinda skimmed the article, DONT TOUCH ME. I really hate being touched unless I say you can touch me, or your like my mom. But that’s it. And if your a sibling or a stranger, I will not hesitate to punch/slap you if you touch me. Respect people’s space. Don’t be an idiot. Also, quick thing, if someone comes out as gay/lesbian/bi or whatever, please don’t make a big deal about their sexuality. I have a friend who just came out as lesbian, and she told our mutual friend who then proceeded to make a big deal of it and just make things generally awkward. Unless they say the want it to be a big deal, don’t make it one.
The store shelf or table is not your garbage can. No one that works in that store is there to clean up your mess, grow up and put your coffee cup, water bottle away yourself.
emm, these are rules for 10-year-olds and alike. I always considered these bare minimum of adult ethics.
If you're paying for something at a cashier, get off your damn phone and acknowledge that a human being is standing in front of you.
Where I am in the UK, most cashiers won't serve you until you are off your phone.
Load More Replies...“I don’t mean to interrupt, but…..” If you don’t mean to interrupt, then don’t.
"I don't mean to interrupt, but is that your house on fire over there?"
Load More Replies...All of these are basic things a good parent teaches their kids. 1 generation of parents teaching kids to respect themselves and others and this world would improve so much!
Karen :"but....but.....I have rights to be asshole"
Load More Replies...Many common sense, polite, considerate points which.........jerks will not follow. Waste of time.
If you book a table in a restaurant and your plans change. Phone them and cancel. Restaurants lose loads of money by having no-shows. I don't understand it - it's just one damn phone call or email. That's it. Why wouldn't you cancel???
Waiting in line: Do not make a person in front of you feel uncomfortable with agitated, impatient body language. Even if they are doing something wrong buying a full cart of items in 15 or less aisle, or they’re taking to long (for you). You never know what their life is like. The elderly could be having memory issues, someone may have just gotten a cancer diagnosis, is in extreme pain, etc…. I tend to be as polite as possible when in public, but I really learned about this after two simultaneous major traumas (one physical, one not) and I had real difficulty. I was rude at times without even noticing it - something I would *never* do otherwise. This works with driving too. Just imagine the person causing an annoyance (as you see it), make up a story for them. Even help if appropriate. It really helps.
Or: 1. Pay staff a decent wage, 2. Don't impose your flawed system on other cultures.
Load More Replies...Some of these are fine, but a lot of them are some people thinking they have the authority to define social norms for the entire world. If you don't like something, okay, but it doesn't mean that everyone thinks like you, so don't tell us not to do something.
I can't believe we have to remind adults of stuff like "keep your hands to yourself."
Most of those advices are so basic that I wonder in which rude society the people who gave them live that they need to state such obvious things. All this is elementary courtesy/decency of living in a society and should have been told them by their parents.
(My first post ever) People know it's rude to be late, but not that it is equally rude to show up early. The person you're meeting may think they still have 15 minutes to shower or finish up whatever they are doing. So if you are supposed to be there at 6pm....don't show up at 5:45 unless you get the all clear.
all European working class men (hourly workers) who come over to the US to work on loan from your companies back in Germany or France, take note: in the US, you are expected to shower or bathe every day, wear deodorant, and wear fresh clothes. This is practiced by all working men in the US. Workers from Germany come over here to Texas to work at the Bayer plant. They have to take an orientation class, "Working in Texas" its called. The first bullet point of a long list is to bathe every day and wear fresh clothes. Working men in Germany may only take a thorough bath once every month. They think it is enough to towel off at the end of the day with a wet towel and to wear yesterday's smelly clothes. A frenchie electrician came over here to commission a generator plant with equipment sold by a french firm. He never got the message, even after US workers left "presents" on his desk of bar soap & deodorant. The US workers called him "Monsieur Steenkeey" (Mr. Stinky) after a while. This goes for you Australian working men also. Come on, guys, bathe or shower. Wear fresh clothes. Okay?
side note: I met a british working man once who did not appreciate the advice. He said, "Now listen here, you bleedin' colonial: I bathe once a year whether I need it or not". A**hole....
Load More Replies...It's sad that basic manners and respect are so foreign these days. Is no one teaching this anymore?? This was a huge deal when I was a kid. My mom made sure I was polite and respectful in all cases.
kind of expected with babies having babies - younger and younger parents don't have the skills or time to teach these days so this is what you get
Load More Replies...Don't be offended if other people don't feel like you do. Some people might actually LIKE other people.
The hardest one of all to master be respectful of everything and everyone. We are all guilty at times of failing this one, but it is one we should try to master.
Definetly missing: If a public service vehicle stops: Let the people leave BEFORE you try to get inside!!!
If you are not busy and want to, but don't get in my way while I am listening to you and getting ready for work.
1/ if you ask for a job, and get hired, don't miss work until you're very ill. Your salary falls only because your boss company is running. 2/ Don't buy stuff if not really needed. You'll get bored of it, and it pollutes. Also aim for more expensive, but more durable stuff
You mean don't miss work unless you are ill, even slightly. Going into work sick gets everyone else sick and costs the company more than if you just stayed home.
Load More Replies...If you're on an expressway entrance ramp, YOU need to accelerate and safely merge with the rest of traffic. We're going full speed and have the right-of-way - don't just cut in front of us at half the speed we're driving.
Learn about and use the courtesy flush when using public restrooms. It covers noise and reduces odors by quickly removing offending matter.
Boredpanda is just stealing stuff from reddit and posting it in another fashion.
That's their business described in one sentence!
Load More Replies...Use your turn signal, other drivers can't read your mind. Also, if you see someone trying to merge ahead of you, don't speed up to get past them before they can do so; that's a great way to get sideswiped.
Ah, if only being a parent required some basic knowledge of parenting and good morals. But alas, every nutcase can breed and feed a child and no one intervenes if they don't actually raise the child. Leaving us with many people who need stupid posts like this to learn basic human decency (and then don't, because they don't read it or don't care).
#41 If it is on reddit, leave it on reddit. If it is on Facebook, leave it on Facebook. There is no point to calling your website SleepyZebra or something if all that is on it is reposts from some other site(s). Might as well call it RedditReposts or FacebookFunnies if you aren't going to post anything original.
#42 Don't assume that someone who disagrees with you or doesn't approve of what you do hates you. That is illogical and usually wrong.
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